Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle : Social Aspects of Space in the Configurational Architecture of Frankish Castles in the Holy Land, 1099-1291 Mol, Eva Citation Mol, E. (2012). Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle : Social Aspects of Space in the Configurational Architecture of Frankish Castles in the Holy Land, 1099-1291. Leiden University Press. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/21378 Version: Not Applicable (or Unknown) License: Leiden University Non-exclusive license Downloaded from: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/21378 Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable). ASLU 25 Hidden Complexities ASLU 25 Complexities of the Frankish Castle Hidden of the Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle Social Aspects of Space in the Configurational Architecture of Frankish Castles in the Holy Land, 1099-1291 Frankish Castle E.M. Mol Social Aspects of Space in the Configurational Architecture This ASLU volume concerns the reconstruction of a social history of life in crusader castles in the Holy Land in the period of the Frankish occupation of Frankish Castles in the Holy Land, 1099-1291 from 1099 to 1291 A.D. Although crusader castles are a popular subject of this relatively new branch in archaeology, they have been largely bypassed by debates on origin, function, symbolism, and social aspects. In order to analyse the relationship between the users and built space Eva Mol employs the method and theory of space syntax. This technique opens up the ability to compare different structures of variable form and size and- is able to retrieve the social norms which are grounded in the configura- tion and circulation patterns of the buildings. By applying this onto crusader castles in the Levantine area and reflecting the results to the historical and socio-cultural context of the Frankish East, Eva Mol reveals new insights into the social structures, lifestyles, and beha- viour of the inhabitants of the castles. Eva Mol won the ‘Leidse Universitaire Scriptieprijs’ for the most excellent- Master-thesis of Leiden University in 2009, which formed the basis of this work. She works at the University of Leiden on spatial analysis and Roman domestic contexts. Archaeological Studies Leiden University (ASLU) is a series of the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University since 1998. The series’ aim is to publish Research and PhD theses of Archaeology and covers the international research fields of European Prehistory, Classical-, Near Eastern-, Indian American- and Science-based Archaeology. Eva Mol Eva Mol Archaeological Studies Leiden University 25 9 789087 281199 Leiden University Press Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle archaeological studies leiden university 25 Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle Social Aspects of Space in the Configurational Architecture of Frankish Castles in the Holy Land, 1099-1291 Eva Mol Leiden University Press Archaeological Studies Leiden University is published by Leiden University Press, the Netherlands Series editors: C.C. Bakels and H. Kamermans Cover design: Joanne Porck Lay out: JAPES, Amsterdam ISBN 978 90 8728 119 9 e-ISBN 978 94 0060 039 3 NUR 682 © Eva Mol / Leiden University Press, 2012 All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduc ed into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the written permission of both the copyright owner and the author of the book. Acknowledgements The book that now lies before you is the published vision during the process of the research, is therefore version of my master thesis, which was finished in meant for him. June 2009. It was never written with a publication in mind, but only to conclude the study of archaeology Further, I would also wish to express many thanks to in a satisfying manner. For this reason the publica- my second supervisor dr. Gerrit van der Kooij, for tion does not provide the degree of exploration, de- his guidance and for commenting and supporting my tails, or the execution that I would ideally wanted it work. I would also wish to show gratitude to the to give. Foremost I think, one must read it as it was ‘Spaceheads’ and especially to Hanna Stoger for her meant to be, a master thesis, written by a naïve, but aid concerning space syntax theory and practices, enthousiastic and inspired young researcher. That it Prof. Hans Janssen for the advice on castellology eventually came to a publication is for the most part and Prof. Johan Mol for his valuable comments with thanks to my supervisor Prof. John Bintliff, who uti- respect to the crusader history. Finally, I would like lized every moment to convince me, my friends, and to thank Kelly Fennema for commenting on my Eng- even my relatives that it was worth being read by a lish, Joanne Porck for her work on the graphics and greater audience and that I should get it published. Hans Kamermans for the possibility to publish a vo- The first owe of gratitude, for this and for his super- lume in the ASLU series. 