FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: FRANK SINATRA Los Angeles le:100-41413 Secti0n:3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF DOCUIVIENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Release of Subject: Frank Sinatra File #: LA 100-41413 Section 3 o"-~"&#39;n -Q Tor v v ii fr "r Q&#39; 0&#39;K1 IF 9"J "I"l" Federal Bureauof Investigation ex i 1 A-l5 4§a.ar.|.lQ aua 92nl92. luuunnn -....._-...._ I inatra Ties, Can To Frank Sinatra wants out from under mt clan tag description, mostly by columnists, in referring to professional private associations of such cronies as Peter Lawford, Sammy D_BVl.l. Jr., Dean _Ma1-tin, etc., etc. _Smger-actor made move to bury the tag yesterday 1n s statement which said: &#39; . - - .&#39;_ -&#39; Au far as I know, the various guilds that are part of my profo-.j sic-rel life are the only organized groups to which l belong. The clan- is a figment of sorneone&#39;s imagination. Naturally, people in Hollywood, Socialize with friends as they do in any community, but we do not. gather together in childish fraternities as some people would like to itthink. stuck Life with magazine everyone coined except the the phrase, peoplewho The are Clan, supposed in an to article, belong andto it. There is no such entity as the c an and there never has been. I am fortunate to have many friends and many circles of friends, hut there are no membership cards." &#39; f Term clan, by Webstei-s definitions, is: ._ &#39; &#39;_ Pertains to: l. A race; a family; a tribe; an associatifin of sons o underthe a common chieftain. descendants Among the of Highlanders the same progenitor. of Scotland, a clan edm _ 2._ Still with Webster!: A clique, sect, society, or body of pe ns cl{sely united by some common interest or pursuit; in this sense lied contemptuously. Z v 0/4432 l£_!;IR__Ep,|ALL INFORHATIOKIs &#39;,}.c_ _ %§?:?AIlmD 01.1": v , . - . | -///4/ p - sE""°£"----J. lNDc.92._.. -7 l 5ERlALiZED_ Flt Ir;-3&#39; SEP 3 Q HDBHY Variety Ii , fl*"&#39;-Q---.---.:._.i; AUG 2 5 1959 &#39;--._-.. .-...,-._- ____ 1, 92-or, é FrankSinatra&#39;s&#39;th an eyeon §§l~11;e§3;ub¢£=1s»n; buyingan Mg,established labelenieringconti is e;92 into-. time backhe reportedly was thinkingof biddingfor No ~ Z5» Verve Records.As yet nothing concrete;noris it too proba;lil¬Z:;&#39; Sinai:ras managerHank Sanicolaand attorneyMilton Mickey!Rubin; have beenholding weeklongpow-wows various on directionstl&#39;[e;sin§ge_1_&#39;_" could take. Rubin acknowledgesSinatm is mulling several possibilities IT1 regardsto buying a. diskery.In fact,a numberof labelshave tijipéd;.