@ BEADED lIBELS N.Z. VETERAN AND VINTAGE MOTORING SEPTEMBER, 1965 "HORSELESS CARRIAGE" In 1893 th e first gasoline power ed motorcar in th e U nited States cruised down the main streets of Springfield, Ma ss., at a spee d of five miles an hour! This car was made by two brothers, Charles E. and J. Frank Duryea, In 1896 Henry Ford drove his first car out of the machine shop in Detroit. Later, his system of machine-made, interchangeable parts, and assembly line production, put motorcars within the price range of the man-in-the-street. By the beginning of the 20th century, 8,000 motorcars were registered in the United States. These were powered by steam, gasoline or electricity, and even th en they did not look much like the original "Horseless Carriage." Some of the laws passed in th e ea rly days of the motorcar make liS chuckle today. For instance, one community ruled that if a horse refused to pass a motorcar the driver of the car mu st "take the machine apart ... and conceal the parts in the grass". In some places motorcars wer e banned en tirely , and angry farmers guarded their livestock with shotguns against these "contraptions of the devil." It is easy to see that early motorists were indeed brave pioneers, often running risks that would be hard to imagine today, for they al so had to contend with the discomfort of rough roads, open driving sea ts and temperamental engines. Times have changed and those first motoring enthusiasts would be the first to appreciate the advances made both in car and tyre design since the exciting, stimulating days of the "Horseless Carriage." FIRESTONE Tyres, since the earliest days of motoring, have set the standard of reliability, economy and safety. Today's motorist, like his father and grandfather before him, looks to Firestone for EXTRA mileage and EXTRA reliability. - Beaded IV heels is the voice of the Vintage Car M ov ement in N ew Zealand and of th e Club s whose efforts are fostering and ever widening th e interest in th is movem ent and form rallying point s for that ever increasing blind of enthusiasts. T he fascination of age itself or revulsion from the flashy m ediocrity of our present day is drawing an increasing number of m otorists back to th e individua lity , solid worth, and funct ional elegance thut was demanded by a mor e discrim inating generation and it is to these that we dedicate- BEADED WHEELS VOL. x, No . +3 SE PTEMBER, 1965 " BEAD EDWHEELS" DIRECT ORY TO T HE V INTAGE CAR C LUB'S O FFICERS Beaded Wheel s is Published Nationa l Executive : President, A. A. Anderson (C hrist- Quarte rly by the churc h ); C lub Capta in, A. K. Wright ( Wanganui) ; V INTAGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z. I N C. Vice-Club C a ptain and " Beade d Wheels" Editor, M ollie 20 HACKTHORNE ROAD Andcrson (C hristchu rch ) ; Com m ittee, N . C. Ad ams CHRIS T CHURCH, 2, NEW Z EALAND (Auckland ); J. Lou ghn an (C hriste hur ch); G. S. Slyficld Yearly Subs cri ption 10/- post free. (C hristchur ch) ; L. B. Southward ( W ellington) . A ll Co rr espondence to C lub Secr etary, E. A. Bai ley, Individ ual copies 2/6 ea ch . P.O . Box 2546, Christchurc h. Edit or : Mrs M. ]. ANDERSON. No rt hla nd Branch : C hairman, C. Corp; Secret ary, F. Assistant Editor: R. PORTER, Wa lker, 2 Purely Street , Kaik ohc. Andersons Line, Carter ton . Whangarei Bran ch : C ha irma n, J. Marks; Se cr eta ry , Mrs Co py m ust be typed on one side of paper G. Sparks, 9 R .D ., W hangarei. and sent to th e Editor, 20 Hackthorne Auckland Branch : Chairman, H . D en ton; Secretary, H. D. Road, Ch ristchu rch . Kidd, 1'.0. Box 3382, Auck land. Bay of Pl enty Branch : C hairman, ]' Hovcn; Se cretary, G. COp y FORD ECEMBER ISSUE Cappcr, Trito n Avenu e, Mount Maunganui. C LOSES NOVEMBE R 15th, 1965. Wa ika to Bran ch : Chairman, 1'. P. K. Rashl cigh ; Secr etary, L. H . F. D eat h, 1'.0. Box 924 , H amilton . I NT HIS ISSUE H awkc's Ba y Branch: Chairman, G. M . Howard; Secretary, P age L. J. Pri est, 305a Collinge Road, Hastings. Editorial 2 Welling to n Branch: Chairman, R . L. Southward; Secr et ary, Gen er al Notes 2 J. Elworthy , 6 Pernpscy Stre et , Si lverst rcam. Sizaire Naudin R ebuild 3 M an awatu Branch: C ha irman, D. Barker; Secretary , B. T . 