30. Urenjak J, Williams SR, Gadian DG, et al. Proton nuclear 32. Nitsch RM, Blusztajn JK, Pittas AG, et al. Evidence for a magnetic resonance spectroscopy unambiguously identifies membrane defect in Alzheimer disease brain. Proc Natl Acad different neural cell types. J Neurosci 1993;13:981–989. Sci USA 1992;89:1671–1675. 31. Stokes CE, Hawthorne JN. Reduced phosphoinositide concen- 33. Young LT, Kish SJ, Li PP, et al. Decreased brain [3H]inositol trations in anterior temporal cortex of Alzheimer-diseased 1,4,5-triphosphate binding in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurosci brains. J Neurochem 1987;48:1018–1021. Lett 1988;94:198–202. Evidence for cortical “disconnection” as a mechanism of age-related cognitive decline M. O’Sullivan, MRCP; D.K. Jones, PhD; P.E. Summers, PhD; R.G. Morris PhD; S.C.R. Williams, PhD; and H.S. Markus, DM Article abstract—Background: Normal aging is accompanied by a decline of cognitive abilities, and executive skills may be affected selectively, but the underlying mechanisms remain obscure and preventive strategies are lacking. It has been suggested that cortical “disconnection” due to the loss of white matter fibers may play an important role. But, to date, there has been no direct demonstration of structural disconnection in humans in vivo. Methods: The authors used diffusion tensor MRI to look for evidence of ultrastructural changes in cerebral white matter in a group of 20 elderly volunteers with normal conventional MRI scans, and a group of 10 younger controls. The older group also underwent neuropsycho- logical assessment. Results: Diffusional anisotropy, a marker of white matter tract integrity, was reduced in the white matter of older subjects and fell linearly with increasing age in the older group. Mean diffusivity was higher in the older group and increased with age. These changes were maximal in anterior white matter. In the older group, anterior mean diffusivity correlated with executive function assessed by the Trail Making Test. Conclusions: These findings provide direct evidence that white matter tract disruption occurs in normal aging and would be consistent with the cortical disconnection hypothesis of age-related cognitive decline. Maximal changes in anterior white matter provide a plausible structural basis for selective loss of executive functions. In addition to providing new information about the biological basis of cognitive abilities, diffusion tensor MRI may be a sensitive tool for assessing interventions aimed at preventing cognitive decline. NEUROLOGY 2001;57:632–638 A progressive decline of cognitive functions is a rec- Indirect evidence for loss of functional “connectiv- ognized corollary of increasing age. Despite the clear ity” with age has been provided by a recent PET importance of these changes, the underlying mecha- study,5 where functional relationships between the nisms remain obscure. Early studies describing loss left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and right hip- of neocortical neurons have been largely refuted by pocampus were examined during two cognitive tasks, the application of more accurate techniques.1 An- both activating a distributed processing network other possible mechanism is “cortical disconnection,” that included these nodes. In older subjects, both which leads to a loss of the functional integration of regions retained the capacity to become activated, neurocognitive networks. The concept of disconnec- but the functional relationships between them tion was first proposed by Geschwind in 19652 and changed with age, as did overall patterns of cognitive has gained credence as modern theories of cognitive activation. These findings suggest that age-related function have recognized the importance of large- decline in the performance of these tasks might re- scale, distributed cortical processing networks.3 More flect changes in functional integration rather than recently, coordinated activity of large distributed net- dysfunction of specific gray matter areas. works has been inferred from analysis of fMRI data.4 A plausible anatomic substrate for functional dis- From the Division of Clinical Neuroscience (Dr. O’Sullivan and Prof. Markus), St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London; and the Departments of Neuroimaging (Dr. Summers and Prof. Williams), Neuropsychology (Dr. Morris), and Old Age Psychiatry (Dr. Jones), Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom. Supported in part by the Stroke Association of the United Kingdom. Also supported by a Clinical Research Fellowship from St. George’s Hospital Medical School, United Kingdom (M.O’S.), by a grant from the Joint Research Committee of King’s College Hospital (P.E.S.), and by a grant from the Wellcome Trust (D.K.J.). Received November 13, 2000. Accepted in final form April 7, 2001. