100 years of Christ, Community and Charity Mass times: Monday -Saturday 8:00 am & Thursday 6:00 pm in Chapel Confessions heard on Wednesday 6:00pm in Chapel And Saturday 4:00 - 4:45pm in Church Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm in Church Sunday 8:00am in English, 9:45am Family English & 11:30 Spanish in Church PRAY FOR THE SICK Romanita Abad, Louis Alloyne, Patricia Hayes Axtmayer, Madison Makenzie Baker, Monday-Saturday 8:00am masses in Bill “ Ben,” Amelia Barone, Dennis Berger, Patricia Boyle, Church. Mark Frank Biondi, Jim & Marilyn Capaldo Mathew L. Brandli ** means Offices are closed Michael Castro, Kyle Chalupa, Tom Brady, Bryan Budd, Angela Chiaramonte, Yolanda Celone, Paul Burawa, Saturday, September 19th,*.* Lillian Cestaro, Mary Collins, Francis X. Castellano, Garrett Carty, 8:00am Rev. Robert J. O’Connell Neil Coogan, Kenny Cook, Brian Dale, Joey Diveck, 5:00pm Ann Iannielli Ginna Cooper, Kathleen Corrigan, Johnathan Delvalle, Sunday, September 20th,** Dennis Ryan Dooley, Tatiana Drawbridge, Airen Craig,Rita Cuozzo, 8:00 am Parishioners of Our Lady of’ Jeremy Ferguson, Josef Gerace, Frances Damara, Eileen Damico, Mount Carmel Parish Andrew Hughes, James Hooper, Josephine Diaz, Joe Hwang , Joseph Janssen, 9:45am John D’Ambrose Anna A. Ferello, Mike Flynn, Malena Garcete, Tracey M. Kentoffio, 11:30am Spanish Mass Deacon Anthony Graviano, Kevin Kiefer, Chris Klimek, Monday, September 21st, Joseph Guyton, Roy Hanson, Frankie Lopez, Adam McCarthy, 8:00am Healing of Mariane Rhodes Lisa Haus-McWilliams, Jeffery Halle, Eugene Mahan, Al Mediate, Tuesday, September 22nd, Savanah Hoesterey, Anthony Ivancich, Daniel Murphy, 8:00 am Barbara Hofman Lori Ann M. Kaan, Desiree Keefe, Patrick Musumeci, Wednesday, September 23rd, Jonathan Parker, Joan Keoppen, 8:00am Tony Martini Carol Kennedy, Natale Kennedy, Ernesto Perez, Maria Perez, Michael B. Poole, Thursday, September 24th, Kathleen D. Kollegger, David D. Post, Michael Probst, 8:00am No Intention Giavana Laakman, John Laakman Jr., Aldo Ruiz, Szu-Moy Ruiz, 8:30am Adoration of The Blessed Robert Leask Jr., James Leung , Paulina Sanchez, Pamela Seagroatt Sacrament until 10:00pm Joan Lo Dolce, Michael Sedlak, 6:00pm No Intention Michael Lubrico, Maria Multese, Fianna Sogomoyan, Friday, September 25th, Ann Mc Carthy, Ryan Mc Carthy, Michael Vincent Toro 8:00am Patricia Lee Diane Raheb Maclaren, Maria Maltese, Anthony Ventura, Saturday. September 26th,** Thomas McCleary, Nick Montanaro, Jonathan Warshauer, 8:00 am No Intention Shirley Nocerino, Alexandria Waszmer, James Welsh 5:00pm William Sikorsky Bob Metz, Mary Ray, Helen Metz Rogers, Robert W. White, Sunday, September 27th,** Nick Montanaro,Virginia Morellino, Wayne Brian Wilkenson, 8:00am Parishioners of Our Lady of Mudrack, Mildred Neubeck, Brendon James Willy Mount Carmel Mary Norwick, Kathleen O’Kane, 9:45am Georgotas & Lettieri Sean O’Kane, Madline Piciullo, Joan Parente, Lucy Peters, Lisa Rigney, Family Thomas Rigney, Michael Sanbardino, AMOR AL PRÓJIMO 11:30am Spanish Mass Nunca podemos amar al prójimo dema- Rosa Maria Santos, Fran Schutz, siado. Maria Shine, Jim Space, —San Francisco de Sales Rachel Schopp, Sylvia Shpect,, Cooper Siano, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you have information for the Military HUMILITY Ed Siano, Kathleen Stidioso, or sick lists please call the Office at No human being is too big to be hum- Lauren Sweeney, Charles Terrano, 631-475-4739 or simply put a note in the ble, but some human beings are too small. —Anonymous Ann Vidal, Emerson Vidal, collection basket. Emerson Vidal II, ********************************* Kenneth Vidal, Lisa Vidal NEIGHBORLY LOVE HUMILDAD Robert Vidal, John F. Watson, We can never love our neighbor Ningún ser humano es demasiado Mickey Welch,, Kathleen Wolf, too much. grande para ser humilde, pero sí hay seres Dorothy Zeo, Anthony Zeo —St. Francis de Sales humanos demasiado pequeños. —Anónimo September 20, 2020- Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 de septiembre de 2020 Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario DIRECTION Isaiah tells us something that we already know, and yet seem to DIRECCIÓN forget every now and then. He tells us, essentially, that God is God and Isaías nos dice algo que ya sabemos, pero que parecemos olvidar we are not. When we’re confused and troubled and can’t figure every- de tanto en tanto. Nos dice, en esencia, que Dios es Dios y nosotros no thing out, it might be wise to recall Isaiah speaking on the Lord’s be- lo somos. Cuando estamos confundidos, llenos de problemas y no po- half and explaining that God—who is on a much more, well, Godly demos solucionarlo todo, tal vez sea sabio recordar a Isaías (alguien wavelength than we are—moves in ways we can’t even imagine. que está más en la sintonía divina que nosotros) hablando en nombre Saint Paul, by comparison, has everything figured out. Kind of. At del Señor y explicando que Dios se mueve de maneras que ni siquiera least he understands his calling in life—to magnify Christ in everything podemos imaginar. he does. That should give