354 yzm MAY 1954 NATIONAL MORGAN HORSE SHOW -- JULY 31, AUG. 1 & 2 r WISE •~*K <? \r \ NATIONAL MORGANMORGANHORSE HORSESHOW SHOW --- JULYJULY 31,31, AUG.AUG. 11 & &2 2 WIND-CRESTWIND-CREST CC 55 "TheThe HomeHome ofof IflorgaMori/an► ChampionsChampions" ProudlyProudly PresentsPresents Abbington ofof Shady Lawn 07389 withwith herher studstud coltcolt sired by UpweyUpwey BenBen Don 8843, a National Grand Champion DamDam and a NationalNational GrandGrand Cham-Cham pion Sire. HowHow cancan hehe missmiss beingbeing a afuturefuture champion?champion? We expect to have eight weanlings to sell this year.year. WeWe wouldwould suggestsuggest thatthat you visit visit Wind-Crest Wind-Crest this spring and select youryour future champion. Mr.Mr. andand Mrs. Loyd MarksMarks ofof Peabody,Peabody, Mass.,Mass., havehave proven that it cancan bebe done.done. 4AMl.. cadcmd /16s.Mu. Q. 0. .25a,aa^bcwU "Wind-Crest" NNWindsor, indsor, VermontVermont These yearlingyearling studstud colts from thethe TheisTheis RanchRanchare are lookinglookingfor for a a goodgood home.home. SomeSome wouldwould makemake ex-ex cellent studs,studs, othersothersgood goodusing usinggeldings. geldings. ThisThis isis thethe ageage to start with them.them. AllAll areare halterhalter broken.broken. Also: BROADWALL DEMOISELLEDEMOISELLE 0872408724 Dark Chestnut with starstar $500. (A good yearling fillyfilly showshow prospect)prospect) { ParadeParade 1013810138 Broadwall BelleBelle 0769007690 BROADWALL SALLYSALLY 0890908909 J Silgal'sSilgol's ImproverImprover 9045 9045 (An excellentexcellent twotwo yearyear old startedstarted toto drive.drive, andand ) Baroosa 0765807658 will make a finefine usingusing maremare oror broodbrood mare.)mare.) 4 brood mares bredbred toto PanfieldPanfield duedue toto foalfoal soonsoon 3 brood mares bredbred toto TriumphTriumph due toto foal foal soonsoon All halter broken and pricedpriced lowlow * ^ MR. &§ MRS J.J. CECItCECIL FERGUSONFERGUSON BroadwallBroadwall Farm,Farm, Greene,Greene, R.R. I.I. Table ofof ContentsContents SPECIAL FEATURESFEATURES Double Room WithWith PasturePasture 6 £e£tete[atom to To A A MorganMorgan 7 A FoalFoal IsIs BornBorn 9 The Big LonelyLonely HorseHorse —— ConclusionConclusion 10 Field Day at U.U. of oi Vt. Vt 12 the Sdltotd &lam Successful Vermont Horse JudgingJudging SchoolSchool 13 4-H Trail RidersRiders ClubClub 16 Mid-West Horse ShowShow 16 Great Lakes Morgan Horse Club News 17 Basement BoyBoy Chicago Morgan News 17 Morgan News fromlrom thethe PacificPacific NorthwestNorthwest ...... • • . • 18 Dear Sir:Sir: Is LoadingLoading YourYour HorseHorse aa Problem?Problem? 19 The BossBoss read me me your your articlearticle onon The HorseHorse 19 "Basement Boy"Boy" thethe day it came came and and I I 1954 National Morgan HorseHorse ShowShow .... 23 thought itit was was quite quite good, good, and and cer- cer REGULAR FEATURESFEATURES tainly an accurateaccurate story,story, butbut the the BosslBoss! Letters to thethe Editor 4 Say, he turnedturned blood-redblood-red andand tears tears The Editor'sEditor's CommentsComments li rolled downdown his cheeks. ToldTold somesome Jeffy'sJelly's Journal 8 two-legged creature, creature, that that had had what what N. E. NewsNews 14 looked likelike hair growing growing under under its its Allegheny NotesNot 15 New YorkYork State NewsNews 15 nose, (never saw that before),before), that itit Minnesota NewsNews 17 was the best best and and funniest funniest thing thing he he Maine Morgan HorseHorse ClubClub 18 ever read.read. Morgans AfieldA.field and in the Ring Ring 22 Breeze from the GreatGreat LakesLakes 22 Now that's 0.O. K.K. by by me, me, Mr. Mr. Kean,Kean, N. E. Calendar ofof EventsEvents 34 but there there are are a a couple couple of of things things in in Breeders' Listing 36-37 your article thatthat I kinda kinda feelfeel needneed a a Once Upon a HorseHorse 383B little additional mention. YouYou know,know, Stable Hints 39 being raised raised this this peculia peculiarr way, way, I'm I'm probably more sensitive than most most colts colts Officers ofof the the MorMorgangan Horse ClubClub — so don't taketake offense.offense. ThoseThose scoursscours I told told you you about about weren't weren't as as funny funny as as President FREDERICK O.O. DAVISDAVIS Windsor, VetVeimont mont you and the the bossboss seemedseemed to think. It It Vice-President GERALDGERALD F TAFTTAFT took thethe bossboss andand DocDoc McGeeMcGee some-some Morthville,Northville, Michigan time to fix up that part of my plumb time to fix up that part of my plumb- Treasurer WHITNEY STONESTONE ing. In In fact,tact, I heardI heard someone someone say say 90 Broad Street, New YorkYork 4,4, N. N. Y. Y. "Crop his tail tail and and he he can can competecompete Secretary FRANK B. HILLS HILLS with Rudolph Rudolph the the Red Red Nose Nose Rein- Rein 90 Broad Street, New YorkYork 4,4. N.N. Y. Y. deer". The other other thing thing I'm I'm sensitive sensitive about about The MorMorgangan Horse MaMagazinegazine is my my parentage parentage just like like any any other other creature. My My Mother, Mother, they they say, say, was was Vol. XIV May, 1954 No. 