Ecole GDR MICO June, 2010 Introduction to Superconductivity Theory Indranil Paul [email protected] www.neel.cnrs.fr Free Electron System εεε k 2 µµµ Hamiltonian H = ∑∑∑i pi /(2m) - N, i=1,...,N . µµµ is the chemical potential. N is the total particle number. 0 k k Momentum k and spin σσσ are good quantum numbers. F εεε H = 2 ∑∑∑k k nk . The factor 2 is due to spin degeneracy. εεε 2 µµµ k = ( k) /(2m) - , is the single particle spectrum. nk T=0 εεεk/(k BT) nk is the Fermi-Dirac distribution. nk = 1/[e + 1] 1 T ≠≠≠ 0 The ground state is a filled Fermi sea (Pauli exclusion). µµµ 1/2 Fermi wave-vector kF = (2 m ) . 0 kF k Particle- and hole- excitations around kF have vanishingly 2 2 low energies. Excitation spectrum EK = |k – kF |/(2m). Finite density of states at the Fermi level. Ek 0 k kF Fermi Sea hole excitation particle excitation Metals: Nearly Free “Electrons” The electrons in a metal interact with one another with a short range repulsive potential (screened Coulomb). The phenomenological theory for metals was developed by L. Landau in 1956 (Landau Fermi liquid theory). This system of interacting electrons is adiabatically connected to a system of free electrons. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the energy eigenstates and the energy eigenfunctions of the two systems. Thus, for all practical purposes we will think of the electrons in a metal as non-interacting fermions with renormalized parameters, such as m →→→ m*. (remember Thierry’s lecture) CV (i) Specific heat (C V): At finite-T the volume of πππ 2∆∆∆ 2 ∆∆∆ excitations ∼∼∼ 4 kF k, where Ek ∼∼∼ ( kF/m) k ∼∼∼ kBT. This gives free energy F ∝∝∝ –T2. γγγ CV = T. T χχχ (ii) Landau Diamagnetism ( L): A uniform magnetic field H affects the orbital 2 motion of the electrons (Lorentz force). H = ∑∑∑i (p i – eA/c) /(2m). χχχ χχχ 2 πππ2 2 M = L H, L = - (e kF)/(12 mc ). M is anti-parallel to H. Real metals are weakly diamagnetic . ρρρ (iii) Finite resistivity (ρρρ): Metals carry current following (T) Ohm’s law E = ρρρ J. There is a corresponding voltage drop V. Usually ρρρ increases with temperature . T (remember Kamran’s lecture) A quick reminder: magnets, paramagnets & diamagnets B = H + 4 πππM (constitutive relation). H is the external magnetic field. M is the magnetization in a material in response to H. χχχ (dM/dH) is the magnetic susceptibility ( m). B is the “net” magnetic field in the system. Also called magnetic field induction. In a non-magnetic material (such as vacuum, M=0 no matter what) B = H. (a) Magnet: M ≠≠≠ 0 even when H is zero. E.g.: Fe, Ni (ferromagnet) and Cr (antiferromagnet). χχχ (b) Paramagnet: when m is positive. In response to H there is a M in the same direction. Most metals are here. χχχ (c) Diamagnet: when m is negative. In response to H there is a M in the opposite direction. Eg: Bismuth. Electrons have two sources of M: (i) electron spin [Zeeman term H(n ↑↑↑ – n⇓⇓⇓)] (ii) orbital contribution: p →→→ (p – eA/c) (remember Lorentz force). Discovery of Superconductivity Nobel Prize 1913 In 1908 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes liquified He. In 1911 he discovered superconductivity in Hg. For temperatures below Tc ≈≈≈ 4K the resistance goes to zero. Can we think of a superconductor as an ideal conductor for which ρρρ =0? The answer is NO. The response of a superconductor to a magnetic field (Meissner effect) is different from that of an ideal conductor. Maxwell’s Equations 1. ∇∇∇·∇···E = 4 πππ n (Gauss’s law) 2. ∇∇∇××× E = - ∂∂∂ B/(c ∂∂∂ t) (Faraday’s law of induction) 3. ∇∇∇·∇···B = 0 (no magnetic-monopole) 4. ∇∇∇××× B = (4 πππ/c) J + ∂∂∂ E/(c ∂∂∂ t) (Ampere’s law + Maxwell’s correction) Conductors in a Magnetic Field A real conductor in a magnetic field A magnetic field induces a screening current [Faraday’s’ law, ∇∇∇××× E = - ∂∂∂ B/(c ∂∂∂ t) ]. In a real conductor the screening current decays, and in equilibrium the magnetic field penetrates almost entirely into the metal (weak diamagnetism). An ideal conductor in a magnetic field E = ρρρ J = 0. Thus, ∂∂∂ B/(c ∂∂∂ t) = - ∇∇∇××× E =0. B = constant, inside an ideal conductor. The final state depends on whether the system was cooled below Tc in the presence/absence of a magnetic field. Superconductor in a Magnetic Field: Meissner Effect Irrespective of whether the system was cooled below Tc in the presence/absence of a magnetic field, B = 0 inside a superconductor (a perfect diamagnet). This remarkable property of a superconductor was discovered by W. Meissner and R. Ochsenfeld in 1933. Later we will understand