NEW ADDITIONS TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY English 000 GENERALITIES 1 Varma, Nina Cyber security in the 21st century / Nina Verma.-- New Delhi: Global Vision Publishing, 2013. viii, 208p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 201-202. ISBN : 978-81-8220-544-4. 005.8 NIN-c B202122 Price : RS.***850.00 2 Chatterji, Amitabha, ed. Library/information users in digital era: XXVII IASLIC National Conference 2009, 26-29 December 2009 / edited by Amitabha Chatterjee...[et al].-- Kolkata: IASLIC, 2009. xiv, 719p.: tables: figs.; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. 025.5 CHA-l C70347 Price : RS.***800.00 3 Glenday Craig , ed. Guinness world records 2013 / edited by Craig Glenday.-- London: Guiness World Records, 2012. 287p. plates: illus. 30cm. ISBN : 978-1904994-86-2. R 032.02 GUI B202047 Price : PD ****20.00 4 Writers' and artists' yearbook 2013.--106th ed.-- London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012. xii, 787p.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-1-4081-5749-7. R 070.05 WRI B201963 Price : PD ****18.99 5 Moitra, Mohit A history of Indian journalism / Mohit Moitra.--3rd ed.-- Calcutta: National Book Agency, 2010. 151p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-7626-223-1. 079.54 MOI-h C70413 Price : RS.****90.00 6 Singhvi, L.M. Light of Indian intellect / L.M. Singhvi.-- New Delhi: Ocean Books, 2012. 232p.; 25cm. ISBN : 978-81-8430-125-0. 080 SIN-l B201873 Price : RS.***600.00 100 PHILOSOPHY 7 Basu, Sandhya Kant: theory of knowledge / Sandhya Basu.-- Kolkata: Papyrus, 2009. 211p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 207-208. 121 P9 C70408 Price : RS.***300.00 8 Sengupta, Swarajbrata Modern science: philosophy of M.N. Roy and other essays / Swarajbrata Sengupta.-- Kolkata: Renaissance, 2010. 96p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-909154-5-8. 146.3 Q0 C70418 Price : RS.***125.00 150 PSYCHOLOGY 9 Flynn, James R. Are we getting smarter?: rising IQ in the twenty-first centry / James R. Flynn.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. xiii, 310p.: tables: figs.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-1-107-60917-4. 153.9309 Q2 B201916 Price : PD ****16.99 10 Singh, Ajai Pratap, ed. Stress and health: emerging trends and challenges / edited by Ajai Pratap Singh.-- New Delhi: Alfa Publications, 2012. xi, 452p.: tables; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-93-81465-39-4. 155.9042 Q2 B201851 Price : RS.**1125.00 11 Wiseman, Richard Rip it up: the radically new approach to changing your life / Richard Wiseman,.-- London: Macmillan, 2012. 372p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-0-230-75207-8. 158.1 Q2 B201718 Price : RS.***599.00 200 RELIGION 12 Thomas, Cyriac The mother and the sister / Cyriac Thomas.-- New Delhi: Konark Publishers, 2013. 195p.; 25cm. ISBN : 978-93-2200-8-147. 271.97 Q3 B202100 Price : RS.***595.00 13 Caillat, Collette Jain cosmology / Collette Caillat and Ravi Kumar; English rendering by R. Norman.-- New Delhi: Bookwise, 2004. 200p.: illus.; 31cm. Bibliography: p. 194-196. ISBN : 81-87330-08-2. 294.424 P4 C70709 14 Elst, Koenraad The argumentative Hindu: essays by a non-affiliated orientalist / Koenraad Elst.-- New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 2012. ix, 518p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-7742-124-8. 294.5 Q2 B202092 Price : RS.***900.00 15 Prasad, Krishna Socio-religious movements in modern India / Krishna Prasad.-- Delhi: Globus Press, 2012. viii, 272p.; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 269-270. ISBN : 978-81-9235538-0-7. 294.55 Q2 B202119 Price : RS.