UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Harold L. Ickes, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. C. Mendenhall, Director Bulletin 921-B GEOLOGY AND OIL AND COAL EESOUECES OF THE EEGION SOUTH OF CODY PAEK COUNTY, WYOMING BY W. G. PIERCE AND D. A. ANDREWS Contributions to economic geology, 1940 (Pages 99-180) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1941 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. -.-.------ Price $1.00 CONTENTS Fag« Abstract.--------------------I---------------------- ........ 99 Introduction _-__.. __-__-..-_-.-----_._-_-_..-.....___.-._.__... 101 Location and extent of the area.-__--__.-_-_____________________- 101 Previous investigations and publications.._____._._._____.___._.._ 101 Field work and acknowledgments_---.-__.____._________....... 103 Geography. ________________....^.-----___________._______._..__._. 104 Climate and vegetation_._..__..___.....____-.-_.___-..__._... 104 Drainage and water supply.....______--_--_.-__.__^___-_._.._.- 106 Transportation and settlement...-.-..--_-_____-______--......._ 107 Sedimentary rocks.__-_----------.-----_---_______-_-_--_____-____- 108 General features.---_--------------_-_-____-__--_-___.___-....- 108 Rocks not exposed...---.--.----------___-_-__-___-_---_--...._ 109 Rocks exposed---_----___-_-.---------__-_-__----____----____- 110 Triassic system._--.-_-_-----_-_-__-___-__-_______--______- 110 Chugwater formation------____-_____________----______ 110 Jurassic system..--_......--_-_._._______*.________-.__...- Ill Upper Jurassic series-----.---.---.____________---___._- Ill Sundance-formation... ... _._._____________.___.._._ Ill Morrison formation._______________________________ 113 Cretaceous system.".....-.-.-_._.___..._.__.___.._____._.._ 116 Lower Cretaceous series._____.___..._______._._...___.. 116 Cleverly formation____ __________________________ 116 Upper Cretaceous series..______________________________ 119 Thermopolis shale.------_-_-----_---_----------.-- 119 Mowry shale..-..----------_----_--_-_--_-----__-- ' 121 Frontier formation.__.______'_._________________._._ 123 Cody shale.............._..._._...___.__.._...... 127 Mesaverde formation.________-_____._._.---..._.__ 129 Meeteetse formation_______________________________ 131 La.nce- formation.... _______________________________ 133 Tertiary system._._...._...____-________..________._.._._- 135 Eocene series...._-----_---__-.___-___._--__-____._.-_- 135 Fort Union formation.._.-__._._._-_.___.._.__.___. 135 Wasatch formation________________________________ 135 Tertiary system (undifferentiated)._.._.______________-..._._ 137 Terrace gravels.-.---------.-.____-___-_________-.__._- 137 Quaternary system__.....--.-._._._____________.___._.___. 137 Colluvium. _.--......-.-.___..._._____.._._........... 137 Landslide material.--. -----_-_-_-___-_-________-____--- 138 Alluvium... _........-.-_._.________________.__..__.__ 140 Igneous rocks.___--__-_.--.......-__-._._._..._._._____.___..___._ 140 Lava flows____-__----......-------.-_-._.._-_.____.__.__._._ 140 _.__._________.___..___-._...._._._.___.___.__...._._. 141 nr IV CONTENTS Page Structure. _________________________________________________________ 141 General features.______-___--_-_.--_______-_________-_.________ 141 Method of structure contouring.____________________ ____________ 142 Anticlines.___________________________________________________ 143 Horse Center anticline___----_-_-----_--__-_--________-____ 143 Half Moon faulted fold____-_-_-_---_-_-_._______________ 144 Frost Ridge dome.___-.-_-_______._________--_____-__-_-__ 144 Spring Creek anticline..____________________________________ 144 Pitchfork anticline.___---_---_-___---_-_-_-_---____________ 145 Fourbear anticline._________._-______-___--_------___--_____ 145 South Sunshine anticline...-.-------------------,------------ 146 Synclines._______________-___________-----,__------_-____-____ 147 Asymmetry of the folds.___---__--_-______--_____-____________- 147 Faults_______________--__-__--_--________.-____----______._.__ 148 Half Moon fault._.__________--____-----------______-____ 148 Fault at north end of Spring Creek anticline._________________ 149 Tear faults on the Pitchfork anticline__-_-_--_-_____-________ 149 Faults near center of T. 48 N., R. 102 W_______...______._ 150 Faults near northwest corner of T. 48 N., R. 102 W_ _ _ _ _ _ r __ 150 Fault in northwest quarter of T. 47 N., R. 1'02 W_.....______ 151 Age and sequence of deformation._______________________________ 152 Geomorphology _______..______----_-_--___-____..__________________. 152 General features.__-__-------_------_-_________________________ 152 Terraces..____________________________________________________ 153 Cottonwood terrace.....