THE S, CONCORDIENSIS. VoL. I. ScHENECTADY, N. Y., DEcEMBER, 1877. No. 2. :s, UNION UNIVERSITY. REV. E. N. POTTER, D. D., PRESIDENT. UNION COLLEGE, DEPAR.TMENT OF MEDICINE. ALBANY MEDICA~ CoLLEGE.-Termcommences First Tuesday in ScHENECTADY, N. Y. Septe~nber ~~d c-ontml!es twenty weeks. The plan of instruction combmes cl~mcal !eachmg, w1th le~tures. Special opportunities for -o- the study of chemistry and of practical anatomy. ExPEt\SEs.-Matriculation fee, $s. Term fee, $roo. Perpetual , 1. CLASSICAL CouRsE.-The Classical Course is the usual bacca­ Ticket, $rso. Graduation fee, $25. Dissecting fee, $5. Fee for labora­ the laureate course of American coHeges. Students may be permitted to tory course, $ro. I Iistological course, $w. For Circulars, address, pursue additional studies in either of the other courses. PROF. JACOBs. MOSHER, M.D., REGISTRAR, ling 2, SciENTIFIC CouRSE.-ln th.e Scientific Course the modern lan­ Albany, N. Y. guages are substituted for the ancient, and the amount of mathematical DEPARTMENT OF LAW. and English studies is increased. 3· SCHOOL OF (.iiVIL ENGINEERING.-The student iH this depart­ THE ALBANY LAw ScHooL.-The Course of Instruction consists of ment enjoys advantages nowhere surpassed, in the course of instruc­ three terms: the first commencing September 4th, the Second N overn­ tion, in its collectiOn of models, instruments and books, the ber 27th, and the third March sth ; each term consisting of twelve accumulations of many years by the late Professor Gillespie, and also weeks. The advantages for the study ot the law, at Albany, are as ~dent. in unusal facilities for acquiring a practical knowledge of instrumental great as can be found anywhere. The Law Library of the State is field work. open to Students; the General Terms of the Supreme Court of the Third Department, and all the terms of the Court of Appeals. 4· EcLECTIC CouRsE.-An Eclectic Course, consisting of studies Fee for single term, $so; for two terms, $go ; for three, $r3o. selected at pleasure from the preceding courses, may be taken by any one who, upon examination, is found qualified to pursue it. On the For information, address completion of this a certificate of attainment will be given. ISAAC EDWARDS, LL.D., DEAN, Albany, N. Y. There are also special courses in Analytical Chemistry, Metallurgy n, and Natural History. THE DUDLEY OBSER.VATOR.Y. i ' For Catalogues, or for special information, address This Department of the University is located at Albany, and is ' devoted especially to Astronomy and Meteorology. ! E. M. JENKINS, REGISTRAR, For information, address ~ekly PROF. LEWIS BOSS, I Schenectady, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. :.~ ~co. f I ESTABLISHED 1889. NOTMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO LEVI T. CLUTE, 55 NORTH PEARL STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALBANY, N. Y. HATs, CAPs, FuRs, TRUNKs, Photographers of YALE, HARVARD, PRINCETON, S, WESLEYAN, DARTMOUTH, LAFAYETTE, AN­ Traveltng Bag·s, Umbrellas, &c., DOVER, ABBOTT, PHIL. ExETER, PHIL. ANDOVER, VASSAR AND IOI STATE ST., SCHENECTADY, N. Y. UNION. PLAIN AND COLOH.ED PI-IOTOGR1\PHS 1, JAMES H. BARHYTE, FROM LOCKET SIZE TO BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, FULL SIZE. AND PUBLISHER OF GROUPS, CoMPOSITION PHoTOGRAPHS AND VIEWS. )Y. Jackson's Mechanics, Optics, Acoustics, Trigonometry COLLEGE ALBUMS IN GREAT VARIETY. and Conic Sections. VELVET FRAMES, CARTE DE VISITE, lUCY Also on hand PROF. TAYLER LEWIS' WoRKS. VERY CHEAP. College Rooms Papered and .Decorated. Binding done to order. ~ Our Art Gallery always open to visitors, and ex­ III STATE ST., SCHENECTADY,' N. Y. planations ireely given. 11 THE CONCORDIENSJS. ALBERT LA WTENSLAGER, WIIJLIAM, STOOPS, . MANUFACTURING MERCHANT TAILOR, AND DEALER IN JEWELER CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ETc., 107 STATE STREET, SCHENECTADY, N.Y. - AND Vc DIAMOND SETTER, WOOD BROS., SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER AND READY MADE. 594 BROADWAY, A· LBANY, N· . Y • A LARGE LINE OF TJNDERWEAR. Orders for any College Badge solicited and ALL THE LA TEST STYLE SCARFS, TIES, M COLLARS, &c. filled with the best material which the market T affords. 133 STATE STREET, Sc:HENECTADY, N.Y. M 0 p WALTER F. I-IURCOMB & CO., BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 MERCHANT TAILORS 0 Particular attention given to custom work D AND IMPORTERS, and repa1r1ng. V\ 15 NORTH PEARL STREET, JULIUS BALLART, Agent, M S1 ALBANY, N. Y. 245 State Street, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. 0 G BYRON E. NEAR, )" .,' T STATIONER AND JOB PRINTER l T B UNION HALL BLocK, ScHENECTADY, N. Y. A B A ~AGENTS FOR COOKE'S RUBBER STAM.PS. T 0 GEO. ]. SWORTFIGUER & SON, i \ T VANITY FAIR, Nos. 65 and 202 STATE STREET I V\ 1 SCHENECTADY, N. 1 . I FoR MEERSCHAUM AND CIGARETTES. Il . A T ~DOES NOT BITE THE TONGUE.