Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1968 Daily Egyptian 1968 3-5-1968 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 05, 1968 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1968 Volume 49, Issue 103 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 05, 1968." (Mar 1968). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1968 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1968 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Phi Sigs, Sig-Kaps Win Variety Sho'w, Get Trophy Phi Sigma Kap;a and tSigma was Karl Koy and J ;n P ittm an a rn a h a, m a j 0 r i n g in prE.' ­ Kappa placed firs t in the group while The Open Door Policy medicine was named r f:cip­ act category of the 21st An- was nam ed second place ient of the $400 Kaplan Sch{)l ­ nual Theta Xi Var iety Snow winner . arship Award. for the third year in a row The ~ handra Ellis Quartet CO-Mastersof Ce remonie::s and w!lI be allowed to keep ~ and The Moore and Four Quin­ were Bill Padgen and Nanc y the $500 traveling trophy. tet tiea for first place in the Mecum. The second place winner intermediate acts category. for group acts participating Winners of the annual Serv­ Trustees Suggest in the show Friday and Sat- ice to Southern Awards were urday nights in Shryock Aud- .Rosemary Brown and Richard Approval Bid ltorium was Phi Kappa Tau Karr. The awards were based oj and Alpha Gamma Delta. on campus act ivities and The first pl ace winners in scholarship. ()n Morris Library the individual acts categor y Susan Cole, a junior from The low bid r eceived by the Hlinois Building Autho rity in Chicago Feb, 20 for com­ Special Trains Slated pletion of Morris Library has been recommended for acceptance by the STU board of trust ees. During Spring Break Board members, polled at their homes, agreed unani­ mously with the IB A' s selec­ The Illinois Central Ra!l­ rive in Chicago at 11 p.m. tion of the R. and R.. Construc­ road has announced that three The train will make only three tion Company, Alton, as the special trains March 14 , 15 stOps enrou[e. low bidder for completion of and 24 will be run to provide The other special train will the top four fl oors of [he additional transportation be­ 1 e a v e Chi c a g a on Sunday library building. The bid was twee n Carbondale and Chica­ March 24 at 4:40 p,m. and ONE WITH THE SHOW-Creating lauchs and keeping the $1,624,202. Next scheduled go over the spring break. arrive in Carbondale at 9:45 meeting of the SIU board is show going Friday and Saturday night were &Ill Padgett The S a I u k i S P e cia I s on p.m, Apr!l 19, and Nane)' l\lecum. co·masters o r ceremonies ro r the annual Thursday and Friday of final The IC also announ ced that The construction will be T heta Xi Variety Show. Se e page 2 ror pictures or the com­ exam week will depart from extra cars will be operated on fin anced by the Illinois Build­ pe tition wi.nners . Carbondale at 6 p.m . and ar- reg u I a r I y scheduled trains ing Authority. from Carbondale Wednesday March 13 through Saturday, March 16, and from Chicago Gus Bode Sun day, March 24 rIJ r ough EGYPTIAN Tuesday, March 26, Students Nearing Southern Illinois University Graduation Volume 49 Ca rbonda le, III. T ue s day, March 5, 1968 Humber 103 Must Apply Now 6,52 7 S tudents R espond Sru d e nt:B plannmg co com_ plete degree requirements at the end of this quarter or spring quarte r this year should Women's Poll Tallied apply for graduation immedi­ ately, according [0 Sue Eber­ hart, assistant to the r eg­ A total of 6,527 students, hours sho uld apply only to by regular hours, and where girls might be reached. istrar. including 3',351 females, com­ those of a certain age and Gus says he's in favor of A total of 5,133 said they The graduation forms may pleted student government grade-point. longer hours for worn e n. questionnaires on w o m en's Self - determined h 0 U r s would not sign a contract for be obtained atthe Registrar's an off - campus r esidence [hat Office in the r ecords section: longer hours for men, and hours, final tallies show. should apply