7 y LEDGER Odds and Ends Q Here and There ENTRIES Lmos and ALTO SOLO Pithy Points Picked Up and BdkC a af Variaaa Patly Pot By Our Peripa- Tapica af Lacal aad LOWELL. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28.1933 NO. 32 tetic Pencil Pusher Gaaeral Utcrcat FORTY-FIRST YEAR Happy New Year! Happy Year! Wm. E. Aldrich, 69, By Albert T. Rpid To dale more than 3.0(H) appli- WB CANT STOP NOW COMES TO GRIEFBom Near Here, Dies RING IN THE NEW cations for Old Age pensions are unmistakable William E. Aldrich, 09. prom- have been made in Kenl county. everywhere of im inent farmer of southwest Barry svement ID econonnc county, died unexpectedly at his We can see where the Slate TRYING HOLDUP home near Delton Wednesday Supreme Court has cited Ihe offi- More men are at night, Dec. 20. millions of them. Farm- cials governing body of the sec- noting some improve- The son of William B. Aldrich. ond city of Ihe slate for con- prices. Retail business IN DRUGSTORE Civil war veteran residng many tempi. Thp (K-ople had already- years in Lowell and vicinity, ho done thai. Many of the big in- was born in Vergennes township. report more orders on THOMAS WATERS ALLEGED Kent county, lie was married in for some years past The Pere Marquette Hailwav TO HAVE ATTEMPTED BOB- June 19. 1883, to Etta Jane Whit- Co., asked permission of the in- Prices Are rising. The bank re- ney. Grattan township, who died terstate commerce commission ports for October showed that BERY IN DETROIT—FORM- Mbrch 3. 1931, and he later mar- Wednesday to abandon a six- poney. the shape of checks, ERLY LIVED HERE — SAID ried Mrs. Mina Bagley, who sur- mile line from Elmdale to Free- tnds at a rate 25 per- vives together with four chil- porl, Michigan. hiaber than in October of TO HAVE HAD GOOD REPU- dren and nineteen grandchil- That la perhaps the most TATION dren. The children are: Verne Despite Ihe fact that during sign of all, for it is Aldrich of Whitneyville, Loyal 1933 forest fires raged over al- me of money but the and Maurice Aldrich and Mrs W. most a quarter of a million acres with which it moves from Thomas Waters, 23, formerly H. Ingersoll of Kalamatoo. of land in Michigan, only 2,458 to hand that counts. If of Lowell, more recently of The family moved to Barry acres of this area contained mer- zty had a million and no- Grand Rapids, was in a critical county 43 years ago. chantable timber. spent anything we would condition in Receiving hospital. hard times; but if every- Detroit, Friday from bullet Always good news when days had only a hundred dollars wounds inflicted by a detective HOWARD R1TTENGER y. begin to grow longer. Although it quickly, knowing and a special policeman who said Badi 3 Patroos only a minute or so a day at first, • next hundred was they caught him holding up a Newly Elected High Priest of "that's suifipin."as 'Amos'n Andy* from, we would have im- drug store. (Hooker Chapter, Royal Arch put it. The lengthening to longer prosperity. Waters was shot first by De- Masons. This will be his third days began with last Friday. of the present recovery tective Lee OWeal, who was in Show Coopetatin year in that capacity. Mr. to such Governmental the store at the time. O'Neal said Rittenger is also a Past Wor- Crews aggregating 1.000 men, as the Public Works Waters pointed a pistol at him Fred H. l9war1hout. Conserva- shipful Master of l»well Lodge, tor for the Lowell State Bank, F. and A. M. / operating under Ihe C. W. A. arc and its latest offspring, and ordered him to raise his reports that satisfactory progress now engaged in creating the most CWl Works Administration; hands. As the detective did so extensive improvements and de- to the loosening of credit he reached for bis shoulder hol- is being made in carrying out the bank's reopening plans as out- velopments ever carried on in pressure on debton ster, drew out a gun and shot the Michigan's system of fisheries. Federal assistance to youth in the chest. lined in last week's ledger. Former Lowell Girl and mortgagors. Much of Waters, the detective said, re- •*1 am very appreciative," said Mr. Swarthout. **of the splendid A road construction projec: |g dne, too to the distribution turned fire. Leon Underbill, a under the public works program pfttiK to growers of yar- merchant policeman who was in spirit of cooperation which is being manifested by patrons of Wifl Aid Depositors granted to Michigan, includes commodities as a premium the back room of the drug store, 15.341 miles of bituminous