Folder 13 Iver Olsen's Reports, Volume 2

Folder 13 Iver Olsen's Reports, Volume 2

".,: SwPct<'-,- ::Lver C>lst!.-,1.5 R"'f"r-.,J:s, VO'i. I f;;lk ?...' !-~ The aitWi,tion of the Estonian Evacuad.on Fund Debet. ~-··· . ,_ _ -- _. - Credit. ====================================·==================~============== ':".:r,. -1-,. ± lltlotorboat ....•...••. 12,ooo:; - 2. Reparation & reserve- components •......•..•.. 1,929, -- 3. Re sel'Ve work and reparation(being ca 24 hot~rs under vmterl...... 1,185, - 4. II Motorboat ........ : . 26,000, - 5, Reserve components..... 645, 25 6, Adaptation and rer)aration after every trip ......•. 1,643, 40 7. Uotyl, oil, casks & transport .,,,.,,,, ••••• 20,080, " 8. Tools,waterproot coats etc . • • 540, - 9. Salaries for 5 mont he s .and extra payments for every trip up to 1000,- Kr.per. one man ................. 21,400, - 10, Housing •.......... ,,,,, 1,620, - 11. Provision for 10 tripS. 1,210, - 12. Radio communication: l)transmitter-receivers 2,4oo, - 2)Additional suplies to operators....... 728, - 13. Financial support ( in various goods and equipments,German cyrrency etc.) to undc;rground organizatio-n and organizers in Estonia) ......... , 6,000, - 14. Support to Finlanu for - org:cmizing comrnunic'ltion -& information . • • . 2,4oo;, - 15. Using Estonian-Sweds­ transport.Payments-to German and -officials to get ne.cessary ·· -facilities ... "...... 4,ooo, lo; Rent for an additional boat • . • . • • . • . • 2,69.0, - 17. _AdministratioJ:l expences. 1,300, - 18• Various expen·ces..... 950, - --19 ,. s a 1. d o l. 369. 3~ Balance Juo,ooo, "" Bal.ance- no; ooo-; -~ ======= ============= ======== ============- - ------------ -- --~------~~~ ---~~----~- TIUVCRKAR FIJRSTKLASSIOA MOTORBATAR • R~PAR~RAR . MOTORER 0. BATAR • MOTOR~R 0. BJ.TAR STA.NDIGT PA lArJ~R POSTGIRO NR 23312 TELEFON 656762 LIDING(J s den 17 Juni 19 (STOCKHOlM SWeDeN) 44 ---························· .... Jtnr.~.. l" ... A\l!W.s.t. .. <1Rt.Ji.:!..;t& ... o.r;JA ....J.ii.i?.r.l. ...O.t.s.. ............................................... .............................. DE BET ·--··-·······································-···-··························································· An 2 - -I' I 8 st. bensinLsnkar, r~r och kr&n~r •......•• ~ ..... ~ 680:i- I l l?O Ol.'11p. G V»tt 3CCUn11.llQ.tor~r •••.•••• ><l0l:c;1 206: 1 - b I l() El.tputn{J I 0 0 I I I I I I I I. I I I 0 I I 0 I I 1 I_ I 5-, I 0 ~I o o 1 o 1 0 o ~ 10: - 1 ;~ tiindstii't ............................ ~ 4:50 H 72: - ruli:.r isol">rim;sb,md., ............ ,,2 ~:rn;;i 7· 50 1 "11 12 ,.,, t'indspole .................... ~ ........ ,! 30:- l -:propeller ••••..•.•.• ;: •.••.••......•• -.......• ;/ 90: 110 " nuJssingslcruv ................................ / ·fi: 50- 3 1 l 2 1 ~!~~~:~:~~:: ::::: ::: :: ::: :: : :: :; :: : ::: ::: :: :: i: ~ ~ ~g I l'' II fil. .........•.. : ...• .-: .........: ... •..•..... • .. ;' ~;~~o I I l 1 ~~;;;,~;~~~~?~: ::::::::::::::::::::.::::: :i; ::::: :; ~·~ 20 I ·1 l " h;rlsnyc;eelsats •.... : ...... : ...-.- •.. ;;.,: ..... ;! 9: 50 l". II v'mtill_yft><rt.~rig ..••••••••••.•.•.•••• :; , •• : •• jl ? : ;;o I .. / l Vf;ttemflnska ••..•..•........• -•...•.. :-.••.... j'/ 5.3: 25 ""I 1 Vliltt..~·:,-!Lnilt~.r~ •••••• -._._ ••••••• -.-••- •••••••• •_ ••••• ! 10: -- i 2 ?Y1 .loekpa c :zning .•.•• ~ ...•.••........... : •.. !i lb: 50 I 2 lnl•)ppsv<ontll.,r ...••... • ..........