only to those of shorter hours for classes. Coeds voting represfnt 72 a cerrain age and class, said had more r estrictive hours They must be returned to the per cent of the women af­ 1, 639, while 1,0 11 said they than on- campus housing. records sectioR after fees fected by hours regulations, should apply to those with a Six thousand s aid they cur- have been cleared. A Look Inside according to Ray Lenzi, Stu ­ cerrain age and grade- p:>int. rently live in housing with Students who are completing dent body president. Hours s hould nOJ be made teacher certification require­ • • • British debate rs come 30 o r more students; 1,1 99 to SIU, page, JO. Voting totals from living more liberal from quaner to said the y would man the door ments for Illinois and plan to areas: Un ivers ity Park, 896 quarter, 4,988 declared and teach should apply ifo r e ntitle­ · • • Let[e-rs to the editor, after regular hours once a page 4. males, 774 fern a I e s, tora l 1,1 62 said they sMould, month; 1,40 1 said they would ment cards right away ar the 1,670; Woody Hall, 391 fe­ Extended hours, if enacted, office of the de an of the College • •• Gymnasts beat Indiana males; 3mall Group Housing, should begin with first term (Continued on Page 9) of Education. State, page 16. 440 males, 265 females , total freshmen. said 3,403 and 1.124 705; Tho m p son Point, 484 said they s h °u I d begin with males, 595 f e m a] e 5, tOtal first term sop}l0mores. Winners 1,078; off - campus, 1. 356 Self-determined hours, if Service to Southern males , 1,326 females, total en act ed, s hould begin with 2,682, first term sophomores, ac ­ In the voting, 5,115 said the cording t fr 4,688, concept of women's hour s is A grade-point of 3,0 s hould not useful; 5,633 said they be the average aI which Jiber­ do not agree with c urrent alized hours s hould take ef­ regulati ons; 6,001 said fect' if grade-point we r e con­ women's hours should be more s ide r ed, 3,997 declared. liberal; 3,496 said hours Altogether, 3,248 said they should be self - determined, belie ve the age for liberal­ 1,074 said ho urs should be izing hours should be 18, and self-determined for some; and 1, 769 said 19; some 1,210 1,079 said hours should be s aid 17, extended for all. Giving opinions on extended Alto~ether, 4,922 voted hours, if self - determined against women of any age, hour s were not adopted, 3,213 class or average having self­ s aid 1 :30 a .m. should be hours determine.d hours with par­ on weekdays, and 2,977 said ental permission. weekend hours should be after " ·3,273 said women of any 3 a,m. while 1,574 said they age, class or averag~ should should be at 3 a,m, have extended hours with par­ Sophomores o n up should ental permission; and 3,087 have fewer res trictions, 4,341 said hours for women of any age, class or average should questionnaires s h o.w ed, if be extended without parental some would have fewe r re­ s trictions than others. permission. Extended hours should apply Yet 4,046 would agree to a two seniors were presented the a ",ard Satur­ only to those of a certain age sign-out procedure if It were STUDENTS HO NORED- Richard Kar. and and class according to 1,060, to be used only to indicate Rosemary Brow n have been named winners day Di,ht by Robe-rt Mac\·icar. ,·ice- pr e-si~ - wh!le 1,000 ~ald extended girls.were not going to return or the 1968 Service t"o Southern A.ward. The d en,t for academic affairs. DAI,LY EGYP:rIAH W'inners Theta Xi Variety Show 1968 Photos by Steve Mills GROUP WINNER-Phi Sigma Kappa and Sigma Kappa won first place in the group ac t ca tegoQ' . Thf' winning p erformance was Daily Egyptian Published In the ()rpanmem 01 Journalism Tuesda\ through Salurda) throughout Ih .. schuol ·y .... ar. ,", xC'-PI dllTln" Unl"c' rsh} vaca· tlon pt"riuds, f"~amln~l l on Wl.'Ck .. , ~nd k g .. 1 ho Hdavs bl S<.u·hl"rn [)ILnol ~ tj nlV\'T511 ) , Cil r bo ~all' : IlllTlcus n~o,jo(Jl . 5 .... :ond <")as ,," posuF,{' ~l ! d at Carhu ndalc, Ill LloOt>. 1'>.'0.1\)). P o ll cie~ ul I h," 1-:f.)'l'fLiHl an' ,I',.
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