E156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 7, 2012 Centreville, Virginia, on the occasion of his re- physical chemistry from the University of Cali- plify patriotism in everything they do. There is tirement at the end of February after 38 years fornia at Berkeley, and a B.S. in chemical en- no question that changing the unsustainable of public service with the Internal Revenue gineering from Purdue University. She pub- trajectory of this nation will take sacrifice from Service. lished eight scientific papers and received one us all, but continually singling out federal em- Throughout his tenure with the IRS, Mr. patent. In 2003, she became Vice President of ployees is an ineffective and unjustified re- Falcone provided an example of model leader- Government Affairs and Policy at the Univer- sponse to the nation’s fiscal struggles. ship through his work in both tax administra- sity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Although I have serious concerns with the tion and later in support operations. He served UT Southwestern Medical Center is one high- federal employee pay freeze, I ultimately voted in various roles such as Director of Facilities est acclaimed medical school, research, and for this legislation because Congress must and Operations, Director of Real Estate and hospital complex in Dallas, Texas. lead by example and freeze our own pay first. Facilities Management, IRS Human Capital I was sworn in as a Member of Congress in I would like to remind my colleagues that long Officer, and the first acting Chief of Mission 2003 and that is how I met Dr. Weber in her after we are all gone, federal employees will Assurance. During his career, Mr. Falcone as- role with UT Southwestern Medical Center. continue to selflessly serve this nation, as they sisted with many successful initiatives, includ- With her support and leadership, we were able have since its inception. Repeatedly singling ing the reorganization of the IRS following the to create a Health Care Fellowship between them out is no way to thank them for their passage of the Restructuring and Reform Act my office and UT Southwestern Medical Cen- dedicated contributions. I am hopeful that fu- of 1998. He also played a role in establishing ter. This successful program has provided ture deficit reduction efforts in this body will the Mission Assurance organization following what has become a very well regarded oppor- focus on more realistic methods of savings the September 11th terrorist attacks. That ef- tunity for Medical Doctors to have a front row that truly address the drivers of our debt so fort instituted new safeguards for the tax ad- seat in Congress to participate in the health that we can foster an environment of job cre- ministration and assured the safety of its em- care policy process. We have also partnered ation and prosperity in this country. ployees, facilities, and information systems. In with UT Southwestern Medical Center on sev- f addition, Mr. Falcone assisted in reducing the eral joint events on their campus in Dallas. TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE AND SERV- size of the IRS’ real estate portfolio to realize The Fellowship and events could not have ICE OF OFFICER STEVEN DION operation efficiencies. been successfully executed without the guid- GREEN, SR. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join ance provided by Dr. Weber and the leader- me in recognizing Mr. Falcone for his lifelong ship at UT Southwestern. service to our constituents. His distinguished On February 8, 2012, Dr. Weber will be HON. JO BONNER career and accomplishments serve as a re- leaving UT Southwestern after nine years in OF ALABAMA minder of the great value of public service to government affairs. Her contribution to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our country, and I congratulate him on his re- NASA’s space program and UT Southwestern Tuesday, February 7, 2012 tirement. Medical Center has been unprecedented and Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, it is with a f her departure will soon leave a void in many heavy heart that I rise today to honor the serv- hearts. It is my great privilege to recognize Dr. ice of a fallen hero, Officer Steven Green of IN RECOGNITION OF DR. MARY Mary Ellen Weber for the ingenuity and com- the Mobile, Alabama Police Department, who ELLEN WEBER mitment she has shown to the people of UT recently gave his life in the line of duty. Southwestern, NASA, and our Nation. On February 3, 2012, Officer Green, age HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS f 36, was fatally wounded while transporting a OF TEXAS robbery suspect. Mobile feels the deep pain of TO EXTEND THE PAY LIMITATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the loss of this young, dedicated protector of FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS the peace. His untimely death has deeply sad- Tuesday, February 7, 2012 AND FEDERAL EMPLOYEES dened our community and even moved others Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to SPEECH OF from around the nation to add their many honor a remarkable woman, Dr. Mary Ellen voices to the long list of those offering condo- Weber. She is a veteran Astronaut, an instru- HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN lences to his family. ment-rated pilot, a world-class skydiver, and OF VIRGINIA Officer Green dutifully served the Mobile Po- Vice President of Government Affairs and Pol- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lice Department and the people of Mobile icy at the University of Texas Southwestern Wednesday, February 1, 2012 since May 2010. He was stationed to the De- Medical Center at Dallas. partment in the First Precinct and was on as- As a NASA Astronaut for ten years, Dr. Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I don’t signment in the Fifth Precinct at the time of his Weber inspired and awed our nation by com- think there is anyone in this country who sup- death. pleting two Space Shuttle flights, 297 earth or- ports increasing pay for Members of Con- A native of Mobile, Officer Green was a bits, and traveling 7.8 million miles. Among the gress. I certainly don’t, which is why I voted in graduate of Blount High School where he dis- youngest Astronauts ever to venture into favor of H.R. 3835 on Wednesday. Through- tinguished himself as an outstanding athlete space, she served as a pioneer for space ex- out my tenure in this body, I have continually and member of the Varsity Football team. ploration by flying aboard the Atlantis on mis- voted to cut, freeze, and otherwise limit pay After high school, he contributed his consider- sion STS–101. The mission was a critical for Members. With so many folks across Vir- able athletic talents and love of sports to the early construction project for the International ginia’s First District and the nation struggling service of young people by coaching Little Space Station, in which she spent over eight- to feed their families or find a job, Congress League Football. een days in space. She helped launch $200 has got to lead by example and show that it Mr. Speaker, there is a special calling for million communications satellite into Earth is serious about tackling this country’s eco- those who would lay down their lives to guar- orbit when she flew aboard Discovery in 1995 nomic woes in a responsible manner. antee the safety of others. Those who answer on mission STS–70. After holding prestigious An important part of being responsible, how- this call to serve with courage and conviction positions relaying reports to NASA’s highest ever, is the ability to be fair, and I fear that often don’t seek the limelight or reward . directors, she was awarded the NASA Excep- H.R. 3835 sets an unfair precedent by tar- they do what they do because they know it is tional Service Medal. geting a particular group of public servants right. Officer Steven Green was just such a Not only is she a veteran in space, but she who are already tasked to do so much for person. is an avid skydiver and pilot. She shares a their country: federal employees. Government Officer Green is survived by a very large world record for the largest freefall formation workers have been under a pay freeze since and loving family, including his dear wife, Val- with 300 skydivers. She has logged over December of 2010, and this legislation would erie, and their lovely children, Jasmine, 4,000 skydives, and received twelve silver and extend that freeze through 2013. These hard- Tariyah, and Steven, Jr. bronze medals from the U.S. National Sky- working patriots serve our nation on a daily On behalf of the people of Mobile and South diving Championships. In addition, she is an basis, whether it be keeping our skies safe for Alabama, I offer my deepest condolences to instrument-rated pilot with over 600 hours in travelers with the FAA or supporting our each of them and to all of Officer Green’s NASA’s jet aircraft. troops on the front lines of the war on terror many family, friends and fellow officers. You Dr. Weber was destined to share her knowl- with the CIA. From the lowest GS–1 to the will never be far from our hearts as we all re- edge of science. She received an M.B.A. from highest GS–15, the federal workforce is full of flect upon the devoted service of Officer Southern Methodist University, a Ph.D. in dedicated and committed citizens who exem- Green. May God bless you all. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Feb 08, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07FE8.022 E07FEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 7, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E157 SUPPORTING NATIONAL Today, the New York Health Department Senior Vice President of Producer Affairs and MARRIAGE WEEK announced that new HIV data shows a 41% Government Relations at CDI, a role he held drop in deaths among black persons living until he was named CEO in 2007.
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