Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of Sitlington Parish Council held at Stevenson House, Netherton on 3 October 2017 at 7.15pm Present: Councillor M Strong (Chair), Councillor T Allott (Vice Chair), Councillor R Aspinall, Councillor A Shaw, Councillor A Balmforth, Councillor S Tyrrell, Councillor F Cronin and Councillor A Crow In Attendance: Parish Clerk (Mrs S Earnshaw) PC J May, Police Safe Scheme District Councillor I Sanders Parish residents: none 17/77 Welcome and apologies The Chair, Councillor Strong, welcomed everyone to the meeting. Councillor M Whelan and Councillor W Newsome submitted their apologies and the reason was accepted by Council. Members wished to extend their best wishes to Councillor Newsome and wished her a speedy return to full health. Apologies from District Councillor Binns and District Councillor Barker were noted. It was agreed that Agenda item 21.1 – to receive a presentation from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service on defibrillators – should be brought forward: A very interesting and informative presentation was given on the various defibrillators that are available and the radius for this equipment is now 600m. There should be a “Guardian” responsible for checking the equipment weekly. There are 2 sets of pads, a battery and a “make ready” pack provided with each defibrillator purchased and training can be provided at a cost of £200. Costs for the equipment vary, depending upon which one is chosen. The YAS Charitable Trust have set aside a pot of money for communities to apply for a grant to assist with the purchase. Mrs Hargreaves was thanked for attending and sharing the information. Standing Orders were suspended to receive District Councillors’ reports: District Councillor Sanders gave his verbal report on monies to spend from last year and the various grants that are available. He reported that 2 “Smiley SIDs” had been ordered and these will be co-ordinated by Inspector H Brear. Fly tipping – reported today there are no outstanding requests for removing fly tipping in the Parish. District Councillor Barker had provided a written report, for which he was thanked. Standing Orders were reinstated. 1 3 October 2017 CHAIR 17/78 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations Councillor Strong, Councillor Shaw and Councillor Cronin declared an interest in Agenda Item 7 (Grant applications). 17/79 Public Admissions to Meetings Act (1960) There were no items that would require the public or press to be excluded. 17/80 Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on 5 September 2017 It was proposed by Councillor Allott, seconded by Councillor Tyrrell and resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 September 2017 be accepted. 17/81 Sitlington Development Group meeting The notes from the Sitlington Development Group meeting held on 2 October 2017 were accepted. It was proposed by Councillor Shaw, seconded by Councillor Crow and resolved that the following recommendations be approved: • Memorial Group should take over the War Memorial project • The following items to be added to the Coxley News magazine, next issue: Great British Spring Clean 2-4 March 2018 initiative. • Both primary schools in the Parish be approached about the Spring Clean initiative and possible involvement of pupils 17/82 Allotments and Cemeteries Meeting It was proposed by Councillor Balmforth, seconded by Councillor Aspinall and resolved that the following recommendations be approved: • Cemeteries: all older sections need strimming and tidying up. Reminder to contractor of specification of tender in this respect. • All Yew trees to be cut back and maintaining in a compact shape. • Consideration to be given to felling specific trees at the front of both cemeteries to both tidy and open up the area • Middlestown cemetery – all vegetation growing up the right-hand boundary wall to be kept cut back to the height of the wall • Middlestown Cemetery – permanent and visible signage required to remind dog owners to keep their dog on a lead and clear up any dog waste. To be attached to the front wall at the main gate. • the annual charge for water at Overton and Netherton Windy Bank allotments for 2018/19 be raised to £11.50 • The annual rent to be increased from £24.50 to £27.00 with effect from 1 February 2019. It was agreed that the charging structure for cemeteries and reviewing Cemetery Regulations should both be deferred to a future meeting. 2 3 October 2017 CHAIR 17/83 Finance 17/83.1 It was proposed by Councillor Crow, seconded by Councillor Cronin and resolved that the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 29 September 2017 be accepted and that the payments schedule be approved and the receipts noted. The budget monitor for the year up to 30 September 2017 was noted. Councillor Shaw and Councillor Cronin declared an interest in the grant application for the Friends of Netherton Village Hall and did not take part in discussions. Councillor Strong declared an interest in the grant application for St Andrew’s Church, Netherton and did not take part in discussions. 