Volume 45 Issue No. 15 December 3, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/ 2 NEWS Volume 45 Issue No. 15 December 3, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/ 83 &20,1* (9(176 @OhDearOOMF I say we skip the next three weeks 78('(& of school and start Christmas break. Rock, Paper, Scissors #butthatsjustme 3030 @FanshaweLibrary )5((#)RUZHOOKDOO Get #research help from home! @ askOntario & @FanshaweLibrary :(''(& staff are online right now to help you First Run Film http://ow.ly/eWwqY #Fanshawe Killing Them Softly @FSUPresident 3030 @mwickett Esports recognized at a 5DLQERZ&LQHPDV campus level is a dream of mine. I IRUVWXGHQWV would love to assist in that move- IRUJXHVWV ment. #Fanshawe could be the first! ,QDGYDQFHDWWKH%L]%RRWK @RobMcGarry1 To all those people wanting CREDIT: ERIKA FAUST #joefontana to leave office or resign. The Siskind Gallery in H building was lit with a Christmas glow from November 26 to 30. Dozens of trees were He won’t do it, he is stubborn, and he available in a silent auction to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. The event was planned and decorated by showed that on Thursday. #ldnont second-year Interior Decorating students. @Emerginglondon 10 Things I Know About You... ALL #Fanshawe & #WesternU stu- 7+856'(& dents get a free student membership with us! Come build your contacts! Ugly Christmas Register here: http://goo.gl/kdVQ3 Laur has passport to travel Sweater Pub Emily Laur is in her first year of moment? 5. Who is your role model? @BrianGibson13 Fanshawe’s Child and Youth Meeting my Grade 9 geography Pink, the singer. She is so outspo- 30$0 I can’t state this enough. Asking the Worker program. She described teacher. She changed my life for- ken and is confident enough to be 2XW%DFN6KDFN mayor to step aside temporarily IS herself as being young and ener- ever. herself and not worry about what getic, “which I have to be in 3. What music are you currently others think. NOT a presumption of guilt. Not at LQDGYDQFH order to keep up with the kids I listening to? 6. Where in the world have you all. #ldnont work with.” She added that she “Big Poppa” by Notorious B.I.G. travelled? DWWKHGRRU loves watching and playing 4. What is the best piece of England, France, Greece, Turkey, sports. “I enjoy them a lot.” advice you’ve ever received? Italy, Costa Rica, Panama, @TammyLeeMarche *HW\RXUWLFNHWVIRU 1. Why are you here? Don’t worry about what others Cozumel, Mexico, Cuba and of @late2game I don’t want to watch Fanshawe is by far the best school want you to do. Follow your course the United States. DFKDQFHWRZLQD the citizens of #LdnOnt convict a per- for my program, so why would I dreams because in the end, those 7. What was your first job? go anywhere else! who are there with you are the ones Working at a bowling alley. 1HZ<HDU·VWULSIRU son before having the opportunity to 2. What was your life-changing that matter most. 8. What would your last meal WZRWR0RQWUHDO present their case in court. be? Homemade pizza 9. What makes you uneasy? @FanshaweLibrary Walking alone at night. Stressed about finishing your as- 10. What is your passion? signments or exams? Check out the Helping children! Do you want Fanshawe to know 10 iCopeu Mental Health guide for some Things About You? Just head on helpful resources... over to fsu.ca/interrobang and click on the 10 Things I Know About You link at the top. 7LFNHWVDYDLODEOHDWWKH%L]%RRWK @thekassmonster Value village. You are amazing. #fan- shawe pic.twitter.com/vF7Vf24u @gypsyypanther #funshawe is full of some really dirty moustaches!! #Movember @Chelsea_317 my first day of Christmas shopping & im already broke #idc my friends are worth it <3 @HIMYMQ “The holidays are a time when people are lonely and desperate. Its the most wonderful time of the year.” #HIMYM sweet tweets CREDIT: SUBMITTED of the week Emily Laur is passionate about the kids. 3 Volume 45 Issue No. 15 December 3, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/ NEWS Canadian Forces subsidize Fanshawe programs for recruits MELANIE ANDERSON INTERROBANG With increasing tuition costs and a difficult job market, the option of going to post-secondary school through the Canadian Forces (CF) becomes more and more attractive to prospective students. Enrolling in the CF through one of the subsi- dized education plans means free tuition, books and academic equip- ment in addition to a salary and benefits while in school. “Definitely not having to pay tuition is a huge plus,” said second- year Paramedic student Peter MacTavish. In addition to having your schooling covered, the CF provides a wage for students. The