THURSDAY—SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 MONITOR LEADER MOUNT CLEMENS, MICH 13 Ent k inv oh* May L« kav«* Buy War Bonds and Stamps Today Exile in i\meriea to Orijaiiixe w • ll€kiiioi*ralir hi Italy BY KAY HALLE ter Fiammetta. and his son Written for M A Service Sforzino reached Bordeaux, Within 25 year* the United where they m* to board a States has Riven refuge to two Dutch tramp steamer. For five great European Democrats who long days before they reached were far from the end of their Falmouth in England, the Sfor- rope politically. Thomas Mas- zas lived on nothing but orang- aryk. the Czech patriot, after es. a self-imposed exile on spending It war his old friend, Winston shores, return ! after World our Churchill, who finally received to it War I his homrlan after Sforza in London. the The Battle of had been freed from German Britain yoke—as the had commenced. Church- the President of approved to pro- newly-formed Republic—- ill Sforza side i Czech ceed to the United States and after modeled our own. keep the cause of Italian democ- Now, with the collapse of racy aflame. famous exile Italy, another HEADS “FREE ITALIANS” He -* an... JC. -a seems to be 01. the march. J two-year Sforza’-i American . is Count Carlo Sforza, for 20 exile has been spent in New’ years the uncompromising lead- apartment—- opposition York in a modest er of the Democratic that is, he not touring to Italy when is to Fascism. His return the country lecturing and or- imminent seem gazing the affairs of the 300,- Sforza is widely reg rded as in 000 It's flnuor Free Italians in the Western the one Italian who could re- Hemisphere, w hom \e leads construct a democratic form of His New York apartment is government for Italy. your cup a far cry from the Kalian estates that counts! From the advent of Fascism and the historic art collections Italy. Sforza we among the that were once However, in Count Carlo Sforza . his name his. Now thot you con hove all the coffee you wont . , . buy tha few in—or for that matter, out means “force,” literally, hut to Sforza’s New York drawing , , , she flavor- of—the country who was never Free Italians it is a synonym for room, where he receiv.s his nu- coffee fhaf's really fresh ACrP Coffee. Sold in guilty of commending Musso- democratic liberty. mcous visitors, and where he sealed bcon—Custom Ground for your own coffee maker. for his 1 mak- works, dictates, lini efficiency writes and holds ACrP Coffee gives you finer, fresher flavor. Change now! ing the trains run on time, or ler's lackey was al > impressed the fragrance of his rich and va- getting beggar*- off the streets by Sforza. who wor e the title ried life. On one tal e sits a of Rome, or eliminating the bad of Knight of the Supreme Or- small figure of imperial jade smells of classically dinking Na- der of Annunziati, which makes a memory of his service and FRANCO-AMERICAN ples. him one of the select 20 or so love for China. A few auto- U.S. NO. 1 YELLOW SUGAR CURED VETERAN STATESMAN “cousins' of the King of Italy. graphed photographs speak of When Mussolini r idc his Promptly on seizing power, distinguished friendships, nota- SPAGHETTI n march on omf it. October. Mussolini recalled Sforza from bly the portrait signe-’ in Chin- PICNICS the port- ,! SMOKED 1022. Carlo Sforza held Paris, offering him his choice ese characters, of the father of ONIONS folio of Ambassador to France. of any cabinet post. Sforza’s Chinese democracy. Dr. Sun Yat L°- This post haVi been preceded bv reply was typical: “This one Sen. Ilc commencing * list, thing me, you ' a long service you could offer Sforza. though 70. has the NNYFIILO youngest give my freedom.” w-hen he was the cannot me natural good health and the * world, Rice 10c 30c charge d' affaires in t> e eternally youthful that 10- 59<= EI.ED IO FRANCE attitude ANN FACf PLAIN LARCt serving country in China often animates his a man who knows _ From that moment up tp the SWEET Vo,!;; 23c FRESH STEWING when i* was stiM an empire that he has a destiny to fulfill. A ** Olives present. Carlo Sfo za has ap- MtRB-OX Then rame posts as Secretary in More than six feet tall he stands * plied himself with unbroken zeal °oz Cubes.. m*. 9c London, Tatis a.id Berlin Dur- with the erect posture of a man c Bouillon CHICKENS PLAIN OR IODIZED to organizing op- • CORN 39' ing the first Worlu War, Sforza a Democratic spent 39 SHOULDER CUT who has mar hours in WEALTHY position to Fascism. In was Minister of Corfu, after- 102 R the the saddle Morton's Salt... ’.