Rush Chevrolet... Hydramatlc

Rush Chevrolet... Hydramatlc

Page 38TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, January 3 1, 1957 AUTOMOBILES 200* AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 2909 AUTOMOBILES 200 FOB SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE AUTOMOBIIJCS tOO* AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200* AUTOMOBILES «00* AUTOMOBILES 200 FOB SALE FOB SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE See and Drive Today EXPECTING? Too Many Bills? Our beautiful u**d c*rs are a bl eased eve*rt for families needing the low cost of a good late mod*! car from HARBOR MOTOR CO. Car Payments Hard To Make? '55 Chev.. $1595 V-8 sedan. Radio, heater, poweirglid*. 2-torte. NEED CASH? whlterwalls, tinted glace. No Problems - Trade Your Car In at * '55 Olds. .$2195 Super "88" 2-door s*dan. Radio. heater, Rush Chevrolet... hydramatlc. whitemraH*. tinted glass. 2«ton«, power steering and brakei. BUTLER BUICK THE BEST DEAL ON A 1957 CHEVROLET 400 So. Sepulveda - Manhattan Beach '54 Olds. $1995 No Payments Until April Rush Chevrolet... Super "88" Holiday coup*. Radto. heater, Let us consolidate your bills and lower your payments hydramatlc, power steering and brakes. 2- tone.. tinted glass, whitewall tlre». HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE '53 Olds, . $1295 100% Financing Rush Chevrolet... (On Approved Credit) ^^ Super "88" 2-door aeflan. Radio, heater, LOWEST DOWN PAYMENT hydramatlc. 2-tone, Whitehall*, tinted glass. 1956 BUICK ........ $2795 Super 2-door hard top. Radio and heater. Dynaffow, full power. WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EACH CAR GMAC or BANK TERAAS 1955 BUICK ........ $2195 Rush Chevrolet... 2-door Century hard top. Radio and heater. Dynaflow. Full power. TERMS UP TO 48 MONTHS HARBOR MOTOR CO. 1954 BUICK ........ $1495 Riviera 2-door hard top. Fully equipped. "Your Oldsmobile Dealer" 1956 BUICK ........ $2295 WILMINGTON "BIGGEST USED CAR SALE EVER" Special 4-door hard top. Radio and heater. Dynaflow. 230 W. Anaheim 300 W. Anoheim TE. 4-1166 TE. 4-1166 1955 BUICK .......'. $2195 '52 Willys ..... $695 '54 Chevrolet . $995 Century convertible coupe. Radio and heater. Dynaflow. Full power. Station \\agon, "6". Overdrive, radio and 2-door nedan Factory equipped. Original heater. Camper special. Clean Car 1955 CHEVROLET . $1995 paint. One owner. THE 4-door V-8 Bel-Air station wagon. Radio and heater. Power Glide. '53 Chevrolet, $1095 '55 Chevrolet, $1395 ft-passenger station wagon. Radio, heater. 1956 MERCURY ....... $2295 pow*<rglide. whttewall time., original palnt- 4-door sedan. Radio, heater. power-gild.* Corner Monterey hard top. Radio and heater. Merc-o-matic. Power. Thl« car tmu<t be. **»n to appreciate. It's u power steering. clean as a pin. LEADER '50 Merc... $395 1956 PONTIAC . ... $2295 The House You Can Convertible. Red finish. Black 4-door Catalina hard top. Radio and heater. Hydramatic. Power. '53 Oldsmobile, $795 '55 Ford ...... $995 top. Radio and heater and 2-door Trust - Since 1932! overdrive. Snappy ! "WT 4-doo.r AS TS SPECIAL,. Hydramatlfl. sedan. Factory equipped. 1953 DODGE ........ $895 power steering, power brake*, whitewall tires. 7th to 8th '52 Ford ... $495 Coronet V-8 h«rd top. Radio and Heater. Gyromatic transmission. Custom "8" 4-door. Radio ft '55 Chevrolet, $1995 heater, overdrive, original fin­ 1952 CHEVROLET ... $495 '52 Cadillac.. $1595 "R" Bel-Air »port coupe. Radio. heater. at Gaffey ish and interior. Se* this one. Deluxe. Radio and heater. Power Glide. Coup* D<»VHI«. Full power, neat* and win­ powe,rs;lirte. 