No. 17 October 15, 1989 $1.50 GETTING TOUGH Brooklyn Women's Martial Arts COMMON 1H1lIADS: HBO'S DlNMARK'S GAY GROOMS PATCHWORK POLI1'ICS URIAN AIDS ACIIVIS1S DOWNTOWN DOWN AND OUT NEWS • SEXUALPOUTICS' HEALm' 11IE ARTS "S11anghaied!JJ he groaned. "My head-/" c.n ..... c.Rs Chip Duckett presents MARS NEEDSMEN/Sunday Nights at Mars/Dancing / Go-Go Boys / Drag Queens / Live Bands 7 OJ's Michael Connolly, Larry Tee, Perlidia & John Suliga/West Side Highway and 13th Street QPM-4AM Theater (Big Hotel) 48 Theater (Orpheus Descending) 49 lANCE RI~GEL Video (Hungry Hearn) 50 MAKES Video (Lesbian and Gay Video Festival) 52 HISTORY WITH Television (Common Threads) 51 NY STATE I See page:22. Art (The Quilt: ResjXmSe To A National Crisis) 53 Photo: I Books (Manhattan On TheRocks) 54 Peter LeVa;sseur On The Cover: Brooklyn Women's Martial Arts photographed by T.L.Litt In Our Own Hands (McCarthy&Kirschenbaum) I 30 GE1TING TOUGH Kelly Kuwahara:On Brooklyn Women's MartialArts Outspoken (Editorial) 4 Dykes to Watch Out For (Bechdel) 6 Sdomayor 6 Xeroxed 8 Nightmare of the Week 9 Out Of Control (Day) 32 Look Out 40 Out Of My Hands (Ball) 42 Gossip Watch (Signorile) 43 Social Terrorism (Conrad) 44 From Tom Kalin's They are lost to vision altogether Homoscope (deZodiaca) 47 Bar Guide 56 LOOKING KINDA QUEER Community Directory 58 RayNavarro Screens The Queer Filmsand Tapes Of How l}) ILook? 38 Classifieds 61 Personals . 66 Going Out Calendar (X) 78 DANGERS BELOW 14TH STREET Crossword (Greco) 82 John Umlaut Braves the Perils of Downtown 46 Gays and the Mainstream Press What is it about the "mainstream" press? It seems that they can spend years studiously ignoring the most earth-shaking developments in the gay arid lesbian world: ignoring AIDS, ignoring anti-gay violence, ignoring legal dis- crimination, ignoring struggles for domestic ~rtnership or baSic civil rights, indeed studiously ignoring any news that vitally affects a full ten percent of the entire population, But let them detect what they perceive as scandal and, boom, suddenly we're front page news, deserving the covers of national magazines, besieged by reporters who want to uncover sGmdal of any kind as they "objectively" pursue the news~ The history of the mainstream press and A;rDS is well known, Not until Rock Hudson was afflicted and scientists . began to warn about the possibility of a spread into the "general population" did this dire national emergency become a big story, Other equally big stories in other arenas, such as the power of the gay and lesbian vote in the recent New York pri- mary, or calls for domestic partnership legislation, or the alarm- ing ~ in anti-gay violence, go unnoticed, But from the days of the notorious Newport Scandals in the twenties, up through the Boise witchhunts in the fifties, through the WalteJ' Jenkins scandal in the Johnson Administration, and continuing through the latest lies about Tom Foley or tragedies of people like Barney Frank, the straight press is right there, ready to whip up front page headlines like omelettes in their quest for "truth," We at autWeek recently experienced the reality of this when an innaccurate, inflammatory story about us appeared in the New York Past. Sensing blood, the mainstream press deluged us with calls, Everyone from the Nattonal Enqutrer to Ttme Magazine was suddenly interested in the new phenomenon of "outing," a word we had never heard of before, which apparent- ly refers to "dragging people out of the closet" according to an earnest reporter from Ttme. It seems the press, never interested in homeless people with AIDS or the lack of funding for drug trials or treatment, or the rights of domestic partners, suddenly couldn't get enough of this imaginary phenomenon, The point is that despite all of our hard-won advances, for most people in the mainstream press we're still just a dirty little scandal, not worth a mention unless we're "caught in the act", or thought to be at odds with ourselves, In a remarkably ironic story about Barney Frank in a recent Newsweek, Robert ~ray of the Human Rights Campaign Fund is quoted as saying, "If we win a court victory I can't get anyone interested. But if some- body gets in trouble, it's front page news." In that very issue of Newsweek, Barney Frank was on the cover. Newsweek printed Bray's remarks without commenting on the irony. Maybe they didn't even notice it. ... 4 OUTTWEEK October 15. 