Freemasonry, Literatvire, Science, and Art. VOL. XXII

Freemasonry, Literatvire, Science, and Art. VOL. XXII

THE FREEMASON , J TU .Y 20, 1SS0. THE A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF Freemasonry , Litera tvire, Science, and Art. VOL. XXII. PUBLISHED WITH THE SPECIAL SANCTION OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, M.W. GRAND MASTER OF ENGLAND. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ABERCORN, M.W. GRAND MASTER OF IRELAND. COL. SIR A. C CAMPBELL, BART., M.W. GRAND MASTER OF SCOTLAND. AND THE GRAND MASTERS OF MANY FOREIGN LODGES. LONDON : GEORGE KENNIN G, 16, GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN 'S-INN-FIELDS, W.C. 1889. " THE FREEMASON " PRINTING WORKS, 16 GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S-INN-FIELDS, LONDON. PREFACE. \ \ \ \ JE have thought it desirable, for reasons which have already been sufficientl y explained elsewhere, to issue the Freemason in half-yearly, instead of yearly volumes, and therefore the agreeable duty now devolves upon us of expressing our sincere thanks to our readers for the uniform kindness and consideration they have been in the habit of extending towards us in our endeavours to maintain and promote the well-being of the Craft. To this end we have devoted all our energies and such ability as we possess, and the almost dail y increasing support we have received, and are receiving, inclines us to the belief that our efforts have not been entirely unsuccessful. Under the new arrangements vve shall pursue the same policy as in past years, and at the same time we shall avail ourselves of every opportunity that presents itself to make this Journal , as a literary compilation , as a record of events, and as the true reflex of the best Masonic opinion of the day, more and more the representative organ of the Craft in this country . In these endeavours we hope to win still higher favour with the brethren, and that in' the future, as in the past, they will exhibit their approval of our work , and continue to give us, but in an increased ratio, their kind support and patronage. 16, GREAT QUEEN STREET , W.C, 6 th July, 1889 . INDEX. NOBLE Example of the Deco- CAMBRIDGE Masonic Charity CORRESPONDENCE (continued)— C RAFT LODGES (continued)— A rator's Art, 70 Association , 27S Re Masonic Charities— A Suggestion, 107 507 United Pilgrims, 200 Adoption of the Report Special Commission Carnarvon Lodge, No. 1572 , and the Boys' Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, 273, 5uS Zetland in the East, 68, 323 Boys' School , 341 School, 325 2S7, 2S8, 307,317) 337» 338, 538 La Tolerance, 17 Al pass Benevolent Institution , 17S Catholic Church built by Freemasons, 209 353, 365. 