Scottish Church College Kolkata - 700006 Notice for eligible candidates (Regular and Backlog) Intermediate Examinations 2020 (Under University of Calcutta) Lists of eligible candidates (Regular and Backlog, as applicable) for B.A. / B.Sc. Part I & Part II Examinations ('Intermediate Examinations 2020') under 1+1+1 system and Semester II and Semester IV Examinations ('Intermediate Examinations 2020') under CBCS curriculum, as uploaded by Calcutta University on Scottish Church College Portal, are given below. Concerned and willing candidates are advised to check the following lists carefully and contact their respective departments / HoDs on or before 28th November 2020 positively Please ignore this notice if already contacted the department Examination Schedule has already been uploaded on college website. There may be last minute changes / revisions in the schedule as per exigency of situation. Dr. Supratim Das VICE PRINCIPAL 24/11/2020 Date : 23/11/2020 Page 1 of 4 University of Calcutta Eligible Candidate List Provisional List of Candidates (Under 1+1+1 2009 Regulations) College : SCOTTISH CHURCH COLLEGE ( 223 ) MALE B.A. PART-I (Honours) Examination, 2020 Sl. Roll Number Reg. No. Candidate Name Father's/Guardian's Name <------------- Elective Subjects ----------------> <-------- MIL --------> Present/Absent 1 2223-24-0001 223-1121-0653-14 LALHRUAIZELA M S DAWNGLIANA HISG 2 2223-24-0002 223-1123-0462-14 ROMALIUSH TIGGA RANJIT TIGGA HING 3 2223-24-0003 223-1123-0781-15 CELESTINE LEPCHA SAIMON MANCHU LEPCHA HISG 4 2223-24-0004 223-1111-0629-17 PIBA NGATHEM NGATHEM LOKENDRO SINGH ECOG 5 2223-24-0005 223-1112-0496-17 SHAIBAL BARMAN BILASH BARMAN BNGG 6 2223-24-0006 223-1113-0620-17 VL MALSAWMZUALA K LALRENGPUIA PLSA 7 2223-24-0007 223-1113-0621-17 LALRUATTLUANGA LALAWMPUIA PLSA 8 2223-24-0008 223-1113-0622-17 T. NGURNUNZUALA T.HMANGAIH JOHANA PLSA 9 2223-24-0009 223-1113-0626-17 BENJAMIN ROSANGZUALA B.L.RAMDINTHARA HISG 10 2223-24-0010 223-1121-0540-16 SUBHAJIT RAHA ROY SUBHASIS RAHA ROY PLSG 11 2223-24-0011 223-1122-0539-16 UTTAM RAVIDAS KALESHWAR RAVIDAS HISA SOCG 12 2223-24-0012 223-1122-0881-15 SAMPAL MANDAL SAKHINDAR MANDAL PHIG 13 2223-24-0013 223-1121-0470-12 AYAN KUMAR BANERJEE MANAS RANJAN BANERJEE PLSG 14 2223-24-0014 223-1121-0925-15 KRISHNAKANTA MAJI CHANDRAKANTA MAJI HISG 15 2223-24-0015 223-1121-0666-13 LORANZO MARK GOMEZ LEONARD GOMEZ HISG 16 2223-24-0016 223-1121-0493-16 SHAMINDRA NATH MAJI SACHINDRA NATH MAJI PHIA 17 2223-24-0017 223-1122-0524-16 SUBHANKAR SAHA SWAPAN SAHA PLSG BNGG 18 2223-24-0018 223-1122-0557-16 ANAMITRA SARKAR DULAL CHANDRA SARKAR PLSG PHIG 19 2223-24-0019 223-1123-1418-15 F LALTHANZAUVA F VANLALRUATA HISG [Candidates not appearing in this examination are to strike out from the above list] Certified that all candidates in the above list are eligible to appear PART-I examination as per relevant regulations and have fulfilled other criteria for their candidature and are forwarded for enrolment in the aforesaid examination. Date : 23/11/2020 Page 2 of 4 University of Calcutta Eligible Candidate List Provisional List of Candidates (Under 1+1+1 2009 