17/84 Grant applications It was proposed by Councillor Balmforth, seconded by Councillor Allott and resolved that the following grant applications be approved: Friends of Netherton Village Hall - £100 – Local Government Act 1972, S137 St Andrew’s Church and Trinity Methodist Church - £200 – Local Government Act 1972, S144 17/85 To receive reports, if any, from members attending meetings of the follow outside bodies and also consider any events or activities by these organisations which could be included in the Chair’s monthly article in the Wakefield Express: 17/85.1 Management Committee for the “Coxley Project”, the Education Resource Centre and Gallery in Coxley Lane (Cllr Tyrrell): Cllr Allott reported attending a Macmillan fundraising event on 30 September. There is a room for hire for events and an Art exhibition scheduled. 17/85.2 Denby Grange Miners Welfare Scheme Committee (Cllr Cronin/Cllr Allott). Nothing to report. 17/85.3 Local Liaison Committee of the National Coal Mining Museum (Cllr Aspinall) Nothing to report. 17/85.4 Thornhill Charities (Cllr Aspinall/Cllr Shaw). Invitations for grant applications have been advertised to be returned before Christmas. 17/85.5 Wakefield Council Town & Parish Council Liaison Group (Cllr Strong/Cllr Allott). Next meeting 1 November 2017. 17/85.6 Yorkshire Local Councils’ Association Wakefield Branch (Cllr Strong/Cllr Crow). Next meeting 26 October 2017. 17/86 Correspondence/Training & Events Calendar 3 3 October 2017 CHAIR 17/86.1 To receive and note correspondence received since the last Parish Council meeting: Date Sender Details Received VIA EMAIL 6/9/17 Rural Services Network Rural Opportunities bulletin 8/9/17 Beware of the Bull Your funding news for September West Yorkshire PCC Newsletter – September 2017 Netherton J&I School Newsletter 11/9/17 Rural Services Network Weekly email news digest 12/9/17 YLCA NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin 31 13/9/17 Rural Services Network Rural Vulnerability Service – Fuel Poverty YLCA Updated training programme Sept to November 2017 14/9/17 Wakefield Council Wakefield Council: consultation Wakefield Council Wakefield District Residential Design Guide consultation 15/9/17 Netherton J&I School Newsletter 17/9/17 Resident Enquiry re provision of defibrillators in the Parish 18/9/17 Rural Services Network Weekly email news digest Middlestown PPG Middlestown PPG newsletter 22/9/17 Netherton J&I School Newsletter Confirmation of safety of tree overhanging Netherton Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Cemetery 25/9/17 Rural Services Network Weekly email news digest 26/9/17 Charity Commission Annual Return 2017 – deadline Jan18 YLCA NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin 33 Wakefield Council Agenda for Council 4 Oct 2017 27/9/17 Rural Services Network Rural spotlight on Heart of the Village West Yorkshire Pension Fund Communications survey 2017 29/9/17 Netherton J&I School Weekly newsletter Beware of the Bull Funding news for October 2/10/17 Rural Services Network Weekly email news digest Councillor Tyrrell had received correspondence about the school bus to Horbury Academy and that it is regularly leaving pupils because it is full. Councillor Tyrrell to liaise with Clerk to contact District Councillors. 17/86.2 To receive training and events details since the last meeting: Councillor Allott gave a brief report following her Cemetery Management training and it was agreed that an Allotments and Cemeteries business meeting was required to ensure that all paperwork is up to date and the correct process is carried out in relation to the grave owner when managing an interment in an existing grave. As PC May had arrived, it was agreed to take Agenda item 14: Police Safe Scheme next. 17/87 Police Safe Scheme PC May spoke to his report and members raised questions. PC May reported he had spoken to the District Council regarding fly tipping and this was discussed by members. 4 3 October 2017 CHAIR 17/88 To receive planning applications received since the last meeting: 17/88.1 APP NAME OF DESCRIPTION TYPE OF DATE NUMBER APPLICANT OF APP COMMENTS & LOCATION APPLICATION TO BE WITH LA 17/02214/FUL Mr V Crewe Proposed track FULL 6/10/17 Land adjacent and agricultural 41 New Road building Middlestown 17/02313/LBC Board of Install a new Listed 20/10/17 Trustees biomass boiler Building Caphouse and flue in a Consent Colliery store room New Road adjacent to the Overton site of the existing Lancashire boiler site at the Caphouse site. (Retrospective). No requirement to demolish or disturb the existing Lancashire boilers 17/02393/CPL Mr & Mrs M Single storey Cert of - Ashcroft extension to rear proposed 46 Brookfields lawful use or Netherton development 17/02214/FUL – after discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should submit a comment on the siting and size of the building in such a prominent location in green belt can be justified on the small size of the holding.
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