. f-'T ' "; ,v" -ty . » . 't ' . 1. < -■ V' ■-« V; ■'Tr ■'/: , V U i " t THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 196B p a g e ^ fW B N T Y -E IG H T jHanrh^Bt^^. w^ralb Local Stores Open for cimstmasJShopping Tonight Until 9 o^Cloek A.8.C. Charles, Caselll, son of The Wates, organised last Janu­ Members o f RbekVlUo KmMem Bunaet Oounelt, No. 45, Degree ThS following Maiudiester atu Mrs. Ruth D. Caselll, 37 CUnton ary, wlU hold their first Christmas Club, No. 5, are roquested to meet of Pocahontae, wfll meet Monday dents at Mors* College have been> St., who is stationed at Ft. Bragg, pS^ty Tuesday, Dec, 20, at 8 p.m. tomorrow at 7 :80 pjn. at the A bout Tow n night at 7:80 In Tinker Hall. Fol­ named to the mld-semeaUr dean’s N. C., is home on furlough until in'Tinker Hall, and husbands of Burke Funeral Home, 26 Park St. The Weather lowing a short, business meeting, Hot: Marion Crekirmr, 261 Spring Average Daily Net Press Run Oup Li,4y ©f F»Uma Mother* after Christmas. the members will be gUeat*. Mrs. Rockville, in tribute to Mrs. Anna roroeast o f D. 8 . Weather i at which election of officers and St.i Nancy Hanleir, 12 Conway W. Steppe, who died yesterday • For the Week Ended carcM la .plannlnc to hold two Rd., and Jeanne E i Morrissey, 128 Gertrud* Smachettl t^iU.. be in appointment of committee chair charge of the ent*rl;alnm*nl; Mrs* and^was long a member o f the Dee. 16. 1966 , ChHateu portle* Boturday, on* Rd. .The Past Chief* Club of Me-, Fair, diminishing wind*. coldaC men will be made, a Oiristmaa Camp field Mary Uttle, decorations; and Mrs. club. tonight. Lew nfwr 16, ’near in' for member* that night at 8:80 at mortal Temple, No. 33, .Pythian 6 party will be enjoyed, with mem­ HenrletU Ward, refreShmenU. rlml aeyUnus. Fair, little ohnage the home o f Mr*. L*onld G ^ o n , Sisters, will 'meet with Mrs. l^rah 1 1 ,9 2 3 , bers of No. 61 and Deputy Great St. Gertrude's Mothers Circle Mrtf. Margaret J.. MaUral, chair­ InHrmperatnre Saturday. High ni n o Btaacll 8t . and one at 2 6 clt^k Pocahontas Mrs. Clara House of gave a Christmas party for chil­ Miller, 248 Woodbridg* St ., tomor- Member of the Audit afternoon at the Community man of the gift committee, •prom­ low W S . Hartford as guests. Members are dren of member* Tuesday eve­ row evening. The hostess will be Bureau et CIreuIstlon T for the children of membera ises a gift to husband attend­ ROASTING CHICKENS anchestmr^A City o f Viltago Charm i. reminded to bring a 50-cent gift ning at the home of Mrs, E. 8 . assisted by her daughter, Mrs. ing. Weighing-in y ill take place as A 8 anU Claua will be present at the Helen Potyra. Members are re­ for Santa's grabbag. Refreshments MichaUk, 63 Gerard St. The Circle usual at 7:30. ' , chUdren’a party and , membra am members held thetr anpual party minded ^to bring 50-cent gifts for will be seryed. We deliver this week Friday but not ne*t week. We (cmeeitied Advertlataa aa n > reminded to bring flfta for the Saturday, Dec. 10, also at Mr*- the grabbag. (TWENTY-POUR PAGE8—TWO SECTIONS) ^CHESTER, GONNn FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1855 PRICE FIVE CENT* grabbag to their party. Mr. and Mrs. ,Har«ild A. Hue. VOL. LXXV. NO. 65 The American X-egion Auxiliary Michalak's home. have a good supply of excellent chickens and capons, the Manchester Grange member* 266 School St., have left for Terre will hold iU annual Chrlatmaa MembOrs o f King David LodK*. are reminded that tomorrow is the Haute. Ind., where they will spend party Monday at p.m. in the Chapman Court, No. 10, Order very beat for Christmas. Please order early. No. 81, tOOF and Sunaer Rebekah 8 last day on which to send in the holidays with their son-in-law American tsgion Home. The past of Amaranth, will meet in the Niaiitic Mau Saves No. 80, are remlhded of names of children to attend the and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald , \ presidents will be In charge, witji Masonic Temple tomorrow at 7:43 the Chrlatmaa party to be held^t^ p.m. :^ l* win be the annual meet­ children's Christmas party Wed­ Donovan. morrow night at 7 oVlock In Odd Mrs. Francis Dwyer, Junior past nesday at 6.30 p.m. in Orange ROGER OLCOn Marooned Captain president, serving as chairman. ing with reports and election . of Kefauver Joins p^ow s Hall. RefreshmenU will officers. After the business ses­ Hall. They may contact Mrs. Flo­ A son was born at the Hartford be provided by the crmmlttea Games, music, exchange of SO-cent Hospital on Dec. 12 to Mr. and 403 West Center Street Mitchell 3-7853 g ifta refreshments and a visit sion, refreshments will be-served rence Lines. 