Books and Articles Availables in the Roger Mimó's Library in Hotel Tomboctou 1.Books About Morocco

Books and Articles Availables in the Roger Mimó's Library in Hotel Tomboctou 1.Books About Morocco

Books and articles availables in the Roger Mimó’s library in Hotel Tomboctou These books are available to our customers during their stay in the hotel. (519 books in French, 492 books in Spanish, 75 books in Catalan, 43 books in English, 19 books in Arabic, 6 books in Italian, 12 books in German, 4 books in Turkish, 1 book in Dutch) Index 1. Books about Morocco: 1.1 -Books about history, society and traditions of Morocco 1.2 -Books about Moroccan arts and architecture 1.3 -Books about Moroccan mountains 1.4 -Books about various aspects of Morocco 1.5 -Gides of Morocco 1.6 -Maps of Morocco 1.7 -Moroccan cities plans 1.8 -Articles about Morocco 1.9 -Magazines and parts of magazines about Morocco 2. Books about Africa and the Muslim world: 2.1 -Books about Northern Africa in general 2.2 -Books about Tunisia 2.3 -Books about Egypt 2.4 -Books about Black Africa 2.5 -Books about other Arabian and Muslim countries 2.6 -Articles and magazines about various Arabian and Muslim countries 2.7 -Books about Islam 2.8 -Maps of Africa and Muslim countries 2.9 -City plans of Africa and Muslim countries 3. Travel books in Africa and Asia 4. Romans 5. Books about other subjects: 5.1 –Dictionaries 5.2 –Travel books in other countries 5.3 -Other books 5.4 -Maps of other countries 5.5 -City plans of other countries 1.Books about Morocco 1.1 - Books about history, society and traditions of Morocco - Hespéris-Tamuda-4 (in French), MH-4-1 - Hespéris-Tamuda-24 (in French), MH-4-2 - Hespéris-Tamuda-1 (in French), MH-4-3 - Hespéris-Tamuda-2 (in French), MH-4-4 - Hespéris-Tamuda-12 (in French), MH-4-5 - Hespéris-Tamuda-Table (in French), MH-4-6 - Hespéris-Tamuda-22 (in French), MH-4-7 - Arqués, Enrique: Tierra de moros (in Spanish), MH-4-8 - Host, Georg: Relations sur les royaumes de Marrakech et Fès (in French), MH-4-9 - Gouvion, Marthe et Edmond: Kitab Aâyane al Maghrib l’Akça-II (in French), MH-4- 10 - Gouvion, Marthe et Edmond: Kitab Aâyane al Maghrib l’Akça-I (in French), MH-4- 11 - Hespéris-Tamuda-10 (in French), MH-4-12 - Le Tourneau, Roger: Fès avant le protectorat (in French), MH-8-1 - Lourido Díaz, Ramón: Marruecos en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII (in Spanish), MH-8-2 - De León, Eduardo: Marruecos, su suelo, su población y su derecho (in Spanish), MH- 8-3 - Hespéris-16 (in French), MH-8-4 - Yata, Ali: La situation exige une solution de compromis historique (in French), MH-8- 5 - Delanoë, Guy: Lyautey, Juin, Mohamed V: la fin d’un protectorat (in French), MH-8-6 - Khallouk, Abdelaziz: Pays Jebala: makhzen, Espagne et Raissouni (in French), MH-8- 7 - Alaoui, Moulay Abdelhadi: Le Maroc, du traité de Fès à la libération (in French), MH- 8-8 - Smaili, Moulay Abdelhamid: Les années terribles du Maroc oriental (in French), MH- 8-9 - El Glaoui, Abdessadeq: Le ralliement. Le Glaoui, mon père (in French), MH-8- 10 - Alaoui, Ali Mounir: Mohamed V et Hassan II (in French), MH-8-11 - Morales, Víctor: El final del protectorado hispano-francés en Marruecos (in Spanish), MH-8-12 - Mezzine, Larbi: Le Tafilalt (in French), MH-8-13 - Ibn Abi Zar, Ali: