26d During ttM Boyal period of Haratha historyi forts vhloh vera strategleally flK>re Important were used as centres of intense politlsal activities. Shivaji selected the hill fort Bajga^ by about 1667 as his capital and thereafter shifted his seat to the Hayagad fort by about 1670 anri it continued to be the capital of the Marathas till it vas captured by the Highals in 1639 after the serciless execution of Sambhaji. Hovever, the Maratha chiefs conducted their operations from ispregnaVle strongholds IUM Paniuila and visalgad. During the period of the War of Independence Xajaram conducted the affairs of the Maratha state from Jinji, which was far away fron the Sveraj territory. The fort Jinji was a najor stronghold of Shivaji's third line of defence. Aurangseb tried to subjugate the Maratha territory while I ajaram was ce:aieged at Jinji, But the great loyal oooimander Ricnaohandra- pant Anatya, %^o vas designated as Hukamatpanah, conducted the military (derations with the help of %ratha o<»manders Santaji Ghorpade, Dhanaji Jadhav, etc. and protected the •Swaraj* in the teeth of the Mughal opposition. Pajaram could escape the siege of Jinji and return to Maharashtra, but he 269 could not withstand the hardships of th« Journey and dlsd ifflmsdiatsly, HowttTsrt Tarabal, his vlfs, suaaoned courage, assuBtd the rsins of control and gave a harioc resistance to Aurangseb ftoia Visiigad fort till his death in 1707. The life-long struggle of Aurangseb thus ended in a failure because of tha MaralKa patriots and their leaders like Tarabii. It was because of a good net*vork of forts that the Marathas could survive its utter devastation. In short, It may be said that 3hlvaji«s efforts to found and expand the Maratha power was oainly due to the assistance provided to him by forts like Pajga^ and Hayagad and his successors could protect and naintain the Haratha territory intact only because they could make use of the strongholds like Jinjl, Panha^a and Visalgad as centfes of their activities during the period of crisis. Shivaji selected the hill forts of lajgad and Fayagad as his capitals vhen the importance of hill forts In general was oonsideraUy reduced after the advent of the Muslims in the Deccan wtio believed in land and oiarine forts. It is, therefore! interesting to know why Shivaji'^ selected these centres and the part did they play In noulding tjlie history of the mrathas. Purandar. the first Centre By 164i, Shivaji had in Ms possession the important 260 forts ilk* Purftndw, ChSkant Slnhgad, Torani and lajgad. Prom hit earlitr aotivitittt it Meat that Purandar vas Mlacted bjr hia aa hla polltioal centre. Of thaat five forts in the Poona dlctrlet| Rajgad vaa selected finally as the capital* Puraodar vas treated as an latportant fort since the days of the Bahiaanls* This fort stands on a site of exceptional natural defences. It Is 1363msabove the sea level and 732 M5above the Poona plain. During the middle ages this fort afforded good protection to t|n Poena province. During the age of the Nlsamshahlt It became very- In^ortant as It vas located on the border of the Adllshahl and Nlzam- shahl territories, m the 16th century the fort was strengthened by constructing fortifications of solli mbsonry. These fortifications, strongly defended all rouiid by preclpit|ous cliff, are of powerful design and construction i& themselves. Mr.- H« Goets observes, «In Purandar the fortification system was likewiss extended over the whole mountain. The very high and diffioiat cliffs on the North- glfest, west and South-Vfest sides oould easUy be controlled by a line of separate watch towers, with attached small 2 guard rooms, on projecting positions.* 261 In the jTtar 1634t th« kingdom of Ahmadnagar vas annexed and its territory was divided Into the Mughal and Adilehaiii.povera. In this dismemberment of the kingdom of Ahmadtnagari the Mughal• aequlred important forts like - - - _ -^ 3 Daulataba4, Bidar, DharuTf tJdglr and Ahmadnagar. The AdUshoha acquired the forts like Parenda; and the Konkan territory.