Kentucky Wesleyan College BASKETBALL “America’s Premier Division II Program” Eight NCAA Division II National Championships Ninth All-Time Winningest Program 1,367 Wins Five 30-Win Seasons 23 20-Win Seasons 24 Top 25 Final National Ranking 288 Weeks Ranked in Top 25 17 NCAA 19 NCAA Final Four Elite Eight Appearances Appearances 19 NCAA 31 NCAA Regional Tournament Championships Appearances 87 NCAA 112 NCAA Tournament Tournament Wins Games 13 Great Lakes Valley Conference Championships Four GLVC Tournament Championships Three National Players of the Year 17 First-team All-Americans Six National Coaches of the Year 2008-2009 Kentucky Wesleyan Basketball 1 George Tinsley and All-Time NCAA Antonio Garcia Named to Tournament Records the NCAA Division II (All Divisions - I, II, III) 50th Anniversary NCAA Championships Elite Eight Appearances 1. UCLA . 11 1. KenTucky . 30 Elite Eight Team 2. Kentucky Wesleyan . 8 2. NorTh Carolina . 23 2. KenTucky . 7 3. UCLA . 21 4. Evansville . 5 4. Kentucky Wesleyan . 19 4. Indiana . 5 4. Kansas . 19 4. NorTh Park . 5 Tournament Wins Final Four Appearances 1. KenTucky . 98 1. Kentucky Wesleyan . 17 2. NorTh Carolina . 96 1. NorTh Carolina . 17 3. UCLA . 93 1. UCLA . 17 4. Kentucky Wesleyan . 87 4. Duke . 14 5. Duke . 86 5. KenTucky . 13 Regional Championships 1. Kentucky Wesleyan . 19 George Tinsley Antonio Garcia 2. NorTh Carolina . 17 KenTucky Wesleyan baskeTball legends George Tinsley and AnTonio 2. UCLA . 17 Garcia were named To The NCAA 50Th Anniversary Division II Men's 4. Duke . 14 BaskeTball EliTe EighT 10-member Team along wiTh Two coaches in 5. KenTucky . 13 March 2006 Division II Championship Tinsley, a 6-6 forward from Louisville, led The PanThers To four Tournament Records sTraighT EliTe EighT TournamenTs where They won Three NCAA TiTles in 1966, 1968 and 1969, and finished Third in 1967. He was Twice 1957-2008 chosen To The all-TournamenT Team in 1968 and 1969, and received The MosT OuTsTanding Player award in 1969. Tinsley averaged 15.9 National Championships Tournament Wins poinTs and 7.5 rebounds while shooTing 47.1 percenT from The field 1. Kentucky Wesleyan ... 8 1. Kentucky Wesleyan .. 87 and 77.8 percenT from The free Throw line in 11 EliTe EighT conTesTs. 2. Evansville # .................. 5 2. Virginia Union ............ 45 3. Cal STaTe Bakersfield .... 3 2. Cal STaTe Bakersfield .. 41 3. Virginia Union .............. 3 3. Evansville # ................ 40 Garcia, a 6-8 cenTer from Panama CiTy, Panama, became one of only 4. NorTh Alabama ............. 2 4. SouTh DakoTa STaTe .... 35 Three players in EliTe EighT hisTory To be named MosT OuTsTanding Player Twice when he accomplished The feaT in 1998 and 1999. He Final Four Appearances Tournament Games helped KWC To a naTional runner-up finish in 1998 and The naTional 1. Kentucky Wesleyan .. 19 1. Kentucky Wesleyan 112 championship in 1999 wiTh a record seTTing 31-2 mark. Garcia 2. Cal STaTe Bakersfield .... 8 2. Virginia Union ............ 70 averaged 15.7 poinTs. 16.5 rebounds, 3.3 assisTs and 1,8 sTeals, and 3. Virginia Union .............. 