T.C. ULUDAG ÜNİVERSİTESİ iLAHiYAT FAKÜLTESi Sayı: 9, Cilt: 9, 2000 A.Ü. İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ KÜTÜPHANESiNDE BULUNAN HARVARD THE LOGICAL REVIEW (HTR)'IN MAKALELER BİBLİYOGRAFYASI -II- 1959-1997 Mulıammet TARAKÇl 1908 yılından beri çıkmakta olan Harvard Theological Review adlı derginin makaleler bibliyograzyasının ilk bölümünü geçen sayıda yayınlamıştık. Harf sırası esasına göre düzenlenen bu bibliyografayın ikinci bölümünü bu sayıda sunuyoruz. Aynca bibliyograzyanın sonunda, derginin, A.Ü. ilahiyat Fakültesi Kütüphanesi'nde bulunmayan sayılarını da belirttik. Faydalı olacağı ümidiyle ... Maimonides on the Miraculous Element in Prophecy, Lawrence Kaplan, HTR, 1977, LXX/3-4, 233-257. Maimonides' Doctrine of Creation, Norbert M. Samuelson, HTR, 1991, L:X:XXIV/3, 249-273. Marcus Aurelius a Persecutor?, Paul Keresztes, HTR, 1968, LXV3, 321-343. Mark 9:43-47 and Quintilian 8.3.75, Helmut Koester, HTR, 1978, LXXI/1-2, 151-154. Meaning and Saying in Religion: Beyond Language Games, Garl Raschke, HTR, 1974, LXVII/2, 79-117. Meister Eckhart's Conception of Union with God, Richard Kieckhefer, . HTR, 1978, LXXV3-4, 203-227. Melancholy as Despair: Pope's Eloisa to Abelard, John F. Sena, HTR, 1983, LXXVV4, 443-455. Men Dreaming of Men: Using Mitch Walker's "Double Animus" in Pastoral Care, Philip Culbertson, HTR, 1993, LXXXVV2, 219-233. Mental Activity and the Perception of Beauty in Jonathan Edwards, Sang Hyun Lee, HTR, 1976, LXIX/3-4, 369-397. Mhtenoito in the Diatribe and Paul, Abraham J. Malherbe, HTR, 1980, LXXIII/1-2, 23 1-241. Araş.Gör.; U.Ü. İlahiyat Fakültesi Dinler Tarihi Anabilim Dalı. 791 Milton and Wolleb Again, John M. Steadman, HTR, 1960, LIII/2, 155-156. Milton's Arianism Again Considered, Maurice Kelly, HTR, 1961, LIV/3, 195-207. Milton's Arianism, J. H. Adamson, HTR, 1960, LIII/4, 269-277. Milton's Conception of Time in the Christian Doctrine, Laurence Stapleton, HTR, 1964, LVII/1, 9-23. Modernism as the Fina! Phase of Americanism: William L.Sullivan, American Catholic Apologist, 1899-1910, R. Scott . Appleby, HTR, 1988, LXXXI/2, 171-193. Monopolar Theism and the Ontological Argument, H. C. McDonald, HTR, 1965, LVIII/4, 387-417. More Evidence that George Joye Wrote the Souper of the Lorde, William A. Clebsch, HTR, 1962, LV/1, 63-66. Mortality and Contemporary Literature, Amos N. Wilder, HTR, 1965, LVIII/1, 1-21. Most Tender and Fairest of Woman: A Study in the Transmission of Aggada, Burton L. Visotzky, HTR, 1983, LXXVI/4, 403-419. Myth and History in Eusebius's De vita Constantini: Vit. Const. 1.12 in Its Contemporary Setting, Michael J. Hollerich, HTR, 1989, LXXXH/4, 421-447. Neo-Latin Verse-Translations of the Bible, W. Leonard Grant, HTR, 1959, Llfl3, 205-2ı 1. New Light on Aelred's Immersion, Roger G. Cooper, HTR, ı 976, LXIX/3-4, 4ı6-421. New Light on the "Chaldaean Oracles", E. R. Dodds, HTR, ı961, LIV/4, 263-275. New Manuscript Discoveries for the Literary H eritage of Mose bar Kepha, Arthur Vööbus, HTR, 1975, LXVIII/3-4, 377-385. New Testament Textual Criticism Past, Present and Future: Reflections on the Alan ds' Te.Y:t oj tiıe New Testament, Eldon Jay E pp, HTR, ı 989, LXXXII/2, 