ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Sabah Forestry Department Sabah Forestry Department The conference session was then continued with the concurrent sessions focusing on four (4) programme areas i.e. on (i) Protected $UHDV0DQDJHPHQW LL (FR7RXULVP'HYHORSPHQW LLL 6XVWDLQDEOH1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV0DQDJHPHQWDQG LY &DSDFLW\%XLOGLQJ$ total of 36 papers were presented at the concurrent sessions. Concurrent Session , ± Protected $reas Management The session was facilitated by South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership (SEARRP), and was held in two (2) sessions. The ¿UVWVHVVLRQZDVFKDLUHGE\'DWXN'U*OHQ5H\QROGV6($553DQGUHFHLYHG¿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¿HOG8. (L–R) Dr. Roberta Martin, Dr. Jedediah Brodie, Dr. Benoit Goossens, Dr. David Burslem and Mr. Miklin. (L–R) Ms. Eleanor, Dr. Luke Evans, Mdm. Anne Lasimbang, Ms. Sara Scriven, and Dr. Yeong (Left) Dr. Lee Ying Fah presented momento to Dr. Agnes Agama and (right) Datuk Dr. Glen Reynolds, Session Chairs for Session I. Concurrent Session ,, ± Eco-Tourism Development The session was chaired by Dr. Jamili Nais, Director of Sabah Parks. The session received nine (9) paper presentations by the IROORZLQJVSHDNHUV 0U$OEHUW7HR%RUQHR(FR7RXUV 0GP/\QHWWH56LOYHU7<.$GYHQWXUH7RXUV 0U/HH.LDQ)RK *UHHQ6SLGHU 3URI'U0RKG6KDKZDKLG+M2WKPDQ8QLYHUVLWL3XWUD0DOD\VLD 'U:DLGL6LQXQ%RUQHR5HIXJLD6GQ%KG 0U1HYLOOH<DS)RUHYHU6DEDK/($3 0U'MXDQLV0RJLURQJ6DEDK+RPHVWD\$VVRFLDWLRQ 0U0RKDPDG$EX%DNDU Sabah Forestry Department, and (9) Mr. Mark Louis Benedict, APE Malaysia. 188 Annual Report 2017 188 www.forest.sabah.gov.my (L–R) Mr. Albert Teo, Mdm. Lynette R. Silver, Mr. Lee Kian Foh, Dr. Mohd Shahwahid and Dr. Waidi Sinun. (L–R) Mr. Neville Yap, Mr. Djuanis Mogirong, Mr. Mohamad Abu Bakar and Mr. Mark Louis Benedict Dr. Jamili chairing the Session II. Concurrent Session ,,, ± Sustainable Natural 5esources Management The session held on the second day of the conference and was chaired by Dr. Rahimatsah Amat of Sabah Environmental Trust 6(7 (OHYHQ SDSHUSUHVHQWDWLRQVZHUHSUHVHQWHGLQWKLVVHVVLRQE\WKHIROORZLQJVSHDNHUV 'U5REHUW2QJ6DEDK)RUHVWU\ 'HSDUWPHQW 0V&\QWKLD2QJRI)RUHYHU6DEDK 3URI:LOOLDP)/DXUDQFH-DPHV&RRN8QLYHUVLW\$XVWUDOLD 0V.HUWLMDK Abdul Kadir, Nestle Manufacturing (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.; (5) Dr. Petra Kretzschmer – Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research; 'U-HSKWH6RPSXG 0U&ROOLQ*RKIURP806DQG.763ODQWDWLRQ6GQ%KG5HVSHFWLYHO\ 'U']DHPDQ']XONLÀLRI7URSLFDO 5DLQIRUHVW&RQVHUYDWLRQDQG5HVHDUFK&HQWUH 75&5& 0V5RVLOD$QWKRQ\DQG0V1RUOLQD0RKG'LQIURP(85HGG3URMHFW (9) Mr. Jaime Gampawi, Sabah Forestry Department; (10) Mr. Christopher A. Matunjau, Sabah Forestry Department; and (11) Dr. Joseph Tangah, Sabah Forestry Department. (L–R) Dr. Robert Ong, Ms. Cynthia Ong, Prof. William F. Laurance, Ms. Kertijah Abdul Kadir and Dr. Petra Kretzschmer. Forest Sector Planning 189 www.forest.sabah.gov.my SFD (2016). Proceedings of Sabah’s Ramsar Conference Tangah, J., Fidelis Edwin Bajau, Werfred Jilimin, Hung 2015. Sabah Forestry Department, Sandakan. 250 pp. Tuck Chan, Wong, S.K. & (ric Wei Chiang Chan. (2017). (Compilers: Chung, A.Y.C., Andi Maryani A.M., Nurul Aqidah I. Phytochemistry and pharmacology of Mangifera pajang: An & Noor A]mi]ah A.) iconic fruit of Sabah, Malaysia. Systematic 5eview Pharmacy 8 (1): 86-91. Sharp, A., Barclay, M., Chung, A.Y.C., Rougemont, G. D., Turner, (.C. & (wers, R.M. (2017). Forest quality, forest area Utteridge, T., Clare Drinkell, Anne Dubearnes, Suzana Sabran and the importance of beta-diversity for protecting Borneo’s & Avelinah Julius (2016). Progress in Malesian Primulaceae. biodiversity of beetles. Journal of