TITLE 36—PATRIOTIC AND NATIONAL OBSERVANCES, CEREMONIES, AND ORGANIZATIONS This title was enacted by Pub. L. 105–225, § 1, Aug. 12, 1998, 112 Stat. 1253 Subtitle I—Patriotic and National 231. Aviation Hall of Fame ....................... 23101 233 through 299. RESERVED Observances and Ceremonies 301. Big Brothers—Big Sisters of Amer- PART A—OBSERVANCES AND CEREMONIES ica ........................................................ 30101 303. Blinded Veterans Association 30301 Chap. Sec. ......... 1. Patriotic and National Observ- 305. Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. 30501 307. Board For 2 Fundamental Edu- ances ................................................... 101 3. National Anthem, Motto, Floral cation .................................................. 30701 309. Boy Scouts of America ...................... 30901 Emblem, March, and Tree ............ 301 311. Boys & Girls Clubs of America ....... 31101 5. Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies 501 313 through 399. RESERVED 7. Federal Participation in Carl Gar- 401. Catholic War Veterans of the ner Federal Lands Cleanup Day 701 .. United States of America, Incor- 9. Miscellaneous ...................................... 901 porated ............................................... 40101 PART B—UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS 403. Civil Air Patrol ................................... 40301 INVOLVED WITH OBSERVANCES AND CEREMONIES 405. Congressional Medal of Honor So- 21. American Battle Monuments Com- ciety of the United States of mission ............................................... 2101 America .............................................. 40501 23. United States Holocaust Memorial 407. Corporation for the Promotion of Council 1 ............................................. 2301 Rifle Practice and Firearms 25. President’s Committee on Employ- Safety ................................................. 40701 ment of People With Disabilities 2501 409 through 499. RESERVED 501. Daughters of Union Veterans of Subtitle II—Patriotic and National the Civil War 1861–1865 ................... 50101 Organizations 503. Disabled American Veterans ........... 50301 505 through 599. RESERVED PART A—GENERAL 601. 82nd Airborne Division Associa- 101. General .................................................. 10101 tion, Incorporated ........................... 60101 RESERVED PART B—ORGANIZATIONS 603 through 699. 701. Fleet Reserve Association ................ 70101 201. Agricultural Hall of Fame ............... 20101 703. Former Members of Congress .......... 70301 202. Air Force Sergeants Association ... 20201 705. The Foundation of the Federal Bar 203. American Academy of Arts and Association ....................................... 70501 Letters ................................................ 20301 707. Frederick Douglass Memorial and 205. American Chemical Society ............ 20501 Historical Association ................... 70701 207. American Council of Learned Soci- 709. Future Farmers of America ............. 70901 eties ..................................................... 20701 711 through 799. RESERVED 209. American Ex-Prisoners of War ....... 20901 801. General Federation of Women’s 210. American GI Forum of the United Clubs ................................................... 80101 States ................................................. 21001 803. Girl Scouts of the United States of 211. American Gold Star Mothers, In- America .............................................. 80301 corporated ......................................... 21101 805. Gold Star Wives of America ............ 80501 213. American Historical Association ... 21301 807 through 899. RESERVED 215. American Hospital of Paris ............. 21501 901. Help America Vote Foundation ...... 90101 217. The American Legion ........................ 21701 903 through 999. RESERVED 219. The American National Theater 1001. Italian American War Veterans of and Academy .................................... 21901 the United States ............................ 100101 221. The American Society of Inter- 1003 through 1099. RESERVED national Law .................................... 22101 1101. Jewish War Veterans of the United 223. American Symphony Orchestra States of America, Incorporated 110101 League ................................................ 22301 1103. Jewish War Veterans, U.S.A., Na- 225. American War Mothers ..................... 22501 tional Memorial, Incorporated .... 110301 227. AMVETS (American Veterans) ....... 22701 1105 through 1199. RESERVED 229. Army and Navy Union of the 1201. Korean War Veterans Association, United States of America ............. 22901 Incorporated ..................................... 120101 1 So in original. Does not conform to chapter heading. 