. 4 : 1 - . ! . ; . - 1 1 1 M M I —1 . — THE LOUISYILLE DAIEY JOURNAL. VOLl ME XXXI. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5. 1801 . NUMBER 100 . JOURNAl LOUISVlLl,t;^J<»l W. H. STOKES, LOUISV ILLE The Carpet Warehouse, AUCTION SALEI?, (BL’C-CBSSOR TO R. * W. n. BTOKKAi, L’ssatiku Miri’Ki:. — r. A. Mithtri 'hoi i;;: ji.mn stku.t. INITIO Dr. Fnncia W. Mather RTKR ^ISriD TVK ATT.R i:isr «nJ Lil!.-.! hU atep-on, THE TRUE MEANS TO PRK..SERVE AND W-Tf'^'^KFIW V!tn« ilUIlL in New OrlMiis, cn tVedn«-..l*ylaat, in thepro- C. IDTJ^^ILL. <Sc GO- 4 RtiCOVER HEALTH. ^ 4 «ncMr o# Main «iwl ’W Wither! was c-'in- ’tlERICAN PEOPLE. COACH AND SADDLERY HAIDWARE, MDce lif Dr. M.'j mother. LET THE SICK READ AND UEFLEfT. BalYAI. WH.Tl (N. viit.virr lAP.s; ;;v. •rrMoaat. MEDICAL LNFIR.MARV Diittw] for trial on a charge of murder. 01d-estaMlsh«d Sa4dlerp R.ADWAY’S KJ-;.»I»V RM.IKI'. KN il.'tifl PKI !>-' i. 1*^ an fism THE HOSPITAL Warehon.<«, " %-^i CONDUCTED ON THE PLAN OF T.'Pi-rUYBKl ntuUa . JL'ffT PUBLISHED BT DR. STONE, RAUWAVtaKFAilT.ATIM; DK8 VENERIEaNS, PARIS, TMitEi: PI V tcnui 4 No. 435 Xlain St., between Fifth and Sixth, HADWAY M KKhlOTATIMl IIFSSHTl.ST. TW.--pl.li IN. O-I-;., .».«ncto«orr I# tk0 Tr0p /eW«c »• ?r tho« with w»r New (JfleiDe *‘n Friday la«t. Ho ha: h€on ep- nvp. IS !:\!V B«efely,leed^ J im>w*^WnKRF SeCl'RK ilF.AI.Tn TO A 1 .I.. AND AKK " #»afflwf«^ - — — Irti*o*jw m^lr^ TAOvalaxT-lllo, T=g *: form ot PrtvEta «n y, • i;ott»»n : »• »|V, eeiubr Swearewm^ tc»* comtna.:'! i*f Ibe miUia''y 'Kpirt- at without riak or It tholr iototl to BLesSU) A3 PKOTIDK VriAL SPEi ItTfS BV TUP to rafv^vred Utters ear jw^ V V prompt and U«nnf*ctnr«T* wootd find to to ftzunlor p * . ' A* ter v% . B^RwnlMMei ^lft»«foro «niik1n« *wr' . V- ii , VI . ri tsini WIU ki .IVI.MTAI W * a A TrMtiM SB Ut« CkOMt of Early Physical Do- #5 rxporiirr. ri*: Srphllie, Gonorrtww, haariR tiiI nrlrrr fmfn iH-tn~irr TtU hr ttnnrtful tfi if mnilr in nrrann !• . .t cniKciL ^ ment of LolIiUdl Kl -IS, D< )')>•. MAT- .v. i cUbo of AtBoncaB FoopU; the Cause of Kerv- Strirhirop, Ulrtnw, Tumw, TAe CatMic Prt»*fi in Statih Amfrica. Hi* fc’r*v <^M»rrn», SreoudArr, and <V»n«titn- or U*An. tkr AreMtUtMop at ^Uo, ««i». IT'jmaiU. lAe I trhraa# aid Vtw atbs or ADmrit^N.i is thk T/>ciinLT.E •BJ Debility, ConsumptioBe and Morasmaj. Notr.knoi' TittM-rs at iiir Si;.u a/ Arma I^loox* Oil-Clotli» fear’s freseita tional .