213-231. Nikolaus von Amsdorf on Vessels of Wrath and Vessels of Mercy: A Lutheran's Doctrine of Double Predestination, Robert Kolb, HTR, ı976, LXIX/3-4, 325-345. Nimrod Before and After the Bible, K. van der Toom, HTR, ı 990, LXXXIIlll , ı-3 1. Norman Perrin and the Relation of Historical Knowledge to Faith, Amos N. Wilder, HTR, ı989, LXXXII/2, 201-213. Notes on the Biography of St. Edmund of Abingdon, J. C. Russell, HTR, 1961, LIV/3, 147-159. On a Newly Published Divorce Bill from the Judaean Desert, Ta1 Han, HTR, 1996, LXXXVIV/2, 195-203. On Breaking Teeth, Jo Ann Hackett and John Huehnergard, HTR, 1984, LXXVII/3-4, 259-277. 792 On. Hidden Hatred and Open Reproach: Early Exegesis of Leviticus 19:17, James L. Kugel, HTR, I987, LXXXII, 43- 63. On Honi the Circle-Maker: A Demanding Prayer, Judah Goldin, HTR, I963, LVI/3, 233-239. On Matthew 23:27-28, Samuel Tobias Lachs, HTR, I975, LXVIII/3-4, 385- 389. On Separating Life and Death: An Explanation of Some Biblical Laws, Calum M. Carmichael, HTR, 1976, LXIX/1-2, I-9. On the Holy Road: The Beat Movement as Spiritual Protest, Stephen Prothero, HTR, I99I, LXXXIV/2, 205-225. On the Meaning of "God" : Transcendence without Mythology, Gordon D. Kaufinan, HTR, I966, LIX/2, 105-133. On the Meaning of the Term "Jew" in Greco-Roman Inscriptions, Ross S. Kraemer, HTR, I989, LXXXII/I, 35-55. On the Origin of the Rotas-Sator Square, Duncan Fishwick, HTR, I964, LVII/1, 39-55. On tlıe Sin of Adam and Eye: A Little-Known Defense of Marriage and Childbearing by Ambrosiaster, David G. Hunter, HTR, 1989, LXXXII/3, 283-301. On the Terni Phylacteries (Matt 23:5), Jeffrey H. Tigay, HTR, 1979, LXXII/1-2, 45-55. On the Unity of Orphic and Milesian Thought, Aryeh Finkelverg, HTR, 1986, LXXVIV/4, 321-337. On the Uses of Heresy: Leonard Feeney, Mary Douglas and the Notre Dame Footbaii Team, Mark Massa, HTR, 1991, LXXXIV/3, 325-343. Once More-Statistic and Q, Charles E. Carlstor and Dennis Norlin, HTR, 1971, LXIV/1, 59-79. Ordination and Appointment in the Period of the Temple, Hugo Mantel, HTR, I964, LVII/4, 325-347. Original Sin as the Ev il Inciination -A Polemicist's Appreciation of Human Nature-, Jeremy Cohen, HTR, 1980, LXXIII/3-4, 495-521. Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 655 Reconsidered, Robert A. Kraft, HTR, 1961, LIV/4, 253-263. Paganism in the Greek World at the End of Antiquity: The Case of Rural Greece and Anatolia, Frank R. Trombley, HTR, I 985, LXXVIII/3-4, 327-353. Paganism to Christianity in Anglo-Saxon England, William A. Chaney, HTR, 1960, LIII/3, 197-219. Paradise Revisited (2 Cor 12:1-12): The Jewish Mystical Background of Paul's Apostolate Part 1: The Jewish Sources, C. R. A. Morray Jones, HTR, 1993, LXXXVI/2, 177- 219. 