Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra II

Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra II

Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra II Petros Drineas These slides were prepared by Ilse Ipsen for the 2015 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School on RandNLA 1 / 49 Overview We will cover this material in relatively more detail, but will still skip a lot ... 1 Norms fMeasuring the length/mass of mathematical quantitiesg General norms Vector p norms Matrix norms induced by vector p norms Frobenius norm 2 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) The most important tool in Numerical Linear Algebra 3 Least Squares problems Linear systems that do not have a solution 2 / 49 Norms General Norms How to measure the mass of a matrix or length of a vector m×n Norm k · k is function R ! R with 1 Non-negativity kAk ≥ 0, kAk = 0 () A = 0 2 Triangle inequality kA + Bk ≤ kAk + kBk 3 Scalar multiplication kα Ak = jαj kAk for all α 2 R. Properties Minus signs k − Ak = kAk Reverse triangle inequality j kAk − kBk j ≤ kA − Bk New norms m×n m×m For norm k · k on R , and nonsingular M 2 R def kAkM = kMAk is also a norm 4 / 49 Vector p Norms n For x 2 R and integer p ≥ 1 n !1=p def X p kxkp = jxi j i=1 Pn One norm kxk1 = j=1 jxj j p qPn 2 T Euclidean (two) norm kxk2 = j=1 jxj j = x x Infinity (max) norm kxk1 = max1≤j≤n jxj j 5 / 49 Exercises n 1 Determine k11kp for 11 2 R and p = 1; 2; 1 n 2 For x 2 R with xj = j, 1 ≤ j ≤ n, determine closed-form expressions for kxkp for p = 1; 2; 1 6 / 49 Inner Products and Norm Relations n For x; y 2 R Cauchy-Schwartz inequality T jx yj ≤ kxk2 kyk2 H¨olderinequality T T jx yj ≤ kxk1 kyk1 jx yj ≤ kxk1 kyk1 Relations kxk1 ≤ kxk1 ≤ n kxk1 p kxk2 ≤ kxk1 ≤ n kxk2 p kxk1 ≤ kxk2 ≤ n kxk1 7 / 49 Exercises 1 Prove the norm relations on the previous slide n p 2 For x 2 R show kxk2 ≤ kxk1 kxk1 8 / 49 2 T T T T 2 kV xk2 = (V x) (V x) = x V V x = x x = kxk2 Vector Two Norm Theorem of Pythagoras n For x; y 2 R T 2 2 2 x y = 0 () kx ± yk2 = kxk2 + kyk2 Two norm does not care about orthonormal matrices n m×n T For x 2 R and V 2 R with V V = In kV xk2 = kxk2 9 / 49 Vector Two Norm Theorem of Pythagoras n For x; y 2 R T 2 2 2 x y = 0 () kx ± yk2 = kxk2 + kyk2 Two norm does not care about orthonormal matrices n m×n T For x 2 R and V 2 R with V V = In kV xk2 = kxk2 2 T T T T 2 kV xk2 = (V x) (V x) = x V V x = x x = kxk2 9 / 49 Exercises n For x; y 2 R show 1 Parallelogram equality 2 2 2 2 kx + yk2 + kx − yk2 = 2 kxk2 + kyk2 2 Polarization identity 1 xT y = kx + yk2 − kx − yk2 4 2 2 10 / 49 Matrix Norms (Induced by Vector p Norms) m×n For A 2 R and integer p ≥ 1 def kAxkp kAkp = max = max kA ykp x6=0 kxkp kykp=1 One Norm: Maximum absolute column sum m X kAk1 = max jaij j = max kAe j k1 1≤j≤n 1≤j≤n i=1 Infinity Norm: Maximum absolute row sum n X T kAk1 = max jaij j = max kA ei k1 1≤i≤m 1≤i≤m j=1 11 / 49 Matrix Norm Properties Every norm realized by some vector y 6= 0 kAykp y kAkp = = kAzkp where z ≡ kzkp = 1 kykp kykp fVector y is different for every A and every pg Submultiplicativity m×n n Matrix vector product: For A 2 R and y 2 R kAykp ≤ kAkpkykp m×n n×l Matrix product: For A 2 R and B 2 R kABkp ≤ kAkpkBkp 12 / 49 More Matrix Norm Properties m×n m×m n×n For A 2 R and permutation matrices P 2 R ,Q 2 R Permutation matrices do not matter kPAQkp = kAkp Submatrices have smaller norms than parent matrix BA12 If P A Q = then kBkp ≤ kAkp A21 A22 13 / 49 Exercises 1 Different norms realized by different vectors Find y and z so that kAk1 = kAyk1 and kAk1 = kAzk1 when 1 4 A = 0 2 n×n 2 If Q 2 R is permutation then kQkp = 1 3 Prove the two types of submultiplicativity 4 If D = diag d11 ··· dnn then kDkp = max jdjj j 1≤j≤n n×n −1 5 If A 2 R nonsingular then kAkpkA kp ≥ 1 14 / 49 Norm Relations and Transposes m×n For A 2 R Relations between different norms 1 p p kAk ≤ kAk ≤ m kAk n 1 2 1 1 p p kAk ≤ kAk ≤ n kAk m 1 2 1 Transposes T T T kA k1 = kAk1 kA k1 = kAk1 kA k2 = kAk2 15 / 49 Proof: Two Norm of Transpose fTrue for A = 0, so assume A 6= 0g n Let kAk2 = kAzk2 for some z 2 R with kzk2 = 1 Reduce to vector norm 2 2 T T T T T kAk2 = kAzk2 = (Az) (Az) = z A Az = z A Az | {z } vector Cauchy-Schwartz inequality and submultiplicativity imply T T T T z A Az ≤ kzk2 kA Azk2 ≤ kA k2 kAk2 2 T T Thus kAk2 ≤ kA k2 kAk2 and kAk2 ≤ kA k2 T T Reversing roles of A and A gives kA k2 ≤ kAk2 16 / 49 Matrix Two Norm m×n A 2 R Orthonormal matrices do not change anything k×m T l×n T If U 2 R with U U = Im,V 2 R with V V = In T kUAV k2 = kAk2 Gram matrices m×n For A 2 R T 2 T kA Ak2 = kAk2 = kAA k2 Outer products m n For x 2 R , y 2 R T kxy k2 = kxk2 kyk2 17 / 49 Proof: Norm of Gram Matrix Submultiplicativity and transpose T T 2 kA Ak2 ≤ kAk2 kA k2 = kAk2 kAk2 = kAk2 T 2 Thus kA Ak2 ≤ kAk2 n Let kAk2 = kAzk2 for some z 2 R with kzk2 = 1 Cauchy-Schwartz inequality and submultiplicativity imply 2 2 T T T kAk2 = kAzk2 = (Az) (Az) =z A A z | {z } vector T T ≤k zk2 kA A zk2 ≤ kA Ak2 2 T Thus kAk2 ≤ kA Ak2 18 / 49 Exercises 1 Infinity norm of outer products m n T For x 2 R and y 2 R , show kx y k1 = kxk1 kyk1 n×n 2 If A 2 R with A 6= 0 is idempotent then (i) kAkp ≥ 1 (ii) kAk2 = 1 if A also symmetric n×n 3 Given A 2 R 1 T Among all symmetric matrices, 2 (A + A ) is a (the?) matrix that is closest to A in the two norm 19 / 49 n Vector If x 2 R then kxkF = kxk2 T Transpose kA kF = kAkF p Identity kInkF = n Frobenius Norm The true mass of a matrix m×n For A = a1 ··· an 2 R v v u n u n m q def uX 2 uX X 2 T kAkF = t kaj k2 = t jaij j = trace(A A) j=1 j=1 i=1 20 / 49 Frobenius Norm The true mass of a matrix m×n For A = a1 ··· an 2 R v v u n u n m q def uX 2 uX X 2 T kAkF = t kaj k2 = t jaij j = trace(A A) j=1 j=1 i=1 n Vector If x 2 R then kxkF = kxk2 T Transpose kA kF = kAkF p Identity kInkF = n 20 / 49 More Frobenius Norm Properties m×n A 2 R Orthonormal invariance k×m T l×n T If U 2 R with U U = Im,V 2 R with V V = In T kUAV kF = kAkF Relation to two norm p p kAk2 ≤ kAkF ≤ rank(A) kAk2 ≤ minfm; ng kAk2 Submultiplicativity kABkF ≤k Ak2 kBkF ≤ kAkF kBkF 21 / 49 Exercises 1 Show the orthonormal invariance of the Frobenius norm 2 Show the submultiplicativity of the Frobenius norm 3 Frobenius norm of outer products m n For x 2 R and y 2 R show T kx y kF = kxk2 kyk2 22 / 49 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Full SVD m×n Given: A 2 R Tall and skinny: m ≥ n 0 1 σ1 Σ A = U VT where Σ ≡ B .. C ≥ 0 0 @ . A σn Short and fat: m ≤ n 0 1 σ1 T B .. C A = U Σ 0 V where Σ ≡ @ . A ≥ 0 σm m×m n×n U 2 R and V 2 R are orthogonal matrices 24 / 49 Names and Conventions m×n A 2 R with SVD Σ A = U VT or A = U Σ 0 VT 0 Singular values (svalues): Diagonal elements σj of Σ Left singular vector matrix:U Right singular vector matrix:V Svalue ordering σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ ::: ≥ σminfm; ng ≥ 0 Svalues of matrices B, C: σj (B), σj (C) 25 / 49 SVD Properties m×n A 2 R Number of svalues equal to small dimension m×n A 2 R has minfm; ng singular values σj ≥ 0 Orthogonal invariance m×m n×n If P 2 R and Q 2 R are orthogonal matrices then P A Q has same svalues as A Gram Product Nonzero svalues (= eigenvalues) of AT A are squares of svalues of A Inverse n×n A 2 R nonsingular () σj > 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ n If A = U Σ VT then A−1 = V Σ−1 UT SVD of inverse 26 / 49 Exercises 1 TransposeA T has same singular values as A 2 Orthogonal matrices n×n All singular values of A 2 R are equal to 1 () A is orthogonal matrix n×n 3 If A 2 R is symmetric and idempotent then all singular values are 0 and/or 1 m×n 4 For A 2 R and α > 0 express svalues of (AT A + α I)−1 AT in terms of α and svalues of A In 5 If A 2 m×n with m ≥ n then singular values of are R A q 2 equal to 1 + σj for 1 ≤ j ≤ n 27 / 49 Singular Values m×n A 2 R with svalues σ1 ≥ · · · ≥ σp p ≡ minfm; ng Two norm kAk2 = σ1 q 2 2 Frobenius norm kAkF = σ1 + ··· + σp Well conditioned in absolute sense jσj (A) − σj (B)j ≤ kA − Bk2 1 ≤ j ≤ p Product σj (A B) ≤ σ1(A) σj (B) 1 ≤ j ≤ p 28 / 49 Matrix Schatten Norms m×n A 2 R , with singular values σ1 ≥ · · · ≥ σρ > 0, and integer p ≥ 0, the family of the Schatten p-norms is defined as ρ !1=p def X p kAkp = σi : i=1 Different than the vector-induced matrix p-norms1.

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