X 3 J, t 0 l. S n 0 H ;..UJ'' 1 ~r1(:n1 No.Lsnc:r £ I: t - ~ v 7 c ~ • , .t 0 3 ':! 'a EA DS ATE Volume 25. No. 7 WESTERVILLE, OHIO, JULY, 1924 $1.00 Per Year MORE INFORMATION ON CANDIDATES' PROHIBITION RECORD In our write-up of candidate·s in the last issue of Home and State, we said that a prohibitionist and votes consistently for hibitionist, he supports all bills for its ef .. if any error had crept in we would gladly correct. ¥l e are glad to report very few all dry bills. We think he has an oppon­ fective enforcement. complaints. These were that we had not repeated rumors that they considered well ent, but do not know who he is. District 18 founded. They may be right. But we have further investigated these reports and can District 8 Marvin Jones, Amarillo, has been a not see our way clear to make any change whatever. Home and .State can not give Daniel E. Garrett, Houston, a life-long member of Congress for several terms-is currency to campaign rumors. In case of rumors, if any doubts arise, we prefer to prohibitionist, one of our leaders in the a life-long prohibitionist, and supports all give the candidate the benefit of the doubt. fight to make Texas dry, and votes con­ bills for effective enforcement. In this issue we give a lot more information on the campaign. We have at­ sistently for dry enforcement bills. Was tempted to use the same extreme care to be correct. No other issue of this paper corn­ Congressman-at-large in 1916 and elected FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL ing out before the primary, we can not make correction. vVe earnestly hope no errors from his district in 1920. will be found. Since going to press with the previous District 9 issue, Hon. E. B. Ward, of Corpus Christi, FOR UNITED STATES SENATE also a candidate of the Farm Labor Union. J. J. Mansfield, Cofumbus. Judge Mans­ has announced as a candidate for attorney Hon. Morris Sheppard comes up this We have no record of him. £eld voted against the Eighteenth Amend­ general. Our personal acquaintance with year for re-election. All know him to be District 2 ment, but supports bills for enforcing the Mr. Ward is limited but from such infor• one of our truest men-life'-long prohibi­ John C. Box, Jacksonville. A life-long Volstead act on the grounds that prohibi­ mation as we have he is one for whom the tionist, sponsor for most dry legislation in prohibitionist; a good and strong man; tion being in the Constitution no one can prohibitionists can well afford to vote. Congress. One of America's great leaders. one of the leaders of the present Congress honorably swear to uphold the Constitu­ As stated in the June issue, the other Mr. Davis, Commissioner of Agricul­ on the question of immigration. tion and refuse to support measures for its candidates are Hon. J. C. Wall, at present ture, is also a candidate, sponsored by State Senator W. R Cousins, Bronson, adequate enforcement. Assistant Attorney General, Austin. Hon. Farm Labor Union. We do not have his is opposing Mr. Box for re-election. Sen­ District 10 Dan Moody, District Attorney, Austin, prohibition record at hand. ator Cousins has been state Senator for a James B. Buchanan, Brenham, voted and Hon. J. M. Melson, Sulphur Springs. FOR CONGRESS number of years. He is a good man, has against the Eighteenth Amendment, but Home and State endorses all these candi· Hon. Harry M. Wurzbach, Republican, always been known as a prohibitionist, bu~ now supports very generally bills for its dates. is the only Congressman from Texas who in the state Senate has not always ':oted enforcement on grounds similar to those can be relied upon by the liquor forces. with the prohibition forces. of Judge Mansfield. THE JUDICIARY ' Practically all the otht:rs have come District 3 District 11 FOR CHIEF JUSTICE SUPREME around to where they support dry legisla­ Morgan Sanders, Canton, Texas, was Tom Connally, Marlin, was elected to COURT elected to the present Congress, is a pro­ tion. In some cases this is not from per­ Congress in 1916 and has become one of Judge C. M. Cureton, of Bosque county, hibitionist, and supports dry legislation. sonal conviction favoring national prohibi­ its strong members. He is a life-long is now Chief Justice, and stands f r re­ Hon. J. :!