1989 • IF YOU EARN IT, WHY NOT KEEPIT - All 100% OF IT? You can with an investment in a New York Tax-Exempt Income Fund, And you get safety, affordability and liquidity too. New York Tax-Exempt Income Funds Offer High Tax-Free Income, A triple tax advantage for New Yorkers because they invest in municipal bonds which are eXE'mptfrom City, Stateand Federal income taxes. New York Tax-Exempt Income Funds Are Safe And Affordable. Investments are made in diversified, quality municipal bonds, lowering your investment risk. And you can open an investment account for as little as $500. You Have Easy Access To Your Money, You can take your monthly dividends in cash, or reinvest them. And you can sell your sharesat any time at market value with no interest or withdrawal penalty. For more information about New York Tax-Exempt Income Funds, call Christopher Street Financial, Inc. at (212) 269-0110 or 1-800-262-6644 or return the cOl!pon below. ---------------------------------------------- Please send me more information about New York Tax-Exempt Income Funds. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE - HOME BUSINESS CHRISTOPHER STREET FINANCIAL, INC. 80 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 M(>m~'r Spcuritil" Inv<"tor Protl'ction Corporation ---------------------------------------------- '" OUTTWEEK 5 date bars, jelly-rOllS,lollipops, Ished, you could always all-day suckers, horehounds wrap it up and save it for or popcorn balls? later, And what about Maybe you're too Twinkies? Remember how young to remember that smooth and soft they were? Lov.That Rag your staff as a very capable Sugar Daddies, Twinkies and Who can never forget slurp- OufWeek is just wonder- group of people, quick wit- Big Hunkswere once among ing up that delicious fresh ful. Itruly love and am begin- ted, politically astute, and the most popular treats cream filling? And there was ning to await the latest from never lacking in humor, available. Having myself always enough to share with Bradley and Michaelangelo, which permeates the maga- feasted on all of.them, I can a friend. My favorite snack of and, as a Southerner, I very zine in every issue. tell you that each in its way all was the Big Hunk: ten much appreciated the trib- Jack Nichols was a special ambrosia. It's inches of rock-hard confec7 ute to Pat Parker. The way Cocoa Beach, FL true that Sugar Daddies tion (with nuts for days) that you are handling com- ~ ~=~-~!:.t.=·-~~·"5· would last as long as you plaints-so openly-is great, SugarOaddy 1 could want. and your wide, inclusive I am appalled by three ~: i ~~."!:i!\1'..- 1 : All I can say about your political spectrum, bringing glaring, unforgivable omis- = = '''<:<: ~,. ';{ , ·:~:·-II= shoddy journalism is, YOU to the fore all of the variety sions in your ·issueof October -.1-~15!'1.3-S,=~:~ ··'e COULD NEVER MAKE MY in the lesbian and gay com- 1. How could you print an == ii :: ·~w":=::::Hf S PEANUTBRmLE. munity, is heroic. Your covers item titled "If Men Were never looked that impressive Trulysugar shocked, are beautiful and brave, Snacks· and not mention once you took the wrapping Aldyn McKean and your news photos excit- Twinkies,Sugar Daddies or Big off and they sometimes went Manhattan ing. Your photographers get Hunks?Would you do a story all soft as soon as you put right in there, don't they? on candy and pastry and not them in your mouth; but the Viva Martina You've come along just in mention tutti-frutti, cream great thing about a Sugar In response to Rachel time to make a real differ- puffs, fruitcakes, layercakes, Daddy was that if you got Lurie's article about Martina ence in New York. I think of cupcakes, tarts, ladyfingers, tired of it before it was fin- Navratilova (Sept. 24): Dykes to Watch Out For 6 OUT'YWEEK October 15, 1989 I've followed Martina's Ball Squall satisfaction. And now this. brilliant career for a decade Let's start from the You know, this whole and a half now, and I've beginning ...well, let's not thing puts me in mind of the sometimes wondered if any- rehash that businessabout a spring of 1978 but that is, I one else has felt the pain party to which Iwa. not invit- suppose, another story, All and frustration that I have ed nor even informed was I'm asking is to be left rela- watching her recent strug- taking place. Let's start tively intact, That's all I've asked of any man, gles. I want desperately to t '~ Instead from last week when see her win a few more ' Fondly, ;>"'<:, my name was misspelled as Grand Slam titles and regain ....'. -.....,....-Bradly Ball" in the Letters to BradleyA Ball /\llt". ,: Manhattan her 11 ranking, so that there the Editor, Fond as I am of will be no shred of doubt ting used to, and there will the adverb form, I prefer to about who is the greatest probably be couples splitting remain a proper noun, For Coors Advocates player in the history of up over bad line calls, but, many years I chose simply to The letter-writers in your women's tennis.
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