THE EVENING STAR Bill Harrison's Homer Today Washington, D. C. * X-Ray to Show Extent FRIDAY. JUNE 6. 1962 C-3 Stirs Scouts and Helps Os Keene's Injury in Knockout Canadian Track Sold OF).—’Thom- By th« Associated Press < times by Smith, each TORONTO, June 6 [four # twice today sold Coolidge PHILADELPHIA, June 6. —! in the second and third rounds, cliffe racetrack was to Win Title Julian Keene was to be X-rayed before the' final knockdown in 24 a syndicate headed by L. Jules When sports writers and coaches today to determine whether the seconds of the fourth. Referee Mendelssohn of Toronto for $2 met other day to knockout blow he received last Daggert million. The syndicate, which the select play- Charley stopped the bout been running trotting races ers for All-HighAll-Prep night in a preliminary in when saw that Keene appeared has the base- bout he option ball game June 15 at Griffith Municipal Stadium is more serious injured. there, has held an on the Stadium, there was complete than it appears. Semiconscious on arrival at th» racing plant for the past month. agreement as to the choice of Bill On the surface, the 21-year-old hospital. Keene regained full con- Harrison of Coolidge at first base. light-heavyweight from Washing- sciousness soon after being ad- The 6-foot-2 Harrison has at- ton is “doing very well,” according mitted and early today seemed tracted much attention in the to doctors at St. Agnes’ Hospital. all right. area with his smooth handling of Keene was taken to the hospital It was the sixth loss and the TRADE-IN first base and his power at the after being knocked out by Billy first knockout defeat for Keene, plate. Major league clubs, includ- Smith of Oakland, Calif., in the who had won 49 fights and was ing the Nats, have voiced inter- fourth round of their bout which ranked seventh among the light- est in the boy, who will be gradu- preceded the Ezzard Charles-Joe heavyweights by the National ated this month. Walcott heavyweight title fight. Boxing Association. He weighed SALE Playing his last game for Keene, married and the father 174Vi pounds, 3 pounds more Coolidge, Harrison made it a good of two children, was knocked down than Smith. yesterday by one slamming a jfjjs* RmSs;:' AHR , H home run over Griffith Stadium’s rightfield wall with the bases " empty in inning to LX, jmiiWTWAT' iTtwwiippm Clayton, Referee of the sixth help M* I I F~ wmi ' Title Bout, his team to a 5-2 victory over was?/ ' 2 ' l£jj Wk Roosevelt. Once It gave the Colts the District Member of Globe Trotters Interhigh championship, which By lha Associated Press boutJ between unbeaten Gil Turner they owned in 1947 and 1948 be- PHILADELPHIA, June 6. tand Chico Varona of Cuba, was fore Eastern went on a three-year Zach Clayton, a former basketball criticized by the Charles camp streak. It was the first home run c his handling of bout. player Har- for the title ever hit by a schoolboy out of the with the world-famed Ray] Aitel, Charles’ trainer, Stadium and traveled about 350 lem Globe Trotters, Is the first {thought| Clayton had handicap- feet. It cleared the wall by some negro ever to a heavy- ped] the challenger by warning SCHOOLBOY SLUGGER GREETED—BiII Harrison, Coolidge High trots in to after referee 5 feet. School first baseman, receive congratulations weight championship fight. j] of throughout belting a home run over the right-field wall at Griffith Stadium yesterday. First player to offer his Mai Mug- ihim low blows the Billy Smith Ejected. hand is Catcher The • 40-year-old Clayton, who fight.1 mon of Roosevelt, which lost the District Interhigh title game, 5-2. Harrison’s belt, said to be the first by a schoolboy at Griffith I Harrison’s homer was served Stadium, in moved into top officiating assign-j j Charles said, “I hit him low came the sixth inning with nobody on base and gave the Colts a 2-0 lead. —Star Staff Photo. ments in up by Walt Lockhart, who had the Philadelphia areaj<'once and that was unintentional. replaced Bill Smith. Smith was in recent years, was the third man Walcott said he had been hit be- in the ring last night when Jersey,] llow the belt at