all of us the direction we need. Jesus gives us En comparación, san Pablo lo ha resuelto todo. Casi todo. Cuando direction, too, explaining to us once again in the parable of the workers menos entiende su llamado en esta vida: dar gloria a Cristo en todo lo in the vineyard that the last will be first, and the first, last. que hace. Esto debería marcar el rumbo para nosotros. Jesús también Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. nos marca el camino, explicándonos una vez más en la parábola de los viñadores que los últimos serán los primeros, y que los primeros serán READINGS FOR THE WEEK los últimos. Monday: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Tuesday: Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Ps 119:1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44; Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Prv 30:5-9; LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Ps 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163; Lk 9:1-6 Lunes: Ef 4:1-7, 11-13; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Mt 9:9-13 Thursday: Eccl 1:2-11; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Martes: Prov 21:1-6, 10-13; Lk 9:7-9 Sal 119 (118):1, 27, 30, 34, 35, 44; Lc 8:19-21 Friday: Eccl 3:1-11; Ps 144:1b, 2abc, 3-4; Miércoles: Prov 30:5-9; Sal 119 (118):29, 72, 89, 101, Lk 9:18-22 104, 163; Lc 9:1-6 Saturday: Eccl 11:9 — 12:8; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Jueves: Ecl 1:2-11; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17bc; Lk 9:43b-45 Lc 9:7-9 Sunday: Ez 18:25-28; Ps 25:4-9; Phil 2:1-11 [1-5]; Viernes: Ecl 3:1-11; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2abc, 3-4; Mt 21:28-32 Lc 9:18-22 Sábado: Ecl 11:9 — 12:8; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17; SAINT PIUS OF PIETRELCINA (1887-1968) Lc 9:43b-45 September 23 Domingo: Ez 18:25-28; Sal 25 (24):4-9; Fil 2:1-11 Did the World War II American flyer really see Padre Pio in midair, [1-5]; Mt 21:28-32 preventing the bombing of his village below? Did Pio actually “bilocate” in Italy, the Holy Land, even America, as countless witnesses testified? Or “read hearts” before penitents spoke? What of the stigmata, Christ’s wounds imprinted on Padre Pio’s hands, feet, and side? John Paul II, who as a young man visited Pio, never mentioned these extraordinary ele- ments at the canonization. Instead, the pope spoke of “trials accepted SAN MATEO (Siglo I) with love,” referring perhaps to sanctions restricting Pio’s faculties for 21 de septiembre hearing confessions and celebrating public Mass, imposed because of Leví era su nombre, hasta que Jesús, viéndolo sentado en su mesa criticism, later discredited, sent to the Vatican; of Pio’s offering his suf- de cobrador, le dijo: “Sígueme” y dejándolo todo, lo siguió. El teólogo ferings in union with Jesus’ passion for a suffering world; of his continu- Dietrich Bonhoeffer señala en esto la radicalidad del llamado de Jesús al availability to sinners seeking direction and absolution; of Padre Pio’s a emprender una conversión total que no puede esperar. En adelante no prayer that blossomed in charity, especially through his House for the será Leví, sino Mateo: “regalo de Dios”. Este antiguo cobrador de im- Relief of Suffering, a healthcare facility that anticipated by decades to- puestos vivía en Cafarnaúm y su trabajo era recolectar dinero para day’s holistic partnering of medical science and spirituality. Finally, how entregarlo a los romanos. Era considerado traidor y al igual que sus comforting for us ordinary Christians, this extraordinary saint’s most colegas era despreciado, pues la gente los tenía por deshonestos ya que frequent advice: “Pray, hope, and don’t worry!” sus exagerados cobros hacían imposible la vida de los pobres. No obs- —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. tante, Jesús se fijó en él y escandalizó a los religiosos de su tiempo cuando no sólo lo llamó a ser su seguidor, sino que además compartió SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES la mesa. Aquello fue un escándalo, porque tal acción equivalía a com- Sunday: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time partir el estilo de vida y aprobarlo. No obstante, Jesús no aprueba su Monday: St. Matthew proceder, sino que le ofrece su amistad y lo invita a la construcción del Tuesday: Autumn begins Reino de Dios. Esa es la radicalidad del llamado de Jesús. Wednesday: St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Saturday: Ss. Cosmas and Damian; Blessed Virgin Mary LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Mateo Martes: Comienza el otoño Miércoles: San Pío de Pietrelcina Sábado: San Cosme y san Damián; Bienaventurada Virgen María September 20, 2020 Twenty -Fih Sunday in Ordinary Time From Pastors Desk Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Do you ever have those days when you feel like you accomplished nothing? There are many days in the par- ish center offices, when we shake our heads at four o’clock in the afternoon, and feel like nothing has been done.
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