3 20 Introduction 3. Delft’s railway zone English Translation 3 Willemijn Wilms Floet and Leen van Duin 5x5: Projects for the Dutch City 23 Henk Engel 4. Gouda’s railway zone 6 Olivier van der Bogt The Railway and the Dutch City 26 Roberto Cavallo 5. Dordrecht’s railway zone 10 Esther Gramsbergen Time and the city 30 Leslie Kavanaugh Book review 13 Leslie Kavanaugh 1. Haarlem’s railway zone 31 Roberto Cavallo Book review 17 Endry van Velzen 2. Leiden’s railway zone 32 Willemijn Wilms Floet About the authors Introduction cal cities in the 21st century. which values ‘design’ as a result of scientific The ‘Polemen’ section concludes this issue research. This way doctoral research could This issue of OverHolland presents the with two book reviews: Leslie Kavanaugh be considerably broadened and could offer results of the first part of the research discusses the latest study by historian Auke a new framework for appointing teachers project 5x5 – Projects for the Dutch City, van der Woud entitled Een nieuwe wereld. and researchers strongly orientated towards which is being carried out at the Faculty Het ontstaan van het moderne Nederland (‘A the practice of designing. Such teachers of Architecture of the Delft University of new world. The origin of the modern Nether- and researchers are simply crucial in order Technology. With ‘Research by Design’, 5x5 lands’), while Endry van Velzen elaborates to educate designers. From this perspec- intends to research the cohesion between on his vision in the book De tussenmaat: een tive, by recognising ‘Research by Design’ de Hollandse stad voor studies Architectonische architectonic interventions and urban handboek voor het collectieve woongebouw the management of the Delft University of transformations of the station areas in the (‘The intermediate size. A handbook for col- Technology has not just given the Faculty five smaller historical cities of Randstad lective residential building’) by Lieke Bijlsma of Architecture the benefit of the doubt, but Holland: Delft, Dordrecht, Gouda, Haar- and Jochem Groenland, which he places has reserved a pioneering role for the entire lem, and Leiden. OverHolland 5 presents between a design study and an architecture university. analyses of these locations, together with a handbook. In general, three criteria have been formu- OverHolland 5 – problem statement that has been tentatively lated for designing as a scientific activity: formulated for the design research. These 5x5: Projects for the Dutch City “1) the design must offer a solution for a locations serve as a starting point for the Henk Engel * wealth of problems, 2) the mode of thought second part of the project, where five teams and rules used in the process must be deter- of architects will design the five station As a prelude to 5x5: Projects for the Dutch mined, 3) the design must bring about new areas. The basic assumption here is that the City, this issue of OverHolland presents knowledge or alternative skills, or show how railway in the city centre area will be built city analyses of the station areas in the five existing knowledge and skills can be used to underground, following the Delft example. smaller historical cities of Randstad Hol- generate new and unique designs.”1. These The results of this design research will be land: Haarlem, Leiden, Delft, Dordrecht and criteria will need to be specified for various published in 2008. Gouda. By way of ‘Research by Design’, 5x5 disciplines, based on the theoretical frame- Historically speaking, building railways and intends to research the cohesion between work and verification methods that apply in stations constituted an important period in architectonic interventions and urban trans- the field in question. the development of Dutch cities. Because formations. The research project contains This concerns architectonic research in of recent changes in Dutch railways, the two parts. The first part analyses the various which one and the same description and relation between the historic city core and locations, and a problem has been tenta- interpretation method is used for both urban the railway is again open for discussion. This tively formulated for the design research. analysis and architectonic design, namely issue begins with an introductory article by This issue of OverHolland is the conclusion that of the typological and morphologi- Henk Engel, in which the background and of this part of the research. In the second cal research of urban spaces and built-up 3 basic assumptions of the 5x5 project are part, five teams of architects will make forms. Besides the ‘social-economic survey’, explained and the current architectonic designs for the five station areas, the results which is an important instrument of spatial issues, with regard to the restructuring of of which will be published in 2008. planning and all-encompassing urban plan- these station areas, are also addressed. ‘Research by Design’, which aims at ning, typo-morphological urban research Next, Roberto Cavallo provides a general profiling designing as a scientific activity, specifically focuses on the description and description of the history of the