Applied Ecology (submitted). Presented during the 10th Flora Malesiana Symposium, The Royal Botanic Garden (dinburgh, United Kingdom on 11–15 Sugau, J.B., J.T. Pereira & A. Damit (2017). A guide to the July 2016. Trees of the Amenity Forest Reserve (HQ), Sandakan. An e[panded and edited version. Sabah Forestry Department. V.S., Guanih, F.Y., Chong, J. Sang & R. Kiew (2017). Begonia 241 pp. species from Danum Valley Conservation areas, Sabah. Poster presented at the 5th International Conference on Sugau, J.B., J.T. Pereira, Suzana S. & Andi, A.M. (2016) Natural Resources in the Tropics (NRTrop5), 27 November–1 Plant Diversity Study in the Ramsar Site in Sabah, Malaysia. December, 2017, at the Kingwood Hotel, Sibu and Meligai Proceedings of Sabah’s Ramsar Conference 2015 on 12th Hotel, Kapit, Sarawak, Malaysia. November 2015, Magellan Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu. Pp. 54-73. Williams, (.W., (.M. Gardner, R. Harris, A. Chaveeraeah, J.T. Pereira & N.I.C. Zerega (2017). Out of Borneo: Biogeography, Sugau, J.B., J.T. Pereira, Y.F. Lee & K.M. Wong (2016). The phylogeny and divergence date estimates of Artocarpus Sandakan Herbarium Turns a Hundred. Sandakania 21. Pp. (Moraceae). Annals of Botany. pp. 1-17. 1-20. Wong, K.M. & J.T. Pereira (2016). A ta[onomic treatment of Sugau, J.B., Nilus, R., Mohd. Faiz, A.S. & Richard, M. the Asiatic allies of Rothmannia (Rubiaceae: Gardenieae), (2017). Diversity and Conservation Status of vascular Plants including the new genera Ridsdalea and Singaporandia. in Bukit Timbang, ICCA, Sabah, submitted to Yayasan Sabah). Sandakania 21. Pp. 21-64. Suzana Sabran (2016). Plant used by the Tidung Community Woon, J., Boyle, M., (wers, R., Chung, A.Y.C. & (ggleton, in Kg. Dagat, Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. An oral paper P. (2017). Termite environmental tolerances are more linked presented at the Sabah’s Ramsar Conference on 10th to desiccation than temperature in modi¿ed tropical forests. November 2016. Physiological Entomology (submitted). Suzana, S., J.T. Pereira, J.B. Sugau, R. Nilus, S. Doris Yoshida, T., Hasegawa, M., Ito, M.T., Seino, T., Kita, S., Imai, Jauris, M. Dg. Ku Rozianah &. M. Postar (2017). Plant used N., Chung, A.Y.C. & Kitayama, K. (2017). The relationship by the Tidong Community in Kg. Dagat, Kinabatangan, Sabah. between environmental factors and ground-dwelling ant 2nd Sabah’s Ramsar Conference 2016. Proceedings 2nd assemblages under selective logging in Bornean tropical Sabah’s Ramsar Conference 2016, Magellan Sutera Resort, rainforests. Biodiversity Conservation (submitted). Kota Kinabalu, 10th November 2016. Pp. 43-73. Zhu, R.L. Shu, L., Andi, M.A.M. & Suleiman, M. (2017). Tangah, J (2017). A decade of restoration efforts and Thiersianthus (Marchantiophyta: Lejeuneaceae), a new genus rehabilitation of degraded mangroves in Sabah. Paper from lowland rainforests in Borneo. The Bryologist 120(4), pp. presented at the International Conference on “A Decade of 511–520. DOI: 10.1639/0007-2745-120.4.511. Heart of Borneo Initiative : Accomplishments and The Way Forward” . The Magellan Sutera Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 24th – 25th October, 2017. Tangah, J., Bajau, F.E., Baba, S., Chan, H.T., Oshiro, N., Jilimin, W., Kainuma, M., Kimura, N., =ulkiÀi, S., Lohuji, P.L., Watanabe, S. & Loisang, D. (2017). The SFD & ISM( Collaboration on Rehabilitation of Degraded Mangroves in Sabah: A Success story towards Sustainable Forest Management. Paper presented at “International Conference on Sustainable Mangrove (cosystems”, Inna Grand Bali Beach, 18–21 April, 2017, Bali, Indonesia. Reports, Presentations and Publications 477.
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