NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 28 MARCH 2017 AT 7.00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, PENRYN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF THE UNDERMENTIONED BUSINESS. 22 March 2017 PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. DISPENSATIONS 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION An opportunity for members of the public to address the Committee concerning matters on the agenda. Members of public who wish to speak should contact the Town Council by 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 28 March to register. For full details of procedures for public speaking at Council meetings, please visit the Town Council’s website, www.penryntowncouncil.co.uk, click on the link below, or visit the Town Council offices and request a copy: Protocol for Public Speaking at Council Meetings PLEASE NOTE: This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role. 5. MINUTES To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 7 March 2017 [Pages ] 1 6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS To consider planning applications submitted for observations [Pages] 7. DECISION NOTICES To note the planning decisions of the Local Planning Authority [Pages] 8. FALMOUTH AND PENRYN OPEN SPACE STRATEGY FOR CORNWALL For discussion 9. T Closures To Note 10. Membership: Councillor C S F Smith (Chairman) Councillor J Langan (Vice-Chairman) Councillor Mrs M V Bennett Councillor N S Ferris Councillor D Garwood Councillor Mrs G A Grant Councillor R P Mitchell Councillor M J Mullins Councillor Mrs S Peters (ex officio Deputy Mayor) Councillor G C Rickard Councillor M Snowdon (ex officio Town Mayor) Councillor E L Wilkes 2 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY 7 MARCH 2017 AT 7.00PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, PENRYN Councillors C Smith (Chair), J Langan (Vice-Chairman) Mrs S Peters, G C Rickard, M Snowdon, Mrs G Grant, D Garwood, N S Ferris 169. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillors M V Bennett (sickness), R Mitchell (personal), E L Wilkes (ill) and M J Mullins 170. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor M Snowdon declared a registerable interest in Agenda No. 6 (Planning Applications), Application No. PA17/00565, as he owned a number of properties let to students. 171. DISPENSATIONS There were no requests for dispensations. 170. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No requests. 171. MINUTES RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 14 February 2017 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. Proposed by Councillor J Langan and seconded by Councillor D Garwood 172. PLANNING APPLICATIONS PA17/00907 & PA17/00908 59-61 The Terrace, Penryn Proposed by Councillor M Snowdon and seconded by Councillor Mrs G Grant RESOLVED that the Council fully supports the application. Having earlier declared a registerable interest, Councillor M Snowdon left the meeting for the duration of the following item and did not take part in the debate nor the vote. PA17/00565 Century House, 28, Parkengue, Penryn RESOLVED that the Council has no objections. Proposed by Councillor Mrs G Grant and seconded by Councillor J Langan Following the above decision Councillor M Snowdon returned to the meeting. PA17/01458 14 Trenance, Penryn (Changes to PA16/0734) RESOLVED that the Council fully supports the application. 3 Proposed by Councillor Langan and seconded by Councillor N Ferris 173. DECISION NOTICES The list of decision notices was noted. 174. NEW DEVELOPMENT AT TRENANCE, ROUND RING, PENRYN RESOLVED that the Council had no objections for the proposed name of Chandler’s Park. Proposed by Councillor J Langan and seconded by Councillor Mrs G Grant There being no further business the meeting was closed at 7.45pm. 4 PLANNING COMMITTEE 28 MARCH 2017 Planning Applications App. No. Details Response Deadline PA17/01850 Mr and Mrs Willey 22 March 2017 34 Kernick Road, Penryn, TR10 8NT Proposed loft conversion with dormer and replacement of hip roof with gable PA17/01003 Kernick Farm Ltd 22 March 2017 Land East of Asda Store Off Kernick Road, Penryn Outline planning application for site redevelopment to provide up to 75 residential units (including 35% affordable housing), open space, play space, associated infrastructure, access, parking, servicing and landscaping PA17/01880 Mr and Mrs Oliver 23 March 2017 3 Bella Vista Gardens, Truro Hill, Penryn Proposed rear extension, installation of double garage door in place of single and addition of cladding PA17/02026 Mr Ian McCabe, Penryn Stores Ltd 58-60 Lower Market Street, Penryn, TR10 8BH Proposed alterations and improvements to shop front and access 5 App. No. Details Response Deadline PA17/02019 Mr Andrew Barnett 10 Vinery Meadow, Penryn, TR10 8FJ Slight 2 metre reduction in the overall canopy of a lime which would still leave the tree 16 metres tall and 7 metres wide (This application is for works to