CONTENTS Message from the Editor-in-Chief As the world becomes increasingly interconnect- ed, the development of intercultural awareness and ZJU NEWSROOM 2 global competencies has become central to the higher education agenda. Here at Zhejiang Universi- ON THE COVER 8 ty, we have been striving to offer an impressive array of global study programs, which our students A BRILLIANT SUMMER have found inspirational and transformative. This summer, over 1100 ZJU undergraduate Voice from Summer students have traveled overseas to participate in a RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS variety of activities, including summer schools, Davos in Dalian BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 12 research internships, and international contests. At 3 INTELLIGENT MACHINE the same time, ZJU offered short-term programs for 14 students from around the world. In this second volume of Connection, we are therefore very pleased SPOTLIGHT ON to present you some snapshots of the students’ brilliant summer. CONGRATS, CHAMPIONS! 16 I invite you to watch for exciting new develop- EMBRACE THE OCEAN 17 ments as we report on ZJU faculty and students in and beyond their academic work here on campus. DISCOVER CHINA IN PARADISE 18 As always, we would also love to hear your FOR ENTREPRENEURS thoughts. INTERVIEW WITH YALE PATT 19 ZJU’s Arts & Humani�es Enter THE Rankings UPCOMING EVENTS 20 5 LI Min, Editor-in-Chief Director, Office of Interna�onal Rela�ons Zhejiang University Editors: CHEN Weiying, AI Ni, YE Ying, TONG Jun Design: YE Fengyi, WANG Yueyi Editorial: Global Communica�ons, The Secret behind Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Road, an Alpha Male Hangzhou, P.R. China 310058 12 Phone: +86 571 88206210 Fax: +86 571 87951315 Email: newsle�[email protected] Material from Connection may be reproduced accompanied with appropriate acknowledgement. ZJU website (English): www.zju.edu.cn/english Coming Together for ZhejiangUniversityChina a Be�er Ocean Future @ZJU_China 17 2 CONNECTION Vol.02 ZJU NEWSROOM 3 ZJU NEWSROOM ZJU delegation attends ZJU and Alibaba join to promote Summer Davos in Dalian cutting-edge research & development AT THE CORE OF INDUSTRY 4.0 IS THE INTELLIGENT n addition to the same head- sciences, so as to promote the ASPECT OF BIG DATA. quarter city (Hangzhou), cultivation of innovative talents Zhejiang University and Aliba- and the development of the own duty, and the cultivation of Iba, the Chinese E-commerce society. abilities to tackle global challeng- Giant, are both reputed for their This new cooperative mode es,” he adds. innovation capacity. aims at maximizing technological WU also shared the educational On May 31, the two sides signed values and endowing research reform that Zhejiang University a strategic cooperative agree- - had carried out to respond posi- tively to Industry 4.0, including ment, signaling the inception of a cance. Alibaba held its initial public offering new partnership. productsAlibaba withGroup more was social founded signi�i in on Wall Street on Sept. 19, 2014. the emphasis on general educa- In accordance with the agree- 1999 by 18 people led by Jack Ma, tion, utilization of information ment, Zhejiang University and a former English teacher from technology, and internationaliza- Alibaba Group will collaborate in Hangzhou. Now it is the world's small enterprises to leverage tion. various domains through the largest retailer surpassing innovationlevel the playing and �ieldtechnology by enabling to Alibaba-ZJU Cutting-edge Tech- Walmart, with operations in over grow. nology Research Center, including 200 countries. cutting-edge technologies, health- The founders of Alibaba he Annual Meeting of the tion, with other presidents from care, humanities, and social believed that the Internet would New Champions in the top universities in the UK, Singa- World Economic Forum – pore, Japan, and Korea. Talso known as the Summer Davos “At the core of Industry 4.0 is the intelligent aspect of big data. shipping, and logistics center in While transforming the way man- Northeast– was held China. in Dalian, a �inancial, kind will produce and live, it will Under the theme "Achieving also reshape the content and YAN presented his research. Inclusive Growth in the Fourth pattern of future learning,” WU Industrial Revolution", this year’s says. On the afternoon of June 28, ZJU meeting examined the potential and the Summer Davos Forum for innovation, science, and tech- co-hosted the Ideas Lab under the nology to create economies that theme of environmental protec- serve all sectors of society. tion. Faced with the increasingly On June 27-29, a Zhejiang severe environmental pollution University delegation led by Pres- across the world, scholars at ZJU ident WU Zhaohui attended the have done tremendous work in meeting. The delegation shared providing