5 Abstract This thesis concerns crusader castles in the Levantine kische bezetting van het Heilige Land, 1099-1291. area in the period of the Frankish occupation of the Hoewel kruisvaarderskastelen niet het meest achter- Holy Land, 1099-1291. Although crusader castles gestelde onderwerp is binnen deze relatief nieuwe are not the most neglected subjects of this relatively richting in de archeologie, is het de moderne debat- new branch in archaeology, they have been largely ten over oorsprong, functie, symbolisme en sociale bypassed by debates on origin, function, symbolism, aspecten grotendeels voorbijgegaan. and social aspects. In this thesis I have tried to ap- proach these castles with a method derived from so- Ik heb in deze scriptie getracht om deze kastelen met ciology and architecture: space syntax. This theory een methode te benaderen uit de sociologie en archi- and method was introduced to a wider audience in tectuur: space syntax. Deze theorie en methode, die the beginning of the 1980s by Bill Hillier and Juli- begin jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw geïntrodu- enne Hanson of UCL. The theory aims to study the ceerd zijn door Bill Hillier en Julienne Hanson van relationship people have with built space. Space UCL, onderzoeken de relatie die mensen hebben met within space syntax is conceived as something that bebouwde ruimte. Ruimte wordt hierin beschouwd both forms and reflects social behaviour in a culture. als manier om zowel sociaal gedrag in een cultuur te Further, the social norms in a society are embodied in vormen als te weerspiegelen. Verder zijn de sociale the structure of built space. The technique of space normen, die binnen een maatschappij aanwezig zijn, syntax brings the possibility to compare different belichaamd in de ruimtelijke structuur van bebouwde structures of variable form and size, and to retrieve ruimtes. Space syntax brengt een techniek om the social norms in a society that are grounded in the ruimtes, die zeer verschillen in vorm en afmeting, te configuration and circulation patterns of buildings. vergelijken en de sociale normen die ten grondslag By employing this theory and practice onto crusader liggen aan de configuratie en circulatie van ruimtes castles and reflecting the results to the historical and naar voren te brengen. Door deze theorie en techniek socio-cultural context of the Frankish East, we can toe te passen op de kruisvaarderskastelen en deze obtain a new insight into the social structure and be- daarna terug te koppelen aan de historische en so- haviour of the inhabitants of the castle as well as ciaal-culturele context van het Frankische Oosten, is learn more about its functioning. het mogelijk om een nieuw inzicht krijgen in zowel de sociale structuur en gedrag van de bewoners van SAMENVATTING het kasteel als het functioneren van het gebouw op zich. Deze scriptie is gericht op de kruisvaarderskastelen in het Levantijns gebied in de periode van de Fran- 7 Contents Map of the Levant 12 Map of Eastern Europe 13 1. Introduction 15 1.1 Thesis 15 1.2 Castles 18 1.3 The Region 21 1.4 Objectives 22 1.5 Structure of Thesis 24 2. Crusades, crusaders and crusader castles 25 2.1 Crusading; its mechanisms, concise history and state formation 25 2.1.1 Characterising the crusades 26 2.1.2 “Deus lo volt!” 26 2.1.3 Settlement and state formation 30 2.2 Crusaders, military orders, Franks, Muslims, Europeans, Easterners; social and cultural identities in the crusader East 32 2.2.1 Crusaders 33 2.2.2 Military orders 34 2.3 Castles in Frankish Landscapes 35 2.4 Historiography on the analysis of crusader castles 36 2.4.1 Earlier efforts on crusader castles 37 2.4.2 Dominant modern works: Kennedy, Pringle, Molin and Ellenblum 38 3 Space as an artefact 43 3.1 Epistemological framework and theoretical basis 43 3.1.1 Studying space as an artefact 44 3.1.2 Space and mind: seeing is perceiving? 46 3.1.3 Space and behaviour: homo aedificans 48 3.2 Methodology: theory 50 3.2.1 Space syntax: workings 50 3.2.2 Space syntax: an ethnological case study 52 3.2.3 Space syntax: advantages, problems and how to solve them 53 3.2.4 Space syntax and houses 55 3.3 Methodology: practice 56 3.3.1 Crusader castles 56 3.3.2 Data collection and analyses 57 3.3.3 Methods of analysis 58 9 hidden complexities of the frankish castles 4. Castles compared part I: castles of the military orders 63 4.1 Belvoir 63 4.1.1 History 63 4.1.2 The fortress 64 4.1.3 Data 65 4.1.4 Analysis 66 4.2 Crac des Chevaliers 74 4.2.1 History 75 4.2.2 The fortress 76 4.2.3 Data 79 4.2.4 Analysis 79 4.3 Chateau Pèlerin/‘Atlit Castle 84 4.3.1 History 85 4.3.2 The fortress 86 4.3.3 Data 87 4.3.4 Analysis 88 4.4 Bağras 91 4.4.1 History 91 4.4.2 The fortress 93 4.4.3 Data 94 4.4.4 Analysis 95 4.5 Comparison and interpretation: genotypical description of the military order castles 98 4.5.1 Spatial implications 99 4.5 2 The negotiation of space: castles in context 102 5.
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