arter COMMUN CATIONS January 31 , 2017 Hon. Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary NYS Public Service Commission Three Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223-1350 RE: Franchise Renewal - Time Warner Cable Northeast LLC With the Village of St. Johnsville Dear Secretary Burgess: We are herewith filing, via email, the following: 1 . R-2 Application for Franchise Renewal, channel Iineup and rates 2. Municipal Resolution granting renewal dated April 19, 2016 3. FullyexecutedcopyofFranchiseRenewalAgreementdatedNovember21,2016 4. Copy of Iatest annual test data compiled for this part of the Division's CATV System at PSC 5. Published Iegal notices We hereby request approval by the Commission of this application pursuant to Section 222 of the Public Service Law. Sincerely, Kevin Egan Director, Government Affairs Charter Communications Enclosures cc: Honorable Bernard Barnes, Mayor (w/copy of Encs.) 20 Century Hill Drive Latham, NY 12110 STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the matter of application of Time Warner Cable Northeast LLC, locally known as Charter Communications, for renewal of its Certificate of Confirmation and Cable Teleyision Franchise in the Village of St. Johnsvil}e, Montgomery County, New York. Tlie exact legal name of the applicant is Time Warner Cable Northeast LLC. The applicant does business under the name Charter Communications. Applicant's teleplione number is: (518) 640-8575 4. & 5. The applicant serves the following municipalities from the same headend or from a different headend in the same or adjacent counties; the number of subscribers in eacli of the coimnunities as of January 2017 are: Village of Arnes - 36 Town of Canajoharie - 81 Village of Canajoharie - 523 Village of Fort Plain - 557 Town of Minden - 61 Village of Nelliston - 119 Village of Palatine Bridge - 223 Town of Palatine - 49 Town of Root - 31 Town of St. Johnsville - 73 Village of St. Johnsville - 375 Tlie following signals are regularly carried by the Canajoharie cable system: (see attached channel card). The Applicant does provide channel capacity and video production facilities for local origination. During the past twelve (12) months, the Applicant has provided approxu'nately 1,200 hours of locally originated prograrmmng of all types including PEG access. The current monthly rates for service in tlie Village of St. Johnsville are: (see attached). During the past twelve (12) months, the applicant has placed the following miles of new cable television plant in operation in the following municipalities: Village of Ames - 0.00 miles Town of Canajoharie - 0.00 miles Village of Canajoharie - 0.00 miles Village of Fort Plain - 0.04 miles Town of Minden - 0.00 miles Village of Nelliston - 0.00 miles Village of Palatine Bridge - 0.00 miles Town of Palatine - O.OO miles Town of Root - O.OO miles Town of St. Johnsville - 0.00 miles Village of St. Johnsville - 0.00 miles 10. ThecompanyhaspreviouslysubmittedtotheNewYorkStatePublicServiceCon'imission its technical plan to rebuild the system to 750 MHZ which was completed by end of 2000. 11. (A) The Applicant has previously filed with the New York State Public Service Coimmssion its current Statement of Assessment pursuant to Section 817 of the Executive Law. (B) The Applicant previously filed with the New York State Public Service Corrurusston its current Amiual Financial Report. 12. State and describe below any significant achievements and/or improvements tliat took place with respect to system operation during the past twelve (12) months. 13. No event or change has occurred during the past twelve (12) months wliich lias liad, or could have, a significant impact upon Applicant's ability to provide cable television services. WHEREFORE, the Applicant, Charter Coimnunications, requests that the New York State Public Service Commission grant this application and approve renewal of the Village of St. Joluisville Ceitificate of Confirmation and Franchise Renewal Agreement. Dated: January 31, 2017 By: Kevin Egan Director of Govermnent Affairs Charter Coimnunications By subicnbing to these tervicet customer ag racs io be bound by the terms of T WC s Subscnlr Ag+eemcnt whch can bc tound at help twcable com}policies himl Time Wame+ Cable leaies CableCARDi Ioi $2 50 per monih per CablcCARD tor use in customer owned retail CablcCARD compahble dcvicei Our leaied Sct Top Boxes alio indude eithera CableCARD or inteQFated tccunty intide the device Our laaie raic +or SetTop Boxes that contain a CableCAR[) indudes a $2 50 imputed cha+ge IOT the CableCARD IT you leaie a CableCARD in lieu ol iuch a Set Top Box we now offe+ a proipective Service Rates itandard leaie ratei of Set Top Boxei and CableCARDi Pleaieconiact us by I(ling out }he +orm available vi= the Iollowing link il you believe