12/ 50 Alvis 9 Deighton , 20 Ne wha ven Place, Palmerston North. V. & V.M / C ycle Notes 11 \ Van ganui Branch : Chairman, A. K . \Vright ; Secretary, 1'. R estoration of 1925 Bentley 15 F. Bowat er , 1'.0. Box 140, W an ganui. Camer a Review 16 and 17 Tara na ki Branch: C hairman, C. G. M . Pa yn e; Se cretary, Irishman C reek 19 D. R. M oorc, 582 Ca rring- to n Road, Ne w Plym outh. Ea rly N.Z. En gines 20 Marlboroug h Bra nch: C hairman, C . Patchcrt ; Secr et ary, Letters to Edi tor 22 J. O. Finni e, i 14 Muller Road , Blcnhcim. Bran ch Notes- Nelson Branch : C ha irm an, D. King; Secret ary, D . Pick er ­ T ar an aki 24 iug, 14 Scotl and Stree t, Ne lson. Waika to 24 Canterbury Branch : Chairman, H. B. Foster; Secretary, Otago 25 A. J. Airs, 65 T e Awa Kura T errace, C hristc hurc h, 8. Ne lson 26 Sou th Canterbury Branch: Chairman, B. A. Goodman ; No rthe rn Natt er 26 Secretary, C . G . Lyon, " Wellpa rk", Opihi, Pleasa nt Sou th Canterbury 26 Point, South Canterbury. Ba y of Pl enty 28 Mana wa tu 28 No rth O tago Branch : C hairman, W . G . Spite; Secretary, M arlborough 28 W. J. Mitch cll, Awam oa Road, Oamaru. Cante rbu ry 29 O tago Branch : Chairman , R. E. N . Oaklcy; Secretary , Southland 29 D. R. Go odman , 12 Kinvig Street, Andcrsou's Bay, C lass ified Adver tiseme nts 32 Du ncdin. So uth land Branch: C ha irman, A. D . Cascy; Secretary, N .M cMillan, 146 Tanner Street, Invercargill. COVER Adv er tising e nq uirie s t? be a dd ressed to th e Ad\' ~'I" li siJl ~ Manager, 20 Allan D ray's Alvis at th e Wanganui 10th Ha ckt horu e Road . Christchurch , 2, Published by Vintaac Car Club of N .Z . I ncorp orated a nd printed by Simpson & \Villiams L td", 1 169 St. Asaph Annive rsa ry Rally. (see article ). Sncet ,Christcbu rch . N..-w Zealand. Re,l;:' isll·!'l·d at thr- C, P.O. 'V l"lI i n ~ l o ll . Iur u-an smiss ion as a m ag axim-. rt c. I'AGE T WO SEP1 n /ll ER. 1% ,; the Club is being brought up to date at pre­ EDITORIAL sent and, some extensive alterations and im­ It was most heartenin g to sec such a provemen ts are being mad e in the register keen and representative attendan ce at the a nd Dating Committee Records. Not th e Executive M eeting held in conjunction with lease imp ort ant of which is a cross reference our A.G JvL in August. M uch good has been system. The latter we intend to have com­ done by the meetin g and concrete plans are pleted well before Novemb er 1965, but th e afoot for 3 really major steps in th e future of Club ca rds may take longer. Neve rtheless all your Club and its services. The first is a the improvements being effected now will move to esta blish an Insuran ce Scheme for ena ble our informati on to be brought up to Club Vehicles at most competitive and at­ date and will ena ble acc urate memb ership tractive rates and terms. lists in the future to be made with the mini­ The second calls for the establishment mum of delay and work. of a non-profit making Compan y to handle Generally the average member wants to the spa re parts problem on a national scale. know who else has a vehicle of similar make Whil st the third is the approval to pro­ and model to his own and this memb ership ceed with th e planning of a further Inter­ list should supply this need . national Rally to mark the Club's 25th The last membership list was published Birthday to be held in Februar y 1972, the in February, 1962, but hours of checking actua l birthday being August 6th, 1971. Register and Dating Committee Record s had Full er details will be given out as plans been done in 1964 before the work for th e for each of the above mature and in the Haast Rally pushed this essential work aside. meantime you can all start workin g on the If you are asked to supply any details of ca rs th at didn't make the Haast - you could a vehicle ,transfer, or any details for this make it in time for th e Birthday Party! membership list please do so imm ediately you are asked, and supply the information by GENERAL NOTES return mail. G I/r Quiz: Once again we must appeal to all mern­ Our qui z photograph enco uraged several ?ers to.
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