innovative approaches. their views at several sessions, Professor YAN Jianhua, Profes- such as University Presidents sor GAO Xiang, and Professor HE WU shared his views in the University Dialogue, Ideas Lab, Science Hub, Presidents Dialogue. Yan introduced cutting-edge tech- and Dragon Science. They show- nologies for solid waste utiliza- cased the latest research achieve- “Future learning will be tion, air pollution control, and soil ments and innovative proposals data-augmented, innova- remediation, which riveted the concerning global challenges. tion-driven and meaning-con- audience’s attention. On the morning of June 28, WU structed. Higher learning should had in-depth discussions on chal- be dedicated to the development lenges faced by tertiary education of mission-driven learning, the in the Fourth Industrial Revolu- ideal of taking the world as one’s 4 ZJU NEWSROOM ZJU NEWSROOM 5 China donates collection of Yuan dynasty paintings to FU Berlin was co-organized by the State Collection of Yuan Dynasty Paint- ings is hailed as the most authori- the Chinese Embassy in Germany. tative and complete compilation CouncilAt the Informationopening ceremony, Of�ice andMr. of paintings of that period of time. HUANG Kunming, Executive Vice Known as the "Empire of the Minister of the Publicity Depart- Great Khan", the Yuan dynasty ment of the CPC Central Commit- (1271–1368) saw the develop- tee, donated A Collection of Yuan ment of a rich cultural diversity in Dynasty Paintings to Freie Univer- China. or anyone who is fascinat- sität Berlin. Both collections have been ed with Chinese culture, the This collection is part of a series acquired by world-renowned cultural feast in Berlin must on ancient Chinese paintings institutions, including UNESCO, Fnot be missed. On July 5, a series compiled by Zhejiang University the United States Library of of events kicked off in Berlin to and Zhejiang Bureau of Cultural Congress, and the British Library. ZJU makes debut on THE Rankings bring Chinese arts and culture to Relics. A companion of A Collec- the German public. This event tion of Song Dynasty Paintings, A by Subject (Arts and Humanities) he Times Higher Educa- the universities that are leading improvement in terms of industri- tion World University across art, performing arts, al income and international Rankings 2018 by subject languages, history, philosophy, outlook. –T Arts and Humanities – were theology, architecture, and The result suggests that ZJU can unveiled on September 13. archaeology subjects. Mainland strengthen its cooperation with ZJU researchers participate in 43rd ocean expedition China has eight representatives in enterprises in knowledge transfer University is listed on this subject total. and elevate its prestige on the ranking.For the ZJU�irst rankstime, Zhejiang101-125 international stage. The 50-day expedition focused together with Nanjing University, criteria: citation, industrial The ranking also indicates that - second to Peking University income,The ranking international is based outlook,on �ive the rise of higher education in (17th) and Tsinghua University research, and teaching. ZJU China is not just limited to science Ridgeon a scienti�ic in northwestern survey on polymeIndian (48th) nationwide. outperforms Tsinghua University and technology subjects. Ocean.tallic sul�ideRich mineral in the and Carlsberg biologi- This year’s ranking has expand- in citation and Nanjing University cal samples were obtained during ed to include 400 institutions, up in teaching and research. Howev- the survey. from 100 last year. It highlights er, there is much room for “Our major task is to conduct research into the structural features of underwater hydro- China tops men’s 4x100 meters relay in thermal plumes through explora- tion and data analyses, thereby IAAF Diamond League helping pinpoint the location of hydrothermal vents more accu- rately and improve the simulated model of hydrothermal plumes,” n July 22, (IAAF) Diamond performance. They Professor HE says. Chinese League in Monaco. together beat the n the afternoon of July 9, professors (HAN Xiqiu, HE “Although it involves a lot of men’s 4x100 The Chinese team, other strong teams Zhiguo) and one Ph.D. candidate hard work and unpredictable Ometers relay team including XIE Zhenye, from the US, France, survey ship, Xiangyang- (ZHU Rui) from the Ocean College risks, it is of immense help for the a master’s candidate and Canada in 38.19 Ohong 10,China’s completed ocean herscienti�ic 43rd of Zhejiang University, who - 2017 International in athletic training at seconds. ocean expedition and sailed back tions in a more rational and Association�inished �irst of Athletin the- Zhejiang University, Left to right: SU Bingtian, XIE Zhenye, to Zhoushan. On board were two expedition. profoundidenti�ication
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