you may be eligible Ior or would like mote inlormation regarding this ciedit twc com/CableCARD EFFECTlVEJANUARY2C)17 :' FOT cuiiomets teceiving ie+vce thtough commeicial accounts or bulk ariangamenii stime products pricing and oiher information containcd herein may no} apply Plcaie re+cr to the tcrms and condiiioni o+ the sepatate agreamenf Where termi are incontitten( wiih in+ormaiion in tlie Service Ratei Some restnctiont apply Siartcr TV tervce must be pu+chased to iubicnbe to any other optional vidco iervce or iier servicci Pricing prog+amming and packaging subect tochange witliout notice Servce pricet thown are monfhly and do Ames, Amsterdam, Bolton, Broadalbin, Canajoharie, Carlisle. not indude sales iax initallafion feei franchise Iees and FCC uter tees tervces Cherry Valley, Chester. Cobleskill, Coeymans, Crown Point, Delanson, may noi be available in all Subect to change without noiice Additional cha+gat apply for initallation equipmcn( Duanesburg, Esperance, Florida. Fonda. Ft. Ann. Ft. Johnson. su+chaiges applicable taxes and feei @2017 Time Wamei Cablc Entarprisci LLCAll all rigliti +eserved l ime Warncr Cable and the eye}ear IOQO an trademarkt oT Time Wamcr lnc uicd unda+ licenxe All ofher trademarki are p+ope+ty o+ iheir Ft. Plain. Fulton, Fultonville, Galway, Glen, Glens Falls, respective ownert Great Barrington, Hagaman, Horlcon, Lake George. Mayfleld, Middleburgh, Minden, Mohawk, Moriah, Nassau, Nelliston, Niskayuna, Palatine. Palatine Bridge. Perth, Princetown, Providence, For TWC store Iocations, please visit Putnam. Richmondville, Root, Rotterdam. Schenectady. Schoharie, Scotia, Seward, Sharon Springs, Sheffield, S. Glens Falls, St. Johnsville. Village Hagaman, Warrensburg, Whitehall TVSERVICESANDPACKAGES StarterTV' 19 00 Cherry Valley 13 00 Amsterdam. Bolton. Broadalbin. Village ol Canaloharie. Carlisle. Chesler. Cobleskill. Duanesburg, Esperance, Fonda, Ft Ann, Ft Johnson. Ft. Plain. Fultonville, Galway, Glens Falls. Hagaman. Horicon. Lake George. Mayfield. Niskayuna. Palahne Bridge, Per}h, Richmondville. Rotterdam.S Scoha. Sharon Springs. S. Glens Falls, S( Johnsville.Whitehall Essential TV StandardTV $ 7899 Preferred TV s Variety Pass s io.ooio.oo HDPass '5, 495495 TWCSportsPass $ 100010 00 TWC Movie Pass s ioooio oo TVenEspariol S 495495 Btoadcast TVSurcharqe $ 375375 SportsProgrammingSurcharqe 5 soosoo Subicnpiion to Staric+ TV is requiied Ior all l V Packages Re{iT iCted i0 9ar'dard Detniitionl iol lDVR equipn lel 11 0IIIV 011 1(Y Teil+lCUOl l{ apl)l'i PREMIUM SERVICES S 1699 ShOWtime- S 1599 TheMovieChannel'-' 5 I599 S 1599 Cinemax' S 1599 EPIX S 9.99 Encore Pass S 699 ADllLT PREMIUM SERVICES PlayboyTV S 1195 Penthouse S 12.95 Hustler S 1293 VNID $ {295 TEN S 12.95 REAL S {295 Manhandle S 1295 Adult 3-Pack S 2495 Time Warner 1-800-TWCABLE For our latest special offers and promotions, Cablea please visit 6017-RC-NE-0117 10 02 (105-121 226 230. 233-238. 240245. 254 255) 10 30 (211. 219)10 40 (101-104 121-123)10 61 (321-329. 331 333-335. 337 33')) 11 03 (130i40)11 74 (')10. 913) NTERNATIONAL PREMIUMS EQUIPMENT&EXTRAS Arabic Digital. HD. DVR or HD-DVR Set-Top Box and Remote Package $ 1175 12 99 Cantonese s 1299 39 99 !i 1599 Filipino Whole House DVR or Enhanced Whole House DVR Service'li-ar WH Dl/R) $ 19.99 TheGuide $ 325 S 24992499 Ca51eCARD(p.vlil s 250 French DigitalAdapierandRemote $ 325 S 999ggg Intemet Modetn Lease $ 1000 German S 999ggg Hindi INSTALLATION $ 1999 VldeOlnS{allaIIOn PnmatyOuIleIilJt=.fllPll li-te 111-<. 5 2499 Intemetlnstallakion Pllone lnstallation s 399939 99 AdcmionalOutletatTimeoflnstallation F--" !/i(i'= T'/i'Yl1 N'lJt,'ll'7 WH-DVR lnstallation f'lh'lCi'll $ 699969 99 H(il'neWiFilnstallahon Italian EasyConnectRescueFee P-nlln 5 gggggg EasyConnectShippingCharqe TTII) Charge' $ 24992499 Custom Work Hourly Service Charqe Mandarin ' Applcable whan adding and{or +elocating outlet t+anifcmng rcconncc}ing upgrading and{or downgrading ieivces and 995 picking up cqulpmenL Applcable it technician dctermlnci tliai tlic pioblim is no( +elabcd to Time Wa+ncr Cablc s iervice or ea uipmcnt This chargc may be waivcd i+ thc cui(omci subicnbci to tlie T ime Warncr Cable Service Pro(cchon Plan S 199919 99 Polish S I999ig gg OTHER SERVICE CHARGES Russian AgentAssiskedPayment IR l'.)IJIIL 11113 l 1111' P 11-l - rlP RTt-l Rl Vi l l 'l{ IOIJIIJ pJ,i ,li 'a l,i:11 s 259925 99 Bposit Fee VieLnamese Late Fee s $ 199919 99 8B(onnection Fee Returned Payment Fee 25 00 StatementCopy SEASONAL SPORTS SERVICES ESPN Full Court. ESPN GamePlan. MLB Extra Inrnngs. M LS Direct Kick, NBALeaguePass.NHLCenterlce Varies UNRETURNED/LOST/DAMAGED EQLIIPMENT Access Point 5 17200 CableCARD $ 2200 ON DEMAND & PAY-PER-VIEW Digital Receiver $ 12300 On Demand Varies DigitalTerminalAdapter
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