.| , "m^<^-- ' . i> Page 12 THE VILLANOVAN September 24, 1980 Wildcats Visit Aerial -Minded Xavier His prime target is rangy Ry MIKi DONAHUE John Kappas, right end. DiFil- lipo called him "tne best looking ^ pass receiver I've seen in five If Vlllanova's Wildcats expect Army's years and that includes Vol. 35<-No. 2 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, VILLANOVA, PA. October 1, 1959 to emerge victorious in Sunday's lonely end (Bill Carpenter). encounter with Xavier's Muskc- teers, tney're going to have to Xavier line is anchored want to win a lot more than Tne Co-Curricular Improvement I they did by rough and rugged tackie Ed Inter^Frat Ball Tomorrow^ last Saturday. MazureK, 6-3, 23u. According to Immediate Goal of Council Brannau, Mazurek is a. demon on Hoffman said that the Council This is not only the consensus defense and a devastating down- "We must think big. We can't let should give priority to co-cur- Orchestra of opmion of ail who had tne field blocker. ourselves get bogged down Stars Al Raymond activities even in prece- misfortune to witness last Sat- by petty gripes." ricular extra-curricular affairs. Arrangements for the third urday's debacle. Coaches Dave This was tne keynote of Tom dence to Another Musketeer to watch "We should also strive to lend annual Inter-Frat Ball to be pre- DiFillipo and Bill Brannau Hoffman's opening address to is speedy Larry Cox, 175 pound our assistance to the Adminis- think so too, and they didn't the first formal session of Stu- sented tomorrow evening, are Bopnomore haiioack. tration in effecting a mature dis- even see the West Chester game. dent Council held last Wednes- ne£U-ing completion, Irv Keller, ci phhary program and in creat- day. Lamba Kappa Delta, general ing a . better religious atmos- They were busy scoutiiig Uie Against Louisville, Cox spark- phere." chairman of the dance, an- 'Cats next opponent, Xavier, in ed nis teammates with his ag' Hoffman summed up what he nounced today. its with Louisville Satur- gressive all around play to Delisa Scores game a thought were the primary du- "This year's ball, featuring Al day night. come fro moehma ^o-xo victory. ties of , a Student Coucil. Raymond and his orchestra, Xavier was down 0-13 at half- Student Abuse Thorough Job time. promises to be a gala event be- "We must recognize and act What they saw leads them to ginning the Villanova social cal- on all opportunities, effect beilieve that head coach Frank For Screen Loss simple by-laws, possess a con- endar", Keller stated. Reagan's minions are going to Letterman Back "The sistently sincere attitude, do a High Interest have their hands full come next Louisville was tne Muskeieers' loss of screens in campus thorough job of informing the Sunday. iQCond victim of the season. The dormitories is most likely the re- Ticket sales have been moving student body, select worth- previous week the Ohioans sult of constant abuse on the rapidly and appear to be passing Din Paczkoskic finds one of the few openings in the West Chester line. while projects to sponsor, and downed St. Ambrose, 24-/, as part of the students, said Bob previous expectations. Accord- DeLisa we must vote only after careful, Quarterback Likes to Pass Costeuo unleasned his first aer- at the initial meeting of ing to Keller, "This is due to the mature consideration." "They're a young green ial circus, flinging 29 passes. the Student Council last Wed- particularly keen interests and nesday. Hoffman said that this agen- highly competitive spirit shown Wildcats Taught ABC's team," said DiFillipo, "but what DeLisa, vice chairman of the da, if followed through, would by this year's participating fra- they lack in experience they Doherty, former backfield 4it council, recommended that show the Administration that make up for witn hustle and for- ternities." coach of the Philadelphia Eagl- mal consideration of the subject the Council members are effec- drive. Those guys play like they Tickets, selling for three dol- es, has only eleven letterman tive representatives. Preparing for the Interfrat ball are Irv Keller, LKD, the By Underrated Teachers be delayed until resident stu- lars, are being sold by repre- want to win." back from last year's squad dents are made aware of the dis- General Chairman, Connell O'Donnell, DPM, Lee Christensen, By On second down Shock ley END OF THE BENCH--Glen| Encourage Students sentatives of each fraternity JIM MURRAY which broke even in ten games. comfort such a loss entails. PKP, and Mark Evans, DPE. knifed through the line for five "We're not just an advisory and may also be purchased in Killinger called the game the These include, in