*4 yplMli*, of titr Kid- <x/ K'lrtador, Acre i.en mrai hp rAea. iJvaULAR AOV..Hil8 IJfcS. IMISCELLANEOl S mtmil K-' rowe- ‘ JOURNAL FOR AIISCELIANEOUS frrm t to 34 fp'pt VUW tda. Rv* r}*ft«in it l« puMi-Ue. a taKuUr state- '.fTfp A; i<lo«AUv,«iTtD fir*T! U work if of a hich moral tone, writtan In iH>vm UiU The New York HeraM ifi-'M. antt Acre pip a lAc-m to tJu eirA tiko iuut bww r***’ * we eeaete, abeae nMr 'n-om. 0 pro^ that tha vpneriki rompUint iAewiae rwreJ. chaata >*K thrUiiiix Unxuaxr. and appaaif dirarilyto di<tril>ati<*n Fniled 4e 4e Stisy r ww •^k, prr enaaaa.. Ti; «.>nfro! n# ment of t ho numher acd of WM. ttia if %i onlirflr nnd»*r tha KKN’r)^:lC^C•K kr: tnorml coiMiofMnaM of auu. PamsTa and GrAK- Offico of the Amoxcan 4e A» VtMuew 4» ICO W o^diMna na L a c.^nir*toa cold or Bxprosa Co.. MAON^EST VERITAS ' I'lANo »*rixialir, •cWotitic ajxd nJIabla aide in KY., StAteo military forue*- now intb«lj*n. The Iht ET PR.EVALIBIT SR ft.« •MMAfwvai w»ie ne wrieei. TO BE DR.YWN WUISVILLE, W^wwn aad 3I** s- . WaeA wiare. HaK ibowe •Impla fpv»»r: and, whila iii«»affiricnt L-ciiiviLi.r. 4 and tp atr.jfct i«ir eura. ,M»r t. 1 'll. pt ; -«I »t , Ra*1 watV Rewdr Re* AdmeVeetnent^* Lo«-mle- ; lor irsi io- parwma ara daiU arndinx •»•*): thMr u compilei oxcluhive of Ih** variou.^ taiiip-v bar- of /lao^^sant NOTICE i» h»^b/ rfTM tilt HENRIK HAVIK bm< Niorte It will beffcnt by mail on rweript afowir* hopcioamn *^#, 7 -txxi.o -<k, lOOl. ' ^ pati*«nta In aod drinx .1 till, ^ -. U»y Imwi »v?oint .1 of tli., lotati* r..'< -ituattd in all the Ik 1* to A.rul Ani- H.-na r.4 ck-*, and ether 3 va e^r'AarsTa awi* GrAKi*iAJ«a! fail not to aend and themrMp ojilv from own iDConx|*»t<»ocr, compU hnirM! t» CoiaiwoF Lo„i,vHo, K..^ ^ .1 Ku.nk K-d-.V . Ko.a. R . ohtatn thw book. and !K»r ai;ci-.! n.nw arei Ci>a«tm?lr holtif cffecta«l at Trtoh Northern, Lailcrn, and VVe>tern States, and also Library Association Company’s UVINOSIIS, KAKilii rtO). T)f H-< Pr.TooU 3ick- thl« Jnfiriuarv. ft t *.’0 f#ll not to ."ond and xot thi# Hook. VRFFR-^ U.V A .IN aoA ^iMwak 'u* edwert -* she^-iSv* |t^V*>iT Mwa* '.f bcdie> den. mii'.tteil n.ATt::> KABB rntmU, YoUNo Wks, take I'.vktb ui.vr notice. exclu‘5 ivt the last's Hume k^'^er^ eiG^ Vaki-at i*w«liHBe. iK«*rieal, ta^I.at»iCB! yen, t* **»o*iliJ at oocc mcam a cof>- of i'irh oi hi# tinic to lha of Dr II T fJuard.*i: liar adr*-iY.r..ix, i»*>t tiui<4wr'*id lay tk-* f>ar. thM k*^. ik. tl’.or** ra^ a Hr a hjd>»t which ruiiea K'th • OISTRiBUTION OF CASH GIFTS. rotr f »rc.' ‘U !• **wr4r:tfytia. fr' r^mjpa- bodr and inirid. uorittini^ th« UDlV)rturtat«< trnlividnai lor vutTi! >iLv: oi ron»M\A — 1 *> rAorvKM (»r 1 andotU .4 poU'c maetluys, « Kidwai aod waeh lik*s rithiar or *or»'iv. I'lie 4tl t d*-ct of th<w oailf > A\. *>lemD Conecientione Adwice lUf I A Wor4 or8 habit**, 4>r tin* axcaw* /.f rip^r r'*ara, ara to waakan and 'ttcee Ar<} r 'imwwt?:.