Antigay Crusader Scott Lively, p. 3 TheA PUBLICATION OF POLITICAL R PublicEyeESEARCH ASSOCIATES Spring 2011 • Volume XXVI, No.1 The Conservative Attack on Birthright Citizenship By Sherrilyn A. Ifill All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. UniTed STaTes ConsTiTuTion, AmendmenT XIV, SecTion 1 mong The many low momenTs of ARepublican leadership lasT year, The call s e by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for hear - g a m I ings on a consTiTuTional amendmenT To y T T e repeal The birThrighT ciTizenship provisions G / n o l of The 14Th AmendmenT To The ConsTiTu - l i G 1 e T Tion was among The mosT dispiriTing. Back a C in 2007, The NaTional Council of La Raza Fathers 4 Justice, a fathers’ rights group whose members often dress as superheroes, demonstrate on a had honored Graham for his commiTmenT rooftop in 2005. Their banner reads, “Stop War on Dads.” To finding soluTions To The immigraTion issue. He had played The responsible grown- up among his Republican colleagues aT Fathers’ Rights Groups Threaten The SenaTe confirmaTion hearings of Women’s Gains –And Their Safety The Conservative Attack continues on page 9 By Pam Chamberlain We’re fiT parenTs, mosT of us. We IN THIS ISSUE n June 2010, Ned HolsTein, The presidenT jusT wanT To be involved in helping CommenTary . 2 Iof The naTional group FaThers and Fam - To raise our children…. [Divorced] ilies, appeared on a BosTon call-in radio children have a hole in Their hearT. Lively’s Lies . 3 show To promoTe a child-cusTody bill before The average child would crawl over Books . 24 The MassachuseTTs legislaTure. “The message broken glass To see Their absenT is so simple,” he said. parenT.…. [This bill] is a very mild ReporTs in Review . 26 Eyes RighT . 27 Father’s Rights Groups continues on page 15 THE PUBLIC EYE 1 SPRING 2011 The Public Eye COMMENTARY ThePublicEye Publisher INTHE WAKE OFTUCSON: A Call to Moral Responsibility Tarso Luís Ramos By Kay Whitlock Editor ven as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), The survivor of an assassinaTion aTTempT on Amy Hoffman January 8 ThaT puT a bulleT in her brain, wounded ThirTeen oThers, and lefT six people Design/layout E Hird Graphic Design dead, engaged in a demanding rehabiliTaTion regimen, The accused gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, pleaded “noT guilTy” in federal courT. Printing Red Sun Press By all accounTs, Loughner is a Troubled, menTally unsTable young man. Many analysTs have documenTed Loughner’s belief in The conspiracy Theories promoTed by various righT- Editorial Board Chip BerleT • Pam Chamberlain wing groups, and he seems To have regarded Giffords as his morTal enemy. Thomas CincoTTa • Frederick Clarkson WheTher he acTually pulled The Trigger will be decided, as iT should, in a courT of law. Amy Hoffman • Gillian Kane YeT The person who fired The gun is by no means The only one who bears some measure Surina Khan • Jean HardisTy Tarso Luís Ramos • Holly Sklar of moral responsibiliTy for This shooTing spree. The evenTs in Tucson unfolded in a fear- soaked, paranoia-laden, resenTmenT-sToked, and violenTly polarized poliTical environmenT. PRA PoliTical Research AssociaTes Who, Then, is accounTable—and beyond a narrow undersTanding of criminal liabiliTy, whaT does accounTabiliTy mean in a case like This? Founder and President Emerita In The afTermaTh of The shooTings, progressives Told a well-documenTed sTory abouT Jean V. HardisTy, Ph.D. escalaTing righT-wing viTriol, underscoring a disTurbing paTTern of poliTically moTivaTed Staff violence ThaT had been developing for years.TheTucson shooTings, which garnered world - Tarso Luís Ramos, Executive Director wide media aTTenTion because of Giffords’s poliTical prominence, were only The laTesT pieces Chip BerleT, Senior Analyst Pam Chamberlain, Senior Researcher To be added To The mosaic. Liberal and progressive groups documenTed noT only The RighT’s Thomas CincoTTa, Project Director Commentary continues on page 22 Amy Hoffman, Editorial Director Cindy Savage-King, Operations Manager Charles OciTTi, Finance Director Jean SmiTh, Development Associate Maria Planansky, Program Associate Aramis Tirado, Data/Web Master Interns Hannah Gallo Ross Golowicz Megan Henry Alex Lach Tavish MacLoed Rachel Rampini JonaThan Sussman Board of Directors JaneT Jakobsen Surina Khan Pardis Mahdavi Supriya Pillai Emelia Rallapalli Marcy WesTerling The Public Eye is published by PoliTical Research AssociaTes, 1310 Broadway, SuiTe 201, Somerville, MassachuseTTs 02144-1837. 