Yol. 25, No. 38 September 20, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKTY OF NEWS AND VIEWS o l2th Party Congress Concludes o Party Leadership Elected o Full Text of New Porty Constitution Japanese people are firmly oppos- ly and u,ill not embarrass the Jap- ed to it. Because I love my moth- anese people because of the text- IETTERS erland, I must adopt a sincere book issue. attitude towards it and truthfully Unmosk Deception ond teach the children the future Yoshi Sugano Promote Sino-Joponese generations of Japan.- Otherwise Nagano, Japan Friendship the irredeemable tragic experience oul generation has gone through Your commentary entitled ,,His- rvill recur. Humon Rights tory of Japanese Aggression Against China Can Never Be Dis- I Uved in China for 20 years and my three sons graduated from I congratulate you on the fea- torted" (issue No. $1) expresses (issue powerful support Zhaodong Middle School (in north- ture on human rights No for the Japanese 30). Not only did it cleariy set out people. Any Japanese having a east China's Heilongjiang Pror,- good ince.) the bourgeois origin of the con- conscience will never forgive went such cept of human rights, but it crimes as the Nanjing mass- I often made speeches about the on elucidate positive devel- acre, policy to the the of "burn all, kill war with teal's in my eyes to the opment of the concept of human all and loot.all," the massacre in Japanese women at the council of rights under the influence of the Pingdingshan or the experiments women s bureau of the Japan- growing p|esence of the third with biochemical u,eapons on hu- China Friendship Association. Fol- man world countries at the United Na- bodies. While the militarists lowing is a part of my speech: tions. It seems of partrcular im- are attempting to deceive some "Japan launched blutal aggression portance people that the concept of hu- Japanese who are ideolog- against China. Yet, the Chinese man rights, originally put forward ically superficial (it is really a people saved mv sons end me, the pity as natural lights of the individuai, that this is hou' things stand). people of the nation that had now peo- Chinese people embraces the rights of the have voiced launched the \\'ar of aggression. ple, such as the right of liberation their resounding call fol a stop. It The Chinese people also saicl that is completely wrong from oppression, of cieveloprneut, llor the Jap- Japanese militarism was re- etc. anese Education Ministry to re- sponsible for the ',var. Like the vise history and it is entirely cor- Chinese people. the Japanese peo- I would like to point out one rect for the Chinese people to rise ple were also victims. 'f he omission in the article. The rights against it. Chinese people are broadmind- of people also include the rights yotaro ed people rv'ith deep affec- of national minorities and of in- Saito digenous people for self-determi- Sakura. tion. We should be f riepd- Japan Iy with the Chinese people for nation. This was pointed out in the article in the Chinese context textbook issue generations to come. ." When The has now m1' speech, those but went unmentioned in the in- caused a sensation Asia I finished ail in and in plesent rvere moved to tears. ternational context. other parts of the world. What your publication said is quite cor- I am confident that China will Matthias Tomczak rect. Like the Chinese people. the deal rvith the Japanese people fair- Redfern, Australia Chino's 12th Sotellite Suc- Yi Ming, "Beijing Review" BEIJING REI'IEW cessfully Lounched news onnlyst Sotellite Communicotions Denmork: A Conservotive Stotions Porty Government Tokes Published every Mondoy by Ground Over Wu Yingchun BEIJING REVIEW Reply to Jopon's Meosures to - 24 Boiwonzhuong 'The Rood, Beijing Solve Textbook lssue People's Republic of Chino CULTURE & SCIENCE 29-30 ARTICLES & DOCUMENTS ART PAGE 3I Vol. 25, No. 38 September 20,1902 Constitution the Communist of COVER: Comrodes Deng Xioo- Porty of Chino (Adopted by ping ond Hu Yoobong cost the 12th Notionol Congress CONTENTS of the Communist Porty of bollots. Chino on Sept. 6, 1982) For Your Reference: New TETTERS Members of CPC Centrol Leoding Orgons 22 NOIES FROM THE EDIIORS BEIJING REVIEW (USPS No. 558-110) is published weekly lor IJSS 13.50 per year by Nucleor Test Bon lnterno- INTERNATIONAT 25-28 - Beijing Review, 24 Eaiwanzhuang Boad, tionol Editor Mu Youlin Joponese Government Should Beijing, China. Second-class postage paid Be True in Word ond Res- at San trancisco, CA. Postmaster: Send EVENTS & IRENDS 4-7 olute in Deed "Renmin address changes to China Books & Riboo" Commentotor- l2th Porty Congress Closes Periodicals, lnc., 2929 24th Street, San First Plenum of Centrol Com- Ihe Middle Eost Situotion Francisco, CA 94110. mittee After the PLO Withdrowol- Notes Frorr the Editors iluclear lest Ban China declared that it wou-ld not at any time and under any Why has China decided not they conduct 90 per cent of the circumstances be the first to to join the ad hoc