“A WHOLE AND CONTINUAT HISTORIE”: GENERAL HISTORIES IN EARLY SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND, WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO RICHARD KNOLLES’S THE GENERAL HISTORY OF THE TURKS AND HIS PATRON PETER MANWOOD A Ph.D. Dissertation by SEDA ERKOÇ Department of History İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University Ankara February 2016 To Harun “A WHOLE AND CONTINUAT HISTORIE”: GENERAL HISTORIES IN EARLY SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND, WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO RICHARD KNOLLES’S THE GENERAL HISTORY OF THE TURKS AND HIS PATRON PETER MANWOOD Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by SEDA ERKOÇ In Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA February 2016 JopaJIo uE{JIIua ,J(I ]pJd saJuaIJS lel]os pue s3ltuouoJg Jo looLIJS alenpeJı aql Jo le^oJudv JaqtuaW aa]]Iu[uoJ 3uıuıruexg 1ıla5lın1 ıuIJAg JoJd,lssV uı fqdosollt{d Jo Jo]f o(I aql Jo aaı8ap al{l JoJ slsaql e se 'dlılenb uı pue adocs uı alenbape dlln; sI1I ]Et{} punoJ a^Eq pue slsaql slt{l peal a^eü{ Ilet{] dJIuaJ l JaqualN aallıtuıuo3 3 I[u ualzo ,1 1ua>ldeJ . uı dqdoso11l{d Jo Jolf,o(I aql Jo aaı8ap al{l JoJ slsaq1 e se 'dlılenb uı pue adoıs uı alenbape dllry SI1I]eq] punoJ a^eq pue slsaql slq] peal a^Eq Ileq] dJlua] I JaqruaW aa]]IruuoJ 3uıuıruexg ,lSsV uoıuJol{İ pI^eC JoJd uı alenbape dllnJ sI ]IlEI{lpunoJ a^Eq puE Slsaql SIql peal a^el{ J lBql dJlua] I JaqıuaIN ea]]IıuıuoJ 3uıuıruexg ,1ssy Io>lılla5 a§dy 3o.ı4 , ,nJolsIH uı .,{qdosollqd Jo Jo}Jo(I aql Jo aaı8ap aq] JoJ slsaql e se 'dlılenb uı puu adoıs uı alenbape.{11n1 sI punoJ a^Eq pue sısaql slql ppal a^eq ıI ]Eql I ıeqı d;ıyaı 1 .ıosınıadn5 ,]ssv JauI]e.I Ined JoJd 4,{İ.l^ ,dıolsı1-1 uı dqdosollt{d Jo JolJo(I aq] Jo aaı8ap aı{t JoJ slsaql e se 'dlılenb uı pue adocs uı alenbape flln; sI1I1eql punoJ a^eq pue slsaq1 slql peal a^pq J 1eq] dJlua] I ABSTRACT “A WHOLE AND CONTINUAT HISTORIE”: GENERAL HISTORIES IN EARLY SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND, WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO RICHARD KNOLLES’S THE GENERAL HISTORY OF THE TURKS AND HIS PATRON PETER MANWOOD Erkoç, Seda Ph.D., Department of History Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Paul Latimer February 2016 This thesis presents an assessment of the famous work of Richard Knolles, The General History of the Turks (1603) [hereafter GH] as a production of the intellectual atmosphere of the age in which it was produced. Despite its importance as the first major history of the Ottomans written in English, present literature on Knolles’s work does not evaluate it as a history book in its own right; it is analyzed either only partially or in connection with some other works gathered for very particular uses. It has often been seen, though without explanation, as somewhat ambiguous in its treatment of the Turks. Trying to attain a better understanding of Knolles’s GH, the present study initially discusses the changes in the historiography of the sixteenth century and contextualizes the emergence of a genre of “general history” in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century within the wider spectrum of history writing in iii early modern England and Europe. Some common features, detailed here for the first time, which would help to group general histories as a distinct and new genre, are identified through an evaluation of those that were printed in England in the course of the seventeenth century. This thesis argues that GH has to be evaluated in connection with those “general histories”, and analyses the features of Knolles’s work alongside those other general histories. This contextualization also indicates the importance of the role of the patron of this monumental work, his influence on the actual process of composition and his instrumental role in causing the work to be a general history. Assessing GH as a project that was realized through the shared efforts of the patron and the writer, and considering the intellectual background of the patron of the work, as well as the motives for his support, it suggests reasons for the ambiguity that Knolles’s text has presented for modern historians, reasons that are grounded in the work’s transformation into a general history. Besides, the detailed study here of the political orientation of the patron, Sir Peter Manwood, reveals some points, both political and intellectual, that aid a better understanding of his motivations in patronizing Knolles. Keywords: Richard Knolles, Sir Peter Manwood, general history, seventeenth- century English historiography iv ÖZET “BÜTÜN VE KESİNTİSİZ BİR TARİH”: RICHARD KNOLLES’UN THE GENERAL HISTORY OF THE TURKS ESERİ VE HÂMİSİ PETER MANWOOD ÜZERİNDEN ONYEDİNCİ YÜZYIL İNGİLTERE’SİNDE GENEL TARİH METİNLERİ Erkoç, Seda Doktora, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Paul Latimer Şubat 2016 Bu