366, 367.379» 3So 588 St. Botol ph's,_36 Centenar v Festival of the Joppa Lodge, No. „ „ Institution for Boys and 605 Combermere, 187 ALLIED MASONIC DEGREES :— iSS, 27S the Carnarvon Lodge, No. 611 Lodge of the Marches, 187, 276 Grand Masters' Council No. 1, , 146 Col. Adair, the late Bro., 325 1572 , 33S 63 1 Concord , 49 Metropolitan Council , (T.I.), 263, 323 Coming* of Age of Mr. R. Percy Clowes, 29 „ „ Institution for Girls, 171 633 Yarborough, 187 W. M. Sewell Council, No. 11, 369 Complimentary Banquet to Bro. Henry Rule 2to, 7, 15, 31, 32.43 643 Royal, 128 Lynn, M.L.S.B., 164 Statistical Returns, 171 663 Fidelity, 64 Analysis of the Returns Girls' School Fes- Complimentary Dinner to Bro. Edward 700 Nelson, 143 , 187, 246 tival , 301 Terry, 217 CRAFT ABROAD, THE— 706 Florence Nightingale, 381 An Early Warwickshire Charter, 72 Concert in aid of the Boys' School , 147 District Grand Lodge of Queenstown , 204 721 Independence, 50 Harmonic Lodge, No. , St. Thomas 731 Arboretum , no, 1S7, 310 A. AND A. R ITE—R OSE CROIX : 356 CONSECRATIONS — 723 Westbourne, 127, 244 Mount Calvary, Dan, W.I., 165 3 130, 257 Australia 771 Windsor Castle, no 8 Royal Kent, 162 Craft Lodges. , 179 Blundellsands, No. 228 777 Royal Alfred , 310 10 Invicta , 112, 295 9, 125 CRAFT LODGES .- Euston , No. 22S3, 208 — 786 United Service, 36S 23 Hilda, 162 Royal Somerset House and Inverness, 809 United Good Fellowship, 260 St. Thomas George Gardner, No. 2309, 2S2 4 49 , 5 141 S32 Victoria in Burmah , 191 68 Ancient York Chapter of Redemption , Kingswood, No. 2278, at Elstree, Sg London Scottish Rifles, No. 9 Albion , 7, 78 834 Ranelag h, 142 , 226, 30S . I4*5 2310, 270 Union Waterloo, 852 Zetland, St. Alkmund, No. 2311, at Whitchurch 13 174 50 69 Prince of VVales, 21G , 349 19 Royal Athelstan , 108, 28S Sympathy, 310 Scarisbrick, No. 2295, at Southport, 855 75 Stanhope, 162 154 Robert Burns, 62 St. Mark, 201 Toowong, No. 2306, 163 25 857 77 Leodiensis, 53 32 St. George's, 6 872 Lewis, 64, 320 86 Kingston Viator, No. 2308, 331 7 , 324 37 Anchor and Hope, 48, 159, 202 8S9 Dobie, 50, 188, 310 96 St. Cuthbert 's, 163 Wavertree, No. 2294, at Wavertree, 196 38 Union , 94 Sgo Hornsey, 262 107 Shadwell Clerke, 21, 230 West Ham Abbey, No. 2192, at Stratford, 40 Derwent, 109 S98 Temperance-in-the-East, 339 108 De Carteret, 5*5 Royal Cumberland 11 Cit Koyal Arch. 41 , 94 9 y of London , 45, 244 48 Industry, 187, 260 Gosport, A N NUAL CELEBRATIONS — Blagdon 903 50 , No. 659, at Newcastle, 333 57 Humber , iS 904 Phcenix , 202, 260 Anniversary Festi v al Girls' School, 29S Cecil, No. 449, at Hitchin, 374 60 Peace and Harmony, 62, 18C g 10 St. Oswald, 128 Empire, Annual Assembly Grand Imperial Conclave No. 2108, 27 61 Probity, 48 913 Pattison, ;g, no, 214 Red Cross of Rome, &c St. George's, No. , 139 2099, at Heme Bay, 196 78 Imperial George, S 928 Friendshi p, 94 „ Ball of the Kensington Lodge, Sir Charles Bright, No. 1793, 16S 82 Foundation, iS 962 !-un and Sector, 3S1 No. Sterndale Bennett No. 2ib2 1767, 203 , , 374 84 Doyle's, S IO OJ Priory, no, 174, 22S, 292 „ „ of the Chiswick Lodge No. Mark Lodges. 88 Scientific, 48 1001 Harrogate and Claro, 2012 246 , 203 92 Moira, 44 iuo2 Skiddaw, 19 „ „ and Banquet of the Fidelit Danum, No. 39S, at Doncaster, 105 y Egerton of Tatton 97 Palatine, 143 1011 Richmond, 246 Lodge, No. 230, at Devon- , No. 400, 197 Euston, No. 399, 20S 119 Sun, Square, and Compasses, 355 1021 Harting ton, 50 port, 192 127 Union , Swindon Keystone, No. 401, at Swindon, 350 48 1024 St. Peter 's, 381 ,, Banquet of the Friars Lodge of In- 130 Royal Gloucester, 36 1026 Victoria, 70 struction , No. 1349, 177 Various. 