I 1943 = ""'" ... ,Talk Ration (alenCla; I' U ilL 0 J L couponl 0 expire Sept. IM/; TtRE8 o mus, be Inspecled b y Bel'l. 30; MEAT .lImp. X. 'i and Z and A and B meat , tamPi In Book 3 expire Cooler '~rtes Oet. J : PROCESSED 1'0001 l\ampi U. V AI>4 w ex­ pire Oct. 20; B.ROWN atamp C expire. OCt. 10: 8UG-\R THE DAloLY 10wa-OeeallouJ raW. eMler. Ilamp 14 and HOMIt CANNING Itamp. U and 18 IOWAN lIy one that expire Ocl. 31; S HOE BlImp No. 11 axpl... Oct. 31; IDr MCCloy FUEL OIL per. 1 coupons, '43-'44, expire Jan. 3. '44. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper I section 01 FIVE CENTS 'fBI ...OeIATED nlll IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1943 'flit ASIOCIA'f&O PUll VOLUME XUV NUMBER S lIDS 'sical tralJll, It the Ire~t tile lack ~I board Ihi~ e ter. Prof~ work Out a m on ahiPt ~5ce nt Ille~ gra m." PrQ. rhe eXllert. a es Inen has proVed !ed to ~helr the usual ne exercise Itliludes ot WOn With ' !d. For tOla Ie man Is "I 100 tOil. oviet Bor• er ! more Illen ~----------------------------------------------~--~------------------------- . perience ot II COndition NAZIS WITHDRAW LINES AS REDS ADVANCE ON :: Fifth Army May Enter City lfes~or Me­ F ommUnltita Red 'Army Is Now 110 Miles · he facilities ave Worked from Polish, Rumanian Lines 11'~;~~jf====~~t~~'~i~;~~~i~;~~~~~~!~~~~~;Y~::~lAt Any Moment ~ -~z~Re~af , TERRITORY REGAINED IN 1943 rill be ;; o __~=S<:;'iiilf_-===:1_ By NOLAND NORGAARD schOOl for IGD LONDON, 1'hll1'Hday (AP )-l<'lying Soviet columns, more t.hon ALLIED IIEADQUARTER IN N RTH AFRJ (AP)-Th Am rican Firth army ra d h they wil! 400 mil e apart, 11!IVO pier 'ed to within 110 miles of both the old - la t night to within Ii f w mUes of ra\'a eu Napl and was expected to nt r tb terrorized city econd lieu. Polish bord('r in thA n Ol'th and the RumaDian frontier in the south at any moment after driving the ermall ' into full C1ight ac the oa. tal plain near Mt. V n· wllile f1 thiNI (Ii·iv!' roll crl into It Dnieper r ivor island little more vitL'~ with strong armorcd foree . lS co m~any thall 0 qll fl l·ter-mil(l fl'olll the gun -studded hills of Kiev, Moscow aRtell ammare, tJle mINal mil ft·om Naplt''' and tb wh01 orr nto pt>nin lila flanking lssle tl'llin. 15 aonollu ('ed INlay. fh e Bay of Toples to the south, were in alii d hand. C specialist In the nortb, the d al'Dly advanced half-way from Smolensk the affairs n pn Il brolldcast from London, Elmer P t rsOll of B said tb allied armi· 11oul<1 be 1'0' Vitebsk by capturing town of Rndnya on the SO-mile 1/ centers. to th rail­ tm'ing Naple!'! by today. mblic rela. >fay line between these two ci ties. Despi te raiD-soaked roads the (The Oerman-controlled Paris radio said Ole British fl 1 b8 approach d til Gulf f ' apJ crulting. or Soviets advanced more t han nine miles, killing 1,000 Oermans, ( nit. of Ih fie t. th batt rie of which can be exp cted to a si t groond rore in tit final pu. h, army oW. ea pturing 'much wal' materiul and oceupying 120 towns and ham­ hu\'e been pntrolling the gulf area for several days.) IS. lelB. The stont mountain u Cens. north of 1:)81 rno. in wlliel1 th! erm n for ix day gav ground , P ~m i er Marshal Jo. eph Stalin, in one of two orders of the day, grudgingly in the face of continuous attacks. /U1gA'~'d suddenly al'ly TueRdoy and th n vani bra, called Rudnya, ten miles fl'om the northern border of White Rus- headquart rs 8nnounc d Y lSt rdny. 'ia on the rail line that leads to 'fh vi ·to/·iOUR army of Li ut. Oen. Mark W. lark thcn roll d down On tb Nap) plain. II Riga, "a power f u 1 enemy threw into baUl hi tanks and stronghold and a center of com­ • '. • * * * mobil artill ry, which had. been ~laYic Army n11lnicatiollS ill the Vitebsk di· At the Front Imo. t u ) . in 1h pa t w k rection.' , of mOllntain flgohting. At Kiev. the RUilsians burst .out He was raclnl last nliht [or 'fHE CAUCASUS Plane Herds l through· German defense lines to the smokln, lind exploding clty Of Liberation capture the .bridgehead fortifica­ 'I of 925,OOO-lh first ven ap~ tions of Tl'ukhanov island. a river proachln, that size In all the vast bastion directly in 1ront 'of central Captives areal ot Alric., Sicily and Italy BaHles Nazis Kiev. The river is 1,400' feet ~ide already wrested from the Nad,. -___ J "- '" ...... Pilot, Radioman a t this point. TURKEY Rome and Milan are two only In the advance ~he Russians IRAN Round Up 150 larler Italian cltl . Patriots