86 Bissell St., or'Mrs. New York. Dec. 16 Ifl-A 21- Adults wUhtng to exchange gifts Celeste King, 88 Bissell St. Boys Mr*. Walter Newcomb, 9 Griffin cats II MSMiesie it U.N. from Santa daus will complete the by the men of the court, with Carl year -,old Ooaat Guardsman ahould bring a BO^cent gift marked and girls up to age 12 are eligible. Rd. INI «*NNICtlCUT ItMl Miticai letiitv program. Petersen serving a* chairman. twam through rough, frigid man or woman. seaa early today to rescue a by Democrats barge captain marooned when \ his craft ran aground off the rocky shore of Plum Island m i Washington, Dec. 16 (/P)— near midnight. p The Coast Guard here said S?n. Kefauver (D-Tenn) Beaman Sherwood R. Ander­ plunged into the Democratic son, of Nlantlc, Conn., swam presidential nomination race about SO yards through heavy today, and announced he will surf to reach the barge. The Have The Gifts You Want To Fill Your island ia located off the tip of enter as many state primaries Orient Point. L. 1. as time and .money permit. With the aid of a line he Split Holds Kefauver, who led in the early towed behind him, . the Coast balloting at the 1982 party con­ Guardsman brought the barge vention but lost the nomination to captain, Walter Helm, of 25 c ^ lUs a joy to. wear a Wayne Maid S ' Adlat E. Steveruon, aaid he plana Sbuth Street, New York City, InReaichmg a vigosous campaign. to shore. Stevenson already haa an­ The Coast Guard said Helm's nounced he will enter five pri- 115 foot barge, loaded with *00 Checkerboard Neatness! i mariea. Kefauver la expected to tons of crushed rock, had run 35th B ^ o t meet Stevenaon head on in some aground after it wa* cut loose of these. Gov., Fraiik Lauache of by a tug boat because of rough By MAX HABREI Ohio was announced aa a favorite weathe:*. Helm was taken to a dis­ United Natione, N. Y., aon candidate. Gov. Averell Harri- 16 (/P)— A new round of vd man of New York say* he la an pensary on Plum Island to re­ "inactive" candidate. cuperate from his drenching. ing failed today to break the Seaman Anderson, attached to ‘ ■■ ■ Good for Party deadlock between the Philip-' .. „■ J the Plum Island light station, Kefauver said In a statement did not require medical aid. pines and Yugoslavia for a handed out at a Hollywoodlan ..... seat in the U.N. Security pewa conference that he think* / "it la a good thing for the Demo-^ Council. ) l \ newly admitted mem^ Matched and lovely... cratlc party tP have a choice of with 11 candidaUa for the preaidenklal Egypt Threat her* voting, the Philippines at one nomination." point received 40 votes to Yug^ meltVit. '.aa'-av* "The Republican party today slavla's 21. But on the next bal­ luscious colors in iuffera from lack of aRernative To Israel in lot the score was 87-32, and th* candidates broadly repMaentaUve result remslned Indselslve. THJ of their party."_Kefauveli said. A two-Oilrds msjority of thoM "It would not be a healthy U'.N. Council voting In ths CMneral Assembly Nylon Tricot thing for the Democratic party to waa required to elect. be placed in such a position.” United Nations, N. Y., Dec. 85 FutUo Ballou After five balloU this morning Tilt Tenneaaee Senator aaid he 16 (/P) -7- Egyptian reprisal CHATHAM b y would eonte’at in a "number" of — th* 80th to 3Sth ballou alnce state'primarlea. threats lent new urgency to­ October—the session adjourtiad SEAMPRUFE i ‘T am a firm believer In the day to U.N. Security Council until laUr In Ui* day to,perm it place of presidential primaries In debate oh Syria's charge of delegates to seek a compromiae. our democracy,” he said. "Beyond The aseembly was scheduled to Israeli aggression. end lU 1055 seesion tonight. Pna- OIULON' the limiting' factor of my work In Aa the P members o f the Secur­ tdent Jos* Masa of Chile said ho the Senate, the amount of money ity Council gathered to take up ' a\ »«*' ' ' U ' . : a;ailable for campaigob, and tha would keep the delegates in aes- the Syrian proteat, they had be­ possibility of conflicting dates, I Sion untU tha council seat waa A dainty threesome to gladden any Firm Notes Waddell Milestone fore them a letter from Egyptian will hop* to enter as many aa I filled.
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