f . J Averaffe Daily Net Preim Rob The Weither For Mw Week En«od o( D. a. Woetlm Angwtse, 15B4 PAGE TWELVE MONDAY, AUGUST 80. 19B4 Ratal oiritaif, wtaid* iianrlf^Bter Hf^ralh 10,978 by Jat* aftsmsiu. On MmWer o< tho Audit lag, anal tanlght. Mfaa 66-ee. Wo*- fin t omqoraaoo in tbolr now ,Bure*u at ClreutaHo* neadajr fair, waruwr. n g k 74-7K A b o u t T o w n Students Must Rsflster Rev. Rank Attends Mart OpCniting tfadassar)larkod wrsppor, boaring tho Manchetter-^A Ci^ of Village Charm At School This Week Anderson-Mohr Wedding and loeatlon o f tho Man- chostor Mart Plaifsi Sewtrs Youth Conference Five Day Week AND Ck>L Jolm J. OrMT, m r o i Mr. High Sdiool Principal Edson Hio fan mart is conductod by Y0L.LXXm,N0.288 (Olasolfled AdverKstag on Pago 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1954 •nd Mr*, ‘nwinaa Otmt ot 145 M. Bailey has asked. Ml Mgh tho Maneboster Fruit ahd Vogo- (SIXTEEI^ PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS tjooaiM 8 t. r ^ n t ly qtuaifled m an school students who have Ih e Rev. K. EJnar RaSk, pastor Because of an unusually targe tablo Orowors Assn. Auction offi­ OtpUe Talks esM it with th* M*1 rlfl« during moved to Manchester during of the Covenant Congregational crop of tomatoee thla sqaaoa, th* cials for tho mart aro Sylvoatro fltu g tMts conducted at the Brem* the summer and plan to attend Church, will serve as pianist at Mancheater Auction Mart wUl b* CocconL auction mostor, Gordon IlMhiRS Olsaiti' Manchester High this, coming aiharaa Port of BhnbarkatlOn in the Hilltop Youth Conference at open five days this week, auction Rotd, aucUonoor and tho Man- Septic Tanks, Drain Oemiaiijr; Hta wife, Jacqueline, year to register at the prln- chootor Trust Co., troosuror,- Uvw at 115 Babcock S t, Hartford. dpM’s office in the high school Cromwell thla week. The confer­ offidala announced today. Fields, Dry Wells and dpL Orear entered the Army in this week if they have not M- ence, which begrn Saturday night, Opening the week yeaterday, Sewer Lines Inatalled January, 106&, ready done so. Ih e office is continuea through Labor Day and the nuurt will continue through and Repaired. open from 0 a. m. to 8 p. m., features two outstanding speakers Thursday, beginning at 8 p. m. Stair. S g t Jack U Fldler, eldaat Bailey ssiid. of the Evangelical Mission each day. Friday and Saturday Covenant, the Rev. Gilbert Otte- will be the off days. non at Mr. and Mr*. John Fldler, Bon, one o f the denomination’s Wm. F. 550 B. Middle Tpke., waa honor­ The mart began Ita fall auction evangelists suid the Rev. Arvid taat week, operating three daws. ably dlacharged on Saturday from Manchester Emblem Club No. Carlson, pastor o f the Covenant the U. S. Air Force after com­ 25l will hold its first meeting of Receipts for the first week totaled Steele & Son Church of Paaadena, Calif. 55,793.35. There were 3,133 half­ pleting four yeara of aervice. He the 1954-55 season .Wednesday, The meetinga over Labor Day apant 57 month* In Germany in Sept. 1, at 8 p.m. in linker Hall. bushel baskeU of tomatoes sold, 6S3 VERNON ST. weekend will feature the Min­ bringing an average of 53.55 for the lat Radio Relay Squadron as The meeting will be preceded by ister’s Chorus of Sweden, com­ TM. Ml-94)531 or senior radio repair man. a potluck supper at 6:30. All grade one. posed of clergy of the Mission In addition to tomatoes,, 174 MI-9-7842 members who have not been con­ Covenant of Sweden. The 40-voioe , Cape Cod in Emergency State tacted are requested to call Mrs. bushels of cucumbers, 195 Iswhela King David Lodjge No. 51, lOOF chonia will make its first Ameri­ o f shell beans, 57 crates Of early will resume its weekly meeting* Frances Wagner, chairman, or can appearrnce at this conference M ra linelda Juros, co-chairman. cauliflower and 65 half-bushel baa- beginning Friday, Sept. S at 7:30 and will be Joined there by the k eu o f pear* were sold at the p. m. In the Odd Fellows Hall. Rev. Berthil Paulson, evangelist mart during th* opening week. from Sweden, who has been travel­ Coast Line John A. Case of this town re? Sales yesterday totaled |1,756.