An independent student newspaper • Serving the GW community since 1904 THURSDAY The GW August 26, 2010 ALWAYS ONLINE: WWW.GWHATCHET.COM Vol. 107 • Iss. 4 Hatchet Sex offenders live, work in Foggy Bottom Former UPD GW has 19 offenders officers file in 0.5-mile radius of discrimination Foggy Bottom Campus by Priya ananD complaints Contributing Editor by aMy D'OnOfrio Nineteen convicted sex offenders Metro News Editor live and work within a 0.5-mile radius of the Foggy Bottom Campus – more Two former University Police officers than the number living and working have filed discrimination complaints against within the same distances from George- the University Police Department, alleging town, American and Catholic universi- mistreatment based on their race. ties combined, according to a Hatchet The officers, both men in their mid-20s, investigation. filed complaints through the Equal Employ- According to the Metropolitan Po- ment Opportunity Commission – a D.C. lice Department Sex Offender Registry, agency that seeks to protect employees from two convicted sex offenders live in the discrimination in the workplace – alleging Foggy Bottom area. The other 17 - whose UPD supervisors, including Interim Police crimes range from child sex abuse to Chief James Isom, discriminated against rape - work near the Foggy Bottom them. Campus. There are no sex offenders liv- University spokeswoman Candace ing or working near the Mount Vernon Smith said it is University policy not to com- Campus, according to the registry. ment on personnel matters, but added that These 19 offenders were convicted GW is taking the complaints seriously and is – or determined not guilty by reason “looking into the matter.” of insanity – of crimes including rape, Isom did not respond to requests for sexual assault, attempted rape, child sex comment. abuse and sex with a minor. Of these ac- The first officer, who requested anonym- counts, seven were cases in which the ity for fear of retaliation, filed a complaint victim was a stranger. July 7 naming Isom, who is black, as the There are only two sex offenders principal supervisor in the alleged discrimi- within the same distance of Georgetown, nation. The officer was employed by the two near American and six near Catho- University from March until he resigned in lic. Howard has 11 offenders within a July. He is Indian-American. half-mile of its campus. The University Throughout his time at UPD, the first of D.C. has 14 sex offenders living and Color – indicates type of offense Shape – relationship to victim officer said he was given the “38” patrol, in working near its campus, Trinity has 19 – victim was a stranger which he had to check various residential offenders living and working near it, – Rape halls on campus and walk the equivalent of Gallaudet has 28 sex offenders living about six miles per shift. He said he noticed and working near its campus and Stray- – Sexual abuse of a minor (under 18) – victim was not a stranger he would get the “38” patrol one to three er has 37 offenders living and working times a week – more than other officers – near it. – Attempted sexual abuse – unknown and said that the post is often referred to as There are 965 registered sex offend- the “ethnic post or African post” by other of- ers total in the District of Columbia. KEY ficers. “I’m not surprised by [GW’s] num- – Other (including incest, sexual performance using a In addition, the officer – a GW Law ber,” junior Talei Thompson said. “Ob- minor, indecent liberties and assault with intent to rape) School graduate – said he requested a three- viously we should be [concerned], but SOURCE: MEtroPOlItan POlICE DEPaRtMEnt SEx OffEnDER REgIStRy week leave of absence to take the bar exam. GraPhIC by RaChEl lEE He said Isom denied his request, though an- See OFFENDERS: Page A6 other Caucasian officer who had been hired after him was allegedly given similar leave for a different exam. “Basically I was in a position where I had to choose between the bar exam and Fin. aid appeals lessen as aid pool increases work, and obviously I’m going to choose the bar exam. So I resigned from work and by MaDElEInE morgEnStERn said. More than 60 percent of the aid to more students. The average fi- I filed this complaint,” he said. He also said Campus News Editor undergraduate population received nancial aid package offered this year NUMBERCRUNCH Isom failed to inform him that under the de- assistance last year as well. was $32,077. Tuition for students partment’s standard operating procedure, The University has awarded Last year, both financial aid ap- entering GW in the 2010-2011 school officers could only request 10 days off. more financial aid to an increased plications and appeals had increased year is $42,860, although room and 5,900 “Nine officers have resigned or