Electron Microscope Dedication at Lehigh ... Story p.5 VOL. VIII NO.1 PUBLISHED BY THE ALLENTOWN HOSPITAL SEPTEMBER 1980 Modernization Proposed The Allentown Hospital has announ- units into four modern efficient con- Medical/Surgical beds by eighteen, ced plans to submit a revised moder- figurations, consolidation of the Obstetrical beds by tour, Pediatrics nization project to the Health Systems Obstetrical and Newborn Units current- beds by seven, special care beds by ten Council of Eastern Pennsylvania by ly on two floors, into a modern center and increasing the Psychiatric beds by September 8 for review in November, for maternal and infant care and the two. 1980by the Council Board. modernization and consolidation of the The modernization project will entail "The project is an internal moderniza- Pediatric areas into a single efficient the construction of a three-story patient tion project to provide the type of pa- unit. The Psychiatric Unit will be ex- care addition above the Trexler Service tient care facilities and amenities re- panded to provide the needed addi- Wing, a seven-story addition to the quired for patient care today," explained ,tional therapeutic and treatment Schaeffer Wing, the renovation of a Darryl R. Lippman, president, The Allen- capabiliites and a new Emergency number of existing areas, and vacating town Hospital. "It will enable us to cor- Department area will be provided to per- the 1914East Wing. The seven-story ad- rect deficiencies and to provide much mit more effective and efficient treat- dition will provide a new main entrance greater efficiency and effectiveness ment for more then 31,000 patients and lobby, administrative offices, throughout the hospital. annually. physical therapy, newborn nurseries, "As a result of the project, a substan- This proposal also includes the coronary care, psychiatry and tial savings in operating costs will be reduction of beds at The Allentown mechanical space. achieved," continued Lippman. "Based Hospital from the current 305 to 268. The cost of the construction will be on today's dollars, we are projecting an- This decision was made in accordance $10.89 million and the total cost of pro- nual savings exceeding $800,000." with the goals· and objectives of the ject will be $19.1 million. Financing Among the elements of the project Health Systems Plan which identifies will be through a tax exempt bond are the provision of adequate toilet and an excess of beds in Lehigh County in issue. shower facilities for all patient rooms, 1984. The changes in the Hospital's Following project approval, the pro- consolidation of seven medical/surgical bed complement include reducinq ject will take three years to complete. ·Board Welcomes Three The Reverend A. Malcolm MacMillan, rector, Church of the Mediator and Gene S. Cesari, Ph.D., president, Cedar Crest College, were welcomed as new members of The Allentown Hospital Rev. MacMillan Dr. Cesari Dr. Snyder Association Board of Directors at the annual Association meeting. The Board Reverend MacMillan has been rector dependent Colleges and Universities also approved Stanley Snyder, M.D., as of the Church of the Mediator since and the education committee of the the new president of the Medical and 1974. This year he received the Key- Chamber of Commerce for Lehigh Dental Staff at Allentown Hospital and stone Award from the Boy Scouts of County. Locally, Dr. Cesari is also a seated him as the physician represen- America. He is a trustee of The Swain member of the United Way Board of tative. School, Allentown and serves on the Directors, the Rotary Club and the Re-elected to the Board of Directors boards of the Allentown Rotary Club, Pennsylvania Society. for a three year term were: Frank R. United Way, Episcopal Community Ser- Boyer, M.D., Richard Fleming, Robert vices and the Minsi Trails Council of the Dr. Snyder is the assistant chairman, McNabb, William C. Roberts, Abram Boy Scouts of America. department of obstetrics/gynecology. Samuels and Charles D. Schaeffer, M.D. Prior to becoming president of Cedar Dr. Snyder, a graduate of the Temple Valeria S. Boyer, Abram Samuels and Crest College in 1978, Dr. Cesari served University School of Medicine where he Alan H. Schragger, M.D., were ap- as Director of Development as well as earned his medical degree, completed pointed to the Allentown Class of the associate professor of history at Elmira both his training and residency at The Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital College. He is a member of the editorial Allentown Hospital. He is a fellow of Center. Walter J. Okunski,M.D., was advisory board of the American Council the American College of Surgeons and appointed as the physician represen- on Education, the institutional affairs also the American College of Obstetrics tative for a one-year term. :ommittee of the Commission for In- and Gynecologists. 