~ CROCKERY. A Our Cigarettes are as fine as can bn produced. Only the best China, Glass and Earthenware, Kerosene Lamps, Silver French Cigarette Paper is used, which. is free from mineral and other injurious substances. Plated Ware, Cutlery, House Furnishing and Fancy Goods. I f . f Pl OSCAR D. REXFORD; L'AMERIQUE, DEALER IN J. CoRRECT THING FOR DINNER AND WHIST PARTIES. CHOICE GROCERI~S, U01 A delicious Cigarette, of Perique and Vanity Fair. Samples, 15 all< cents. Highest A ward, Vienna, 1873, and Centennial, 1876. TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, TOBACCOS . Our PEERLESS and PLAIN FINE CuT CHEWING are unsurpassed­ fill the only brands receiving the Vienna Award. Always Uniform and AND CIGARS. Reliable. (s Prize Medals.) WM. S. KIMBALL & CO., Peerless Tobacco Works, Rochester, N.Y. 265 State Street, SCHENECTADY, N.Y. cec do1 THE R, CONCORDIENSIS. r. Y. VoL. I. ScHENECTADY, N. Y., DEcEMBER, 1877. No. 2. for ourselves, and admit that a person's supe­ .DE. LITERARY . rior judgment is secondary to that of those in MIDNIGHT. every phase of life, \Vho are unavoidably influ­ enced by prejudice or partiality. Could we be ~s, Midnight, I love thee ! Whether thou spread'st above assured that the opinion of men ·would be Thy kindling heavens and thy cool dews descend, unbiased, and that candid, truthful decisions ;r, Y. Mixt with the soft light of the virgin moon, would be given in every case, it would be a Or tempest blacken on thy awful front, priceless boon indeed to possess a criterion for Pregnant with lightnings, and with whirlwinds dire, all our conduct; but in light of the fact that S. 1 love thee still. In all thy changeful moods, self or party interests or regard for institutions Or fierce or mild, a power invisible rork Doth ever walk thy wide and shadowy realm, always influence the result, it is left to the indi­ Whose sceptered touch is magic to the soul ; vidual to weigh the merits of the case and de­ Moulds it anew; arms it with angel strength; cide as to his course of action. Stirs it with heavenly visions and the hope While we allow the beneficial influence of V. Y. Of glory, and the taste of endless joy; this principle in restraining crime, in promoting a healthful public feeling, and in elevating a Gives grand converse with the mighty dead; )" .,'' general patriotic regard for our \velfare as a The awful mystery of life reveals- nation, yet it ·is not so much here as in the The life that now is and the life to come. Beneath the gairish day we learn the world, every-day life of an individual that it exerts its r. And how to treat with all its busy cares ; greatest power, determining his course through But this wide silence, and these dewy ho_urs, life. M.PS. Are the soul's teacher ; legates sent from Heaven It is not the constant endeavor in the same To give it grand revealings -lessons high channels which brings the greatest reward. Of Life and Death, Eternity and Time. Some of the grandest facts of this and former :ET To tune its grateful voice to sweet accord, ages had their inception in the breasts of men With seraph songs and notes of heavenly harps, willing to take a stand alone and be deemed And wondrous symphonies that stir through all heretics, if need be, for the sake of their The glorious universe, and whisper praise ado?ted principles. In the history of the And worship in the Eternal ear. early church it required staunch belief in their chosen idea of the right to induce men to for­ sake the old faith for the new, and thereby for­ PUBLIC OPINION AS THE THEORY feit property, happiness, nay, even more, that OF PRACTICE. which man holds most dear, his life, yet in the A PRINCIPLE charact~rizing every age, but stand taken by these Christian men, and in none to the extent of the present, is that of their example transmitted to posterity, are based allo-wing the opinion of the masses to deter­ our hopes for liberty and happiness, while it mine one's course of action. furnishes us with an example, scarce to be imi­ To allow the justice of this method and con­ tated, of heroic self-sacrifice and undaunted N.Y. cede that one should be so governed is to courage. doubt (partially, at least,) our ability to decide A precedent of every act is not a guarantee 14 THE CONCORDIENSJS. of success. If so, where had been the revela­ and secures his entire devotion to the work by de~ tions of science or the victories of ar·ms decid­ placing himself and family beyond the reach of pa~ ing the destinies of nations? It is because of want ? We know of no employ1nent that cor the firm conviction in the hearts of but few, demands such skill, such preparation, such rare of may be, of the superiority of new ideas over qualities, and such constant labor, and yet is so the old, that the world has taken the mighty inadequately paid.
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