it as a consequence of phase rigidity in a superconductor . Thermodynamic property: Specific heat γγγ (i) For T > T C, C V ≈≈≈ T. (ii) At T C the specific heat jumps (typical signature of a mean field type phase transition). - ∆∆∆/(k T) ∆∆∆ As T →→→ 0, C V ≈≈≈ A e B , with ≈≈≈ 1.44 kBTC. Evidence for an energy gap between the ground state and the excited states of a superconductor (very different from a metal). TC Specific heat of Al with T C ≈≈≈ 1.2 K. N. E. Phillips, Phys. Rev. 114, 676 (1959) Note: A magnetic field H = 0.03 T suppresses T C and the appearance of the superconducting state. Sufficiently large magnetic fields destroy superconductivity and brings back metallicity . Summary 1. A superconductor is a zero resistance state (a resolution limited statement). 2. It is a perfect diamagnet. B=0 in the bulk irrespective of how the state was prepared. Different from an ideal metal (perfect diamagnet only if there is field-after-cooling); and certainly very different from any realistic metal (weak diamagnets). 3. Evidence of an energy gap between the ground state and the excited states of a superconductor. A superconductor is a new phase of matter compared to a metal. London equations & the two-fluid model (1935) For T < T C, the total density of electrons n = n s + nn. n ns = density of superconducting electrons; nn = density of normal electrons. ns For T →→→ 0, n s →→→ n; and for T →→→ TC, n s →→→ 0. The normal electrons conduct with finite resistance, while the superconducting electrons have TC T dissipationless flow. nd m (dv s)/(dt) = - eE (Newton’s 2 law). Since J = - en svs, 2 st dJ/dt = n se /m E (1 London equation) ∂∂∂ ∂∂∂ ∂∂∂ ∂∂∂ 2 Combined with Maxwell eqn ∇∇∇××× E = - B/(c t) gives / t [ ∇∇∇××× J + n se /(mc) B] =0 . Trivially satisfied for static B and J. Thus, it does not necessarily imply B=0 inside a superconductor (Meissner effect). 2 nd ∇∇∇××× J + n se /(mc) B =0 (2 London equation) The 2 nd London equation implies Meissner effect. Does a perfect diamagnet imply an ideal conductor? Derive 1 st London eqn from the 2 nd London eqn. B-field expulsion: London penetration depth 2 πππ The London eqn ∇∇∇××× J = - nse /(mc)B combined with Maxwell eqn ∇∇∇××× B = (4 /c)J gives 2 ΛΛΛ -2 2 ΛΛΛ -2 ΛΛΛ 2 πππ 2 1/2 ∇∇∇ B = L B, ∇∇∇ J = L J, L = [mc /(4 ns e )] (London penetration depth) . 2 2 ΛΛΛ -2 Eqn: d B/(dx ) = L B(x). -x / ΛΛΛ B(x) = B 0 e L . B0 Solution: πππΛΛΛ -x / ΛΛΛ J(x) = c B 0/( 4 L) e L . B(x) B0 Meissner effect : In response to B 0, the superconductor develops a supercurrent J at the surface which screens the B-field. ΛΛΛ L ΛΛΛ Currents & B-fields exist only within a boundary layer of thickness L. How do we justify the 2 nd London equation? Ginzburg Landau theory ...... Landau’s theory of phase transitions A phase transition between a symmetrical high-T phase & a symmetry-broken low-T phase is described by an order parameter (OP). The OP is zero in the symmetrical phase and is non-zero in the symmetry-broken phase. Near T C the free energy can be expressed in powers of the OP, keeping only those terms that are allowed by the symmetries of the system. The equilibrium value of the OP is obtained by minimizing the free energy with respect to the OP. Example: paramagnet-ferromagnet transition Let us assume that there is strong magnetic anisotropy and the magnetic moments order along the z-direction (easy axis). In this case the relevant symmetry is time reversal symmetry . The order parameter is Mz (magnetization along z-direction). 2 4 3 F[M z] = a M z /2 + b M z /4 + LLL. Why isn’t M z allowed? T > Tc T < Tc At the phase transition “a” changes F ′′′ sign: a = a (T – TC). Below T C a spontaneous magnetization M 0 0 1/2 z M Mz = (-a/b) develops. z Ginzburg Landau theory The order parameter to describe the phase transition between a high-T metallic phase and a low-T superconducting state is a complex-valued function ΨΨΨ(r). Physical meaning of ΨΨΨ(r) We will learn later that the basic building blocks of a superconductor are bound pairs of electrons (Cooper pairs). ΨΨΨ(r) is the wave-function describing the centre of mass motion of a Cooper pair. All the pairs are in the same quantum state (a condensate). A single wave-function describes the superconducting electrons. ΨΨΨ 1/2 i ΦΦΦ ΨΨΨ 2 = (n s/2) e (| | gives density of superconducting electrons). Symmetry : In a superconductor U(1) symmetry is broken. This is associated with particle number conservation. F[ ΨΨΨ] must be invariant under ΨΨΨ →→→ ΨΨΨ ei ααα .
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