1 President's Corner: On The Little Things Hospital Each of us knows the special feel- ing when a friend remembers our Receives birthday or a neighbor takes a minute to say hello. We would all JCAH agree that it is often the little things that mean a lot in our personal lives. Those "little things" also reflect Accreditation the degree of pride that one takes in job, hospital and self. It takes but a The Allentown Hospital recently moment to pick-up a crumpled paper received the maximum accreditation of towel from the hallway. It takes but a two years by the Joint Commission on moment to assist an elderly visitor. It Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH). takes but a moment to ask the identity John E. Affeldt, M.D., president of of any person not known to a nursing JCAH, commented in his written unit or particular department. Indeed, notification that "we commend The it is only through being individually Allentown Hospital for its sucessful and mindful of "the little things" on an on- continuing efforts to comply with the going basis that means so much to standards set forth by JCAH." patients, fellow employees, and Hospitals voluntarily submit an ap- ultimately, to the image of The Allen- tively, through our personal pride, in- plication to be surveyed by a JCAH town Hospital. dividual awareness and concerted ef- group. A three-member team con- Cumulatively, addressing those "lit- forts, to maintain a great hospital. sisting of a physician, a registered tle things" reflects the difference Q~- nurse, and a hospital administrator, tween a good hospital and a great visited the hospital and conducted a hospital. It is up to all of us, collec- two-day survey. The notification of approved ac- creditation means that our efforts to provide high quality patient care have earned professional recognition. Added ElDployee Benefit Darryl R, Lippman, Hospital presi- dent, expressed his deep appreciation to the Board, members of the Medical The Board of Directors added the The four annual holidays for which and Dental Staff and employees for Fourth of July to the list of holidays on employees on duty will receive the time- their time and fine efforts during the ac- which employees on duty will receive and-a-half payment include: New Year's creditation survey. time-and-a-half payment. Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Employees working this holiday will and the Fourth of July. be paid for the equivalent of 12 hours work for an eight-hour shift. Full-time employees will also be entitled to a day off for the holiday worked. Phone For Hearing PEST Is Coming ... PEST Is Coming ... Impaired The last issue of PROBE asked you to guess the average cost of several monthly expenses ...How did you do? The Allentown Hospital now has a Monthly Laundry Cost $27,443 phone with a volume adjustment to aid Monthly Utility Cost 19,386 (electric) the hearing impaired. Located just out- 1,372 (water) side the door of the X-ray Department, 21,424 (heati ng fuel) the phone is easy to use. Buttons con- Monthly Federal Tax Paid 181,589 trol the increase in volume needed by Monthly Social Security Cost 61,865 (Hospital also matches this figure each individual. Patients and visitors paid by employees) alike are invited to use the new phone. Monthly Food Cost 34,339 One hearing-impaired Allentown Monthly Health Insurance Cost 35,000 Hospital employee has already re- marked that it "works wonderfully" and is a pleasure to use . PEST Is Coming ••• PEST Is Coming ... 2 .. ~ ~ all ~ _ .. •••• -- .- C&_ ~- ......-~--- ---- ...- -- --~C& -- - ~-~--- -_ - -- - - - -------~ -~ - = •••••••..• - ~ ..------..---...-•....•------_~ •....... ------ ••• -- ------- .--..--- ---------~......•.. .._ _- WI ~ -- --- -- .. - •...-- --~"- - - ---~-- -- --- "-.•-~- State PP&L- Awards A.B.A. Approves NICU From left are: Expansion Robert SChryver, Carl Maio, Phil Plans for expanding the neonatal in- Prechtel, PP&Li tensive care unit at The Allentown Darry' Lippman, Hospital into a regional referral unit are Robert McNabb, currently underway following receipt of AHA Board approval from the Pennsylvania Depart- of Directors. ment of Health. Unanimous approval was received At a recent luncheon held at The only the second institution of its kind to from the Health Systems Council of Village Inn, Allentown, Hospital presi- receive it. Eastern Pennsylvania during its May dent, Darryl R. Lippman accepted As a recipient of this award, the Board meeting, but plans could not be PP&L's Energy Management Award on Allentown Hospital Engineering Depart- implemented until the State Depart- behalf of the hospital. Presented by Mr. ment, under the direction of Robert ment of Health approved the proposal. Carl R. Maio, Vice President, Lehigh Schryver, reduced energy expenditures President Darryl Lippman, stated, Division, Pennsylvania Power and Light by: "We are very pleased with the support Company, the award is designated for 1) replacing lighting with more effi- we have received from the HSC, PP&L customers as an incentive for cient energy systems; hospitals, physicians and other health business and industry to conserve 2) adding insulation, including pipe care agencies in the five-county region" energy.
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