***595.00 16 Bhattacharji, Sukumari In those days: essays Vedic, epic and classical / Sukumari Bhattacharji.-- Kolkata: Parul, 2010. 347p.; 22cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-93-80034-61-4. 294.5921046 Q0 C70399 Price : RS.***395.00 17 Banerji, Jyotirmoy 'Directed' jihad: Berlin, Washington and the sword of Islam / Jyotirmoy Banerji.-- Kolkata: Minerva, 2010. 280p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-909145-4-3. 297.72 Q0 C70425 Price : RS.***395.00 18 Irfan Habib, S. Jihad or Ijtihad?: religious orthodoxy and modern science in contemporary Islam / S. Irfan Habib.-- New Delhi: HarperCollins, 2012. xiv, 192p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 169-180. ISBN : 978-93-5029-375-1. 297.72 Q2 B202041 Price : RS.***299.00 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES, SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY 19 Singh, Ajoy Kumar Society in India: structure and change / Ajoy Kumar Singh -- Delhi: Globus Press, 2012. viii, 280p.; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 277-278. ISBN : 978-93-82074-01-4. 301.0954 Q2 B202120 Price : RS.**1495.00 20 Nampoothiri, P.G.J. Lest we forget history: tracing the communal violence in Gujarat 2002 / P.G.J. Nampoothiri and Gagan Sethi.-- Bangalore: Books for Change, 2012. xii, 156p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-8291-1246. 302.14095451 Q2 B201969 Price : RS.***300.00 21 Singh, Digvijay Communalism and partition in India / Digvijay Singh.-- Delhi: Globus Press, 2012. viii, 296p.; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 293-294. ISBN : 978-93-82074-13-7. 302.140954 Q2 B202081 Price : RS.**1495.00 22 Chandramouli, N. Decoding communication / N. Chandramouli.-- Mumbai: TRA Publishing, 2012. xvi, 249p.: illus.; 20cm. ISBN : 978-81-920823-2-5. 302.2 Q2 B202191 Price : RS.***399.00 23 Chordia, Dilip Singh Media, culture and communication / Dilip Singh Chordia.-- Jaipur: ABD Publishers, 2013. vii, 256p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-8376-388-2. 302.23 Q3 B202180 Price : RS.***995.00 24 Chordia, Dilip Singh Mass media and television / Dilip Singh Chordia.-- Jaipur : ABD Publishers, 2013. vii, 312p.: tables; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 304-309. ISBN : 978-81-8376-389-9. 302.23450954 Q3 B202207 Price : RS.**1195.00 25 Harriet, Mary Role of television in social change: a study of rural Meghalaya / Mary Harriet.-- New Delhi: Readworthy, 2013. xviii, 350p.: tables: figs.; 23cm. (Read worthy series of North-East India Studies; 4). Bibliography: p. 336-346. ISBN : 978-93-5018-250-5. 302.23450954212 Q3 B202094 Price : RS.**1495.00 26 Gupta, Akhil Red tape: bureaucracy,structural violence, and poverty in India / Akhil Gupta.-- New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2012. xiii, 368p.; 25cm. ISBN : 978-81-250-4720-9. 302.350954 Q2 B202055 Price : RS.***895.00 27 Rabinder Kumar Farmers and tribal revolts in British India / Rabinder Kumar.-- Delhi: Globus Press, 2012. viii, 280p.: tables. ; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 277-278. ISBN : 978-93-82074-09-0. 303.60954 Q2 B202074 Price : RS.**1495.00 28 Chakraborti, Sadhan, ed. Belief and well-being: an exploration of Indian psyche / edited by Sadhan Chakraborti.-- Kolkata: Gangchil, 2009. 262p.; 22cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-86954-48-1. 303.3720954 P9 C70409 Price : RS.***375.00 29 Padhi, Bishnupriya Voyaging across times: reflections on Indo-South African cultural relations / Bishnupriya Padhi.-- New Delhi: Manak Publications, 2012. xxx, 458p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 423-447. ISBN : 978-93-7831-312-7. 