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Number 172 · Salle de lecture - CECC • .· Volume 36 .. Spring 2003 · Reading Room·- CCCB Vatican II: Are We Part I - Foundations 32-572 I national bulletin o"Litur ]11111111. Vatican II: Are We There Yet? Part I - Foundations . I National Bulletin on Liturgy is published by CCCB PUBLICATIONS. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. It appears in spring, summer, fall and winter. This bulletin is primarily pas­ toral in scope. It is prepared To Order Subscriptions for members of parish liturgy committees, readers, musi­ Subscriptions to the National Bulletin on Liturgy cians, singers, catechists, are managed and distributed by NOVALIS. Please teachers, religious, seminari­ ans, clergy, diocesan liturgical · copy this coupon and send it with your payment to: commissions, and for all who Novalis are involved in preparing, celebrating, and improving the C.P. 990, succursale Delorimier, community's life of worship Montreal, Quebec H2H 2T1 and prayer. Telephone Fax (514) 278-3030 Editorial commentary in the 1-800-NOVALIS (668-254 7) E-mail bulletin is the responsibility of or (514) 278-3025 [email protected] the editor. Editor: Margaret Sick Editorial Office: I would like __ CQty) subscription(s) to the NATIONAL LITURGY OFFICE National Bulletin on Liturgy 2500 Don Reid Drive, __ Ottawa, Ontario K1 H 2J2 Name __________________________________ Telephone: Address ---------------------------- (613) 241-9461 extension 221 WebSite: ' http:!/www.cccb.ca ' ----------------------- E-mail: [email protected] : Postal Code------------------ [ Tel.: C. _______________________ National Bulletin on Liturgy, Copyright© Concacan Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. :' Subscription Prices No part of this bulletin may ; Canada United Other be reproduced in any form States Countries without the prior written ' ' 1-4 copies $18.00 $20 us $27 us permission of CCCB .' 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CCCB Publications CCCB Publication No.: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops 182-572 2500 Don Reid Drive We acknowledge the Ottawa, Ontario K 1 H2J2 financial support of the Telephone Government of Canada, through the Publications 1-800-769-1147 or C613) 241-7538 Assistance Program <PAPJ, Fax (613) 241-5090 E-mail [email protected] toward our mailing costs. Volume 36 • Number 172 • Spring 2003 on Vatican II: Are We There Yet? Part- I Foundations Dedication This issue of the National Bulletin on Liturgy is dedicated to the memory of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, (Blessed) Pope John XXIII (October 28, 1958- June 3, 1963) and of Rev. Patrick Byrne, Editor of the National Bulletin on Liturgy (1972- 1987) Acknowledgements Unless otherwise indicated in footnotes, quotations from scripture are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible (where applicable, as adapted for use in the Canadian edition of the Lectionary), copyrighted, 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated in footnotes, quotations from the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy are from Documents on the Liturgy, 1968-1979: Conciliar, Papal, and Curial Texts © 1982, International Commission on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 • National Bulletin on Liturgy Contents Page Acknowledgements About This Issue...................................................................................... 4 Vatican II: Are We There Yet? Part 1 - Foundations This Sacred Council Desires ... "To Impart an Ever-Increasing Vigour to the Christian Life of the Faithful" ................. Gerald Wiesner 5 "To Foster Whatever Can Promote Union among All Who Believe in Christ" ......................... Fred Graham 10 "To Strengthen Whatever Can Help to Call the Whole of Humanity into the Household of the Church" ..............................................................................Adele Bolduc 15 To Accomplish So Great A Work ... "Christ Was Sent by the Father"................................................ 19 "Christ Is Always Present in His Church" ........... Martin Moser 22 "We Take Part in a Foretaste of the Heavenly Liturgy" 29 "The Liturgy Is the Summit, Fount and Source" ...................................................................Bernadette Gasslein 32 The Church Earnestly Desires ... "Full, Conscious, and Active Participation" ..............................................................................James Hayes 42 "That All the Faithful Be Led" .................... James Ravenscroft 49 Helpful Resources ............................................................................ 51 From the National Liturgy Office Additions to the Liturgical Calendar................................................. 52 Commentary: The Saints and the Calendar ........... Kenneth Pearce 53 Music Notes Music for the Sunday Assembly Year B: Trinity Sunday-21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 15-Aug. 24, 2003) ............................................................ 55 Last Word ................................................................ James Weisgerber 58 Announcements Networking ...... .. .......... ............. ....... .. ..... ....... ... ......... ... ............ ........ 59 Summer Institute in Pastoral Liturgy ........... ... .... ............ ................. 59 Index to Volume 35 (2002>....................................................................... 60 Volume 36 • Number 172 • 3 About This Issue One in a Series: teens, adults, lay mmtsters, catechists, Vatican II Are We There Yet? teachers, seminarians, deacons, priests, This is the first in a series of four issues that seminary staff, theology professors, reli­ will arrive on your doorstep between the gious communities, bishops: all must be 40th anniversary of the opening of the formed in a context that takes seriously Second Vatican Council and the 40th the Council's call for liturgy-based educa­ anniversary of the promulgation of the tion and formation (Constitution on the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. This year Sacred Liturgy, 16). Here are just a few (2003) offers us a golden opportunity to concrete examples of our failure in this (re)acquaint ourselves with this document regard: that has had such a profound and perva­ sive effect on Christian life and spirituality Just a few years ago a Canadian liturgist at the dawn of the 21st century. surveyed the staff of the theology depart­ ment of a local Catholic university, asking The Bulletin will approach the Constitu­ how often the phrase "paschal mystery" tion on a section-by-section basis and will came up in the courses they taught. There provide discussion questions to guide was an uncanny consistency in their reflection on the pastoral reality in which answers: "Never." Given the central role readers find themselves in the light of the of the paschal mystery in liturgical call of the Council Fathers. Begin now to theology, this may be taken as a strong schedule group sessions. Let us know how indicator that paragraph 16 is being largely you use these issues and how else you are ignored in this context. celebrating this special year. (See the list of "Helpful Resources" for further Newly ordained priests across the country assistance.) report that specific study of the liturgy does not play the pivotal role in their Bulletin # 172 focuses on the foundational seminary formation prescribed by para­ principles out of which the reform arose as graph 16; most report they are not even expressed in articles 1-19 of the Consti­ tution. Bulletin #173 will deal with the asked to open a copy of the Rite of various norms that have guided and will Christian Initiation of Adults (and other continue to guide the shaping of the ritual books) during their seminary years. liturgy for the 21st century, as expressed in Introduction to these crucial texts is often articles 21-46. Bulletin #174 will deal left to the staff of the first parishes in with the specific reforms called for in the which they serve. celebration of the eucharist and the other At a recent in-service for experienced sacraments (articles 47-82). And finally, Catholic teachers, the phrase "RCIA'' Bulletin # 17 5 will focus on the concerns of kept recurring. When one of the partici­ the final chapters of the Constitution: the pants asked what that stood for, the person divine office, the liturgical year, and sacred beside her confidently chimed in, "Roman music, art and furnishings. Catholic Information Agency." No Part I - Foundations wonder the liturgically oriented "Born of the Spirit Series" is so under-appreciated! As editor, I found it most significant to notice the call that echoes throughout the I could go on but perhaps it will be more articles in this first issue in the series: the useful to let the discussion groups surface need for liturgical formation. Children, local concerns. II] 4 • National Bulletin
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