Kill 'Large '" The (Hrmans were In Iwln. also caplured Darnltsa. nine Prisoners-Alone orderl, retreat whleb may not OF m=fl!!ted war with Russia, In which the Nazis b ..ve now retreated behind ihe Number of Germans' miles east of Kiev after several Cf;)l1~~E GE~MANY\ S ' end until they reacb tbe Vol ­ fonner Polish fr~ntjer. '15 shown In the above map ot the lone eastern front. In I~aly, Yugoslavia days fllrh~lnc. The communltlue WASHINGTON, (AP)- A navy torno river line. %0 mil north said they killed more lhaD p."O flier lind his radio man captured 01 Naples and almOllt due west LONDON (AP)-The Yugoslav Gtrmans and desb:oyed 69 tankS of the ,reat For," air center 150 Italian soldiers and herded O~~1fIIIi II'IIl.Y of liberation battled crack and 71 tuns. Much ' booty -and siat~ :Subcommittee Sh-el-Ye-s -U.S-.. Bo- iD-ber-s R-.ii~- aer.,.. tbe penln ula. hleb feU them to American lines without German troops over a wide front many prisoners filiI to the Vic'. with I. 13 vlrtualb Intact ab letlvln, their plone during the yesterday. including the ItaUan torloUl SovieI8. Ileids Monda,. Sicilian invasion, the navy re­ "The enemy', defensive rln city of Trieste. where Its troops "Remnants of ,!lOuted (.';erm~n HOUse ::o Posi~War ' Policy'o 'Bill ; W~wak Base A9am ported yesterday. around Naples I, broken, a mili­ WId f killing "a large number of troops were hurled onto the right Large Munitions Dump • • • tary spokesman declared emphati­ Nazi soldIers." (west) bank of the river." it said. The airmen were Lieutenant cally. The Yugoslav p~triots continued " ... the fighting (was) for ' the Destroyed; Explosion (j. C.) Paul E. Courhlln. Ecnna, (The Britlsb Pre I association successful oper~tions In Monte- liquidation of the enemy bridge­ , May Come Up Again and there were indications that Biggest in S. Pacific Mo.. and radioman Richard aid the allies hod entered Pom­ negro, Hercegov1Oa . and the prov- head fortifications ... Our troops, the senate subcommittee would baler. Albany. Ore.• wbo di­ pell, the city at the foot 01 Vesu­ For Consideration rected the prisoners' march by i{lce of Saodzak, said a Yugoslav capturing the enemy bridgehead attempt to spell out in greater de- ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN vius 12 mt1es southeast ot Naple , ~~ ~()mml.lt\t<tl.le \: e \ e a sed i01'\Uications in this district came flrln, at their heels. Before Christmas tail the pOSition congress wOl;1ld THE SOUTHWEST l'ACIFIC. whIch the volcano destroyed In through t.he Yugoslav government- out directly onto the Dnieper • ••• 79 A. D. in-exlle last nlgbt, but was forced river between Kiev and Dnepro­ WASHINGTON (AP)-A senate like to have this country take. Thursday (AP)-American bomb. Cough lin told the story to his (The Cerman radio acknowl­ to evacuate the Adriatic port of petrovsk. fp):eign relations subcommi ttee de­ The subcommittee's decision. was ers smashed again at the Japanese commanding oflicer: edled that Castel San GIorilo and Split "to avoid encirclement." After a creat three-d.y battle "1 circled past some of our cl/led yesterday to draft its oVfn announced while the senate was base at Wewak. New Guinea. and Baronlsli. ~8 and 24 miles south­ )unU, The reoccupation of Split was by elrht Soviet dlvlJ!lons ~itd hearing a denUnciation by Senafor destroyed a large munitions depot soldiers. a forward patrol on the reported by the Germans Tuesday. swarms of Soviet fJrhter planes. stktemi!"nt on post-wllr foreign east of Naples, had been evacu­ Downey (D-Calif) ' of what be th ere. General MacArthur an­ beach ai.the loot of a cliff. ated and that American reinforce­ threw 80 Nuis Killed the RUSSians captured the town, policy. and some members pre­ • • • [)n the The Yugoslav army attacked and Stalin said In one of hIs orden called the American high com- nounced today. ments had landed. The German dicted it would be ready for sen­ Pilots who took part in the long ''They waved and pointed at routed a strong German column in of the day. the hili, which they were evl­ communique said that, d spite con­ !:Ite consideration before congress mand's emphasis on land man- range aerial assault said they tinuous rain and "diUlcuH road northern ~almatia and !tllled .80 Kremenchug is a rail junction gpes home for the Christmas holi­ power. started the largest.explosions ever denily havln, trouble ralnlnr.
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