railway in was put on the research agenda a few years interpretation of changing urban use of land the Netherlands in his article ‘Railway in ago by the Faculty of Architecture of the and concrete changes in the form of cities. the Dutch City’. In more abstract terms, Delft University of Technology. The univer- This type of research mainly tries to develop Leslie Kavanaugh researches the effects of sity council understood its importance and instruments for ‘designing the mid-scale’, the introduction of the railway on time and ‘Research by Design’ was recognised as a project-oriented approach in which the space in the city in her article ‘Time and the one of the spearheads of research at the architectonic component is of decisive City’. Further, the analyses of the station Delft University of Technology. Although it significance.2 areas in the five cities are the main focus, is an institution for scientific education and As object of research, the station areas showing the combination of city expansions research, it is mainly focused on educating are interesting in two respects. Firstly, the and transformations of the respective sta- designers. This is true not only for the Fac- construction of railways and stations are an tion areas, which provide a new view on the ulty of Architecture, but for other faculties as important moment in the development of possible development of the smaller histori- well. It is therefore important to find a term, cities, as it marked the beginning of a new period of urbanisation. Train traffic made it of which Amsterdam formed the biggest was the biggest city of the County of Holland development and differentiation of these obvious to everyone that a new era is linked city and dominant economic centre by far. for a long time and the second big city in the kinds of buildings also provides an important with a leap in technological development, area of the current Randstad after Utrecht. indication for the growing size of the urban bringing spatial aspects together in another During the economic stagnation and de- Haarlem, Delft and Leiden were important economy, the increasing complexity of the context. Travel times were shortened. Local urbanisation of the eighteenth century and industrial cities at that time. Gouda belonged city council and the greater urban self- isolation was forced open, while old forti- the beginning of the nineteenth century, an together with Amsterdam and Rotterdam to awareness. fications around cities were dismantled. important change in structure took place the newest Dutch cities and was initially the Buildings that are treated as isolated Train traffic introduced new artefacts in the once more and the basis was laid for the most important of the three. Gouda had a properties in the succession of building urban periphery: railway dikes and viaducts. current hierarchy of cities in Randstad strategic position in the North-South con- styles in contemporary architectural his- The station buildings were ‘monuments’ of Holland. As far as population size was con- nection of the County of Holland by way of tory, such as the Nieuwe Waag (1561-1566, a new territorial order. With their squares, cerned, Amsterdam was able to hold its the ‘within the dunes’ navigation route. Tolls designed by Joost Janszoon Bilhamer), the stations formed new focus points of urban own well in this period, while The Hague, as were an important source of income, as the Commodity Exchange (1607-1611, designed development in relation to the historical city the seat of government, continued to grow city knew how to link a market function and by Hendrick de Keyser) and the new City centres.3 This complex of new developments and Rotterdam began to develop into the important forms of industry to its position Hall (1647-1654, designed by Jacob van confronts the typological and morphological most important port city for the transit of in the navigation route with varying suc- Campen), are important urban historical wit- urban research with a number of pertinent goods to Germany in the first half of the cess. In the sixteenth century, Amsterdam nesses of the second growth of Dutch cities questions, especially if the further develop- nineteenth century. Utrecht, the biggest rose to the top and prevailed over all other in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. ment of city expansions and the restructur- city of the late Middle Ages, prevailed once cities, including Utrecht. Rotterdam still did The typological and morphological urban ing of historical city centres are involved in more in this period, but mainly because the not have a significant role. In the States of research takes this a step further by consid- this process. That brings us to the second two large seventeenth century industrial Holland, the six most important Dutch cities ering these buildings not as passive reflec- point, which makes researching station cities, Leiden and Haarlem, had seen their were represented: Amsterdam, Haarlem, tions of social-economic developments, but areas so interesting today: the current population reduced by more than half.
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