134 Caledonian , 92 1028 Royal Alfred, no „ „ of the Henley Lodge of Cantabrigia Rose Croix Chapter, No. 112, 141 Faith, 92, 142 , 200, 288 1030 Egerton , 260, Instruction 355 , 249 257 146 Anti quity, 48 1056 Walton , 51 „ Dinner of the Lang ton Lodge of Damon and Pythias Conclave Order Secret 152 Virtue, 109 1074 Underley, 64 Instruction , No. , 1673 5 Monitor , No. 14, at Madras, 343 157 Bedford, 32 1076 Capper, 238 ,, Festival Brixton Lodge of Instruc- Henniker Mark Mariners Lodge, at Ipswich, 158 Adams, 159 1077 Wilton, 310 tion , No. 1949, 82 177 168 Mariners, 18 1091 Erme, 159 „ ,, Royal Masonic Benevolent Magnus Rose Croix Chapter, at Newark, 178 All Souls', 19 1094 Temple, 22S Institution, ug 172 Old Concord, 16 1102 Mirfield "47 1 , 51, 159, 292 „ ,, Emulation Lodge of Im- Matier Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, No. 177 Domatic, 32 1114 Joppa, 1S8 provement, 132 400,315 179 Manchesler, 44 I 1134 Newal l, 202, 292 of Wandsworth Lodge of „ „ Queen 's Westminster Conclave Secret Moni- 183 Unity, 62, 12S, 200, 339 I152 St. George, 323 Instruction , No. 1044, 164 tor, No. 12, 131 iSS Joppa, 16 1157 Zetland, 163 „ ,, of the Grand Masters ' Royal Sussex Conclave Secret Monitor, 248 192 Lion and Lamb, 172 1165 Perseverance, 70 Lodge of Instruction, White Rose Council, No. 17, Royal and 193 Confidence, 44, 212, 308 1171 Lagos, 163 M.M.M., 216 Select Masters, 82 195 Heng ist, 19 1 'So Forward, „ Supper of the Zetland Lodge of 95, 355 203 Ancient Union, 48 11S4 Abbey, 9, 51, 12S, iSS, 310, 3S2 Instruction , No. 511, 155 CORRESPONDENCE— 205 Israel, 45 1196 Urban, 92 „ ,, of the Rose Lodge of A Correction , 61 207 Koyal, 324 1205 Metham, 174 Instruction , No. 1622, 192 An Appeal for Assistance to Build a Church 212 Euphrates, 62 1222 St. Kew, , 19 ,, , of the Earl Lodge, No. 609, at Kissingen, Bavaria, 1S5 214 Hope and Unity, 64 1223 Amherst, 276 at Glasgow, Binding, 203 of the 1784 Constitutions, 1S5 217 Stability, 92 1260 John Hervey, ioS, 212 „ ,, of the Stability Lodge of Bro. R. F. Gould and the "Regius " MS., 221 bt. I 1264 Neptune, 339 Instruction , No. 217, 203 3S0 John, 356 226 Benevolence, 94 l 1293 Burdett, no „ „ Star Chapter of Instruction , Calendar and Directory of the Province of 236 York, 79, 214 i 1299 Pembroke No. , 18S 1275, 232 Middlesex, 7 244 Yarborough , 49 1303 Pelham , 261 „ ,, Covent Garden Lodge of Commemoration Jewel, the, 127 261 Unanimity and Sincerity, 13*J Acacia, Instruction 49 9 382 , No. 1614, 241 Cuiious Certificate, 33S 270 Royal Faith and Friendship, 1321 Emblematic 62 1S6 ., ,, of the Creaton Lodae of Election of Grand 49 , , Treasurer, 141 292 Sincerity, 80 1326 Lebanon, 320 Instruction , No. 179 1, 257 „ of Members Board of General Pur- 295 Combermere, 276 1328 Granite, First 93 Annual Ball of the Agricola Lodge, poses, 31S 309 Harmony, 1330 St. Peter 's, at York Financial Tables 94 143 No. 1991, , 67 of the Institutions, 243 311 South Saxon, 64 1337 Anchor, 36, 12S Fourth Annual Ball of the Selwy n Lodge Grand Lod , ge of New South Wales, 317, 367 320 Loyalty, 227 1339 Stockwell, 244 No.

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