- filR-[0nDITI0ni(1G M cCarthy M uzzled Carol Leaves Mark on Manchester Mrs. Pauline Berrett IS sadrldge ceived a SpeclM Camp Washington ing in this country since early summer and who spoke In the 95. There were 1,<M one-half bush­ St, widow of Vincent Berrett will pin Friday at the camp’s closing Meiiaced Covenant Church here last May. el baskets of tomatoes: offered. Of move tomorrow to 10 Brown Ave., ceremony in Lakeside. He is a these, 706 were grade one- Tbe Destruction member of Group One, selected as Services from this conference, Stafford Sinings, where she will which marks the closing of the grade one price averaged 11.55 per At Censure Probe make her honm with thd family of Honor Group at the Bfdscopal Dio­ half bushel with a high of $1.80 cese of Connecticut camp. conference season, will be broad­ her son, lison O. Berrett who re­ cast over WHAY each evening at and a low of |1. There were alM 65 WILUAMS cently <q>ened a dry cleaning es- bushels of cucumbers offered, Widespread By Flood Tides 6:15. quotations of March .12 are cor­ tahUahment In that town. Fpr a All representatives of the WSCS OIL SERVICE Washington, Aug. 31 (^P)— , 'The Rev. Mr. Rask with hia bringing a high o f $ 1 ^ and a low ORJVnB* rect or incorrect?" number of years Mrs. Berrett con^. Fair committefe of th* South family Will occupy one of the of 90 cents. Shell beans brought a 341 BROAD STREET A Senate committee wound Watkins told him he could get B.V THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ducted a woman's Iqpparel shop at Methodist Church,, are requested to several cottages on the conference high of 13.30 and a low of |3.10. TEL. ML9-4548 • up itff first session inquiring that at some other place than the Destructive winds riding at the O nter'’ and later a drei attend a meeting of the committee grounds during the week. ’The tomatoes are making their into censure charges against hearing. Boston, Aug. 31 — A fu t moving liurricaiievswept op making business at her home. tomorrow evening at 7:45. a 60-mile clip bn the fringe the Atlantic coast today taking at least nine Uvcff.in New For This* Sen. McCarthy today with the “ Mr. Chairman -r- "McCarthy of hun-icane Carol .ripped chairman banginj^ the Wis­ began again. England and one in New Jersey as torrential rains\pdtcd Zone Regulations "Juat a minute.” Watkins through Connecticut today, wide areas in wind gusts up to 100 miles an hoar. Im a g e consin Senator .Into silence broke in. "You have filed no chal­ causing widespread damage. will be in the millions. and thundering he was “ put lenge.” - From throughout the state came In Booklet Form Beautiful of order.” "I abould be entitled to know,” reports of power failures, high­ Start Making McCarthy and his attorney, IM- McCarthy started once more. way* , blocked by uprooted trees, Boston, Aug. 31 (/P)— A snarling August hurricane on a Residents who have reason to ward Bennett Wllllaina sought to Cracking down with his' gavel. smashed windows, boats tossed full sweep up the Atlantic coast struck New York and New We guarantee fuel oil raise th* questibh of whothor the Watkina stopped him. ashore and other scenes of destruc­ England today with winds of up to 100 miles an hour and consult the town’s soning regula­ NEW tion. tions noW have them available in committee’s vice chairman. Sen. "The Senator,” he thundered, "is . All' along the shore residents torrential rains that left several cities flooded and without convenient booklet form, indexed iAprons for Christmas! Edwin J<rfmson (D-Colo) was out of order.” electric power. quoted.,t4ii.thfuIly or not in a Den­ McCarthy made another try. vveiu • ordered or asked to leave savings in writing I for easier reference. thelK homes as a precautionary The bookleta arrived back from ver p b n story of. lkst March. The Once again Watkins stopped States of emergency were declared at Providence and newspaper said Johnson, ita an in­ him, declaring "we aren’t going Westerly, R. I,, New London, Conn, and Cape Cod in Massa­ the printer recently and are avail­ I b e h /d State Police at the Westbrook Let ns show you how a Timken Silent Automatic able at the Planning and Zoning terview, had declared: to b* interrupted by these diver­ chusetts, , “ In my opinion, ther* is' not a sions and sidelines.” Barracks i^orteid that two sum­ "Wall-Flam*" Oil Burner will save you dp to 2S% ogfiee In the Municipal Building at Paul Schaefer Photo mer cottage*. St White Sands The death toll was believed to be two. A man was swept the cost of production, according 36" AMERITEX "PATCHMATE" man among the Democratic leaders "The committee,” the chairman over ordinary oil burners—gsMrsw/Md im u/ritingl MRS. DOUGLAS ANDERSON of Congress who does not loathe declared,’ "will be in recess.” Beach, Bast Lyme, had been from a fire escape at Worcester, Mass, and another was re­ to soning officials.
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