} Sinatra they are on the salesblock - ~&#39;_ .1 As ofnew thereare 16 different paths Sinatracan plodin makin&#39;g&#39;_:" his administrativemove intorecording. One,quite 1ikely,&#39;wouid,_be expand hisEssex company.By settingup his own distribution, "etc&#39;,¢&#39;*. Sinatra alreadyhas severalnames under exclusive pact,such as Sammy, Davis Jr.And itsunderstood thathes contactedother bigartists about leavingThe their loss, bigoflabels course, andswinging be overwill Capitolto his--if which hashe buys gor developsumoonii gr tra disks. An added blow to Gapwould bee e tinge of otherrtopnames are who cron_iesto&#39;fui._dsi:i&#39;s._2_ G W g &#39;e #2/643.9 ALL Isrossuvrxonco:-mmsb ueruzxgxmcrs BY rsgzsii ~13"-"./i# -",&#39;i|;§§n£f~~ D5117 Yarieif Oizff-H 39 l :, -i:L.~_:__v-h___, .. UCT 1 &#39;21950 P71; ,,.,e:1-L-3 E; I, &#39; J We NAMES - with Cont-iUnite-i_1ILrzigt§!;n-L1-ii!-_:e,-_%,»_&.?§-5;-»ed-Tm w=>§=&#39;-W11=wy.1<>..4 e A Kochhpkdi;-ole Qrtl es" I 01-"E wax _ , n_~a1n_f¢§.;+,.¥l.&#39;§ &#39; _,. Koch continues-iii: h h. ~- ocnirrhor EssE,XSchenck-K0chPrpductio? - - -mm-wi Q Frank Sinatra has&#39; signed How- !920WlmiDg_ teleseries&#39;for Ziv-UA:&#39; mill &#39;J. - _ a as executive pl-6H,ueervote his time to the .E-e:e:{""*_- 1"-3;; b Tliia Lssex . Producho . _l m, 1>=ny- -71&#39; --.eI&#39;-£-?1- - i wmpan w_ &#39;c&#39;h ha j a Koch,44, Qta:ted,.hi§-Eqafberi 1-.-2»-_ $15, ulti P1- P1&#39;c&#39;ture am a messenger with -l]nivers;o_1,iPie-§§;;&#39;. Continuedon Page 4! turea in New;York. He_- éa.:n§"1&#39;$ e--;§1 ., . ___-Q-..-_.-.____._...._.__ . .-¢-_.__ . _ gollywega at 59 and&#39;woikedjn.§*3$§: -£3 Sincem cut 1952 r he an 1155assistant _direc§or&#39;"&#39;i "J? than 25 features and has hid} def;l@&#39;s51~.j with Warner B1-oarand .UAi-_~&#39;l-§i}.§?-¢§§-jg. Most recently he worked-=wit1L1i=iT orman Panama and Mel Fran]: _ 1 -or headquarters with Essex Li._fe. "Kochis_o92&#39;:&#39;-__1§3,~,.;? Desilu Gower let; &#39; _- -?:~{;i-1-*&#39; Sinatra&#39;s Aspects or new dea&&#39;:&#39;e;&#39;>p;f_l¢éa§ly?3§$._-new- I represents a comple _.de §I&#39;tlIl&#39;8&#39;3;;;~__ it 1&#39;rom na nc in g p acts usu2£lyT7?.ii,92&#39;_|"3%_53_ _ - - tered into by the distrilguog-6o,|i§§§ &#39;92 P*"¥- V -- E. Sm-etre !5 not =&#39;.~b1i%, a:".;§f*t_=-_&#39;.j. E- reportedt to personally 92. of the plx, ninnber of hf-¢&#39;;&#39; 92 k r?-"re up ¢@.=ix._dener=dinx@..¢1.1 - 9292- 92 c dwidual bud_$etl_.__-Q".>i&#39;>.}j&#39; &#39; 9292 The tor-_singer:p_:;_oace&#39;r:I__&#39;p§ .,. nan? be Plrtilnllllill- * v@nw-- @=-.==:-e;-,t.»;&#39;-==.=;.~*.~.- agrees &#39;bu__ et-._.,-pr5f:&#39;A.s_15qe92_ =1 "Q1 92|-¢ I I 923 L and pk up . , v company; unt narcipepionpwlgg; 92 92&#39; 92" Ir f"3i;n-°use-. £51 11.1.1 n"§"lK.1"¢@JP9.9=** 9292-&#39; -V oice, All thin tl-be equg ac, 1 &#39; -H5 tia .;ir;;;¢." &#39;2 1:,n;&#39;,&#39;i,.g;~;...>-r.,.;..»-A-3.,-,,.e _?: .-3 ,.=§g;-l"§;I: 92,- ., --we" _ Sirmh&#39;a1_rei1>ol_&#39;b;_¢§l&#39;Y . _,-¢e0|it_1-4§l}- negatitv ownershxp . fr a &#39;110:1 M9101- - &#39;. - -0 -w nhnve fpirucipuaannnmsnib; --.,-_=~- w."1Y&#39;.