Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 3-13-1959 1959 Brown and Gold Vol 42 No 08 March 13, 1959 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1959 Brown and Gold Vol 42 No 08 March 13, 1959" (1959). Brown and Gold. 355. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/355 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Sec. 34.65(E) P.L&R. SOLLY HAYFIELD U. S. POSTAGE GRACES 8 &G PAID SEE PAGE 2 au~ irnmu ~nlb Denver, Colo. Regts College Stuaent Newspaper Permit No. 640 VOL. XLII NO. 8 DENVER, COLORADO MARCH 13, 1959 ECONOMIST TO SPEAK ON ~Ranger' Picked As GOVT. FINANCE Top Organization By Larry Hawn The Second Annual Awards Banquet, March 2, named the Regis College Ranger, the campus yearbook, as the outstanding campus or­ ganization. The award, in the form of a tall, gold, trophy, was ac­ cepted on behalf of the Ranger staff by Jim O'Connor, editor-in-chief of the publication. Regis Malloy, master of cere­ monies, conducted the awards banquet. civiliary or military status. He stressed His presentation of · the guests of that a capable and astute instructor is honor included the Rev. Richard F. the inspiration of future manpower. In Ryan, S.J., president of Regis; the Rev. closing, the cadet leader emphasized Louis G. Mattiorie, S.J., Dean of the that leadership cannot be defined, for College; the Rev. Harry R. Klocker, a leader is born and developed in th'e S.J., chairman of the Philosophy de­ field of his endeavors, and not molded partment and faculty moderator of the overnight. Sodality which managed the event; Mr. Student awards were presented by Albe1t Zarlengo, president of the Na­ Fr. Ryan and the master of ceremonies. tional Regis Club, and Mrs. Zarlengo; The first of these awards went to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan; and basketball star, Bob Linnenberger, for DR. ALONZO MAY Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Tynan. outstanding team leadership. For minor Guest speaker, Brig. General Henry sports on the intramural level went Second in the Spring Lecture Series R. Sullivan, Jr., Commandant of Cadets football honors to Dick Barteau, basket­ sponsored by Regis College, Dr. Alonzo at the United States Air Force Aca­ ball to Don Dierks, and a softball May, director of the Teaching Insti­ demy, highlighted the evening by nar­ award to Mel LaBelle. tute of Economics at Denver Univer­ THOMAS TYNAN receives from the Rev. Richard F. Ryan, S.J., President of Regis, rative "The Responsibilities of Leader­ The trophies for excellence in ora­ sity will give a 20-year forecast in his the Honorary Ranger award at the Sodality-managed Awards Banquet on March I. ship." The commandant pointed out tory were given to Paul Horan and lecture "The Economics of Govern­ In the foreground is Mrs. Henry R. Sullivan, wife of .the guest speaker at the affair. that being a good leader means a great Dennis Gallagher for their accomplish­ mental Expenditures" on Wednesday, deal to an individual, whether he be of ments in the field of public speaking. March 18. The Regis College Playhouse award Dr. May's lecture, besides being went to veteran actor, Bob Lalich. an important analysis of the future Marvel, McCoy, Rottino, Honors received for outstanding service of governmental expenditures, will in­ GYM SPECS. went to Mike Klein, Dick Kelly, and clude a discussion of taxes. Don Dierks. For outstanding leader­ Mr. May, a noted economist and ship, trophies were presented to: Blair business management consultant, holds Eby New Conclave Reps. RELEASED TO Farrell, recently elected president of the student body; Larry Brady, president membership in the American Eco­ Completing the executive slate for 1959-1960, newly elected con­ nomic Association and the American of Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity; Bob Institute of Management, and is also clave representatives took office immediately after their election on PUBLIC VIEW Bergkamp, president of the Senior a Fellow oE the Royal Economics March 4. The Heidhouse that is planned for Class; Jim O'Connor, editor-in-chief of Society of England. Representing the day students are Dave Eby and Bill Marvel, Regis College has many features that the Ranger; and Terry Welsh, man­ elected by onl-y 104 votes. Dave Rottino now represents Carroll Hall will appeal not only to the athletes aging editor of the Ranger. and John McCoy, O'Connell Hall, but alsb to the general student body. Who's Who honorary certificates elected by 90 and 145 voters respectively. thought from the various sections rep­ Of special interest to the students will went to Larry Brady, Jim Butler, Gene Alumni Fund At Only 339 of the entire student body