APPROVAL FORM The undersigned authenticate that they have supervised and recommended to the Midlands State University for acceptance the dissertation entitled: Assessing Zimbabwean Local Authorities` capacity to deliver affordable housing: Challenges and Opportunities. Case Of Kwekwe City Council. Submitted by :Christiner Mjanga Reg. No. R134524H in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Sciences Honours Degree in Local Governance Studies. ..................................................... ...................................................... SUPERVISIOR DATE .................................................... ........................................................ CHAIRPERSON DATE i FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNANCE RELEASE FORM Name of Student: Christiner Mjanga Registration Number: R134524H Dissertation title: Assessing Zimbabwean Local Authorities` capacity to deliver affordable housing- Challenges and Opportunities: Case of Kwekwe City Council. Degree to which Dissertation was presented: Bsc Honours in Local governance studies Year this degree granted: 2016 Permission is hereby granted to the Midlands State University library to produce single copies of this dissertation and to lend or sell such copies for private, scholarly or scientific research only. The author reserves other publication rights and neither the dissertation nor extensive extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author`s written permission. Signed ....................................................... Date ....................................................... Permanent address: 13705/1 Ext Mbizo KWEKWE Contact Number: 0772 837 235 Email Address: [email protected] ii DEDICATION With all my sincere appreciation I dedicate this dissertation to My Husband Stanford and to our three beautiful Daughters Shingirai, Chidochashe and Takomborerwa for their undying support rendered during this course of study. Honestly, you were a source of inspiration that enabled me overcome all obstacles along the way. Even when pressure seemed to get the best of me, you were always by my side hence the completion of this project. Truly the learning experience was an eye opener which made me realise my potential. With the acquired knowledge and skills, it is my desire to be true to duty and make a difference at my work place and society at large. iii ABSTRACT For more than a decade now, Zimbabwean local authorities have been battling to deliver affordable housing to the low income earners in society. This situation has resulted in a mismatch between supply and demand ratios hence the need to assess the capacity of Zimbabwean local authorities in delivering affordable housing. In the wake of insurmountable challenges resulting from rapid urbanisation, economic constrains and other environmental factors, local authorities are finding it difficult to bring sanity in their areas of jurisdiction. Manifestation of such challenges has been reflected by households overcrowding, illegal settlements, and substandard housing conditions to mention but a few. Literature review on the subject of affordable housing confirms that Zimbabwe like other developing countries is still struggling to address the issue with more than two million people estimated to be on the housing waiting list. Also given through literature review are the strategies that some SADC countries are using in an effort to address the issue of affordable housing. To clearly examine the issue in the Zimbabwean context, Kwekwe City council is presented as a case study and information relating to the challenges and opportunities was obtained through quantitative and qualitative analysis. Results obtained through the use of interviews, questionnaires, observations however revealed the need to ‘think outside the box’ so as to come up with robust measures to ease the situation. This basically refers to the need for innovation and creativity. Although councils and central government have considered a number of interventions in an effort to reduce the housing backlog, most of these seem to be centred on profiteering rather than focusing on provision of affordable housing. While the term affordable can be debated to be relative per se, affordable housing in this context is being defined in relation to the levels of income of the majority of Zimbabweans as revealed by the survey. Realising that domestic shelter is a vital component for the foundation of a decent livelihood; local authorities are mandated to work out solutions that do not ignore the plight of the poor. It follows therefore that in order to complement ZimAsset`s set target of providing over 125 000 housing units by 2018, institutional capacity building should be underlined as key. As outlined in the ZimAsset blue print, the need for the judicious exploitation of both natural and human resources is given as one way of addressing the socio- economic turmoil which include among other things decent and affordable housing. With full cognisance of various interventions that have been employed to address housing issues, emphasis should be drawn towards the plight of the low in society. As such, local authorities need to closely monitor housing projects and play a regulatory role in terms of housing costs. In spite of the aforementioned challenges, it has been realised that local authorities should play a leading role in the provision of affordable housing in their localities by exploring a variety of opportunities hence saving millions of people from impoverished conditions. This study also revealed the community for community participation in issues relating to the citizenry rather than treating them as mere passive participants. Through community participation a shared responsibility is instilled through idea sharing. Participation of all relevant stakeholders is thus necessary if the issue of housing is to be properly dealt with. Emphasis is also driven towards the need for policy reform measures in order to promote local economic development. Given reports of inconsistencies in the housing delivery system perpetrated by the scourge of corruption, the need for policy reform measures should be given special attention. In the same way, the need to review some of the legislative provisions causing a strain on the provision of housing should also be carefully considered. With a conducive socio-political environment, local economic development premised on Direct Foreign Investment (DFI) can be achieved hence the provision of decent and affordable housing. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, my sincere acknowledgements go to Almighty God for his divine protection and strength that enabled me see the completion of this project. I also wish to further acknowledge the intellectual guidance and encouragement that I received from my Project Supervisor Mrs N. Rajah. Her patience and motivation kept me going thus helping me understand the whole essence of research work which I will forever cherish. In the same manner, I also wish to appreciate the knowledge and skills which I acquired through a dedicated team of lecturers from the University`s Local Governance Studies Department. Also of special mention is the immense contribution made by the City of Kwekwe`s Director and Assistant Director of housing and community services Mr N.T. Dete and Mr E. Chiangwa respectively in the production of this piece of work. Their motivation encouraged me to pursue this course of study with confidence. Through their experience and professional advice, I was inspired to strike towards the mark. Still at the work place, I also wish express my heartfelt gratitude to my colleagues for their support and encouragement during the entire research process. Last but not least my innermost appreciation goes to my beloved husband Stanford and our beautiful children Shingirai, Chidochashe and Takomborerwa for the morale and financial support rendered during the whole period of my studies. Truly your support strengthened and enhanced my self-esteem without which, the entire learning process could have been futile. May God bless you all. v DECLARATION I, Christiner Mjanga with student registration number R134524H do hereby declare that this dissertation for the award of the Bachelor of Science degree in Local governance studies is an outcome of my effort and that it has not been submitted in any College or University. With all due respect, all sources used in coming up with this piece of work were acknowledged accordingly. Signed:_________________________ Date:______________________ Christiner Mjanga vi ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CABS: Central African Building society FBC First Banking Corporation GoZ: Government of Zimbabwe GDP: Gross Domestic Product IDBZ: Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe KKCC: Kwekwe City Council LA: Local Authorities MLGPWNH: Ministry of Local Government Public Works and National Housing MDGs Millennium Development Goals NGO: Non-Governmental Organisations(s) PPPs Public Private Partnerships SI: Statutory Instruments SHHA Self –Help Housing Agency SADC Southern African Development Community SAHCA Southern African Housing Co-peratives Association UN- HABITAT: United Nations Centre for Human Settlements USAID: United Stated Agency for International Development ZimAsset Zimbabwe Agenda for sustainable socio-economic transformation. ZIMASCO Zimbabwe Mining and Smelting Company ZIMSTAT Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency ZISCO Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company vii LIST OF TABLES TABLE DESCRIPTION PAGE.NO.
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