Referendum on State Lottery Seems Certain SEE STORY PAGE 13 Sunny and Mild THEMILY FINAL Sunny and mild today. Clear and cooler tonight. Mostly Red Bank, Freehold sunny, mild tomorrow., Long Branch 7 EDITION (Bea Details, p»» 2] Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 215 RED BANK, N.J., TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1969 20 PAGES 10 CENTS •IlllllllllUIIIIIIIIlllill Illllllil 1llllllll[|l«|lltllll!lllll||BI!||l|lI«IBHI!||!IHI llllllill[|;!llll|!||[ISII!!lll!illl1ll';illllH 6 •• ' As Flights Resume, Powerj Show Pays Off Slashing of Armada Eased WASHINGTON (AP) - get like the plane shot down nouncement yesterday that 21 attached to resumption of the One carrier, for example, Pentagon officers say quick April 5. of the original 29 vessels in EC121 flight. had been pulled from Viet- achievement of two major ob- The other objective was to Task Force 71 had left the "North Korea is a belliger- nam waters to join the task demonstrate to North Korean Korean area suggested the jectives enabled President ent," he commented. "We force, cutting Navy bombing Nixon to order withdrawal of leaders that even though the "show of force" • aspect was didn't know what to expect. uppermost in the President's capability in the war zone by more than two-thirds of the United States is fighting a So we didn't go up there with war in Vietnam it still can mind. one-third. 29-ship armada deployed off a little stick; we took a big muster considerable military "He made his point," one stick." Nixon also may have con- Korea only last week to pro- power elsewhere to defend sidered the possibility that a Navy admiral said. "Now After "proving his point," tect U.S. reconnaiassnce American interests. we're gradually scaling down prolonged presence of many the President had to consider flights. Whether military pre- while still protecting our re- U.S. warships near Korea •One objective, military ex- cautions or power politics connaissance flights." the cost of keeping a sizeable would have been construed as perts said, was resumption of was the bigger factor in Nix- The officer viewed the Navy force in the area over provocative. Navy EC121 intelligence on's decision to rush a big large size of the original task any extended period — not "By pulling out most of the flights in the area without fleet to Korea is a matter of > force, which included three only in terms of dollaras but ships, Nixon showed he was- tempting North Korea with speculation. attack aircraft carriers, as an also in terms of assignments n't out 'looking for trouble," another easy, undefended tar- But the Pentagon's an- indication to the risk Nixon the Navy had elsewhere. a civilian analyst said. ARMED TAKEOVER — One of the students who took over administration building at Voorhees College, Start New B52 Bombing Drive Submits Denmark, S.C., yesterday holds shotgun out of win- dow of the seized building. There were disorders on 1£ s other campuses across the country, as well as other instances of racial disorder, particularly in Cairo, To Harass the Enemy in Jungles III., and San Francisco. (AP Wirephoto) SAIGON (AP) - The U.S. •capital. Some were within V/2 emy soldiers in the 2,000 un- enemy offensive in the sum- 3rd Military Corps area, the Command has launched an- miles of the Cambodian bor- inhabited square miles of War mer-autumn months, but in- most critical in South Viet- WASHINGTON (AP) - A other BS2 bombing campaign der. Zone C, but all the fighting telligence officers have been nam because it includes the four-part civil rights bill was to harass North Vietnamese Spokesmen s id the bomb- apparently has resolved noth- unable to determine any firm seat of government, Saigon. submitted to the Senate today troops in the jungles north Ing conentration in War Zone ing. trend. The aim of the stepped No Big Commitment of Saigon, military spokes- in advance of Nixon adminis- C is the heaviest of the war, Two North Vietnamese di- up B52 raids is to prevent the U.S. aniysts feel the en- tration proposals in the field. Pompidou Is men reported today. with nearly 200 bombing raids visions operating there have North Vietnamese troops emy is trying to make his In a 24-hour period yester- flown along the Cambodi- always been able to replace from getting organized. Sen. Philip A. Hart, D- presence felt in the 3rd Corps Mich., announced he was in- day and today, 36 Stratofor- an border in the past week. their losses from bases across The Communist command's without any large com- tresses dropped more than 1,- The bulk of four. North the Cambodian border, using spring offensive, now in its troducing the measure and mitment at present. The Com- said Sens. Edward M. Ken- 000 tons of explosives on Vietnamese divisions is