2-tone paint, whittwall tiro*, dows, hydramatic. radio and heater. This ! original throi'irltout. TE. 2-4659 '51 Ford... $495 a Beverly Hills oar. V-8 Victoria. Radio and heat­ er. 2 tone. Extra .nice. High '57 Karmen Ghia rubber. vVhltewH.ll*. Good buy at thin low price ! '54 Chevrolet, $1395 '56 Chevrolet, $2395 BUTLER BUICK Bel-Air uport coup*. Original finish. Radio, «-pasn«is;er *t»i ion wagon. Powf>rglid», ^ Coup*, unregistered. Driven heater, wliitewalf tires, original through­ heater. wh\,tewaJl tire*. Sold and servlwa only 7 mile*. '50 Chev... $495 400 SO. SEPULVEDA Manhattan Beach out. Sold and serviced by iw since, new. hy u* gince new. Deluxe 2-door Styllne. Radio and heater. White/wall*. Drive ( Just North of Redondo Beach Blvd. & 101 Highway) $2995 Phone: FR. 4-8968 OR. 8-7814 100% FINANCING The Above Cars Carry Chevrolet'! '50 Plym... $495 (On Approved Crfdlt) Famous "OK" Red Tag Guarantee 8p<v|al deluxe xwivertlble. '56 Cad. $4895 Radio and heater. Original Sedan Deville. Full power. color. Interior immaculate You will love it '55 Olds. $2495 '52 Plym... $595 25°° REWARD 98 Holiday. Full power. 4-door sedan. One owner and look* It. New car trade. To any buyer of the RUSH CHEVROLET '52 Ford . $595 '50 Merc... $595 following cars 15600 So. Western, Gardena Redan. Radio, heater, white Club cmipe. Radio and heater, wall)). Overdrive. Bitter sweet and charcoal. Really harp. '53 Pont... $1095 '50 Chevrolet . $599 '52 Chevrolet.... $799 FA. I -2900 DA. 3-d303 Catalina. Hydramatic. Radio '52 Buick... $695 Bel-Air iiport coupe Whltewalla. Full leather OPEN SUNDAY OPEN SUNDAY and heater flpodal hard tx>p coupe. Radio Interior, radio and heater. Styllne, deluxe 2-door itedan. Radio, heater, and h*ate,r. Dynaflow. Black neat covers. whltewajl Urea. '52 Cad. $ 1 695 and sharp. Stock Reduction BISHOP Coupe. Low mileage* Clean. '52 Chev... $895 52 Studebaker....$499 '55 Plymouth ... $1099 Bel Air hard top. Radio and 4-door **"dan. Radii, heater, overdrive, white- heater. Powergllde. New twA Wtllfl. Ooupe,. Seat cover*, radio and heater. '55 Olds. .$2J95 tone. 5 brand. n*w whlterwalls. AUTO SALES 98 4-door aedan. Full. A hroney. SALE "Just Good Clean Used Cars" '56 Chevrolet... $2399 '53 Ford.. $1095 '54 Chevrolet... $1299 No Money Down '55 Cad. $3595 V-« ranrh wagon. Radio and Bel-Air 2-do</r «edan. Radio, heater, white- V-8 2-door hardtop. Radio and heater, white- Coup*. Fully powered. heater. Original lite blue, love­ wall*. Exceptionally clean. l>»w mileage. walls, powerglide. ANY CAR ly Interior. on Approved Credit '54 Plym. $ 1 295 And Many More to Choose From $25 DOWN '53 Chev.. $ 1295 On Approved Credit Station wagon. Hydrive. B"I Air hrd top. Radio and heater. Powerglfde. two tone, '52 STUDEBAKER . $595 50 STUDESAKER ... -..........................................I I95 whltewall*, a]] original. Check Bring This Notice With You Radio and healer. Eatcftllent condition. 4-door. with overdrive. '54 Chev. $ 1 295 this fine car. Bel -Air 2-door. Power-O-Hde. Do Not Show Salesman 51 MERCURY ......... .................... ..... ...$ 595 '55 Chev.. $ 1695 '55 FORD ...... $1995 4-door. Or»rdriv«, radio and heater. Real (Mean. '55 Chev. .$1995 V-8 4-4oor. Radio and heater. V-8. Radio, heater. rord-o-*natl«. Ranch wagon. 53 BUICK ... ...... ........... ............ .......... .. ..