resented. be the four new classrooms ·in the Cavaliere, Jim Creamer, Tom Croak, used their voting privilege in electing They are expected to call meetings fieldhouse that will lessen some of the Tom Dean, Charlie McCarthy, Regis these officials I of the members of their student unit present congestion that is in Loyola Malloy, Terry Sheehy, Mike Wanebo, Half-way Mark The duties of the conclave rep­ cqncerning important matters. Hall between classes. Ed Powers, and Vic Perrella. Although the 1959 Regis College resentatives as stated by the executive And last but not least, they are The fieldhouse will have a 75x35 Academic awards for outstanding Alumni Fund has been in operation board are as follows: expected to bring forth the wants, likes, foot swimming pool for student use. scholastic achievement went to fresh­ for less than a month, General Chair­ The conclave representatives serve and dislikes of these units at general There will be _two separate handball man, Tom Walsh; sophomore, Bob man Robert V. ·Carroll reports that as delegates-at-large, registering student assembly meetings. courts, and there will also be a phy­ Pipkin; junior, Ben Cosimi; and senior, approximately half of the year's goal sical development room. This room Bill Kiefer. has been achieved. will be used for activities such as Outgoing officers of the Student At present, th~ number of gifts weight lifting, wrestling, boxing, and Senate Executive Board were given and pledges amount to 278 with a Two Regians Enter Orders fencing. Physical Education classes and awards of merit for their outstanding intramural teams will have two full leadership. They were: president, total of $10,169.00. The amount which Since a report last fall on Regi'S Leonard DiLisio of Raton, New has already been given to the fund, size courts on which they can play Charlie McCarthy; vice-president, Gene men who have entered seminaries, sev­ Mexico, has also entered the priest­ basketball. Also there be a small Cavaliere; secretary, Ed Powers; treas- which has as its main objective to help eral others have gone to the service of will hood of the Order of St. Benedict. court strictly for practice at shooting urer, Regis Malloy; directors, Tom finance part of the construction of the God. Patrick Higgins of Oklahoma proposed Field House, has been col­ DiLisio graduated at the end ·of the baskets. Dean, Terry Sheehy and Jim Butler. City, Oklahoma, who withdrew at the Following the presentations to stu­ lected from Alumni of the state of The fieldhouse, that will also end of the 1958 spring semester, has last semester, receiving a magna cum dents, honors were given to outstanding Colorado. house the athletic offices, will seat entered the Benedictine novitiate at laude Bachelor's degree in mathematics. alumni and non-alumni of Regis Col­ Out-of-state solicitations are to be 3,000 people at capacity: Construction St. Gregory's Abbey in Shawnee, Okla- He entered Holy Cross Abbey at Canon lege. John J. Sullivan was the recepient undertaken in the very near future, of this project is planned to start homa. - City, Colorado. of the Outstanding Achievement award. so the potential for achieving the 1959-60 basketball season. Mr. Sullivan, class of 1915, is a widely fund's goal, established at the Third known Denver business executive and Annual Alumni Convocation held on president of Bosworth and Sullivan, February 15th, is very favorable. an investment banking house. The out­ standing service award went to Ed­ mund Mullen, class of 1912, who has participated in numerous campaigning beats still drives throughout the history of the college. Mr. Mullen was unable to be present, due to a death in his family. prevail· at Thomas ]. Tynan, a non-alumnus, re­ ceived the Honorary Ranger award for his outStf!nding efforts and loyalty to lit. club the administration of Regis College. Several additional authors have In conclusion this reporter would been added to the list the Regis Col­ like to call to the attention of the stu­ lege Literary Club plans to study and dent body the poor attendance at the discuss this semester. Along wfth Ke­ Second Annual Awards Banquet. It rouac and Ginsberg, the club will take was clear to all attending, including the up other contemporary and modern au­ • guests of honor, that the interest among thors such as Wolf, Eliot and Nabak­ the student body was lacking in school hof, stressing criticism of esthetic and activities. moral values. The club also has plans for a public discussion, similar to the dis­ ALUMNI NEWS !· cussion on Salinger's The Catcher in A recent press release from the the Rye held last semester.
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