303.48254068 Q2 B201854 Price : RS.**2000.00 30 Vicente, Filipa Lowndes Other orientalisms: India between Florence and Bombay, 1860-1900 / Filipa Lowndes Vicente; translated from the Portuguese by Stewart Lloyd-Jones.-- New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2012. xiv, 346p.: figs.; 26cm. Bibliography: p. 309-329. ISBN : 978-81-250-4758-2. 303.48254045 Q2 B202204 Price : RS.***925.00 31 Nair, Pramod K. Digital cool: life in the age of new media / Pramod K. Nayar.-- New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2012. xii, 251p.; 20cm. Bibliography: p. 225-244. ISBN : 978-81-250-4730-8. 303.4833 Q2 B202021 Price : RS.***545.00 32 Bock, Joseph G. The technology of nonviolence: social media and violence prevention / Joseph G. Bock; foreword by John Paul Lederach.-- Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2012. xxi, 288p.: figs.; 24cm. ISBN : 978-0-262-01762-6. 303.61 Q2 B201962 Price : $ ****32.00 33 Jain, Jasbir Theorising resistance: narratives in history and politics / Jasbir Jain.-- Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2012. xvi, 224p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 201-218. ISBN : 978-81-316-0540-0. 303.610954 Q2 B202179 Price : RS.***625.00 34 Asha Rani Population rise in India: a socio-psychological view / Asha Rani.-- Delhi: Globus Press, 2012. viii, 264p.: tables: figs.; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 261-262. ISBN : 978-93-82074-19-9. 304.60954 Q2 B202065 Price : RS.**1495.00 35 Gupta, Surendra K. Indian diaspora: study of emerging sandwich cultures / Surendra K. Gupta; foreword by Yogesh Atal.-- New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2013. xi, 170p.: tables; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-269-1774-7. 304.80954 Q3 B202104 Price : RS.***575.00 36 Deshpande, G.P. Talking the political culturally and other essays / G.P. Deshpande.-- Kolkata: Thema, 2009. 127p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-86017-68-5. 304.820954 P9 C70405 Price : RS.***150.00 37 Zachariah, K.C. Kerala's Gulf connection, 1998-2011: economic and social impact of migration / K.C. Zachariah and S. Irudaya Rajan -- New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2012. xvii, 261p.: tables: figs.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 251-256. ISBN : 978-81-250-4935-7. 304.85605433 Q2 B202056 Price : RS.***695.00 38 Abida Samiuddin Women socio-economic empowerment / Abida Samiuddin and R. Khanam.-- New Delhi: Global Vision Publishing, 2013. ix, 278p.: tables: figs.; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 261-273. ISBN : 978-81-8220-531-4. 305.42 Q3 B202108 Price : RS.**1900.00 39 Dasgupta, Samir, ed. Women's encounters with globalization / edited by Samir Dasgupta... [et al].-- London: Frontpage Publications, 2012. viii, 222p.: tables; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-81-908841-8-1. 305.42 Q2 B202050 Price : RS.***595.00 40 Banerji, Sudeshna, ed. Proceedings of the UGC sponsored national seminar on Indian women: post colonial context / edited by Sudeshna Banerjee.-- Kolkata: Academic Publishers, 2013. 115p.: tables; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-93-80599-13-7. 305.420954 Q0 C70407 41 Barot, Jayesh Kumar N. Status of woman in India / Jayesh Kumar N. Barot and Vajesinh K. Pagi.-- Anand: Sarth Publication, 2012. 331p.; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references; Articles in Hindi also. ISBN : 978-93-81761-44-1. 305.420954 Q2 B201948 Price : RS.**1195.00 42 Shakil Anjum Changing Indian society and status of women / Shakil Anjum.-- Delhi: Globus Press, 2012.
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