working nuclear tests in the world today. use nuclear weapons, nor would group on a nuclear test ban un- Moreover, the majority of th,e it use nuclear weapohs against der the Geneva Committee on tests have been conducted since any non-nuclear states and nu- Disarmament? they signed the treaty on the clear-free zones. It has reiterat- partial halting of nuclear tests. ed these pledges on many other Our government has consis- occasions, which testifies to the The two superpowers have tently advocated genuine dis- Chinese Government's sincerity been less than honest on this armament. Since the 1960s. the on disarmament. issue. For instance, after they Chinese Government has several wele satisfied that they had At the Second Special Session times made proposals and sug- conducfed enbugh atmospheric of the UN General Assembly on gestions concerning disarma- nuclear tests, they concluded a Disarmament this past summer, ment and strengthening inter- treaty on the partial halting of Foreign Minister Huang Hua rrational security. We hold that nuclear tests in 1963 which did proposed that the two super- only when a nuclear test ban is not include underground nu- powers take the lead in stop- Iinked with nuclear disarma- clear tests. Then, after they had ping the tests and the qualita- ment can the nuclear aruls race conducted a large number of tive improvement and manufac- between the Soviet Union and underground nuclear tests, they ture of all kinds of nuclea-r the United States be halted. signed a new treaty in 1974 weapons. He further: proposed World peace and security will limiting underground nuclear that they reduce by 50 per cent not be aided by a nuciear test tests to below 150 kilotons. their existing nuclear arsenals. ban alone, while failing to make His proposal reflected the prin- the Soviet Union and the United Thus the two superpowers are ciple of linking a nuclear test States take the lead in greatly allow-ed to carry out whatever ban with nuclear disarmament. reducing their nuclear weapons. kind of nuclear tests they wish The Chinese Government is will- Such a ban '"vould, on the con- to. and when they no Ionger ing to undertake its obligation trary, help the two superpowers need them, they won't allow after the two superpowers ful- consolidate their nuclear su- others to conduct similar tests. fil theirs. periority and carry out nuclear. Their actions indicate their de- sire to maintain their nuclear threats and nu.clear blackmail - International Editor against the non-nuclear states. monopoly. Therefore, to indis- Mu Youlin criminately demand that all NIany countries wish to con- nuclear states stop nuclear tests clude a treaty totally banning before the two superpowers nuclear tests so as to stop the significantly reduce their nu- nuclear states from upgrading the quality clear ureapons only helps the of their nuclear Soviet Union and the United weapons prevent and the birth States maintain and consolidate of new nuclear states. This feel- their nuclear superiority and ing is quite understandable. wiil definitely not reduce the But, wha.t is the attitude of danger of nuclear war. the Soviet Union and the United China conducts necessary and States on the question of a Iimited nuclear tests totally for nuclear test ban? They have defence, with the thorough elim- verbally agreed to prohibit ination of nuclear weapons as nuclear tests, but the fact is its final goal. As early as 1964, September 20. 1982 CHINIA EVENIS & TRENDS POLITICAL l2th Porty Congress Closes 12th National Congress provisions THEr regarding the Party's the 348 members and alternate of the Chinese Communist democratic centralism and Party members, Zlt, or more than 60 Party came to a successful end discipline, stresses collective per cent, were elected into the in the Greht HalI of the People leadership and forbids any form Central Committee for the first in Beijing on September 11. of personality cult; time, and two-thirds of the 211 are below 60 years old, the The ll-day congress accom- Endorsed a work report youngest being 38. plished the following tasks: made- by the Central Commis- sion for Discipline Inspection; has been Approved a report made by - Due attention Comrade- Hu Yaobang on behalf and paid to choosing better educated professionallY comPeterit of the 11th Party Central Com- Elected the 12th Party and number mittee (see our last issue f or Central- Committee which is cadres. A considerable the 211 Party Central Com- full text of his report), This composed of 348 members and of mentioned report specifies the basic conclu- alterhate members, the Central mittee members above are well-accomplished sion the Party has drawn from Advisory Commission with 172 professionals from the various long years of struggle, that is, members and the 132-member and some to integrate the universal truth Central Commission for Disci- economic departments, represent- of Marxism with the concrete pline Inspection.
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