= .P5&#39;<>¢ 5,P921.t~73.-"""l&#39;¥,;&#39;Q.,. in -» _: ~of sLll¬l&#39;7¢.1e --Va-&#39;1&#39;? _ " 1. i po _ ly.i_it ig- nogupoqi=~ . time. *w&#39;::P9£f.&#39;i.i&&#39;* Borne!!!-.n.cg_ inn... -iiIi&#39;zeinT§&#39;ht_ - "m=1v*&#39;bmeaan:@1. pix1.c_1iek~u?~ - {*1 _ Al ._,. _l__.7 - &#39;="&#39;;,.-._; I ,1, 1&#39; &#39;r":~5~&#39;r~w- .e.»=¢:»:-";-.>;-;_.-1 4 / év.oL§&#39;+rZ&#39;2 "&#39;2?/é 634 3g,921-<61-1L:.:.- " L E ALL INFORLIA non Hum coarrm-am_ __ sEH1AUz__DW M_&#39;| ; . 1 I~ "Daily Vgqgf iiiiiii Ia reupaaazr ... ,~_ N60 DEC 9 liq} P;ti;;;;en gr: /IQ?!" ,/ : [I 51/ A&#39; ,*.el fl /fie 1 III In l-- el a.-.&#39;%rraI_-&#39;rodpu_c:ie lo bh,o.w_§ For Kennedy In&#39;augura_I Washlngton, Dec.1.- Although the President-elect:. -i=~1~=>c1=er-.i1=-i§w,.;.._~.,. -. I -._» }.*r"_f, Peter Le-.=.r.&#39;e:-d,will net he inthe show,Holliwood be sentedat the John F.Kennedy inauguralhere. l 92 »- .a1:-,:---&#39;,*;;-&#39;_-;;;!*"J.l,&#39;- ._Democratic * r National* Chairman entertainers Henry M. Jacksonat the-said $100¢pe.r- _&#39;-.4 &#39; All Greek To Them l inaugural gal»,Jan, 19 will l Les Vegas £|11n1nlitee1&#39;S-"_¢ §.XO_8]J§:;,ij I Running up against a blank §,_aw_f_oi-ii!: FrankS_ina.tra,&#39; D6511}; wall in researching architecture M_8.&#39;l"tiI1,-Davis Sammy J15-.&#39;_and Jee;,=:ii- and costuming for their inde- . Bishop. Sinatraalso will,-pr_0dflic_e;§ release,Damonpendent productiongang for MGMPythias,"thegala. _&#39; :-¢?.._92_f&#39;;;&#39;-»__&#39;-j=I;_1é.-__. to be lmed in tay, co-pro- . ducers Sam Jaffe and Samuel Shtlghers1r ey ac meL241: ne arryperéorm -i-_illgleillligfgg Marx appealed to ancient his-l_ fonte, Milton Berle: NatCole, Ella 3 tory department at USC to&#39;&#39;£<92Ltzge-:2-.ld,Fonda, Gene? Henry clarify conicts_ Kelly, Juliet Prowse, Mahilia-Q -, Although story takes place in Jackson and Nelson Riddle -..n"rcl&#39;1-J,-7&#39; . ; . 400 B.C., when Syracuse was estra. _ l under the dominationof Greece, Special materialfar the ,show&#39;§ architecture in the locale was . will be prepared by Sarni_ny&#39;Ca_l_1n" subsequently inuencedby C.-er=l and James Van Heusen. 1"! _.i.-.- l thaginians,Romans, Saracens,The gala, to be staged iii_,&#39;;L_li&#39;e&#39;f N rmlins,Spanish Italians.and National U Guard Armory l&#39;E_fa&#39;*-_-_- VIP audience headed b nt-&#39;-"1- G_ 2 h Reopts Colton elect andMrs. Kennegyand: _;@j_ President-electMrs. _and _ ntract of Trax Colton has Johfon, requires_an-.m_vi _l!l}_92 been renewed by 261:-h-Fox execu: lief e 81% can be cenbiitedjo..&#39;§1 tive producer Robert Goldstein. the mocratie N_atioii.a.l_Go_i.ii.iiiit.-"T, admitee, onith ,th_e ticket. recelpt_sei_&#39;V&#39;lng It is -a fund-r|.ia_-.*-.
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