793 ----------------------------------------------------====~~~~~s=~-- Patristic Tradition and Psychological Image in Bunyan's Three Shining Ones at the Cross, James F. Forrest, HTR, I975, LXVIII/I, 61-67. Patterns of Religion in Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: A Holistic Method of Comparison, E. P. Sanders, HTR, 1973, LXVI/4, 455-479. Paul and the Jesus Tradition: It Is Time for Another Look, Stephen J. Patterson, HTR, I991, LXXXIV/I, 23-43. Paul and the Pagan Cults at Isthmia, Oscar Broneer, HTR, 1971, LXIV/2-3, ı 69- ı 89. Paul's Argumentation in Galatians 1-2, Johan S. Vos, HTR, 1994, LXXXVII/I, I-17. Paul's Epistle to Philemon: Toward an Alternative Argımıeııtum, Allen Dwight Callahan, HTR, 1993, LXXXVI/4, 357-377. Pauline Worship as Seen by Pagans, Morton Smith, HTR, 1980, LXXIII/1-2, 241-251. Paul's Absclıiedsrede in the Acts of the Apostles, Thomas L. Budesheim, HTR, 1976, LXIX/1-2, 9-31. Paulsen on Augustine: An Incorporeal or Nonanthropomorphic God?, Kim Paffenroth, HTR,-1993, LXXXVI/2, 233-235. Pharisaic Doruinance Before 70 CE and the Gospels Hypocrisy Charge (Matt 23:2-3), Steve Mason, HTR, I 990, LXXXIII/4, 363-383. Pierre D'Ailly and the Absolute Power ofGod, Francis Oakley, HTR, 1963, LVIII, 59-75. Plato's Language of Love and Female, Margalit Finkelberg, HTR, 1997, XC/3, 23I-263. Pluralism and the American Mainstream: The View from the World's Parliament of Religions, Richard Hughes Seager, HTR, 1989, LXXXII/3, 301-325. Pneumatikos vs. Psychikos: Distinctions of Spiritual Statues among the Corinthians, Richard A. Horsley, HTR, 1976, LXIX/3-4, 269-289. Poetry, Personality and the Divinity School Address, David M. Robinson, HTR, 1989, LXXXII/2, 185-201. Political Theology and Secularization: Theory in Germany, 1918-1939: Emanuel Hirsch as a Phenomenon of His Time, John Stroup, HTR, 1987, LXXX/3, 321-369. Politics, Tradition, History: Rabbinic Judaism and the Eighteenth­ Century Struggle for Civil Equality, Edward Breuer, HTR, 1992, LXXXV/3, 357-385. Portraits of Jesus in Contemporary North American Scholarship, Mareus J. Borg, HTR, 1991, LXXXIV II, I-23. Prayer and Ethics: Reflections on Calvin and Barth, John Kelsay, HTR, 1989, LXXXII/2, 169-185. Pre-Islamic Monotheisni in Arabia, Harnilton A. R. Gibb, HTR, 1962, LV/4, 269-281. 794 Present and Future Life, John Hick, HTR, 1978, LXXI/1-2, 1-17. Prolegomena to a Dissolution to the Problem of Suffering, George Denis O'Brien, HTR, 1964, LVII/4, 301-325. Prophecy and Justice in the Modern Encyclical Literature, B. Andrew Lustig, HTR, 1990, LXXXIII/4, 435-447. Protestant Clergymen and American Destiny I. Promise and Judginent, 1781-1800, James H .. Smylie, HTR, 1963, LVI/3, . 217-233 . Protestant Clergymen and American Destiny II. Prelude to Imperialism, 1865-1900, John Edwin Smylie, HTR, 1963, LVI/4, 297-313. Psalm 89: A Lament over the Davidic Ruler's Continued Failure, Richard J. Clifford, HTR, 1980, LXXIII/1-2, 35-49. Pseudo-Jerome in the Commentary of Andrew of St. Victor on Samuel, A. Saltman, HTR, 1974, LXVII/3, 195-255. Public Theology and Counter Public Spheres, Owen C. Thomas, HTR, 1992, LXXXV/4, 453-467. Rabbi Simeon ben Lakish at the Gladiator's Banquet: Rabbinic Observations on the Roman Arena, Michael Poliakoff, HTR, 1990, LXXXIII/I, 93-99. Rabbi Yohanan and Origen on the Song of Songs: A Third-Century Jewish-Christian Disputation, Reuven Kimelman, HTR, 1980, LX:XIIT/3-4, 567-597. Rabbinic Rellections on the Barren Wife, Judith R. Baskin, HTR, 1989, LXXXII/I, 10I-II5. Reflection on Aspects of lmmortality in Islam, Jane I.
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