addition to yards and the TD. He agnin Four of new coach Ed Doher- Take Proper Care board," emphasized the chair- the Pie Shoppe and at the door." greatest win of his career .... Costello, Kappas, and Mazurek, The Teachers of West Ches- made t.ho extra point but n pr^n- ty's Musketeers were smgieu out "We must get across to the man. "We must encourage stu- As has been customary, the veteran fullback Ed (jucko) Spirit Committee Declares underestimate Dick Dun- DiFillipo as thci students that they will- ter came to Viliant)va Saturday alty nuiified it, and his second Never by Brannau and must be dents 'to survey the world informal affair will last from 9 I Serieka, halfback George Noon- ing to take afternoon Sept. 17 and met al attempt was wide. Score 13-0. kel . , never expect to win just |men to watch Sunday. proper care of the around them. We are, or at until 1. Dancing will prevail an and linemen Hank Rigler, .1, class of obliging Dupils in the hope to win . It's not the screens before any replacement should be, the leaders of amidst an air of "inter-fratem- Tom Gonnela, Jim Link, Tom le£U3t "Back Us or Well Resign" persons of the Wildcat football (hairtimr it end of the world because we can be considered." he said. ^ After recess . the student body." ity congeniality". Ron Costello is a quarterback McGraw, and Gene Tomczak. "Unless everybody is behind Oberlies, newly appointed co- • first . team ,. The team. ... _ .. :. looked liko Ihe 'Cats had learn- lost our game Action NecesMVy nine-piece •' the meeting- The ' ' a la Johnny Unitas. InDoherty'sj At this juncture Raymond " .- '.1 . .. jus, we'll resign masse," de- chairman of the Committee, in- good pro- needs student support more en ed their lesson. With He stressed that he was not' to vote on the reso- pro T offense, his job is stnctiy proceeded clared John Oberlies at the ini- sisted emphatically that "this group also played at last year's than ever . The quarterbacksi When "class" wag over the tection Ed Roehre completed Third Game of Series siding with the administration lutions acted upon by the Stu- limited to play calling and pas- tial Spirit Committee meeting is the nucleus for the best Spirit Ball, and at the Junior Dinner need more line support . Ken) meeting will be the fully teachers had put their lesson nis record Sunday's on the removal of the dent Senate on Sept. 21. two short passes to .<;opliomore 'smg. Judging from held last Thursday. Committee ever." Cambell lived up to his presi^ third between the two elevens. screens, but that in view the Dance. across to a tune of 13-7. The against Louisville last week he of date sensation Sam Gruneisen. Bill Henry's motion that He said that he had a letter Supplies Money . till 14,000 who turned out for the notices . Wait next wee Villanova has won both previous considerable damage done, ac- is a pretty fair field general. tickets for aU university stu- resignation prepared in youi of the first day o fclass left with the . Never believe what games. tion of some kind was necessary. "This dance is held for the All For Nought Against the Kentucky scnool he dents be made available at re- 8 A.M. Mass event that the Administration, feeling that Villanova has a lot' read in newspapers . DeLisa expressed purpose of supplying funds for With the ball on the 30 yard •broke the Xavier record for pass, regret how- duced prices for all home foot- Student Council, and student homework to do. Cincinnati in the ever, at the fact that the four campus fraternities. of line Leon Horin burst through completions when he hit on 17 At 1952, the Stu- ball games was unanimously body do not back the Committee Wildcats trounced the Muske- dent Council had not been in- In Field House Proceeds are divided among the middle of the line and found of 28. (If Reagan's air defense recommended for approval. to the hilt. 34-20. formed by the administration of these fraternities on a percent- Villanova got the first break daylight. He got two steps dn is as porous as it was in the teers, Tom Wall's proposal that the Oberlies and his co-chairman, Xavier to Phila- their action before the student age basis, based on the number of the game when junior tackle! front of the Ram secondary and first half o fthe West Chester In 1953 came annual Muff Day be held next Opens Retreat Jack Valva, told committee 'Cats again body returned. of tickets sold by each fratern- Joe Luzzi pounced on a fumble! sprinted the last 50 yards like a game the Wildcats could be in., delphia and the won Wednesday was passed but only members that theirs was "an I Today is the annual Day of ity".
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