DecembeREPORTEr 12, 1986 R ,'., '^^0-:S"fMV- • 4-^" fC^f^y--:iv''^ ^-^^ "How do you feel about Ronald Reagan^s • '•'^'•VC^f^-C^---^7i^^^^ '. ' C(:y^xfiCy:^Z'>y^C^i role in the Iran-Contra arms scandal?" c:^:'f'!^i,'!i^^ ''l-. ::fc^-Cfr-^^t:T^ "' ' . ' •••^r-A.A'^it^^ii.^^fe^'v-^^'-: 1 ' -' Debbie Young - 1st year graduate, Metals. "He knew all about it! He lied through his teeth! Every president is corrupt to some extent, but Reagan may have felt he was doing something for the good of the country and it blew up in his face. Plus, he always changes his story, and I think he is really into war." \\^^M,^yyXy•Cm Sylivia Pelcz - 1st year,SAC. "Reagan is rwthing more than a puppet in a large scheme to keep the truth from the American people! 'Si--'?/ Why didn't anyone say anything when the CIA came onto campus to recruit students?" Brian Anders 4th year, EET. "iSJobody really knows enough about the facts, but I think Reagan knew about everything that transpired. He wcLs so flustered at all of the interviews that his guilt was clearly revealed." Robert "Tuc" Lutz - 4th year,Photography. "The thing that angers me the most is that what Reagan did was hypocritical, and even if he didn't know, people under him did. It was his business to know! What does 'Defensive Weapons' mean?" -.•n.n I m^^^^^mm iwy%^iiiiaj is^^'^^^s?! i3n^--%^is5sJ J 3S. • because finding a good place to live is important We are the campus clearinghouse for roommates needed in RITapartments And offer a complete line of services INCLUDINGafree housing referral service, free phone for local calls and information about off campus living. Let's get the basics worked out so you can get down to business Off Campus Center A Service of tfie Department of Off Campus and Apartment Life. Rochester Insiilute of Technology (716) 475-2575 Volume 63, Number 10 COrfTEI^VmV^IT 1 CiiT I SO December 12, 1986 Features 8 & 12 & 20 Reproview 22 Branford Marsalis plays a double show The B 32's latest album. Bouncing ojf to a pleased KIT audience. the Satellites takes a turn of The not so dangerous sport of hang indifference. gliding was attempted bv three RIT The Pyramid Arts Center recently turkeys. exhibited nationally renown artist, A weekend of men's sports makes for a Jerome Witkin's, unique style of art. great photo feature. Shriekback's fifth album. Big Night .Music lacks both substance and soul. Scoreboard 26 Men's cross country becomes the fifth best team in the nation; Wagner is All American. Men's hockev is downed by Alaskan foes in a bebefit match at the War Memorial. Men's and women's swimming takes to the water, knocking off opponents. Departments Letters 4 Ztxliac 11 Tab Ads 28 Bloom County 29 What's Happening 30 Cover by: Brad Stringer REPRORLE Before our Thanksgiving Break, one accomplishment considering all the are about as conducive to studying as an student organization proved they were equipment needed was procured by Ozzy Oshourne concert. And resourceful, responsible and committed students who all had projects to finish apartments have a different set of to servicing the needs of their and exams to study for. As if that were distractions; televisions, stereos, MTV, constituency. In fact, they did their not good enough, all this was done at a and a kitchen. work so well thev made the minimal cost to students. The bottom line is students needed a administration look foolish. What makes the administration look place to go in order to finish the quarter During Phase Two of RIT's power foolish is they did not heat the students with some degree of academic success. fiasco, the Off Campus Student from OCSA to it. They should have. A quiet study enviroment free of Association managed to round up lights Certainly some trouhlshooter in one of distractions. OCSA provided what RIT and a generator so they could keep the RIT's depanments could have done could not, vvho should he teaching RITreat of>en during the last week what these students did, perhaps better. whom? (some would call it finals week) of fall I spoke with one administrator who quarter. They managed to keep electric naively asked why students could not typewriters, copiers and even a coffee studv in their rooms. It is a reasonable machine going so students who could question, hut a brief walk through the not study in a darkened library would residence halls at night, and this have a place to go. No small administrator would discover that thev REPORTER MAGAZINE is published »eeKI> during the academic yea. by students at Rochester Institute of Technology. Or>e Lomb Memorial Drive. Rochester New York 1 4623 Editorial and pro ductkjn facilities