been number of students this year, even due to the economic downturn. This board can push the cost over the Students who received fired in the past three, four months, that’s a as the number of appeals for ad- year, while the number of applica- $50,000 mark. financial aid this year huge turnover,” the first officer said, adding ditional aid has dropped, Daniel tions increased, the number of ap- In February, the Board of Trust- that under Isom’s policies, he believes, “ev- Small, executive director of the Of- peals did not, which Small attributes ees approved an additional $15 mil- eryone just gets a different answer based on fice of Financial Assistance, said ear- to students and parents turning in lion in financial aid, bringing the to- 62 who they are.” lier this month. their financial information earlier. tal financial aid pool to $148 million. Percentage of undergrads The second complainant, who is white, Approximately 5,900 students “People are more proactive,” Elyse Ashburn, a senior reporter receiving financial aid was a special police officer at GW. He worked have been awarded financial aid Small said. “Those who have been for the Chronicle of Higher Educa- for UPD from March 2009, until he resigned thus far – 400 more students than affected [by the economy] submit- tion who specializes in financial August of this year, and also requested ano- this time last year – meaning ap- ted their forms sooner … they knew aid, said GW is in line with other $32,077 nymity for fear of retaliation. proximately 62 percent of the under- what to do ahead of time.” universities that are increasing their Average financial aid In a Hatchet interview, the officer said graduate population receives some As a result, Small said, the finan- package offered this year sort of financial assistance, Small cial aid office has been able to award See FIN AID: Page A6 See UPD: Page A6 Son of Russian spies is Sodexo catering contract irks orgs by aShlEy laRkIn enrolled for fall classes Hatchet Reporter Despite pleas from student orga- by aMy RhODIn Special Agent in Charge Rich- nizations across campus, the Univer- Campus News Editor ard DesLauriers told the Herald sity has granted Sodexo an exclusive “it’s logical to presume, and we contract to cater all of the events that Tim Foley, a GW student suspect that he knew something, will take place in West Hall – the new- whose parents were convicted yes, toward the end.” est residence hall on the Mount Ver- of being Russian spies in the The Russian spy story be- non Campus – a University spokes- largest revealed espionage plot gan in June, when 10 people liv- woman confirmed this month. since the end of the Cold War, is ing in the U.S. were arrested for Sodexo currently has an exclusive enrolled in classes for the fall se- allegedly assuming false identi- catering contract in the Marvin Cen- mester, a University spokesper- ties with “conspiracy to act as ter, and many student orgs have com- son confirmed Tuesday. unregistered agents of a foreign plained that it limits food selection “Tim Foley is studying in- government” and “conspiracy due to both financial constraints as ternational affairs and has been to commit money laundering.” well as Sodexo’s limited menu when enrolled from the fall 2008 - [fall Andrey Bezrukov and El- hosting events in the building. 2010],” University spokeswom- ena Vavilova were two of those When the University announced an Michelle Sherrard told The arrested, and had been living as that West Hall – formerly Pelham Hatchet. a married couple in Cambridge, Hall – would include both student andrew OlOwUDE | hatChEt PhOtOgRaPhER A student selects food in the new dining area of West Hall on the Mount Vernon Cam- Despite his enrollment sta- Mass., under the names Donald space and an eatery, student groups pus. Sodexo has an exclusive contract to cater events in the new residence hall. tus, it is unclear whether Foley Heathfield and Tracey Lee Ann were hopeful the space would allow will actually be returning to the Foley. The couple had two chil- them to bring their own food into the University when classes begin dren – Foley, 20, an international building. will have to have the same battle over rector for the Indian Student Associa- Aug. 30. affairs major at GW, and Alex, After learning of the contract So- catering in the newly opened space. tion. “Our primary goal is to educate On Wednesday, the Boston 16, a high school student at the dexo received in West Hall, many “Allowing student organizations the community about other cultures. Herald reported that Foley like- private International School of student leaders, especially those from to provide from their choices of res- Food plays a major part in providing ly knew about the Russian spy Boston.
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