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Mike O’Sullivan, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE, United Kingdom; e-mail: [email protected] 632 Copyright © 2001 by AAN Enterprises, Inc. Figure 1. Fractional anisotropy images and selection of regions of interest (ROI). Images are shown at similar slice positions in a subject aged 71 years (left) and one aged 29 years (right). High signal intensity (bright- ness) reflects higher fractional aniso- tropy (FA). The genu and splenium of the corpus callosum can be seen clearly as areas of high anisotropy connecting the hemispheres. A whole white matter ROI is shown on the left image; ante- rior, middle, and posterior ROI are shown on the right image. Overall, sig- nal intensity in white matter is lower for the patient on the left, consistent with lower FA, and in turn lower tract integrity, in the older subject. connection is disruption of the white matter tracts search Ethics Committee of King’s College Hospital and all that link the components of distributed neurocogni- subjects gave informed, written consent. tive networks, or “structural disconnection.” A post- MRI. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed on a mortem study has provided evidence that normal 1.5-T G.E. Signa MR scanner (General Electric, Milwau- aging is accompanied by a loss of white matter fibers, kee, WI). An imaging sequence optimized for measurement particularly small, myelinated fibers.6 However, to of the diffusion tensor in white matter was used14 and the date, there has been no direct, in vivo demonstration of diffusion tensor elements calculated at each voxel. The structural disconnection in humans. diffusion tensor provides a three-dimensional representa- The recent development of diffusion tensor MRI tion of water diffusion. When diffusion is equal in all direc- has provided, for the first time, a noninvasive tions, it is described as isotropic, and when diffusion is method for delineating anatomy of white matter greater in some directions than others as anisotropic. FA can be considered as the proportion of the whole tensor pathways7 and subsequent assessment of pathologic that is anisotropic. Mean diffusivity is a directionally aver- tract disruption. In white matter tracts, water mo- aged measure of diffusion, with the effect of anisotropy tion is restricted by axonal membranes and myelin, removed. Measures of FA and mean diffusivity were de- and water moves more freely along the direction of a rived using equations previously published by Basser and tract than perpendicular to it. This directionality of Pierpaoli.15 The maximum strength of diffusion-encoding diffusion can be quantified by fractional anisotropy gradients was 22 mT·mϪ1. Fifteen to 18 near-axial slices (FA). FA varies from zero in tissue where diffusion is were obtained for each patient, providing near whole-brain equal in all directions to 1 where diffusion is entirely coverage. Diffusion tensor imaging took 4 to 6 minutes to unidirectional. Increasing anisotropy is a likely complete. Axial T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and fluid- marker of white matter tract integrity: anisotropy attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images also were correlates with histologic markers of myelination,8 performed on all patients in the older group to exclude and there is accumulating evidence that changes in clinically silent brain disease. FA are of functional significance.9-13 Neuropsychological testing. Subjects in the older group In this study, we applied diffusion tensor MRI in a also underwent neuropsychological assessment. Two pa- group of elderly volunteers and younger subjects in tients in this group declined testing, so neuropsychological an attempt to provide a direct in vivo demonstration scores were available for 18 of the older group. Tests in- of white matter tract disruption with normal aging, cluded the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Reitan Trail Mak- and to correlate such changes with cognitive ing Test, Verbal Fluency, and the Mini-Mental State dysfunction. Examination. Premorbid intelligence was assessed using the National Adult Reading Test–Revised (NART-R) pro- Methods. Subjects. Twenty healthy elderly volunteers nunciation test. (age range, 56 to 85 years) were recruited from both a Image analysis. For each slice, a region of interest cohort of volunteers from the Clinical Age Research Unit (ROI) containing the white matter of one hemisphere was at King’s College Hospital and a separate cohort selected selected using a semiautomated approach (figure 1) using randomly from general practitioner lists in Bromley, South the Dispim display software (David Plummer, University London, United Kingdom. All were assessed by a clinician College London, United
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