Regulations) College : SCOTTISH CHURCH COLLEGE ( 223 ) MALE B.A. PART-I (Honours) Examination, 2020 Sl. Roll Number Reg. No. Candidate Name Father's/Guardian's Name <------------- Elective Subjects ----------------> <-------- MIL --------> Present/Absent 20 2223-24-0020 223-1121-0845-15 PROTYUSH KANTI BISWAS PRAFULLA BISWAS HISG 21 2223-24-0021 223-1121-1217-15 SNEHASHIS PAUL DEBASHIS PAUL ENGA 22 2223-24-0022 223-1121-0368-13 SAYAN PAUL ARUP KUMAR PAUL PHIG 23 2223-24-0023 223-1121-1281-15 SWAPNIL PATRICK SINGH TEJ BHAN SINGH PLSG 24 2223-24-0024 223-1121-0512-14 CHRISTOPHER MARTIN TYRON MARTIN HING 25 2223-24-0025 223-1121-0709-15 SUBASHIS DUTTA SANKAR DUTTA PHIA BNGG 26 2223-24-0026 223-1121-1305-15 SAMUEL ALBERT ALBERT GABRIEL ENGA 27 2223-24-0027 223-1121-1357-15 SOUMEN BAURI RAMBIR BAURI PLSG 28 2223-24-0028 223-1122-1231-15 SUBHADEEP KARMAKAR MONORANJAN KARMAKAR PHIG 29 2223-24-0029 223-1123-1412-15 SAMUEL LALREMRUATA ZOTE LALHMAHRUAIA SOCG 30 2223-24-0030 223-1121-0431-14 DINESH RAI BINOD RAI HISA ENGG 31 2223-24-0031 223-1121-0534-14 ANIRUDDHA LAHIRI ANIMESH LAHIRI ENGA 32 2223-24-0032 223-1122-0543-13 SANDIP ROY PHANINDRA NATH ROY ENGA 33 2223-24-0033 223-1123-0683-14 JIGME DHARGYAL BHUTIA LATE JIMPA GYALTSEN BHUTIA ENGG PEDG 34 2223-24-0034 223-1121-0615-13 SAYAN PAKHIRA TANAY PAKHTRA PHIG 35 2223-24-0035 223-1121-0558-14 SUPRAVA MUKHERJEE PROVAT MUKHERJEE PHIG 36 2223-24-0036 223-1121-0649-14 LALTHANMAWIA GINLIANA PLSA HISG 37 2223-24-0037 223-1123-0439-14 TAPI CHAMA TAPI LAMPUNG PLSG 38 2223-24-0038 223-1123-0450-14 JACOB BIALZAUVA FANAI F LALHRUAITLUANGA HISA PLSG [Candidates not appearing in this examination are to strike out from the above list] Certified that all candidates in the above list are eligible to appear PART-I examination as per relevant regulations and have fulfilled other criteria for their candidature and are forwarded for enrolment in the aforesaid examination. Date : 23/11/2020 Page 3 of 4 University of Calcutta Eligible Candidate List Provisional List of Candidates (Under 1+1+1 2009 Regulations) College : SCOTTISH CHURCH COLLEGE ( 223 ) MALE B.A. PART-I (Honours) Examination, 2020 Sl. Roll Number Reg. No. Candidate Name Father's/Guardian's Name <------------- Elective Subjects ----------------> <-------- MIL --------> Present/Absent 39 2223-24-0039 223-1123-0662-14 JOSHUA JOHNSON SHERPA JASON NIMROD SHERPA SOCG PLSG 40 2223-24-0040 223-1122-0463-13 AKASH KR MONDAL RADHAKANTA MONDAL SOCG PLSG 41 2223-24-0041 223-1121-0499-13 PRATIK RAKSHIT ANUP RAKSHIT BNGG 42 2223-24-0042 223-1122-0517-13 SUVANKAR KIRTONIYA SUKUMAR KIRTONIYA SANG 43 2223-24-0043 223-1121-0665-13 DONALD NAYAK DEBO NAYAK HISG 44 2223-24-0044 223-1123-0700-12 HMINGTHANMAWIA LALZAWNGA HISG 45 2223-24-0045 223-1113-0699-12 ZOHMACHHUANA KHIANGTE ZOKAILIANA ENGG ECOG 46 2223-24-0046 223-1122-0359-13 SANJOG SUNAM KUMAR SUNAM PLSG ENGG 47 2223-24-0047 223-1123-0384-13 JOHN LALREMRUATA HK THANGTHUAMLIANA ENGG 48 2223-24-0048 223-1123-0385-13 LALVENPUIA RALTE LALZIRLIANA ENGG 49 2223-24-0049 223-1122-0468-13 AKSHOY DHALI BIVASH DHALI PHIA 50 2223-24-0050 223-1123-0716-13 C LALBEISEIA J L LALTHANSANGA HISG 51 