average wage in the first year of service is approximately $32,000 – that number jumps to almost $55,000 in your fifth year. Corporal MacTavish was a CF Infantry soldier for just over four years, prior to coming to school. “I started in high school as a Reservist, I did it part-time so for the first year I was doing basic training … I was working every weekend and Thursday nights as well, that was up in Barrie. Then I did two years of college at Fleming, before applying to Fanshawe,” he said. There are several programs at CREDIT: MELANIE ANDERSON Second-year Paramedic students Peter MacTavish (left) and Adum Lund work on a mannequin during a class exercise. Fanshawe that can be subsidized through the military. Common pro- don’t know about it,” he suggested. pleted more training, more experi- tuition, books, student fees and vantages of every job, but if money grams include the two-year “It helps if they have one person in ence, more life skills on the trade they give you a salary to get your is something you are worried Electronic Engineering the class (who’s going into the mil- than anyone else would because degree – it’s just like the college about, this is a good route to take. Technology (non-coop), the one- itary) – that’s usually our best often you’re doing this job all over program,” he said. The Canadian You will have no debt and a guar- year Dental Assisting program spokesperson.” the world.” Forces takes on about 300 univer- anteed full-time job after gradua- (Levels I and II), the two-year MacTavish agreed, “Even hav- Many more university students sity students per year, making it a tion. There are options to join the Medical Radiation Technology ing been in (The CF) for a few across Canada are taking the mili- much more difficult program to get Canadian Forces after you have program, and the two-year years, I didn’t really know that you tary route. According to Shewaga, accepted for. “It’s a highly compet- completed school. For more infor- Paramedic program. could get a full ride through you can take any degree program itive program because university is mation about the Canadian Forces, “All those programs have a con- school, so the awareness is defi- that the military can fit into a job. very expensive,” said Shewaga. visit forces.ca. tract for seven years, which nitely something to work on.” “It’s 100 per cent paid education, There are advantages and disad- includes your time at school,” said There continues to be new pro- Sergeant Jamie Shewaga. This grams and colleges that are jump- means that after completing a two- ing on board with the Canadian year program, students would Forces. For Fanshawe, allowing serve five years with the CF. But CF workers to go through the the contract is not as strict as some Paramedic program is fairly new. may think. “Your contract is seven “Fanshawe just got their CMA years, but if you’ve finished your approval for their Paramedic pro- obligatory service – which is the gram; the Canadian Medical financial portion – you can break Association approved Fanshawe, your contract, as long as your so all of our skills are at a national financial portion is paid for,” said level essentially,” said MacTavish. Shewaga. The general rule is that “This makes it easier to shift for every month the military pays between provinces, and the CF for your schooling, you owe two requires CMA approval in order to months of obligatory services to sponsor you through the program.” “re-pay” them. One of the biggest advantages of For many, having to make a going the military route is having a commitment to the CF for several guaranteed full-time job right after years can be discouraging, but for graduation. Shewaga gave the MacTavish it wasn’t a difficult example of the Paramedic pro- decision. “I had the bonus of hav- gram. “Currently in the workforce, ing had done it for a number of on average paramedics have to years so I know what daily life is work part-time jobs, shift work for like better than most people. I five years, before they get a full- knew I enjoyed it enough to sign time job.” You may not always get on for that long.” He added that stationed at a prime location, but most of his work days as an you do get to provide the military Infantry soldier were 9 to 5 unless with your top three options and he was away on a course where 18- they try to be as accommodating as or 19-hour days were common. “If possible, depending on the needs you’re working in a clinic as a med of the CF. “A job as a paramedic, tech, you’re going to be doing 9 to you can pretty much go to any base 5.
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