7 3. Philadelphia Univ. ...... 64 shoT 61.7 percenT from The field in six EliTe EighT games. 4. Evansville # .................. 6 3. Cal STaTe Bakersfield .. 64 5. Florida SouThern .......... 6 4. AssumpTion ................ 59 Joining Tinsley and Garcia on The Team were Jerry Sloan, Evansville; 4. SouTh DakoTa STaTe .... 59 WalT Frazier, SouThern Illinois, Phil Jackson, NorTh DakoTa; Earl “The Regional Championships Pearl” Monroe, WinsTon-Salem; John Ebeling, Florida SouThern; Ed 1. Kentucky Wesleyan .. 19 Tournament Appearances Smallwood, Evansville; Kebu STewarT, Cal STaTe-Bakersfield; and 2. SouTheasT Missouri # .10 1. Kentucky Wesleyan .. 31 Marvin WebsTer, Morgan STaTe. 3. Cal STaTe Bakersfield .... 9 2. Philadelphia Univ. ...... 29 4. Cheyney ....................... 8 3. Virginia Union ............ 26 BaskeTball Hall of Fame coaching inducTees Arad McCuTchan of 4. Evansville # .................. 8 4. AssumpTion ................ 25 Evansville, who won five NCAA TiTles (1959, 60, 64, 65, 71), and 4. NorTh DakoTa ................ 8 5. SouTh DakoTa STaTe .... 23 Clarence "Big House" Gaines of WinsTon-Salem STaTe, The 1967 NCAA Champion and Division II winningesT coach wiTh 828 vicTories, were Elite Eight Appearances #CurrenT Div. I member also selecTed.. 1. Kentucky Wesleyan .. 20 2. SouTheasT Missouri # .10 The NCAA Division II Men's BaskeTball Championship began in 1957 3. Cal STaTe Bakersfield .... 9 and The 2008 championship will be played on March 25-28 in 4. Cheyney ....................... 8 4. Evansville # .................. 8 Springfield, Mass., where baskeTball was born. 4. NorTh DakoTa ................ 8 22 2008-2009 Kentucky Wesleyan Basketball 1966 NCAA Champions Won 24, Lost 6 NCAA Championship Game March 11 Southern Illinois - 51 FG FT RB A PF TP Johnson 3-8 0-0 7046 SmiTh 11-19 3-4 91125 O’Neal 1-5 2-5 8014 Lee 4-16 0-0 3028 McNeil 3-11 2-2 4038 STovall 0-5 0-0 4000 Team 8 Totals 22-64 7-11 43 1 11 51 Kentucky Wesleyan - 54 FG FT RB A PF TP Tinsley 4-8 3-3 90211 Bradley 3-9 3-3 5149 SmiTh 10-18 1-1 80021 ThornTon 3-10 3-4 4049 Cordell 2-4 0-0 1104 Team 4 Totals 22-49 10-11 31 2 10 54 1996 NCAA Division II National Champions - Don Bradley, George Tinsley, Sam Smith, Roger Cordell, DallasDThoIrnVtonI, JSessIeOFlyNnn, DaInIny CBarHker,ATomMHoPbgoIoOd, JoNhnSChaHpmIanP , Joel Bolden, Halftime: SIU 28-24 Attn: 10,319 Ernie Simpson, Steve Deskins, Dick O’Neill, Jim Arington, Tom Vittitow (Manager), Dick Kirtley (Manager), Dick RoTmeOr (MUanaRger)N, BoAb DManieEls (ANssiTstantRCoEachC), anOd GRuy DStroS ng (Head Coach). 1961895N7-2C00A7 A Champions Won 28, Lost 3 NCAA Championship Game March 15 Indiana State - 52 FG FT RB A PF TP Hardman 6-11 4-6 91416 Mason 2-4 1-2 5055 Newsom 2-9 0-0 9754 Humes 2-4 3-3 0247 Cooper 4-9 1-2 3339 Phillips 2-8 0-0 4134 Hollenbeck 2-4 0-2 2004 Weirich 1-2 1-3 2103 Team 6 Totals 21-51 10-18 40 15 24 52 Kentucky Wesleyan - 63 FG FT RB A PF TP ThornTon 5-10 7-10 92317 Bolden 1-5 0-0 1102 O’Neil 2-6 5-6 13 059 Hobgood 2-8 4-6 2008 Tinsley 7-13 7-8 21321 Deskins 0-2 0-0 0010 Barker 3-3 0-1 3216 Team 3 1968 NCAA Division II National Champions - Dallas Thornton, George Tinsley, Dick O’Neill, Totals 20-47 23-31 33 6 14 63 Tom Hobgood, Gene Smith, Steve Deskins, Joel Bolden, Jim Smith, David Erwin, Ernie Simpson, Danny Barker, Rodney Kirtley, John Duncan, David Matthews (Manager), Walt Halftime: ISU 30-23 Attn: 13,062 McCutchan (Manager), Bob Jones (Assistant Coach), and Bob Daniels (Head Coach). 