‘C 7c was dissolved |ACK FROST CANI * waro High Commissioner of opposition party SON IN r. s. ARMY * as by the dictator. Then, after ac- VEAL Constantinople Later, for- He has a gift for telling the APPLES Sugar 5 ,'¦& 32c ROAST 26' cusing $. 2 TASTY SLICED ’¦ his 19' Mussolini to face of U NO. 1 GRADE IDAHO eign Ministe* of It: h was perfect story to illustrate and many chief among them DAILY KIBBLED respomibl* for the famous crimes illuminate his point ’is mem- murder of the Socialist dep- Treaty of Rapallo. which might the ory of all history is encyclo- ~ egan BOILED HAM uty. Sforza his POTATOES 38'_ have gone a long way in heal- Matteotti. paedic. His economic and social CAPE COD RED 50' GREENFIELD BRAND PURE lfi-year self-imposed exile which ing the deep wo .id- in the Bal- reform views are more forward- BISCUIT took him first to the Belgian - kans by making certain conces- looking and liberal than those > Yugoslavia, Italy’s home of hi* wife, and then to 5 SAUSAGE sion* to of many a young New Dealer. PORK CRANBERRIES 45'_ of 27' FRESH Toulon in the south Fiance. MICHIGAN GARDEN FRESH neighbor He feels “quite American" and mm m in .s He France until 39« Mussolini, with the snobbish- remained is proud of his son Sforzino, - all dictators titles, its fall. when, dramatically, he private ness of for who i a .n the American CAMPBELLS PORK AND HADDOCK FILLETS *ne bv gen- CELERY prestige was two Italian 45' was fully aware of visited laughter, 1 25' FRESH Army. Fiametta. his FANCY _ of Sforza. in civilian clothes, who Beans ’VIS* 12c of the House He re- erals has worked in the Italian section BETTY CROCKER DEHYDRATED membered. too. that tl Ambas- came secretly to warn him that of the O W I . but now helps * : - attempt Vegetable Soup . 9c to Fiance had represented there would he an on his father som® BLUE PIKE sador her in of his multi- YAMS PRAIRIE VIEW 27' FRESH 2 29'__ Italy in these innumerable dip- life if he remained in France a ple duties. CALIFORNIA LARGE pos's and that he had day longer. “We wish to save Honey 28c lomatic “ PECTIN * been Foreign Minister m the you for the fist .re of Italy was Fmst two animated rartoons . Dottle Cabinet of Prime Minister Gio- the reason thi \ gave for their ever produced were McCay's CANTALOPES 27' Certo 24c PERCH 29' U S. dangerous mission. ¦‘Gertie,‘Gertie the Dinosaur,” and litti. ” Sforza. his wife, his daugh- BravBray s “Colonel Hceza Jar Rubbers .... 3 rkc« The man ’ater to become Ht- Lian FINEST CALIFORNIA 10c FRESH KEYKO VEGETABLE Gilbert s Cut-Rate TOKAYGRAPES MARGARINE GROUND BEEF “Quality Merchandise" 78 MACOMB “Cuf Rate Prices" * 16c Pkg. 22C u 26 c Men's All Purpose Shoes 4S?, y "£ T » «e 4 PEACHES CRACKERS X 23« Fit for JACKETS LARSEN'S 23c SUNNYFIELD CORN ¦ M I ALL-WOOL Sfk9s *W VEG-ALL S FLAKES r; Your JACKETS DEL MONTE TOMATO 12c YFIELD VARIETY SUNN 11. job... y|( ALL-WOOL $095 SAUCE *c° CEREAL PEA JACKETS 9W S'-OYT COUNTY PORK AND 6c SUNNYFIELD PANCAKE 19c \ LEATHER $C^ 45 BEANS >£¦ FLOUR THANK YOU 12c JACKETS up CREAMY 6c PLAID ALL. s»*4s ASPARAGUS’?. *£ COMSTOCK 22c SPRY W WOOL JACKETS Oup BREAKFAST OF* CHAMPIONS 68c tyouA, QlrwksL ENRICHED lU.LB BEETS c.° I’i-LB. \ / A&e LOAF WHEATIES,, IONA TOMATO 7» MARVEL HOME STYLE QUICK QUAKER He Boys' ACrP 20-OZ. LOAF \ 3 / ACrP 16-OZ. LOAF Men and Sweaters JUICE f. RYE BREAD/ . OATS IONA 1943 PACK 19c VIENNA POPULAR BRANDS 10c I.ong or sleeveless styles in ' 4 either button fronts or slip- ’?,?¦ c WHEAT J RAISIN overs. .Vsorted colors. PEAS 11 CIGARETTES 1L \ J k m 7 WHITE SAIL I I I A-PENN | *l°9 to 455 FLOOR WAX I RINSO CLEANER I Gallon PJ E! finest ) £1 I Can < L^MWACARONI^ 21c | ,sr 23c 00° Quality 20 MULE TEAM I TROUSERS NOURISHING ALTERNATE Ate QUEEN ANN TEA ASSURED! P 7 IANTISNEEZE... .. I’Lga. Coverts, Worsteds FOR MEAT Borax 2 &?,’29c Matches 3 17c Napkins 2 !T 13c Whipcords, WHITE SAIL and Herringbones. CENTURY NO. 4 CLASS CLEANER ANN PAGE Bleach 25c Brooms . Far h 64c O!ass-Glo .. Bofllf 9c *W HITE HOUSE For work $1.98 lo $2.98 FANCY SEMOLINA WYANDOTTE I NEW I J NORTHERN EVAPORATED For dress $3.45 to $5.45 MACARONI cleanser! OXYDOL TISSUE ./Vof Large I MILK Rationed! p| Can H »9 tfaO c r! R °i,s • MEN’S ROMEOS 8C 4 19c WOODBURY’S COLDEN CENTER TOASTED 326 WORK OR DRESS SHIRTS z 12c WHITE SAIL c • • ( aLes any company MEN’S EVEREnES A Thrifty Main t our re tor Toilet Soap .3 23c Wheat Garm .
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