2223-24-0051 223-1123-0513-13 LUKMIN YOMGAM GOLUK YOMGAM SOCG 52 2223-24-0052 223-1121-0359-12 JOHAN HMINGTHANLIANA G LALRINTLUANGA SOCG PLSG 53 2223-24-0053 223-1121-0474-12 PRITHWISH BISWAS PRADIP KUMAR BISWAS PHIG 54 2223-24-0054 223-1122-0424-12 MANIK DAS PREMANANDA DAS PHIA PLSG 55 2223-24-0055 223-1122-0586-12 JEETESH SARKAR HARENDRA NATH SARKAR ENGA 56 2223-24-0056 223-1123-0656-12 NIRMAL KR SOREN SAMIR SOREN HING 57 2223-24-0058 223-1122-0587-12 VISHAL DEO ROY LATE DEO NARAYAN ROY ENGA [Candidates not appearing in this examination are to strike out from the above list] Certified that all candidates in the above list are eligible to appear PART-I examination as per relevant regulations and have fulfilled other criteria for their candidature and are forwarded for enrolment in the aforesaid examination. Date : 23/11/2020 Page 4 of 4 University of Calcutta Eligible Candidate List Provisional List of Candidates (Under 1+1+1 2009 Regulations) College : SCOTTISH CHURCH COLLEGE ( 223 ) MALE B.A. PART-I (Honours) Examination, 2020 Sl. Roll Number Reg. No. Candidate Name Father's/Guardian's Name <------------- Elective Subjects ----------------> <-------- MIL --------> Present/Absent 58 2223-24-0059 223-1123-0702-12 SAMUEL LALREMRUATA R THANZUALA PLSA HISG [Candidates not appearing in this examination are to strike out from the above list] Certified that all candidates in the above list are eligible to appear PART-I examination as per relevant regulations and have fulfilled other criteria for their candidature and are forwarded for enrolment in the aforesaid examination. Date : 23/11/2020 Page 1 of 1 University of Calcutta Eligible Candidate List Provisional List of Candidates (Under 1+1+1 2009 Regulations) College : SCOTTISH CHURCH COLLEGE ( 223 ) MALE B.Sc. PART-II (General) Examination, 2020 Sl. Roll Number Reg. No. Candidate Name Father's/Guardian's Name <------------- Elective Subjects ----------------> Present/Absent 1 3223-46-0001 223-1111-0152-17 RAKTIM ROY RANOJ ROY MTMG 2 3223-46-0002 223-1112-0184-17 ANINDYA BISWAS ASIM KUMAR BISWAS PHSG MTMG 3 3223-46-0003 223-1113-0023-17 RAHUL LUGUN PARIMAL LUGUN CMSG MTMG 4 3223-46-0004 223-1122-0367-16 DHIRENDRA MAHATO GANESH MAHATO CMSG MTMG 5 3223-46-0006 223-1121-0557-15 SOUMABHA BISWAS GOUR MOHAN BISWAS MTMG 6 3223-46-0007 223-1121-0262-14 CYRIL MASSEY NAVIN MASSEY ECOG MTMG 7 3223-46-0008 223-1122-0059-12 SANJOY SARKAR SURJA KUMAR SARKAR BOTG 8 3223-46-0009 223-1121-0160-12 BUBUN BHATTACHARJEE SUJIT BHATTACHARJEE ECOG MTMG [Candidates not appearing in this examination are to strike out from the above list] Certified that all candidates in the above list are eligible to appear PART-II examination as per relevant regulations and have fulfilled other criteria for their candidature and are forwarded for enrolment in the aforesaid examination. Date : 23/11/2020 Page 1 of 2 University of Calcutta Eligible Candidate List Provisional List of Candidates (Under 1+1+1 2009 Regulations) College : SCOTTISH CHURCH COLLEGE ( 223 ) FEMALE B.A. PART-II (Honours) Examination, 2020 Sl. Roll Number Reg.
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