trees in a Conservation Area and it will be decided under delegated authority. There is no need for PTC to submit comments to the Planning Authority (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) PA17/02271 Gabrielle and Nick Westland and Harrop 37 St Gluvias Street, Penryn Listed building consent for the removal of internal partitions, alterations to stairs and enlarged opening to rear porch extension 6 PLANNING COMMITTEE 28 MARCH 2017 Decision Notices App. No. Details Decision Decision Date Council’s Observation PA17/00130 Chyan Community Trust Closed – 9 March 2017 - Community Field, Chyan Farm Jobs Water, Penryn Advice Pre-application advice on the construction of a Given temporary biodome to cover an existing outdoor classroom PA17/00109 Mr Andrew Earnshaw (Executive Principal) Approved 13 March 2017 No objections Penryn Primary Academy, Treverbyn Rise, Penryn Extension to infant school and associated internal alterations to expand early years provision 7 App. No. Details Decision Decision Date Council’s Observation PA17/00214 Mr Martin Jones Closed – 14 March 2017 - Tremoughdale House, Tremoughdale, Penryn Advice Pre-application advice for demolition of existing Given garages and erection of 2 x 1 bedroom apartments including gardens and utility area; sub-division of existing property into 3 x 1 bedroom apartments retaining existing 1 bedroom apartment to include gardens and utility space for each PA17/00334 Mr J Williams Closed – 14 March 2017 - 8 and 9 Eastwood Road, Penryn, TR10 8LA Advice Pre-application advice for proposed demolition of given redundant workshop and construction of 4 dwellings 8 PLANNING COMMITTEE 28 MARCH 2017 FALMOUTH AND PENRYN OPEN SPACE STRATEGY FOR CORNWALL Author: Linda Body, Administration Assistant 1. Background In July 2014 Cornwall Council adopted the Open Space Strategy for Larger Towns in Cornwall as interim planning guidance pending the adoption of the Local Plan. It is intended that this will now be expanded & updated, in order to be take forward as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Falmouth & Penryn is one of the study areas and we have received an updated summary for our local area, along with relevant mapping. 2. Discussion Cornwall Council have updated the information in response to the Falmouth Environment & Open Spaces Working Group final report (draft 5 20/12/16). If Penryn Town Council feel that there are any errors or omissions in the mapping they must let Cornwall Council know with as much location detail as possible. If there are significant capital projects missing or Penryn Town Council wish to propose additional priorities, it must complete the location priority template. Feedback to be returned by 27th April 2017. 3. Recommendation That the Council discuss the above and report back to Cornwall Council if necessary. 4. Appendices Open Space Strategy Report for Falmouth and Penryn Falmouth and Penryn OS map Falmouth Play area accessibility Open space Project Priorities 9 Accessibility to priority equipped play area Suggested new strategic equipped play area long term Indicative accessibility to new play area Barriers to access (discount accessibility zone beyond barrier) Accessibility based upon significance: Regional ………….1000m Town………………..750m Neighbourhood 1….600m Neighbourhood 2 …450m 10 Falmouth & Penryn Open Space Strategy Feb 2017 Scale at A3: 1:20,000 Type of open space 1. Parks and gardens; Amenity green space; Civic spaces 2. Natural and semi-natural green spaces, Green corridors, accessible countryside in urban fringe areas 3. Public access sports facilities (outdoor): available for community games 4. Children's play area - equipped 5. Provision for teenagers - equipped facilities 6. Allotments, community gardens, and city (urban) farms 11 7. Cemeteries and churchyards 8. School pitches and outdoor sports club facilities. (No or limited public access) © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 100049047. Open Space Project Priorities The Open Space Strategy for Cornwall will include action plans for local areas, based upon an assessment of existing provision and previous consultations. Listing project locations will help secure funding from Section 106 agreements with developers of residential schemes and will support bids for funding from other future sources and grants. Should you wish to nominate sites for future capital improvement projects that are not already identified in the open space assessment report, please complete and return the form below by 7th April 2017. Name (person completing form) ………… Organisation…………… Open space name Open space address Types of project (e.g. play, Likely cost Potential access, sport, planting, (£) timescale* youth provision etc) *If a project must be delivered within the next 24 months, funding from new developments will not be appropriate, as it can take several years for contributions to be made available.
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