Rwad al Kirtas (in French), MH-8-14 - Lagardere, Vincent: Les almoravides (in French), MH-8-15 - Khettouch, Moha Ou Ali: La mémoire de Tamazight (in French), MH-8-16 - Mehdi Ben Barka (in French), MH-8-17 - De Henin, Jorge: Descripción de los reinos de Marruecos (in Spanish), MH-8-18 - Histoire du Maroc (in French), MH-8-19 - Flores Morales, Angel: El Sahara Español (in Spanish), MH-8-20 - Lévi-Provençal, E: Les historiens des Chorfa (in French), MH-8-22 - Valenzuela, Javier y Masegosa, Alberto: La última frontera (in Spanish), MH-8-23 - Cuadernos de historia del islam, 5 (in Spanish), MH-8-24 - Wolf, Jean: L’epopée d’Abdelkhaleq Torres (in French), MH-8-25 - García Figuera, Tomás: Marruecos (in Spanish), MH-8-26 - Almela, Vicente: Una boda en Yebala (in Spanish), MH-8-27 - Ruiz de Cuevas, Teodoro: Jurisprudencia rabínica en Marruecos (in Spanish), MH-8- 28 - Martín, Eloy: Marruecos y el colonialismo español 1859-1912 (in Spanish), MH-8-29 - Leguineche, Manuel: Annual 1921 (in Spanish), MH-8-30 - Lugan, Bernard: Histoire du Maroc (in French), MH-8-31 - Bahhar, Driss: Figuig dans les récits des premiers voyageurs européens (in French), MH-8-32 - Lahnite, Abraham: Le Sous géografique, historique et humain (in French), MH-8-33 - Lahnite, Abraham: L’application du traité de Fès dans le Sous (in French), MH-8-34 - Hamid, Khadija: Histoire du Maroc à la lumière de l’archéologie (in French), MH-8- 35 - Harris, Walter: Le Maroc disparu (in French), MH-8-36 - Oriental marocain (in French), MH-8-37 - Mounir, Omar: Bou Hmara (in French), MH-8-38 - Ibn Khaldoun: Discours sur l’histoire universelle (in French), MH-8-39 - Spillmann, Georges: Esquisse d’histoire religieuse du Maroc (in French), MH-8-40 - Nekrouf, Younès: La bataille des trois-rois (in French), MH-8-41 - Glacier, Osire: Femmes politiques au Maroc d’hier à aujourd’hui (in French), MH-8- 42 - Goundafi, Omar: Un caïd du Maroc d’antan, Taïeb Goundafi (1855-1928) (in French), MH-8-43 - Doutté, Edmond: Les marabouts (in French), MH-8-45 - Ravennes, Jean: Aux portes du Sud. Le Maroc (in French), MH-8-46 - El Mezouari El Glaoui, Abderrahman: Le grand visir Madani El Mezouari El Glaoui (in French), MH-8-47 - De Haas, Hein: Aroemi, aroemi. Een vreemdeling in Marokko (in Dutch), MH-8-48 - De Haas, Hein: Migration and development in Southern Morocco (in English), MH-8- 49 - Houel, Christian: Mes aventures marocaines (in French), MH-8-50 - Les Archives Berbères 1915-1916 (in French), MH-8-51 - Montagne, Robert: Révolution au Maroc (in French), MH-8-52 - Attafi, Abdellatif: Que s’est-il passé au Maroc entre 1492 et 1912 dans le texte littéraire d’expression française ? (in French),, MH-8-53 - Ménard, André: Le Maroc, une terre, des hommes (in French),, MH-8-54 - El Hamel, Chouki: Le Maroc noir (in French),, MH-8-55 - Justiniard, Léopold: Le Tazeroualt (in French), MH-8-56 - Montagne, Robert: La vie sociale et la vie politique des Berbeères (in French), MH-8- 57 - Arqués, Enrique: Tres sultanes a la porfía de un reino (in Spanish), MH-12-1 - Al Muaqqit, Mohamed: Les gens du navire (in French), MH-12-2 - Karow, Leonhard: Neuf années au service du Maroc (in French), MH-12-3 - Ennaji, Mohamed: Soldats, domestiques et concubines (in French), MH-12-4 - Hart, David M: Estructuras tribales precoloniales