617.666.5300 fax: 617.666.6622 PRA is a nonprofiT, Tax-exempT organizaTion. All donaTions are Tax-deducTible To The exTenT permiTTed by law. © PoliTical Research AssociaTes, 2011. WebsiTe: www.publiceye.org All righTs reserved. ISSN 0275-9322 ISSUE 69 THE PUBLIC EYE 2 SPRING 2011 The Public Eye Lively ’s Lies A Profile of Scott Lively By Jim Burroway Lively himself became an Lively said, molesTed The alcoholic aT The age of Twelve. boy: “And I saw whaT hap - The Uganda Speech For The nexT sixTeen years, pened To ThaT liTTle child. He n March 2009, ScoTT Lively Travelled he said, he couldn’T hold a was Transformed [from] a Imore Than 8,000 miles from his home in job. He slepT under bridges sweeT and innocenT person Springfield, MassachuseTTs, To Talk To a and begged for money on inTo a TorTured and Tor - small audience aT The Triangle HoTel in The sTreeTs. A broTher and a menTed child, filled wiTh Kampala, Uganda, abouT homosexualiTy. sisTer, he said, “wenT inTo anger and rage. And he never “My name is ScoTT Lively,” he began. “I’m homosexualiTy,” and anoTher recovered from iT.”The nine - married. I have four children. I am 51 sisTer “wasn’T able To enTer Teen year old, Lively said, years old, and I have been sTudying This issue inTo marriage unTil she was in “is sTill living in a gay lifesTyle for TwenTy years, and I wanT To Tell you why her forTies because of The pain Scott Lively in Los Angeles, California. I’m doing ThaT.” 1 PresenTing his educa - of The family life ThaT we had.” He’s an acTive homosexual Tional background, he explained ThaT he is Finally, said Lively, “[I] goT down on my and he’s acTive in a church ThaT endorses boTh a pasTor who has sTudied scripTure and knees and surrendered my life To Jesus whaT’s called ‘gay Theology.’” an aTTorney “Trained in secular reasoning.” ChrisT. I was healed in an insTanT. I never Lively “had his eyes opened” To all This He graduaTed magna cum laude wiTh a doc - had anoTher desire To drink or use drugs ever righT afTer he became a ChrisTian, he said. ToraTe from TriniTy Law School in SanTa again. When I goT up off my knees, I was “And God moved me very quickly inTo a Anna, California, and has a docTor of The - clean and healed.” minisTry where I would deal wiTh These ology from The PenTecosTal Assemblies of Things. And so for all of These years, I have God. In addiTion, he said, he holds “a been focusing on This Topic. I know more cerTificaTe in human righTs from The InTer - abouT This Than almosT anyone in The naTional InsTiTuTe of Human RighTs in “I got down on my world.” STrasbourg, France.” WhaT Lively “knows” and came To warn “I sTand before you a world Traveler, hav - knees and surrendered his Ugandan audience abouT is chilling. He ing spoken on This Topic in almosT forTy Told Them ThaT one of The mosT common counTries,” he said. “I’ve wriTTen several my life to Jesus Christ. I causes of homosexualiTy is child molesTa - books.” Tion; ThaT’s how gays recruiT children inTo Lively wenT on To describe his family was healed in an instant. homosexualiTy, he said. He Told Them ThaT background—which has enough in iT To European gays were flooding Uganda wiTh keep a psychologisT, armchair or oTher, I never had another money and gifTs To recruiT children. “They occupied for a long Time: he is The oldesT are very predaTory,” he said. of six children, and his faTher developed a desire to drink or use They are very sexually orienTed.They menTal illness when Lively was young. wanT To saTisfy Their sexual desires. drugs ever again. When OfTen These are people ThaT are Jim Burroway is the editor of Box Turtle molesTed Themselves and They’re Turn - Bulletin (http://www.boxturtlebulletin. I got up off my knees, I ing iT around. And They’re looking for com/), a website founded in 2005 to analyze oTher people To be able To prey upon. the claims of antigay organizations. Jim was was clean and healed.” And when They see a child ThaT’s the first in theWest to break the story of Scott from a broken home, iT’s like They Lively’s fateful conference in Kampala, have a flashing neon sign over Their Uganda, in 2009, and his website has faith - Lively became involved in anTigay head. fully chronicled events in Uganda since then. acTivism because of Two people who were, He attends conferences and other events to he said, “very close To me”—a four-year- He Told The Ugandans abouT whaT he monitor antigay leaders and organizations old boy and a nineTeen-year-old man, who, said are The various kinds of gays: The Trans - first hand. sexuals, The TransvesTiTes, The effeminaTe THE PUBLIC EYE 3 SPRING 2011 The Public Eye gays, and The “normal” ones, who blend in. A Pushpin on the Hate Map Chalcedon FoundaTion, a ChrisTian Recon - They are The hardesT To spoT, he said.Then he peripaTeTic anTigay acTivisT has Trav - sTrucTionisT organizaTion ThaT endorses The There are The oThers: machos and, worsT of Teled The world, and everywhere he revival of The Old TesTamenT punishmenT all, he said, The “super machos.” IT’s The laT - goes, wholesale lies abouT gay people fall of deaTh for gay people.
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