•. » B<'IO, ij 16: 15-) 3 l II 1 ,, I l l II ~l~~g~f~:~t.Li·:!· !·i :;;w.:.:·:li.:= :I :r i~ 15 .{1a:-~:ner• ~n. -SKruv ••••••••• :• ••.••••.•••••••••• ~ 90 ,f------+-'-=---, Kronvr I l,2:CJi: 90. i lj 1r ' A!(Tf£BOLAG£T SJ0£XPR£SS Forls ..h!ad no. l ... '~ ' Herr'ar Aturua t Hn tt t sk oct. r on at s 9 An 1 st. Transcort Kronor. 1 dJ'\i VRr1kar", ............. ·.... - ................ ,. b~~.s lampa fi:ir spri t ....• , •.. , , • , •• , • , • , • , , , , , , , 1 kg~ 1,2:~1 :~ ] t,prdPev •.... ,.,. • ... , ...... ·....•.. ·-·~ .... ~ •.• st ] 85 1 II 1 od!w 1 v , , •• , •• , •• , •••• , , , •• , , ; , • , • , •• , ••• , • , . • ].'i 1. galv. l11nl{, o 0 I I 0 I I It 0 I 0 0 I I It I I 0 t I 01 I o't t t_ .. l 0 I 0 0 .. :31 50 sprlt 'llt:ld flasks •.....•.•.•...••..••..••..•.•. ?,, j -80 Ritpappep,1 •..•• , . , • , , , , , . ; . , ,·,, ........... , .••. , f1 rnssal., .. , .......... -.... -.......... ; .... -.... "l'l LalJ • , , , , . , ... , . , ...... , . , , , , . , , ...... , .... ~1-; - Bindix~ j n;;t.n~ I • ·_. I •• - •• -~- -~ -~ ! __._ ._ • ~ ~-~ -'- ·--~-·- .-. ! __ , ·-· ·- •••• <; 1 2 1 p,u:nmls1ang ........................ .. m~t.11 11 11 60 1 X 1,!, spent furu ..................... 1! 50 ~ kg. Jmnsistcmsfett,., ... ,,.,.,. ,, ....• , , , • , , , , ,., •• 6') 1 st11 • Port!lng •• , ...•..... , , .•• , , , , .. , • , .... , ...•. , , • l 2 patent·11 f•;n:{o:Jinp,,., •••••••.•••• , •...•.....••. ,. 6 15 ,n..,t.11 2-~ kuttertross; ................... ,a 1: 5?., 6 3 llolckt~indkabe1,.,,, •. ,,., ••.•.••.••.• , •••.• ,, •• 22 6 075 kv. hlckab;,l,. ....................... _.... 3 3 2 l,b If It o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o o t I o I I o o o o o t 11 1 I I 60 1 st;. rotor, , •.••. , , , , •............. , , , , , , , . , . , .•. , .. 1 50 3 Splk ......... I ••• I I. I •• 0. 0 ••• 0 ................ I 80 1 1 par &.l'lQJ:I. o o t 1 o o o 1 o 1 o o o o o o o • o o I o o -._ o 1 •. I I o o o o o ~I 18 Snicl{eria.rbe.te ........ 1. I. 1., 1, • __ 1 -.... 1 •• •.•••• , • J'llonte!•lngsgrJ•Jt~;,, '·' ••.......•.. ,, •••• ; , , , ••. , 12'3 Bo•nu 11 s J in~ .. , •..••...• , , •• , ..••. : ••• , ,· • ; , , .•• 2JA 1 st. 6 ~ vbr'lta pg rm ......... ...•••...• .. I I I • ••••••••••••• 1 II 4 '3!J 3 II Lr:att ..• , •. ,,, •• , •..• , •.•.....• , , , ..... , .....•• II s1ikrine;ar· till rel'l .......: ........... - ........ 5 1 1 [jQ 2 II ter;n:Yst"t.,.,, •• , ... , '·'' ••••• ,,, .. , .. -.... ,,,;., bnndixskruv,. , , , , • , . , .· •. , , , . , . , , • , , .•... , . ·-· .. 48 Rostf'ri trt~d. I I ••••••••.••_ •• - ••- I ••• - •• 1. I •• :. 1 .-... Mfl.larfii.rg .. , •.• , ••••• ,_ •••..•.•.•• , .••. , •. ;•,;., 4,75 met, gwnmis1arlg •....•••...•.•.,,',·,,,,_,,.·,, 2!/- Koppa·rri:ir •.•••.••.•. , •....• ·• .' ...•.•. ·; ....• ; 9 50 '! Kroi1or 1,929 :--, 1?1. j%JI·~~~~-t~~)l . ~~ ~~'}:-- . .. .. c) ~ · ... ·· · ·~s,t/~1· .. /.' 7 ~ JO~ . .· ... /. .. ~ ~ ~- . ' .... '. '. ' . -".,·. POSTGIRO NR 23312 TEL'f:FON 656762 LIO!NG(J 3 21/? (STOCKHOIN SW~O~N) ...................... .fiiU!I"'--!! ...i .. \l.g. ,.i{g.t.~;i<:-k -k.. ,f..,.\l.jj,5 ........................................................... DEBET 2 st~s~iftnyc~lsr l s krmrn" ,i stiil: 91 11 -):J I 2- i 241 l / lCOj ~0 I ! 4_51 ! -~- 2_l-v~p;-kopp~ri'ii.rg 2 j-- ~~- jiiUra-," - 5 Ek till tQK sumt sk~uv 1 2 st kontakt-i<rmar rn"'d skUv 11 1 kend!'nsator I 1 tandspole l Rotor 5 If sakrin~<ar 1 " fii.rdelalock 11 2 Accukurnuhtor!'r .