en Marruecos beréber (in Spanish), MH-12-5 - Ennaji, Mohamed: Expansion europeénne et changement social au Maroc (in French), MH-12-6 - González-Mata, LM: Cisne (in Spanish), MH-12-7 - Arqués, Enrique: El momento de España en Marruecos (in Spanish), MH-12-8 - Millás, José María: España y Marruecos (in Spanish), MH-12-9 - Millás, José María: España y Marruecos (in Spanish), MH-12-10 - Tarradell, Miguel: Las actividades arqueológicas en el protectorado español de Marruecos (in Spanish), MH-12-11 - Ibáñez, Carlos: el Mediterráneo y la cuestión de Gibraltar (in Spanish), MH-12-12 - Domenech, TC: Del territorio de Ifni (in Spanish), MH-12-13 - Caro Baroja, Julio: Estudios saharianos (in Spanish), MH-12-14 - Diego Aguirre, José Ramón: Guerra en el Sahara (in Spanish), MH-12-15 - Woolman, David: Abdelkrim y la guerra del Rif (in Spanish), MH-12-16 - Laurent, Eric: Hassan II, la mémoire d’un roi (in French), MH-12-17 - Ahdi Mohamed: Âaraf el jenoub el maghrebi.(in Arabic), MH-12-18 - Ahdi Mohamed: Derassa suciu-amtessadia lil âaraf aljanoub (in Arabic), MH-12-19 - Drummond Hay, John: Marruecos y sus tribus nómadas (in Spanish), MH-12-20 - Vieuchange, Michel: Ver Smara y morir (in Spanish), MH-12-21 - Otazu Javier: Marruecos, el extraño vecino (in Spanish), MH-12-22 - Kasriel, Michèle: Libres femmes du Haut-Atlas ? (in French), MH-12-23 + DIG - López García, Bernabé: La quimera constitucional de Alí Bey (in Spanish), MH-24-1 - Hart, David M.: Assû Û-Bâ Slâm (in French), C-2 + DIG - Hassan I et la crise marocaine au XIXe siècle (in French), C2 + DIG - El Hajj Thami el-Glaoui, un grand caïd contre le sultan et l’indépendance marocaine (in French), C2 + DIG - Talbi, Mohamed: Ibn Tûmart ou le parti avant la dynastie almohade (in French), C2 + DIG - Ibn Khaldun au Xve siècle, un sociologue du Maghreb (in French), C2 + DIG - Ibn Bat’t’ût’a, treinte années de voyages de Pekin au Niger (in French), C2 + DIG - Weiner, Jerome: Al-Mansur (in French), C2 + DIG - Morsy, Magali: Lalla Khenatha (in French), C2 + DIG - Mohamed V, un roi consacré par son peuple (in French), C2 + DIG - Capitain Henri: les Ait Merghad (in French), C-3 + DIG - Larbi Mezzine: le droit coutumier (in French), C-3 + DIG - El Bekri: Description de l’Afrique septentrionale (in French), C-11+ DIG - El Idrissi: (in French), C-11+ DIG - Foucauld, Charles de: Reconnaissance au Maroc, édition de 1936 (in French), C-14 - Foucauld, Charles de: Reconnaissance au Maroc, édition de 1888 (in French), DIG - Ibn Khaldoun: Histoire des Berbères (in French), C-17 - Cola Alberich, J: Amuletos y tatuajes marroquíes (in Spanish), C-9 - Cola Alberich, J: Cultos primitivos de Marruecos (in Spanish), C-10 - Flores Morales, Angel: Atlas, Sous Dra (in Spanish), C-13 - L’Afrique de Marmol (in French), C-23 - Jean-Léon Africain: Description de l’Afrique (in French),C-23 - Pascon, Paul: La maison d’Iligh (in French), C-26 + DIG - Spillman: Les Ait Atta du Sahara et la pacification du Drâa (in French), C-29 + DIG - Verdugo, Claude: Aménagement de la vallée du Ziz (in French), C-34 - Von Conring, Adolfo: Marruecos, el país y los habitantes, 1881 (in Spanish), C-3 - Jacques-Meunié, Dj: Le Maroc Saharien, des origines à 1670 (in French), DIG - Jackson, James

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