2 So in original. Probably should not be capitalized. Page 1 TITLE 36—PATRIOTIC AND NATIONAL OBSERVANCES, CEREMONIES, Page 2 AND ORGANIZATIONS 1203 through 1299. RESERVED 1703. Pearl Harbor Survivors Associa- 1301. Ladies of the Grand Army of the tion ...................................................... 170301 Republic ............................................. 130101 1705. Polish Legion of American Veter- 1303. Legion of Valor of the United ans, U.S.A. ......................................... 170501 States of America, Incorporated 130301 1707 through 1799. RESERVED 1305. Little League Baseball, Incor- 1801 through 1899. RESERVED porated ............................................... 130501 1901. Reserve Officers Association of the 1307 through 1399. RESERVED United States ................................... 190101 1401. Marine Corps League ......................... 140101 1903. Retired Enlisted Association, In- 1403. The Military Chaplains Associa- corporated ......................................... 190301 tion of the United States of 1905 through 1999. RESERVED America .............................................. 140301 2001. Society of American Florists and 1404. Military Officers Association of Ornamental Horticulturists ......... 200101 America .............................................. 140401 2003. Sons of Union Veterans of the 1405. Military Order of the Purple Heart Civil War ............................................ 200301 of the United States of America, 2005 through 2099. RESERVED Incorporated ..................................... 140501 2101. Theodore Roosevelt Association .... 210101 1407. Military Order of the World Wars .. 140701 2103. 369th Veterans’ Association ............. 210301 1409 through 1499. RESERVED 2105 through 2199. RESERVED 1501. National Academy of Public Ad- 2201. United Service Organizations, In- ministration ..................................... 150101 corporated ......................................... 220101 1503. National Academy of Sciences ........ 150301 2203. United States Capitol Historical 1505. National Conference of State Soci- Society ............................................... 220301 eties, Washington, District of 2205. United States Olympic Committee 220501 Columbia ............................................ 150501 2207. United States Submarine Veterans 1507. National Conference on Citizen- of World War II ................................ 220701 ship ...................................................... 150701 2209 through 2299. RESERVED 1509. National Council on Radiation 2301. Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Protection and Measurements .... 150901 United States ................................... 230101 1511. National Education Association of 2303. Veterans of World War I of the the United States ............................ 151101 United States of America, Incor- 1513. National Fallen Firefighters Foun- porated ............................................... 230301 dation ................................................. 151301 2305. Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. 230501 1515. National Federation of Music 2307 through 2399. RESERVED Clubs ................................................... 151501 2401. Women’s Army Corps Veterans’ 1517. National Film Preservation Foun- Association ....................................... 240101 dation ................................................. 151701 2403 through 2499. RESERVED 1519. National Fund for Medical Edu- 2501 through 2599. RESERVED cation .................................................. 151901 2601 through 2699. RESERVED 1521. National Mining Hall of Fame and 2701 through 2799. RESERVED Museum .............................................. 152101 1523. National Music Council .................... 152301 Subtitle III—Treaty Obligation 1524. National Recording Preservation Organizations Foundation ........................................ 152401 1525. National Safety Council ................... 152501 3001. The American National Red Cross 300101 1527. National Ski Patrol System, In- AMENDMENTS corporated ......................................... 152701 1529. National Society, Daughters of the 2014—Pub. L. 113–237, § 3(a)(1), Dec. 18, 2014, 128 Stat. American Colonists ........................ 152901 2833, added complete analysis and struck out former 1531. The National Society of the analysis which consisted only of items for subtitles I to III. Daughters of the American Rev- olution ................................................ 153101 TABLE SHOWING DISPOSITION OF ALL SECTIONS OF 1533. National Society of the Sons of FORMER TITLE 36 the American Revolution ............. 153301 Title 36 Title 36 1535. National Tropical Botanical Gar- Former Sections New Sections den ......................................................
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