2008-2009 Kentucky Wesleyan Basketball 23 1969 NCAA Champions Won 25, Lost 5 NCAA Championship Game March 14 Southwest Missouri - 71 FG FT RB A PF TP Williams 3-16 5-6 22311 Perry 9-20 7-8 18 5225 BancrofT 9-17 2-3 50220 Gee 2-12 0-1 1744 Jenkins 4-8 1-2 11 339 Wilson 1-2 0-0 0022 Team 5 Totals 28-75 15-20 42 17 16 71 Kentucky Wesleyan - 75 FG FT RB A PF TP Tinsley 7-17 9-10 62123 Duncan 4-7 4-6 71312 O’Neil 2-3 0-0 10 354 Hobgood 9-16 2-3 75320 SmiTh 4-6 0-0 3248 Deskins 2-2 2-2 1006 Bolden 1-1 0-1 0002 1969 NCAA Division II National Champions - George Tinsley, John Duncan, Dick O’Neill, Gene Team 4 Smith, Tom Hobgood, Steve Deskins, Joel Bolden, Jim Smith, David Erwin, Rodney Kirtley, Bill Totals 29-52 17-22 38 13 16 75 Rosser, Walt McCutchan (Manager), Mike Tichenor (Manager), Bob Jones (Assistant Coach), and Bob Daniels (Head Coach). Halftime: KWC 49-28 Attn: 12,132 1973 NCAA Champions Won 24, Lost 6 NCAA Championship Game (OT) March 16 Tennessee State - 76 FG FT RB A PF TP CounTs 2-4 4-4 6128 Williams 4-16 0-0 7528 Robinson 8-20 4-5 12 1420 James 2-4 0-0 1734 Johnson 11-18 0-0 43222 Brown 2-3 0-0 1804 Team 2 Totals 34-73 8-9 39 27 18 76 Kentucky Wesleyan - 78 FG FT RB A PF TP Walker 2-9 4-4 7218 Zomes 5-9 2-2 95212 Greene 5-7 2-2 11 0212 Williams 12-25 3-4 64327 RalsTon 8-17 1-2 14317 SergenT 0-0 2-2 1012 Team 4 Totals 32-67 14-16 36 15 12 78 1973 NCAA Division II National Champions - Mike Williams, James Greene, Roger Zornes, Steve Walker, Jyronna Ralston, Mark Palmer, Mike Sergent, Larry Dugan, Mike Wood, Mike Halftime: 32-32 Regulation: 64-64 West, Grant Lamar, David Allenson, Gary Cavitt (Manager), Roy Pickerill (Manager), Shafe Attn: 6,768 Boles (Assistant Coach), and Bob Jones (Head Coach). 24 2008-2009 Kentucky Wesleyan Basketball 1987 NCAA Champions Won 28, Lost 5 NCAA Championship Game March 21 Gannon - 74 FG 3FG FT RB A PF TP SmiTh 3-8 0-1 0-0 6036 Runski 4-6 2-2 2-2 51112 MaTThews 4-6 0-0 0-1 6158 Jamison 2-10 0-3 2-3 5446 MacDougall 4-10 2-6 2-2 33512 Shannonhouse 2-5 0-1 0-0 1134 Kadman 1-3 0-1 0-0 1012 Chase 0-2 0-0 3-4 1133 Rocco 0-1 0-1 0-0 0000 Morris 1-4 2-2 2-2 3024 Bowens 8-15 0-0 1-3 80217 Team 6 Totals 29-70 4-15 12-17 43 11 29 74 Kentucky Wesleyan - 92 FG 3FG FT RB A PF TP WorTh 5-8 4-5 7-9 23421 WhiTlow 5-11 0-1 6-6 54316 Brown 2-8 0-0 0-0 7214 SmiTh 11-18 0-0 6-7 92328 Johnson 1-5 1-3 0-0 1143 ChrisTian 4-5 0-0 7-8 62115 Clay 1-2 0-1 0-1 0032 Baughn 0-0 0-0 0-1 1100 Loucks 1-1 1-1 0-1 1003 Odom 0-0 0-0 0-0 0010 1987 NCAA Division II National Champions - Sam Smith, John Worth, Andra Whitlow, James NewTon 0-0 0-0 0-0 0010 Team 6 Johnson, J.B.
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