-I. Beavers, vVinnsboro, is op­ tion so much as upon constitutional prohibitionist and always supports bills for election. He was formerly attorney gen­ posing him; is a life-long prohibitionist. grounds. They take the honorable posi­ its better enforcement. eral of the stat~' , Ah"·ays a pr0hibitioni~t District 4 tion that national prohibition is in tl'!e· District 12 he has rendered faithful and distinguished Sam Rayburn has been in CQngress Constitution, and that when they take Fritz G. Lanham, Fort Worth, elected services for prohibition. since 1912, votes consistently for enforce­ their oath of office to support the Con­ to Congress in 1919; prohibitionist and Judge W. C. Wear, of Hill county, now ment bills. So far as we ~now he has no' stitution, they are honor bound to sup­ member of the Supreme Court, is or,posing opponent. votes fer all bills for its effective enforce­ port any reasonable bill that aims to se­ ment. Judge Cureton. He is a life-long prohi­ District 5 cure better enforcement of the Eighteenth District 13 bitionist and good man. Hatton 'VI. Sumners, Dallas, Texas, has Amendment. In this they are correct. Guinn Williams, Decatur, elected ' to Judge R. H. Buck, of Tarrant county js ·been in Congress. since 1912. Votes con­ \Ve do not have at hand the list of all Congress in 1922. Life-long prohibition­ also a candidate. While we have known sistently for prohibition enforcement. candidates opposing them for re-election. ist, supports all bills for its enforcement. Judge Buck for several years, we do not Should the next Congress be Democratic, Since they have taken the stand they do, Member of Board of Managers of the know that he has taken a very decided we understand that Mr. Sumners, by the we have not felt under the necessity of Anti-Saloon League of Texas. stand on either side of this question. keeping in such close touch with each dis­ seniority rule, will be chairman of the Ju­ District 15 FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF trict. We mention the names of those diciary Committee. 'This is very impor­ COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS few we recall as in the race against the tant as all dry bills come before that com­ John N. Garner, Uvalde, has been a present incumbent. mittee. Since Volstead's defeat it .has member of Congress for 22 years, and Judge 0. S. Latimore stands for re- The voters of the several districts are been held by a wet. risen to the leadership of the Democrats election. He is one of the old-time "war­ capable of making their own choice. Rev. C. S. Fields, of Dallas, is opposing in the House. His ability is recognized horses" for prohibition, a high-class, Home and State feels that, all things be­ Mr. Sumners. He is a Methodist by all. He was opposed to prohibition, Christian gentleman. ing equal, the present incumbent should preacher, a life-long prohibitionist from but since its adoption votes for bills in­ receive favorable consideration for the precinct to nation. tended to secure the better enforcement of FO~ STA.TE TREASURER reason that every member of Congress District 6 the law. C. V. Terrell, of Wise county, life- long who supports dry measures are under the Luther Johnson, Corsicana, elected to District 16 prohibitiQnist. fire of the organized liquor outlaws. They present Congress in 1922. He is a splen­ C. B. Hudspeth has filled several terms would like to sec them defeated purely- as did Presbyterian layman, life-long prohi­ in Congress. Was an anti {eader in FOR STATE SUPERINTENDENT a matter of revenge, eve!l if a dry man bitionist, and splendid man. So far as we Texas, but has consistently voted for pro­ OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION went in their places. While the outlawed know has no opponent. hibition since going to Congress. Prof. S. M. N. Marrs, life-long prohibi­ traffic maintains this fight, ·we feel that it District 7 District 17 tionist. is our duty to hack up every man in Con­ Clay Stone Briggs, Galveston, has been Thos. L. Branton, Abilene, has served gress who votes ·with us. a member of the last three Congresses, is several terms in Congress. Always a pro- FOR COMMISSIONER OF l f, however, in any district, the citizens AGRICULTURE believe that they have other and good rea­ Hon. R. E. Sparkman, Ellis county, and sons for supporting an opponent, who is F. H. BURMEISTER Gco. B. Terrell, Cherokee county. Both also dry, they arc competent to do so. Vve understand that ] udge F. H. Burmeister of Christine is candidate for the these men are high-class, Christian gen­ The candidates are: State Senate against Archie Parr. Parr has been the great friend of the liquor traffic tlemen and life-long prohibitionists. They District 1 through a long service in the Senate. Probably no vote he ever cast was favorable are men of the highest honor. Eugene Black, Paris, has been in Con­ to prohibition. He hates the •vord. gress since 1914, has voted consistently . Mr. Burmeister, though an anti has rend.ered most valuable service to good gov­ FOR LAND COMMISSIONER for prohibition and its enforcement; is a ernment in a fight for a clean and honest ballot, even when saloons dominated S0uth Hon.
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