least eight times, thumbed out by Umpire Bob If your tires are worn smooth Oliveri for alleged profanity in Major League Box Scores. Tufano, Market Wise's Owner, Joe Walcott successfully defended! i Clayton, who awarded the bout t against and not fit to cap, or you the fifth inning. Smith had filled Yankees, his heavyweight title t to Walcott, nine rounds to six, the bases with walks, got the next 6; White Sox, 4 Reds, 5; Phillies, 3 Ezzard Charles. i stopped in Charles’ dressing room i prefer new tires to recapping, Chicago. A.H.O.A. New Yerk. A.H.O.A. Phils. A.H.O.A. Cinetn. A.H.O.A. 1 by Clayton, a city fireman after fight and out, Carrasq’l.s* Ruled Off Turf who re- the wished the good two batters but Bob 5 3 3 1 Mantle.cf 4 0 2 1 Ashburn.ef Stewards i : turn them in on walked 3 12 0 Brkowaki.lt 5 2 3 0 cently Lake, forcing in a nm to give the Zarilla.rf 3 110 Rlzzuto,u 4 0 13 Hmmner.ss 3 2 2 1 Adams,3b 4 2 0 0 By refereed the welterweight loser1 luck. Mlnoso.ab 4 10 3 Bauer.rf 4 10 0 Jones .lb 3 10 3 Hatton.Sb 3 113 th* Associated Press With Hedley Woodhouse riding, Colts a 1-0 lead. Mo . Mirman Rob’zon.lb 4 0 6 2 Berra,c 4 12 3 Ennls.lf 4 0 10 Kl'z’wskl.lb 4 17 0 New Dunlop Stewart.lf 313 0 McDon’d.3b 3 113 Wyrostek.rf 4 0 3 0 12 NEW YORK, June 6.—Louis he paid $10.60 for sl. up get Sheely.c Ryan,2b Marshall.rf 4 0 popped to Smith out of 4 0 3 1 Noren.lb 3 0 9 1 2 0 2 1 Westlake.cf 3 18 0 In addition, he was ridden further trouble, but the Roosevelt Coleman.ef 4 0 3 0 Colllns.lb 0 0 6 0 Hansep.p 0 0 0 0 Rossl.c 3 14 0 Tufano, New York contractor who Fight Judges' Cards De Luxe TIRES Dente.2b 2 0 3 0 Woodling.lt 2 14 0 •Brown 1 0 0 0 MCMlllan.ss 4 12 6 twice each by Eric Guerin and ace stormed Oliveri in protest tLollar 1 00 0 Martin.2b 32 14 H’ntxlm'n.p 0 0 0 0 Ptrkowskl.p 4 10 1 races under the name of the (Continued From Page C-l.) Rogovin.p 212 0 Sain.p 3 111 tClark 10 0 0 Don McAndrew, and once by El- Sizes in stock—- the walk to Lake. Oliveri ¦Rodrigues 1 0 0 0 Konstsnty.p Farm, On Bout over Stobbs,p 0 0 0 0 Marise has been barred don Coffman. Clayton< him 0 0 0 0 Lopata.c 2 0 6 1 warned the ex-champ re- By th« Associated Press tossed out. iFox 10 0 0 Waltkus.lb 4 18 0 from racing by the stewards at Tufano’s best horse now is Uncle -6.00x16 De Luxe S 12.95 Harrison, the first batter to Drews.p 10 0 0 Edgar. peatedly to watch his blows. Totals 84 7 24 7 Totals SO 7 27 16 Meyers, p Belmont and his case re- He has four others, Gon- PHILADELPHIA, June 6.—The 0 0 0 1 Park gave -5.50x17 De Luxe 8 J 4.45 face Lockhart, made it 2-0, and •Filed out for Rogovln In Bth. Lohrke.2b 3 10 1 ferred State Happy Devil, Marauder “They him the decision,” i cards in the Charles-Walcott i +Filed out for Dente In 9th. to the New York dolier. the Colts added three more in the Racing and Denver ( guess iheavyweight championship fight, 6.50x16 De Luxe 817.05 {Grounded out for Stobbs IS 9th. Totals 31 624 8 Totals 84 11 27 9 Commission. Dan. None of these Charles said. “So I that’s: t top of the seventh. Chicago last night: $14.95 030 100 000—4 •Bounced out Hansen In 6th. A statement by the stewards will be allowed to race until the it.j I just couldn’t get off. I 6.70x15 Cushions Stan Bobb, who went the dis- New York 030 030 OOx—6 • tFiled out for Helntseiman in Bth. holds hearing Judge Runs—Carrasquel, Coleman. Dente. Ro- Philadelphia said Tufano, whose Market Wise commission a and j Buck McTiernan: tance for the Colts and pitched a 100 020 OOO—3 ruling. The ex-champion said Prices quoted, plus govin. Maptle, Berra, McDonald. Woodling. Cincinnati 221 000 OOX—6 was one of the greatest stake issues a his' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 121314 15¦ excise and sales tax four-hitter, led off with a single (2). Martin. Errors—Sain (2). Runs weight of 191 /2 pounds—heaviest, and includa Minoso, Runa—Ashburn, Hamner. Lohrke, Hat- early Jack Sharp, who for J j your old tires. batted In— Carrasquel (2), Ro- ton. Kluszewskl. horses in the 19405, had been trained CWWWWWCCWCCWCCW and went to second when Don govin.
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