con- I production. heard the shots and came ouL the bank. We shall proceed just as rapidly as numerous de- crete on I'S-I.ll casl lo county ire only temporary He shot Waters in the leg. Waters Mrs. John A. Pasanen. formerly line in Kenl. in (ireenville and of course- If they then attempted to run from the tails can be carried out. Irma Coles, a graduate of lawell MAMMCIOUIl Mr. Swarthout also stated thai west lo county line of Montcalm nil to be abandoned now, store, but fell to the sidewalk and High School in 1930 has had the county. The cost will be $136,- they probably would have no was captured. waiver and consent agreements honor of being elected a member 575. giorft * permanent effect than Police quoted Waters as say- would be mailed to depositors in of the Depositors' Committee of the near future and other steps "shot in the arm" has upon ing he came to Detroit from Ihe Firsl National Hank, Detroit. A big truck carrying a cargo dope lend. They are, however, Grand Rapids Thursday and "de- taken as rapidly as possible in This committee of fifty-four of 4.IKMI gallons of gasoline over- laying the foundation for busi- cided to get some easy money.' order to restore full hanking persons was organized for the facilities to the community. turned on I S-IO early last Wed- nr** and industry to build upon, purpose of formulating plans nesday morning :it a point near tad probably will tide us ov-r Thomas Waters had planned to for Ihe reorganization of said Frost's Corners. Icy pavement the emergency and set us well on CW bank. was Ihe cause. Twelve hundred fhe road to recovery. cS b "friend""in ..t A Architect Mrs. Pasanen has been active &illuns of gasoline leaked away. : It looks to us as if the tbing ids. He informed friends when For Kent County Area(i n bank affairs since the bank A nearby farmer salvaged 70 for everybody to do now is not he left Grand Rapids Thursday 'holiday was declared last Feb- WHY WE GREET 'gallons. to gum the cards, but to give the he was going lo Canton. Ohio, to ruary. She is a charter mem- Late Bulletins New Deal a chance to prove it- collect money due him. Chris. Steketee, prominent lo- Iht of Ihe Michigan Depositors' THE NEW YEAR Warning lo all persons possess- f. Everyone has a right to The young man. who bore a cal architect, has been appointed Cooperative league, and ha* .. ... .. ...'inn furs of protected fur-bearing private (Minion as to whether good reputation here, went to bwn elected secretary of its sub- Work of reconditioning the ( a supervising architect for Kenl Central school building, a CWA 'V: ^'-f • W *6|animals was issued December 27. i end renut will be beneficial, live on Lafayette-av. about n county for the Civil Works Ad- sidiary group of depositors HY 4m wt fr««t the*, O blith* Hwm >ears. son of the lale I.uther i jj,e |aw rt.qUirt.s ihaj a|| t nobody with sense would year ago when his mother and project, is moving with most sat- minisiration, with oflices in the whose accounts in the closed YmtT isfactory results. Sixty men. J.l ?. • suddenly j persons must make a report of nt to stop it now in the mid- grandparents, with whom he county building. Mr. Steketee banks are over one thousand dol- What Br* tfcf pl«4c— •! odfth aad on (.hnstmas morning sit hisia|| slIC}, furs jn possession lo the dle of the stream. viously had made his home. lars. This group has been formed divided in two five-hour shifts, and his assistant. Kmil G. Zill- kriirht-OTMrt. tka wraac to are turning the trick and school home in Detroit, Director of Conservation within Cn the city. mer, are busily engaged in get- lo protect those depositors who l)r, Severy was raised here,.fjVP ,|avs afjer y, c| j Lawell brilliant with CmmI to acatttr ear (ban witk lijkt? will positively resume Monday, and was a student in «h«- Lowell . , . ting under way the program of are left after the small deposit- Wharatora tka thrill, tha *arUa aad aktoa January 8. 1934. rcspet |ivi M IV)ns in 1M4. Every weed- rehabilitation of township ors are paid. b kaart aad area at a ward af tkiaa? schools, later taking up Ihe studv — itraat corner can be of osteopathy and after gradua- . schools and grounds that is ex- Mrs. Pasanen. whose parents, A radiogram lo the l^edger re- Much of |he rntirt conlinen| eanvartad iato a Jayaa apol af Mrs. Nora Loop, 84, pected to provide employment Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Coles live Tta Old waa boaraat, Aa Old waa tiwa.
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