Author Tells of Dallas Chaos Z/V,) ci 6 1 Continued From Page A-1 been shot and brought there, York newspaper, the World there was an almost total col- Journal-Tribune. lapse of discipline, according to As Manchester describes the Manchester. Fourteen doctors gruesome scene at Parkland crowded into Trauma Room No. Hospital in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1, when only three were essen- 1963, the disarray among the tial, and patients wandered Secret Service squad was part of through the halls trying to get a a general pattern of confusion glimpse of the President or his that might have cost the Presi- wife. dent's life if he had been criti- Manchester's controversial cally but not mortally wounded. book is to be published in April. When the car carrying the The Look serialization contains dying President and the serious- 60.000 words taken from the 300,- ly wounded Gov. John Connally 000-word book. arrived at Parkland, Manches- The second installment begins ter says, there wasn't a hospital with the President awakening in attendant in sight. his suite in a Fort Worth hotel WILLIAM MANCHESTER Although the Warren Report and Lee Harvey Oswald heading said the hospital had been for work with his rifle and alerted, Manchester says the telescopic sight and ends with Book Cites hospital didn't get the word the new president, Lyndon because of a malfunction in the Johnson, ready to leave Park- Dallas police radio system. land for Air Force 1, the presi- Disunity in As the news swept through the dential plane. hospital that the President had Manchester's account of the Agents Ranks assassination itself is excruciat- ingly vivid. By ORR KELLY After the first bullet hit him, a SLar Staff Writer quizzical look came over the Secret Service agents were President's face — the same I expression he had when search- thrown into confusion within ing for an answer to a tough seconds after John F. Kennedy question at a news conference, was shot, and "anarchy" was Manchester says. the result among the men Starts to Raise Hand guarding the President, William Manchester says. Kennedy started to raise his hand as though to brush hack The "split between loyalists his tousled chestnut hair. and realists began to tear the "But the motion faltered. The Secret Service asunder," hand fell back limply. He had Manchester writes in his book, been reaching for the top of his "The Death of a President." head. But it wasn't there any "Thus the Secret Service, , more ..." which should have been a sym- It was in that moment be- bol of continuity, was driven by tween the first shot and the fatal disunion. The agents were as one, Manchester implies, that leaderless and perplexed as the the Secret Service might have rest of the presidential party. saved the President's life. No Over-all Plan Of the two Secret Service agents in the presidential limou- "Most were following personal sine, Manchester says, the loyalties. There was no over-all. driver, William Greer was 54, plan, no design. and the inevitak, and Roy Kellerman was 48— ble consequence was anarchy." '- although the agents themselves Manchester's description of consider a man assigned to the assassination in Dallas is guard the President old if he's published in the Jan. 24 issue of over 40. Look magazine, due on news- "They were in a position to stands tomorrow. News stories take evasive action after the telling of this second installment first shot, but for five terrible of Look's serialization had been seconds, they were immobil- embargoed for press release ized," Manchester says. tomorrow, but the restriction In the time they hesitated. was broken today by a New Agent Clint Hill sprinted from See ASSASSINATION, Page A-6 the car behind and got a foot and a hand onto the Lincoln dead. Let me alone." limousine. Hands Coat to Her Agent Called Back Realizing what was troubling As the car sprang forward. her, Hill handed her his suit- Manchester says, Mrs. Kennedy reached for Hill and their hands coat and she wrapped it around locked. It is impossible, he says, the President's head. But as they to say who saved whom. The started to lift his body from the Warren Commission credited Hill with saving Mrs. Kennedy car, the coat began to slip and from falling from the rapidly Mrs. Kennedy again grasped accelerating car. her husband in what Manchester At the very. moment that Hill describes as a "formidable reached the limousine and the struggle." bullet tore open the President's head, Manchester says, Agent The "anarchy" in the Secret Emory Roberts, in the backup Service squad became increas- car, made an instantaneous ingly apparent at the hospital, switch of allegiance from the Manchester says. dying President to Vice Presi- dent