$ «95 Powergllde. Until Your Deal Is Made Bel-Air. Automatic. Two ton*. Ex- Special. Heater, radio, dynaflow. x real buy! tremly low ml leaf e and shows Then Receive $25.0(3 More on Your Deal '56 PLYMOUTH . ... $1795 '50 PONTIAC 2-Door .............................._........._.$ 225 And Lots More to Ne-w car warranty. Radio, heater. As i.«. Run* good. Select From 56 Chev.. $1995 51 HUDSON ................................. .......... ..._.....$ I95 Hard top coup*. Radio and "SEE US TODAY - WE'LL DEAL YOUR WAY" Rndio. heater, real Hean. heater. Two tone, whltewails, '53 FORD ...... $1095 Real performer. New car '50 STUDEBAKER Commander ..................................$ I95 Bill Williams trade. A beauty. Radio & heater and '52 FORD ...... $695 BUICK .. ....................$ |95 Jim Tippett 100% Financing Radio, heater, dynaflow, sharp. ,* (On approved credit) Radio and heater. New paint. Nice family oarl '49 FORD ......--...................;............:...... ......$ 100 r* " i FRED GLEDHILL '52 HILLMAN ...... $595 A real buy. Station wagon. Radio and heater. '53 OLDSMOBILE Super "88" ........................_.$I095 Ceci L Walnut CHEVROLET 4-door. Power «te«rin», power brake*, olcaa. 50 MERCURY .............. ...... ......................$ 495 304 East Anaheim Wilmington - TE. 4-3491 '51 CHRYSLER .... $595 Real clean. Heater and radio, overdrive, Thomas Windsor. Radio and heater, automatic. 51 FORD ..............................................^.___.$ 495 and Sons Motors Cluh rovipe. Heater, radio, overdrive. Cadillac, OldsmobiU 2084 TORRANCE BLVD. L & M MOTOR SALES "200 Additional Cars to Select From" 52 PLYMOUTH ... .............................................$ 495 2-door. Heater and radio. GMC Trucks at Cravens THUNDERBIRDS 7th TO 8th ON OAFTBY Located corner of Western and WILLYS STATION WAGON ..L........................... t 295 Downtown Torrancd 'M TfTUNDKRBIRD Rral doan. Overdrive. SAN PEDRQ AND black convertible top! FA. 8-6212 PULL POWER! Steering. Carson . Same lot as WALCO CARL'S MOTOR CO. '50 PONTIAC ;.... ...................................... ..........$ 495 TE. 2-4659 brakes, windows, aeata, etc.! Slat .on waxon. Heater, radio and hydraniatie Ford-o-niatlc. radio and heater, "Your Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer" ?ADIT*L,AC '57 De Vlllo If We Self It, whiteWHUK, full wirr hub caps. SELF SERVICE, where you get a '52 MERCURY ....................................... $895 It.'g nearly new. Juat a f*w f\c. Like new! T.<ow mileage: Convertible. Heater, radio and M*rc-o-matlc. mile*. Haa all power equip­ Life, time guarantee, 100% ment plua pow-r window* d You Can financing or new mr hank 1200 Avalon - Wilmington 54 MERCURY . ................ ................................$|295 way neat. It'n noiin black fln- beautiful chrome 2-cell flashlite Hardtofv. Need* motor work. 8*11 a* I*! l»h with rnatc-hmg upholatery term* Bverythlng I* like n*w &. you Depend On It TE. 5-3132 nave $800. A umall down pay­ 51 CHEVROLET ....... .$596 'F>f> THUNDERBIRD free with ten gallons of gas. '48 OLDS 4-dr. Beaut, green. ment will handle thia car. Fler-UIn* deluxe. Radio and ALSO FULL POWER Clean Interior. RadU». new heater Original paint. BISHOP JOK TORVICK. red flninh with mat/ri­ hydra. Good tires. $175 license 61 BUICK ... .........................$605 ng red and whlt'e vinyl inte­ 1955 OLDSMOBILE ................................ $2595 Included. FA. fi-8482 day* »-3 14/SO W. ManchMtur Special deluxe sedan. Radio A rior, brand new white ton. Just "08" Holiday. Gorgeous tutone, r*d and «hlt«>.

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