said Zone C as a staging area for 10th week, has tapered off munist command has placed North Vietnamese bases in attacks into populated areas nedy, D-Mass., Jacob K. Jav- A Candidate to be concentrated in these sharply to about a dozen one regiment from each of its its, R-N. Y., and Hugh Scott, the enemy's War Zones C and two zones. and allied bases to the south- rocket and mortar at- four divisions in forward com- PARIS (AP) — Georges D. The strikes ranged from east. tacks each night and only R-Pa., had joined in drafting Battles Undecisive bat areas while holding the it. Pompidou, who served 71 miles northwest pf Saigon For the past four years, Sources said some captured scattered ground assaults. two other regiments from Charles de Gaulle for six The bill would give the to 55 miles northeast of the U.S. troops have battled en- ' documents mention another Many of these occur in the each division to the rear. years as,, premier, today an- Equal Employment Opportu- nounced Jiis candidacy for the The U.S. Command an- nity Commission power to is- presidency his former chief nounced that enemy gunners sue cease and desist orders abandoned yesterday. shot down three more Ameri- against employers and unions Pompidou, 57, said he was can helicopters and an F4 Uiat engage in discriminatory Water Conservation Bonding Phantom fighter - bomber offering his country "the will practices, a point the Nixon to maintain a continuity and Monday, killing two Ameri- administration reportedly is a necessary stability, and the cans and wounding five. considering. The 1964 Civil hope of preparing the fu- Two of the helicopters were Rights Act limited the EECC ture." Bill Introduced in Assembly gunships helping to break up to persuasion and conciliation an ambush 55 miles north of to end discrimination in em: Pompidou's announcement TRENTON (AP)-The Re- treatment facilities which are S. Margetts, R-Morris, who the water has become Saigon in which two other ployment. had been expected and he al- Americans were killed, 11 ready is a favorite. He an- publican legislative majori- eligible for additional federal chaired a special joint com- so highly contaminated." Other Parts ty's $275 million water con- funds. The water supply mittee which formulated the An additional $20 million is were wounded and several nounced in January that he servation bond issue legisla- funds would be used primari- bond package, is cosponsor of allocated for the state's trucks in a 25-vehicle Ameri- Other parts of the bill planned to run in the next tion was introduced yester- ly for reservoir site acquisi- both bills. share of new facilities for the can convoy were shot up. U.S. would: presidential election, but it day by Assemblyman Herbert tion. Passaic Valley Sewerage headquarters said the bodies -Extend the 1965 voting was assumed then it would Mrs. Margetts stated that not be held until De Gaulle's M. Rinaldi, R-Essex. Democratic Gov. Richard Commission System, the larg- of 11 North Vietnamese solr rights law five years beyond the inclusion of a $4 million term expired in 1972. The bill would place a bond J. Hughes had proposed a dollar program in the bond est in the state. Engineering diers were found after a two- August of next year. The act Georges Pompidou issue proposal providing $242 $312 million bond issue, with bill package for the Round cost studies have not yet been hour fight. suspended literacy tests and "Pompidou for President'' undertaken by the commis- clubs are springing up around million for water pollution $222 million to fight water Valley Outlet works is essen- The third helicopter was similar voter qualification de- Meeting parliamentary cor sion, which serves 1.5 mil- shot down in the Central the country, and the former control and $33 million for pollution and the rest for wa- tial to the maximum utiliza- vices and opened the.jyay to respondents before the ad- ter supply. lion people in eastern Essex Highlands 43 miles northwest premier has won the endorse- water supply on the Novem- tion of the existing Round federal registration of voters dress, he said he was sorry ber ballot. Assemblyman Kenneth T, Valley - Spruce Run System. County and adjacent areas of of Ban Me Thuot, while the • in much of the south. ment of Social Affairs Minis- Passaic, Bergen and Hudson. Phantom went down near the ter Maurice Schumann, Che Gen. de Gaulle had resigned, The water pollution control Wilson, R-Essex, introduced The pollution control pro- -Authorize the U.S. attor- but, "gentlemen,. France funds would be allocated in a companion bill to Rinaldi's gram is based on current es- Laotian border just to the UJP, a young Gaullist group, north of the A Shau Valley.
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