-_-------_______-____._____________ 153 Rim terrace_______________________________________________ 153 Sunshine terrace.._____________________^___________________ 155 Powellterrace..-_-_------._-___--.____--__________________ 156 Cody terrace--_-_-_-----------__-_---_'______.__________.__ 156 Undifferentiated bench surfaces_________________________________ 157 Age of terraces.________________________________________________ 157 Economic geology.________^_^______._______________________________ 159 Oil and gas.__________________________________________________ 159 Development.____--------_.-----____-_____-...______.__._ 159 Horse Center anticline _________________________________ 159 Half Moon faulted fold._____________ ___._._____._____ 160 Frost Ridge dome_____________________________________ 161 Spring Creek anticline____________________________________ 162 Pitchfork anticline,-__----_-____-__--__________________ 164 Fourbear anticline.__.----_--_--___--____-____-_-____-_ 166 South Sunshine anticline._________ __________________. 167 Quality and physical and chemical characteristics of the oil____- 168 Coal._-_____-__-.--_.---------------------------------------- 170 Characteristics and development- ___1 _______________________ 170 Coal in the Mesaverde formation._________-___--_-___------- 171 . .Wilson coal group.--.----------.----------------------- 171 Buffalo coal group._________________-_----_______-_---_ 173 Coal in the Meeteetse formation-.-.------------------------- 174 Bentomte _ ____________--_---_-______________---____------_-_ 175 Sulphur _.__ --------------- -----------._---------___------_--- 177 _.___._ - ---------- - - ------ 179 CONTENTS V ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE 11. Geologic map and sections of region south of Cody, Park County, Wyo_-.---_--_-------------_-------------- In pocket 12. Structure contour map of region south of Cody___________ In pocket 13. A, View looking south up Franks Fork toward Franks Peak; B, View of the "benchland" typical of much of the area____ 108 14. Section of rocks exposed in the region south of Cody_________ 108 15. A, Basal sandstone of Mesaverde formation and upper part of Cody shale; B, Muddy sand in lower part of Thermopolis shale overlain by gravels of the Cody terrace; C, Chugwater forma­ tion along Shoshone River______._______________________ 140 16. A, Upper part of Meeteetse formation in northwestern part of T. 50 N., R. 101 W.; B-, Thin beds of sandstone alternating with shale and laminated sandy shale in upper part of Cody shale; C, Ripple-marked sandstone in Frontier formation. __ 140 17. A, Basal quartzite conglomerate of the Wasatch formation; B, Thrust fault in Cody shale.._-___________---_-----.__ 140 18. A, Landslide in front of lava escarpment in T. 48 N., R. 104 W.; B, View along axis of Spring Creek anticline._____________ 141 19. Sketch map showing location of principal structural features along part of western margin of Big Horn Basin_________._ 148 20. A, North end of Pitchfork anticline as viewed in cross section; B, Cross-sectional view of South Sunshine anticline._______ 148 21. A, View looking north across Grey bull River to Fourbear anti­ cline; B, View looking southwest from NE% sec. 20, T. 48 N., R. 103 W., toward the lava cliffs and headwaters of Grey bull River._______________________________________________ 148 22. Sketch map showing partly restored contours on surfaces of Cottonwood, Rim, and Sunshine terraces-_-----___-----___ 156 23. A, Terrace in sec. 33, T. 48 N., R. 102 W.; B, Water seepage zone at base of gravel of Sunshine terrace__.____________ 156 24. Sections of coal beds in Mesaverde formation.._____________ 172 FIGURE 10. Index map of northwestern Wyoming.____________________ 102 11. Sections showing positions of bentonite beds in Frontier for­ mation. _____________________________________________ 125 12. Sections of Wilson coal bed in Mesaverde formation showing variation in coal within short distances._________________ 171 13. Sections of coal beds in upper part of Meeteetse formation, T. 50 N., R. 101- W__--___.__._______________________ 175 GEOLOGY AND OIL AND COAL RESOURCES OF THE REGION SOUTH OF CODY, PARK COUNTY, WYOMING By W. G. PIERCE AND D. A. ANDREWS ABSTRACT The "region described in this report includes about 385 square miles on the western margin of the Big Horn Basin, in the north-central part of Park County, Wyo. It is a narrow belt extending from Cody southward for about 40 miles. The steep front of the Absaroka Mountains forms its western and southern borders. / Several rock formations that are not exposed in the region but that have been penetrated by wells crop out in Shoshone Canyon 5 miles west of Cody. They include the Madison, Amsden, Tensleep, and Phosphoria formations, of Carboniferous age. The oldest exposed sedimentary formation
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