-. in Comn»arder-in-(’hi*-f— BrifTadier <»eneral Ir- ed- to thu-e who will Hoflect. d**!»tlitat • tha con<»tit.itloD. da-*rov the ptndcal and 0 .\E TIIOrSA.Vh PRIZES 1 \ itIO.VEVI waiwi I |zac.K't# pr't at 4 »* RA.l 4 a^’« Kewdv F t« ii .'a^a! p'lwarf. dltuioiah aod **nf>*‘h1 tha nat^iral vine how cll, I nited SialM Army. ll«ad*iuar- A c<M. ol rn'v.il to . rwrf.il t. nt in mtn- Me HT Lu4 . thrv enl ».'».tTl«-d tbe* ti • rums Paine i at diarrr. Inr*. and orhouat tha %ital atiarrinf of ir;anbooa; tl»a Tickete Z.imited to 5 . 000 . V-TS SIUU.*T Zl. ItOft D-'i.it, 4ar>fi.u.c at l«..l j-oofii oi liotu «•»»* lu.- lers, 3\rlin*::un Uousti, i ‘*f loarrinaa in»*- draj*iira4 of lit** »r- mar.-od, the GOLD l“oifpArji: t < ewrlr Thow 3 m-...* nr. v.tt Im- Ftrid.;*— portiya of • an^tioue wilt He ln<«rrt«d n lallr ui TKJKf.TS ti, OK SIT TU KET 8 KOK HO. At the Knd of the Lor,; Re.U ; H* i tr R ntiUnf eoeera- • xii«t«*i*ca Itarif r<*u«lar»*d term of «inc»*aa- A t rlutM, and a _W^Ll..t» U LSUh r«aJcif*B nn^erskbod. Ttw'ir T^^nial n.ar«ilf‘Btati(voa .>r lontharhe ntthcv ia.^’ inx riifrfT** and rajcrat. 8i»ch paraiii*, ti'peclxllr tlio^ the Hi^tiicr of Colum’di Militia. h-feure* art* N<*re<we I* Mlity, r.*-Us«rion. and Kt- mwrrlk-ii,. Ct- -aT> f • tnaer- 13 in 40 inet v»*‘ h t! f.nd mtteumpki eontaiuplatine marriaro, dioixld laaa no time iu making From then. ) U> .Mexar.diii, ab>n^; ihe Ktmd— hvw*'*>o: Uaraemtw nr w a«tinx and wi of the Henponwiblr' .\«eets fire * finlod to erlt Tlrketw rawtr l*jr r eirai.iMiwe: encairbaafc ImraMUta afeiJicattoo. a- Dr. II., Hr hi« naw traatuaat, Kjuieav*» Hiiady H**- t:;e ebortnnMof treathlnr or htir 1 tiawii" df whole bod/: Hfih K*»^tin«snt, M s lust, . Pr.-rnlit- S*»i. anthl»*d to in«ira « pp* » and r‘"Tuuinart for the nbove-opi led rorapnny. lUf t.iv«tUtDX aee.-ndiru a bill or a of etair*. i# dy TO BvniT9mn ivisn. ne4 . 1 •^‘-ened y i; Ca* Frenor BtilMin AMKRI«*AN IM:k|UDirAL PILLS.- Ad excellent Third, and Fv»urrh rejiimjcts N. drti attecke «>f SK'k* th*< lleiut: A«thma, ItriHietiitls. and DR. HALL'S chance for leUah!* Hu'^Iqi-m r jen to m^cotv* i belt t' • Xr* aM Alrit.\*ioon( r« piiuAa, ii iu»e*rtad iii Imity NoartlcU'of uodicina iot«*udad lor tha e*ri»*»»rr uA«of a pmfi.aS!. B.aii-.jfactiii-in! Alexandr 4U^Ll*)Vc.tl h New iork V|,l 4ntee*^i Ti>rT4 of tU# ilandr I’ld IJatV; av.«rek<m la.lnm*, rtNnitii;.; h v-n ::oi- fret nw»rtt/n. eore it; vhakinf Term# very liheral.
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