^ Thus the boundaries of Poona and Ahmadangar districts fomed the border of the Mughal and Adilahahl territories. The Purandar fort acquired more political significance as it is situated on this strategic line. In 1636t Shahaji defected the Nizamshahl and joined the Adilshahr, and secured a Jagir which included the l^ortant forts like tinhgad anr^. Purandar. However* according to the political usage of the loedlaeyai period the Jagirdar had no control over the forts though they vere in the Jurisdiction of their Jaglr. It stems that Chivajl vas aiming at bringing all parts of Shahaji's western Jagir under his own controlf 5 so as to form a oonip&ct state ruled by one authority. Accordingly9 he acquired the forts Kondan^ anr' Chakan. But Shivajiis activities were suddenly checked when his father Was arrested by the officers at Bljapur in 1643- During this period the headquarters of Shlvajl were at Purandar. The Oovernment of Bijapur had planned to capture KondajpA and establish its snay over the Poona 262 rtglon. FathKh«n vaS| ttMirifors, oofflmisalfmed for this task. ParaiaiMnd givtst an account of th« battls fought bet%feen Pat«hkh«n and aiivaji in the Slvabharata. From It ve learn that Shiveji defeated Fatehkhan very astcmlsh- 'incL. Ingly vhUe remain^ hi|iaelf at the Purandar fort. TIM loBportance of thle fort vas veil recognised by the Adilshihi commander %dio admitted that the possevsion of Purandar and 7 Sinhgad forte alone had enabled Shivaji to remain stubborn. It vafi, therefore! difficult to humble down Shivaji. Although the fort Purandar vas veil asi>ociated vith the earlier activities of ShiTaji, it vas not considered by him for conversion into (^ periaanent capital. I^^w»ted the insignificant hill fort Bajgad knovn at that tim as Murumdieo vas selected by Shivaji for establi^ing his capital, It is interesting to study vhy Shivaji s«l«cted the fort Hajgad as a capital vhen he had in his possession the impregnable forte like Purandar* Xondana and Torana, The Purendar fort vas situated <m the border lines of the jidilshohX and the Mughals. Its strategic ioportance to aiiv^ ji, vas therefore, beyond dispute. The Hdil^ahi rulars had alvays kept a vizilant vatch on the forts of 263 Purandar and Sinhgad. Shahaji vas relaaaad, as w« knov, vhan Shlvaji ooncad«d tiMiir damond to aurrander tha Sinhgad fort, vhloh va« bast suited for turning it into a seat of capital. But 2hi/aji had, perhtips, to giva up thiis idoa as it vaa iMst to tha Adllshahl for aotoo'* tise. Re retfilnad the Furandar fort vith him, but though well suitad for creating a aeat of cnpital, iS^iivaj i did not tak« steps in that direction. Because he could visualise tha possibility of an alliiince between the Ad 11 shah and Aurangisab causing alarea to Sbiira^ had anticipated a ) \ \ Mughal attack on hla territory and in that event Purandar i vould have become most unsafe place as capital, we know that Jai Singh, the brieve commander of Aurangzeb, selected a place betveen SiTsavad and Purandar for his encampment and beaieged the fort i\trandar in 1665. The fort Chakafi which vas (|cquired by .'>.iv^ji very early vas merely a ground fort of small ei^er More- ever it was located on the border of the ^'!ughal territory and henoe it weight have been considered useless for establiahing the seat of Govemment. We know that Shai/^stei^ khan in his Deccan campaign had besliged this fort fox nearly 55 days and destroyed it to a considerable extent. 264 The Torana fort (Pracha^i^gad} vas situated at a distance of few klloMtres from Poona. But the fort vas uneven In 8lF.e (Pig, 2_6 b ) and it could be besieged vlthout «ftfit difficulty. Thus by process of elimination, ^Ihiv^tjl must have fixed his eyes on the H&jgad, which sto'>d avay from the boundaries of the %8lis] povers and vas highly isrpregnable. The fort BfiTjgad MHS surrouwird by the curtains of hillocks that Could create several obstructions to ene^^^ies in conducting their lailiUry operations. Further the small rivulets} like K^nadi and Gunja^ani flowing by the side of Ba^giid were responsible for checkijig the activities of eneffiies, particxaariy in the rains season, AS ertr#;^ly flooded in ifionsoon, these rivers obstructed the movements of eneraiss troops. The fort P.ijgad had three extensive redoubiS or » 'Schis' that could render spacioi\s area for the construction of bulllinga and the citadel. Siivaji might have observed all thos^ faciiltlerf'and 3olcc:toc: the fort Bajgad as his fort capital. In tl« "^Shivabharat', while describing the iaportanoe of forts, fJonapant rablr ac'vises Shivyji thrit His 'iajesty should occupy «m extre .lely inaccessable place and endeavour to confuer the whole world'? Further he says, 'if the iiing ,1(- 1 ^-- -• ^iZtti-HCM^ 3« tiMe 4 r^itStjr- 1 iMAH Dooa 1 (i*»*e*M tHAiNe 4 DuSA HHatiCAi aiiiH a 'ioiAJtp d47LtDtJ*- 19 *"••»!( <;/»r« .1 20 M 31 »'«*/» rf#* i *»*C•n/N Ai in l¥AJ 13 tAOAK Of meat fAiiA:r£i k M^tl/TJ TtMPU 7 u-tT»^^> o^ tAnnnm t c/ TMoeO ttuUNJ<*N C^TV y r««»W< JA eUAHMADtO tl /W^dAZ/rtC Uft-^«i'H>tt tt "^OMjtKT/ r»NK it imptn.cnoijno wAr R/^JGAU 1^ rtf^t,£ ».V fJ-l^M.li'rtT'' t«o'=^''.'e s'"«i/fr*,«£- ,7 OPi»i S'^'Cf *MJ* •• ^•• -a i • ri jr T'*l pa i.^.-( i« ii<e*.'» i.^ p/in c^rt al ArtorndC ^, •*£> .'f .'»• (^An^r 1 H - PO - J4 4i.^ ^4rt.
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