are located in Room A 283 of the College Alumni Union. telephor»e 716 475 22 12 Subscnption $4 00 per quarter The opinions expressed in REPORTER do not neceaaarily reflect those of the Institute RIT does not generally review or approve the conlenu of REPORTER and does not accept respor«»bilily for matters conuined in REPORTER • Letters must be submit ted to the REPORTER offKe by 4 p m Monday Letters must be typed and double spaced Please limit letters to 250 words REPORTER reserves the right to edit for libel and clarity No letters will be printed unless signed and accompanied by a phone number REPORTER will withhold names upon request All letters received are the property of REPORTER Magaiine • REPORTER takes pride in lU membership in the Associated Collegiate Ptess and the AmerKan Civil Liberties Union • ©1986 REPORTER MAGAZINE. All nghta reserved No portion of this magwine fney be reproduced without prior written permission from REPORTER REPORTER LETTERS Drop The Porn? answering my call wrote down the problem Magazine and took my name. Cieneva Miller, the director of HEOP was out until Monday While walking through RiT's College Editor in Chief also. My last stop was in Student Affairs. Union a while ago (Nov 12, 1986) i slowed Dr. Fred Smith, Vice President and Dr. Kevin J. Minnick down for the first time in weeks to look at Elaine SpauU, Asst. Vice President, were what was around me. i was just following a not available at the time. One of the Manaqinq Editor hasic routine that i had settled into. This is secretaries stood and talked with me about Bill Amstutz something i should work on, that is, what vou have heard so far. She wrote looking at my surroundings for a moment down what I was concerned about and took Reporters as i pass through, instead of mindlessly my name too. Well, I forgot to go in that Maxine Isaacson maneuvering around obstacles to get out. next Monday and see the people who were Jim Ferme My attention moved from the people out Friday. This didn't matter though, gathered together around me, the state because on Tuesday the cases were taken Entertainment Editor flags hanging from the ceilings and the down as their alotted time of exhibition Kris Argento stairs up to the mezzanine level to the expired. showcases along the walls. One exhibit in Entertainment Writers particular caught my eye as i gazed dowm i spent three davs doing my best to have this illustration taken down, waited three Craig Veconi the hall. The artist had drawn several more to see if it would happen and it never Jim Winiarski pictures. The biggest work was that of a John White seductivelv posed woman standing with her made a difference. Oh, i'm not upset. This chest exposed from beneath an open is simply one more example of, Sports Editor "Righteousness is the last thing this poor, Robert A. Salzer negligee. She also had on small bikini shaped panties. I couldn't help hut to ailing world needs, "Consuelo V. Gavignio; letter to the "REPORTER" Sports Writers think, had this been a photograph, it would not he hanging there. Then i thought ahtiut Nov. 14, 1986. Bad attitude. Art work of Chris Martin this nature only adds to the demoralization Jeff Gibb this some more. The reason it wouldn't have been put up as a Kodak print is that of society, i'm not saying that Dana the picture would have been considered Fonville. the artist of this piece, is not Photo Editor extremely talented, in this instance, Steven D. Freeman pornography. The conclusion I came to is that even as an artist's conception, this however, this person has used their ability perversely, i find it strange that nobody Photographer woman was still sexually exploiting her body. was willing to assume the authority to Francisco Pardo remove such obscenity. I wasn't surprised i turned around and walked over to the that the portrait was left up. in my Cartoonist information booth to find out exactly what wonderings i was regarded as merelv an Mike Kerwin someone might do to have such a display individual voicing his opinion. But who has taken down, i was directed to Debbie the authority to say what goes up and Production Coordinator Waltzer. She is associated with comes down in the CU? if there was any Nils Morgan coordinating CU services, i'm not sure way possible for individual members of the how many people are involved in deciding RiT student body to have a say in what Production /vvanagers what gets put up in the llnion, hut, Debbie gets puhlicaly displayed around campus, i assured me that they thoroughly screened Steve Waterioo didn't find it.
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