•. ' . L ist nr. l. Persons evacuated from Estonia, l. H a g a r, H.; mag, phil., Vice-director of the Estonian National Museum at Tartu,thanks to his opposi tin Germans viers not able to evacuate the i1:useum to Germany, there foe ha v1as to be arresttlld, 2. Hagar, E., stud. med,, his wife. 3, S· o o t a, 0., former editor of a liberal newspaper "Esmasp9:ev11 , active mvem-ber of the Estonian underground National Com'1ltille, e.scapsd before Germans could arrest him. 4, He l 1 at, T., stud. jur.,attive member and organizer of the underground movement,underground radio-operator, son of former Estonian fcl6ign minister ahd envoy, A, Hellat, 5. T u u 1 ik, A., wife of the captain of ouflr boat, 6. HOti b e d a, J., jurist, official of the Central 0- ffice of the Estonian Consumers Co-operative J;:ovement. he has rebdered valuable services to anti-German activity movement,therefore.was plll'rsued and escaped 7, Hob e d a , Charlotte, his wife. $.Hob e d a, P., his son ?years old. 9. H 1:i bed a, V., his daughter, 5 years old. 10. M_ aid r a,.K., jurist, managing clerk of the Central firm of the Estonian Consumers Co-ope.tative Aseeti!.a­ Association; the same reasons- as iri the case of mr.Htibeda. g: M a i 11 <Lr a,' ~:; ~!~:hter, 14 years old. 13 • II T • ' l1' 10 t1 14. R e i g o, M., wife of the assistabt le_§.der oil. the Estonian underground National Comlttee,he remains in Estonia although he is pe~"sued and serched by Germans. 15. II J., son ' 6 years old. 16. K a n n A. , wife 11 17. ' ll'. , son· 9. years_ old 18. 11 A., daughter, 6. years old. 19.A 1 v et, A,, agr. ,agricutural adviser in the Central Of.fice - -~-of Estonian Agricutural Department, a in cattle breeding, 20. Met a, j. Fisherman, 2l.K o p p el, .H. 22, Viin, J. J 23, T 1:i k k e, E,, men who lived in for&sts, in order to 24. P i 1 :ii. s .te,E._, avoid the conscription r>di. ~a"~· 25, N a a n e, A, ,• ltk, e•af! l'j ~ ~~) h~J_ ~ <>£«~'£J £. h4._ 26, Mihkelson, _li. 1 27. Pielvea, v., '· List -Fr. 2. Persons evacuated from Estonia. l. Ri.ives, Joh., prof.,director of the clinic for nerve diseases at Tartu University.Pupil and successor oilr famous prof. L.Puusepp.He has studied al...--so in America as a scholar of Rockefeller Foundation. 2. Riives,Marta, den~tist. 3. Soosasr, Albert, engineer lj. Ots, At,_gust, lawyer, former adviser of Estonian i..inistry of Economic Affairs. former editor of nev1spaper 11 SAKALA" ·5,;as, Andreas, expert in taxation, former taxation inspector in ~stonian kinistr~ of Economic Affairs. 6. Lelow,Helmuth, seaman, 1. Tammeaid, Jlad., director of Fishing Centrale at PUrnu. B. Tamrneaid, 'irve., bookkeeper. 9. Aasaru, Karl, fishine; inspecteur. 10. Aasaru,Liida, ~ife. ll. Aasaru, Adu, 12. Okkapuu, aleks, land surveyor. 13. Saarnokk, Leopold, a specialist of saw-rllill. 14. Saarnokk, Eveline, wife. 15. Piik, Felix, seaman • 16. In t, Arjus, seaman, 17. 3runhof, Juhan, al)othecary. 18. B runhof, Eihkel, trader. 19. Tammeaid; ~ihkel, trader. 20. Tae;meai.d, Juuli, wife. 21. 1f'!'{rand, Hel mut , seaman. 22. Joasoo, Alfred, bookkeeper 23. Joasoo, Linda,· wife 24. Joasoo, ll!atti, son, one year old. 25. 3oidre, afugust, industrialist. 26. So idre, Anne-i.;;-, wife, _ 27. Soidre, Tiiu, daughter 4 years old. j 28. Soidre, Anu, accountant. - 29. Sepp,- Juha·n, seaman, motorist. 30. Vegner, Qeorg, fisher. 31. Kilvar, Albert, police official. 32.

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