Johnson. Even though Johnson might Roberts called back Agent have been the next target in Jack Ready, who was beginning a plot against the United States, to follow Hill, and ordered two Manchester says, Johnson was other agents to take over John- son's protection as soon as the taken to one of the most exposed car stopped, Manchester says. rooms in the hospital—and the According to the Warren Report, shades were lowered, calling Roberts called Ready back attention to that room. because it was obvious he Agent Kellerman was still couldn't catch the presidential, technically in charge, Man- car. chester says, but Agent Roberts In describing the assassina- shielded his head and wouldn't bad already defied him by re- tion, Manchester firmly rejects let Secret Service agents take assigning other agents. But few the theory that there was more him from the car. of the agents bothered to tell than one assassin. When Agent Hill touched her Kellerman anything, he writes, In fact, be describes only two' and that was probably just as shots: One which went through ; shoulders, she trembled convul- sively and when he told her they well because it avoided a mean- the President's neck and hit ingless showdown. Connally, and a second, which had to get him to a doctor, she he says caused the massive. replied: Other Confusion "No, Mr. Hill. You know he's fatal head wound. The Warren The Secret Service agents Commission said three shots had were by no means alone in their been fired, but only two found their mark. confusion, however. Four ex- Manchester says several amples: 1. Manchester says the Presi- dent's senior military aide, Maj. bystanders saw Oswald with his Gen. Ted Clifton, managed to rifle at the six-floor window of get through to the White House the Texas School Book Deposito-. by phone—and asked that his ry building, but indicates they wife be informed that he was apparently thought he was part not injured. Only after that mes- of the police and Secret Service sage had been passed along did forces guarding the presidential he try to find out if the assassi- motorcade. nation was part of a plot against Manchester also says, how- the country, Manchester says. ever, that a policeman or Secret 2. Agent Hill, who had given Service agent could have seen his coat to Mrs. Kennedy, sud- Oswald. denly became acutely conscious Although it has been told of his shirtsleeves and borrowed before, the description of Mrs. a coat from the hospital's public Kennedy's attempts to shield relations man. the shattered head of her hus- 3. Lawrence F. O'Brien, a key band is heart-wringing. Kennedy aide, walked up to a In the moments after the fatal desk in the hospital, where a shot, she crouched over him, woman handed him a form and cradling his shoulders in her a ball-point pen. Dutifully, he arms and holding his head with began to print his name—until her gloved bands. She couldn't the idiocy of what he was doing bear the thought, Manchester suddenly struck him. says, that others might see what 4. In the hallway between she had seen. Trauma Room No. 1 and Trau- And when they reached the +1/ ma Room No. 2, Mrs. Kennedy hospital. Manchester says. she and Mrs. Connally stood a few feet from each other. BOBBY KENNEDY drove through the White House soutnwes: gates, as sA.c regularly did on weekdays, to pick up her daughter and some of the other children attending the Kennedy White House school. This day was a little different for her car pool because for the first time she was going to take Caroline away too. "Agatha and Caroline were best friends—they're only a month in age apart—and Agatha was always going to Caro- line's house to play, to the White House or Camp David or wherever. "We could never seem to return the hospitality because on weekends, the President wanted to be with his children. This weekend seemed ideal because the Kennedys were going to he away," Mrs. Pozen said. She left the White House, she recalls, with six youngsters. See CAROLINE. Page A-6 Caroline at play in 1963. ON WAY TO CHEVY CHASE DidCarolineHear News As Car Radio Blared? By ROBERTA HORNIG Star Staff Writer Caroline Kennedy was riding along Rock Creek Parkway on her way to her first weekend away from home at the moment her father was shot to death in Dallas. The account of what Caroline, 6, was doing the afternoon of President Kennedy's assassination appears in the second installment of Look Magazine's serialization of William Man- chester's book, "The Death of a President." The President's daughter, whose whereabouts at the time of the assassination had never been revealed before, was to have spent the weekend in Chevy Chase with one of her best friends, Agatha Pozen.
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