tez, Richard Knolles’un The General History of the Turks (1603) [buradan itibaren GH] başlıklı ünlü eserinin ortaya çıktığı dönemin entelektüel atmosferinin bir ürünü olarak analizini sunar. İngilizce yazılan ilk temel Osmanlı tarihi olması açısından önemine karşın, Knolles’un çalışması hakkındaki mevcut literatür, söz konusu eseri kendi başına bir tarih kitabı olarak değerlendirmez, ya kısmî olarak ele alır ya da belli bir maksatla başka eserlerle bağlantılı olarak inceler. Knolles’un GH eserini daha doğru değerlendirebilmek için, bu çalışma ilk olarak on altıncı yüzyıl tarihyazımındaki değişimleri tartışmakta ve “genel tarih” türünün ortaya çıkışını erken modern İngiltere’si tarihyazımınının geniş çeşitliliği çerçevesinde bir bağlama oturtur. İkinci olarak ise bu tez on yedinci yüzyıl boyunca İngiltere’de basılmış genel tarihleri inceleyerek bu grubu bağımsız ve yeni bir tür olarak sınıflandırmaya yarayacak belli ortak nitelikleri saptar. Knolles’un GH eserini on yedinci yüzyıl İngiltere’sindeki tarih yazımı v akımları çerçevesinde tartışan bu tez, GH kitabının yine aynı dönemlerde ortaya çıkmış “genel tarihler” ile bağlantılı olarak değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini savunur ve Knolles’un çalışmasının diğer genel tarihlerle ortak niteliklerini gösterir. Bu bağlamsallaştırma, söz konusu görkemli eserin hâmisinin rolü ile eserin bir metin olarak oluşturulma sürecine etkisine de işaret etmektedir. Çalışma, GH kitabını, hâmi ile yazarın ortak çabaları ile gerçekleştirilmiş bir proje olarak değerlendirerek ve hâminin entellektüel alt yapısı ile desteğinin dürtülerini göz önüne alarak, Knolles’un metninin günümüz tarihçilerine sunduğu muğlaklığa kimi sebepler önermektedir. Ayrıca, burada Sör Peter Manwood’un politik yönelimine dair yapılan detaylı tetkik, Knolles’a hâmilik yapması konusundaki motivasyonunun daha iyi anlaşılmasına yardımcı olarak kimi noktaları da açıklığa kavuşturmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Richard Knolles, Peter Manwood, genel tarih, on yedinci yüzyıl İngiliz tarih yazımı. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research, while an individual work, has come into existence with the support of several people. First and foremost I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Paul Latimer, with whom I had the chance to work since 2004. Without his guidance, encouragement and support, this thesis could not have been realized. His valuable suggestions, attentive warnings, and insightful opinions played an important role at every stage of this study. I would like to express my gratitude to Cadoc Leighton, to whom I had the chance to consult whenever I needed. He has always been kind enough to share his time generously. I was truly honoured to have Ayşe Çelikkol among my dissertation committee members. I am grateful to her for her interest in my work. I should also thank to other committee members Evrim Türkçelik, David Thornton and Özlem Çaykent for their keen interest in my study and their valuable comments and corrections. I would also like to thank Henry Woudhuysen and Gerald Maclean for their great help about archival material and sources. Through their help I managed to make the most of my three month-research visit to the libraries and archives in London. Professor Woudhuysen was also generous enough to share with me his notes on Sir Peter Manwood’s collection, which added much to my study. vii I extend my sincere thanks to all members of the Department of History, İ. D. Bilkent University, not only for their courses which have contributed a good deal to my training as a historian but also for their constant support. Oktay Özel deserves my deepest gratitude for he provided me with the comfort I needed at the hardest times of this study and did his best to encourage and cheer me up when I felt most desperate. I have also received a great deal of help and support from some other institutions and individuals. I am deeply grateful to James M. Gibson, Rochester Bridge Trust archivist, for sharing Sir Roger Manwood’s notes with me. I am also grateful to all administrative and academic staff of the Social Sciences University of Ankara for their constant support. I would also like to thank Ömer Demir, the former rector of the Social Sciences University of Ankara, specifically for his thoughtful advice and encouragements. My thanks are also due to all my friends, graduate life would be unbearable without them. Thank you all for listening, offering me advice, and supporting me through this entire process. Without the support of all members of my family, I would never finish this thesis and I would never find the courage to overcome all the difficulties during this work. This dissertation is heartily dedicated to Harun Yeni, whose constant support enabled me to materialize it. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT
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