44 a real real nice nice bay bay Morgan Morgan mare, mare, good good A MonthlyMcnthly disposition, plentyplenty of trappy trappy action action The OfficialOfficial PublicationPublication ofof and beforebefore sheshe got got so so badlybadly crippledcrippled THE MORGAN HORSEHORSE CLUB,CLUB. IncorporatedIncorporated I guess she had a a hum-clinger hum-dinger of a a 90 Broad Street, New YorkYork 4,4, N. N. Y. Y. figure (my half-sister, half-sister, she'sshe's in the the Publication OfficeOffice next stall to me, has a rightright trimtrim fig- fig Leominster, Mass.Mass. ure too). However, However, my my mother, mother, like like Publisher OthoOtho F.F. EuseyEusey many horses, just had a a hardhard lifelife some- some for The MorganMorgan HorseHorse Club,Club, Inc.Inc. where along the line line and and my my bossboss Editor SumnerSumner KeanKean CONTRIBUTING EDITORSEDITORS liked her so much much he he bought bought her her on on C. Fred AustinAustin Carol Ramsey Mabel Owen the gamble that a a colt colt from from her her might might Mabel Owen Helen BrunkBrunk GreenwaltGreenwalt Beverlee StahlStahl turn out out to to behe something.something. She'sShe's beebee Janet Dakin Mrs. Frank LinnellLinnell kinda promiscuous — understand I kinda promiscuous — understand I SUBSCRIPTION RATESRATES was her eighth infant.infant, HerHer namename was was One YearYear $3.50S3.50 Two Years S6.50S6.50 Three Years $9.00S9.00 Tip-A-Roo. The MORGANMORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE,published published monthly by THE THE My fathe-. fathe •. I'mI'm told,told, isis real real impor- impor MORGAN HORSE HORSE CLUB, CLUB,INC., INC.,90 90Broad BroadSt., St., New York,York, NewNew York.York. tant — you you know know a "big "big shot" shot" — — and and Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster,Leominster, Mass.Moss. Entered as secondsecond classclass I guess guess 'hat hat must must be be true true because because he's he's matter at postpost office,office, Leominster,Leominster, Mass.Mass. never bothered toto looklook me up at at all, all, Copyright 1954 by The MorganMorgan HorseHorse MagazineMagazine although thethe people people who own own him him His neigh is likelike thethe biddingbidding ofof a amonarch,monarch, have been down many times and theirtheir and his countenancecountenance enforcesenforces homage.homage. interest hashas more than made made up up for for - - kir-19 ,4ex.eu 9i (Continued on Next Page)Page) OUROUR COVERCOVER TheThe Editor'sEditors CommentsComments YearsYears ago — some 30 to be be exactexact —— whilewhile wewe werewere workingworking ourour wayway throughthrough schoolschool we were employedemployed for a a time time by by a a large large corporation.corporation. TheThe work work waswas menial. TheThe paypay waswas onlyonly enoughenough to to paypay schoolschool expenses.expenses. ButBut that that job job hadhad a a humbling humbling influenceon on mymy life.life. Why?Why? BecauseBecause onon the the wallwall ofof that that vastvast officewas was aa sign,sign, "Remember, NoNo Matter Who You You Are Are Or Or What What You You Are —— TomorrowTomorrow SomeoneSomeone Could Be FoundFound toto TakeTake YourYour Place."Place." And as as we we edit edit this this issueissue ofof The The Morgan Morgan Horse Horse MagazineMagazine wewe are are re- re mindedminded olof it. Some Some one one could could certainly certainly be found found to fill (ill this this job. job. Some Some one one withwith moremore knowledge,knowledge, moremore contacts,contacts, moremore diplomacy.diplomacy. The typewriter typewriter stops itsits mad rush of of words. words. A A stare stare into into the the distance distance is a looklook at the the nextnext wallwall andand on on itit the the writing writing whichwhich allall must must eventuallyeventually see.see. "Some oneone couldcouldbe befound found. .. ."." andand we arc humbled. WhoWho or or what what isis right?right? This month's month's cover cover features features a a pop- pop What direction leads thethe path that's marked "this is is the the way?"way?" PerhapsPerhaps we'vewe've ular membermember fromfrom thethe BoardBoard ofof Di-Di never seen it. Perhaps Perhaps our our myopicmyopic eyeseyes havehave nevernever had had the the strength strength to to secsee rectorsrectors olof our NationalNational MorganMorgan HorseHorse thethe deathlessdeathless writing.writing. Perhaps Perhaps we we have have beenbeen soso blindedblinded toto our our belief belief that that wevvc Club, J. J. Cecil Cecil Ferguson, Ferguson, riding riding the the were on the right right path path that that wewe havehave ignoredignored thosethose helpfulhelpful talismen.talismen. famousfamous Parade. Mrs. Mrs. Ferguson Ferguson is is up up on Mansphyllis Mansphyllis who has has also also made made These moments comecome oftenoften inin the life life of of an an editor.editor. WhenWhen convictionconviction followed blindly yields no response. When hopes and beliefs — perhaps too a namename forfor herselfherself inin NationalNational Mor-Mor followed blindly yields no response.
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